The Best and Easiest Way To Water Plants While on Vacation for Two Weeks

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so I travel a lot and I needed a way to water all my plants all my indoor plants while I was away on vacation and a lot of these trips I'm gone for about two weeks is the average sometimes I'll go for even three weeks but two weeks is usually the average and I needed a way to water all my plants while it was away so I have about 10 to 15 plants right now but my collection is growing because I just love plants and you know now I'm sort of propagate and Transplant them so I'm just having like multiple plants now and all these plants I've had for about two years and they've all survived I think I've had maybe like one or two die but it wasn't because I was away on vacation they were they died while you know I was staying at home and they're like bug infested or something but yeah overall my plants have been healthy they've been great and I feel really proud that I've kept all these plants alive for this long especially like traveling so much the secret to keeping your plants alive while you're on vacation are these plant watering Stakes now this is like so simple to use it's ridiculous I didn't think it was going to work because I tried all these other methods and they just weren't working so this is like my last thing that I tried and it definitely worked I've done this multiple times and all the times that I've used this all my plants were alive when I came back there's maybe like a couple that were you know maybe like the leaves were turning yellow or there was like starting to get dry so as long as you get home as long as you come home right away and water them they'll come back to like full healthy life again so yeah these are the way to go so like I said I've tried different methods one of the methods I tried where I saw people do was use those watering Globes so it's like the bulb at the end and you put the steak in the soil and when I tried that I was so surprised at how fast the water went away it gulped up the water in like one or two days so I knew that wasn't gonna work for me I did have a friend watch my plants for me before but that was when I only had like three plants so now my collection has grown so I feel bad at asking a friend or a family to watch on my plants for me another method you could do is you know hire a plant sitter that will come by your place and water all your plants or I guess you know have give them the plants I'm not sure how that works but you know I'm already paying all these expenses when I'm traveling so I don't want to have another expense on top of me taking a vacation so yeah I found that these watering steaks were the best way for me so they are super simple to use all you do is just soak this steak part and a bowl of water for about 15 minutes so it just absorbs all the water and then you scoop up some water put it in the steak and you close it up and then you get some kind of container you put a lot of water in it and then you put this end inside the water bowl and then you put the steak in the soil and usually the plant should be higher than the container with the water but I think I've had times where the container was higher and the plant was below and it still worked for me so but I think the best method is to make sure that you know the the plant is higher and so if this is your first time using these watering steaks I would definitely test it out before you go on vacation just so you can see how much your plants absorb the water some of them you know we'll get we'll need water faster than other plants it also depends on the time you go if it's summertime you know it gets hotter in your home so they're going to want more water just to see how much of a big container you need for these plants I usually use like a mid-sized bowl and put about two to three steaks in each bowl for like two to three plants and then two to three days before I go on vacation I water all my plants thoroughly and then the day before I will set up all the plants with the water stakes and put all the bowls in their locations and set that up now if you have succulents I have all these little succulents everywhere I just water these the day before I leave and they're totally fine on its own I don't need to put the steaks in these because you know the succulents they can last for a long time without water I mean they prefer not to have that much water anyway so these are super easy to take care of but then my other plants like this this is my one of my pothos I just transplanted this so I put it in a new pot like two to three days ago and then tomorrow since I leave a couple days from now to tomorrow I'm gonna get all the water station set up and put the steaks in and these um my coupons so yeah so that's it that's my solution is to use these watering steaks I swear by them they work every single time and I'm very very happy with this product so I hope this video helped you out if it did please give it a thumbs up and if you want to watch more of our videos please subscribe to our Channel thanks for watching bye [Music] thank you
Channel: Travel Pockets
Views: 31,453
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Keywords: water plants indoor, water plants while, water plants while on vacation, water plants while away hack, water plants while you are away, water plants while away, how to water plants while on vacation for a week, easy way to water plants while on vacation, how to water plants while on long vacation, plant watering stakes, self watering system for plants, watering plants, watering plants while on vacation, watering plants on vacation, watering plants while on long vacation
Id: IZmE0ODl7sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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