The Best and Easiest Baked Ziti | Homemade Pasta Sauce

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it is time to make my favorite childhood dish baked ziti I don't know about you but this with a little bit of garlic cheesy bread was gonna hit every single time and if the cheese ain't put them like this you gotta do it again now let's get into how I made this cheesy meaty baked ziti and yeah that rhymed now the ingredients for this are going to be real simple I'm gonna use 80 20 ground beef you can use 937 if you want to then I got some Italian sausage now because my sons do not like spicy that much I have some roughly chopped peppers onions and some garlic you're going to blend those later so don't worry about how big that chopped some tomato sauce in the can and yes you can use Starbucks sauce then the ziti noodles and a chicken broth which I'm going to boil my ziti noodles in the chicken broth and yes you can add chicken bouillon to some water or just simply some salt just simply love the flavor that it gives the pasta while it cooks and since I use half water and half chicken broth I added some more salt to this yes I have my own salt and pepper shakers hey it's okay for the water to be salty do not be scared it's just some pasta water it's going to be all right once I got the water all nice and salted like my eggs I went ahead and put it on a stove at a high heat to boil you while I work on my meat whoa do a hot these skillet add a little bit of grapeseed oil because I'm going to saute my vegetables in this for a few minutes add your roughly chopped vegetables and cook it for a few minutes just to get it nice and soft of course we season our vegetables with a little bit of salt and pepper it never hurt nobody season everything a little bit while cooking everything will come out 10 times better trust me on that once I season them up I cooked them down for about three to five minutes I did not want to burn them also did not want to under cook them because I'm going to blend these later and put them in the sauce and in my meat now you can cook this on a medium to low heat you don't have to have the heat that high because you do not want to burn it as I stated earlier good way to tell if it's almost done is by the smell of it your house smells so good right now and once it look like this it is ready to go take them out and put them in a tall cup not having an immersion butter like I do you could put these in a mixer or even a blender you just want to blend it till it gets nice and smooth like me to be a lucky like me but also should be smooth looking like this if you ever may agree season is the same process as less vegetables I always say this is my way of sneaking the veggies in because nobody want no large chunks of peppers and onions in their pasta sauce to the same pan that you cook your vegetables in you're going to add your ground beef and your ground pork and we're going to cook these down so they get fully cooked and I mean fully cooked no pink you don't eat pork you can leave it out and just add some more ground beef if you don't eat ground beef or pork you can substitute it with turkey meat turkey meat you're gonna have to add a lot more seasoning to it because turkey is Bland I did all this cooking in my Aisha Curry deep Skillet pan what's a good cook down halfway I'm going to add my Italian seasoning it really doesn't matter which one you use just use your favorite one and add as much as you need to you can taste test as you go so you can start with a little bit and add more if needed then you already know I'm coming in just to make it happen it's all purpose seasoning add a little bit if you need to and then add more as you go on low and sodas you come hot heavy with that if you need to also taste test once your meat is fully cooked as you go comes to break up the me I like to use a wooden spoon because it's easier to chop down on the chunks of ground beef and ground pork metal utensils are my non-stick pans are unauthorized so try if you want to once everything is cooked down it's time to come in with a big old heaping spoonful of those Blended vegetables mix it with your ground beef real good for about two to three minutes you want the flavors to come together and marry after a few minutes you should start seeing the vegetables disappear into the meat and that's exactly what you want hide them veggie sis non-onion eaters would never know now it's time to get that excess grease out your pan tilt your pan and get you a paper towel and clean up all that grease no colander needed cause who doing them dishes now some people like to let it cook all the way out but I think that's burning in me so I don't do that look how pretty and juicy that is now it's time to start making the sauce go ahead and add those four cans of tomato sauce from earlier add in all four of them it should be enough to cover up all the ground meat the goal is to still see most of the meat in the sauce you do not want it swimming in the sauce but just enough to cover it all but still see chunks of it within in a tomato sauce once you mix it up real good and get your sauce to make sure you're good to go it's time to add in the seasonings I'm going to add in a few big spoonfuls of those Blended vegetables yeah that much it ain't that bad and the same seasons we use to season the meat so Italian seasoning yes that much then some all-purpose seasoning yes that much remember this is a big pot of pasta sauce so it ain't that much they're coming with a little bit of salt and a little bit of pepper and just as needed this is a very big Skillet and very deep so stop side I am me okay now y'all finna get mad but now it's time to add a few tablespoons of sugar yes I said Sugar Sugar cuts down that acidity that tomato sauce has if you don't add it it'll be very very strong think about it like this and they add salt and baked goods why can't we add sugar and savory Goods now mix it up together real good you don't want chunks of seasoning within your sauce it's gonna change colors but that's okay if you can't see this seasoning baby it ain't season enough now cook it on medium low for two hours and be sure to put topper unless you want pasta sauce covered walls now while that cooked I blended my cheese the fast way by using my KitchenAid stand mixer trust me I was done in 20 seconds I blended about three blocks of mozzarella cheese trust me when I say shredding your own cheeses 10 times better than buying it in the bag after two hours or less if you're a little impatient like me your meat sauce should be done but just so you know the longer you cook it the better is going to come out but if you're in a pinch for time you can cook for about 30 minutes the pasta sauce will have reduced down a little bit but that's okay you have enough now I'm going to get me a later or you use a big spoon to add your sauce to your pasta seeing as I only use one box of pasta I do not want to over saturate my pasta noodles which is definitely possible and I don't want my pasta swimming in my sauce but if that's how you like it baby that's up to you go ahead and add a couple spoonfuls of the meat sauce and mix everything together and keep on doing that till you have enough meat to pass the ratio that you like to have ziti noodles have those nice big holes in it so you can get a lot of sauce and meat within those holes no Palms once you have enough meat sauce go ahead and start adding in your cheese now this part is also up to you but I love some cheesy baked ziti so I definitely add a lot I add a lot here and then I add more on top why because I'm grown now this part is a whole bunch of mixing with cheese and adding some more meat sauce because the cheese needed a little bit more love and I'm doing all of this without it being on a hot stove I just doing it right in the pan that I bake the noodles in and I'm putting the sauce in fresh and hot but I'm not hitting none of this up because it's all going to bake in the oven so that cheese that's in there all that cheese right there is going to Melt while it's in the oven yes I added some Mochis because you already know I'ma say it I'm grown don't you add as much cheese and meat sauce as your heart desires time to put it in a pan be sure to get you an oven safe baking dish no do not have to spray your pan down because the pasta sauce will make it not stick to the pan and you also do not want to overfill your pasta dish because it can bubble over a little bit you do not want cheese and sauce at the bottom oven because it's gonna make your whole house stink put another nice layer of cheese on top and spread it evenly and baby I lay it on thick you hear me now we're going to bake this in the oven on a full 25 for at least 10 to 15 minutes 425 helps the cheese on top melt faster without overcooking the inside and after 15 minutes on 425 you get a nice beautiful brown crust like this and you got boom beautifully cheesy and Meaty baked ziti and it's given very much main dish energy you have with a side salad some cheesy garlic bread whatever you like you will love it the kids will love it and everybody in your house gonna love it now if you make this easy be sure to tag me because I love to see you guys Creations now you already know I'm gonna give that some more kid friendly and family friendly recipes all fall long oh yeah my shirt is a whole move because that's how I look at my food too taste test why it's hot and baby it sure was good now y'all better make this I love y'all alright bye
Channel: Kimmy’s Kreations
Views: 162,794
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Id: Kpnl3wWAz_4
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Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2022
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