The best Amazon Journal Supplies for $10 & Under

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hello welcome back to my channel and if you're new i'm jessica i am super excited to do this video today because you guys loved the last amazon video that i did showing items that i like to buy from amazon for junk journaling and crafting so i decided to do another one because you guys loved it so much and i have some great things to show you today now i'm giving you a little peek here but i'm gonna move it all back and i'm telling you you have to stick around and see everything that i bought and also if you want to see a few of these things in action i will do a demo at the end to just show you a few things like stamps and things like that that i have and then that's about it so the basis for this video i'm showing you lots of fun supplies that are perfect for junk journaling and are and are around 10 or under i think there's one or two things in here that was 10.99 but i had to include it because it's such a good buy there's also some really great kind of vintage um faux vintage items in here i can be hard to get vintage things and i really wanted and wanted to include these because i think it's just a really great and easy fun place to get these items and i don't know why i said fun but let's get started okay i'm just gonna start grabbing some things and going the first thing i wanted to mention is lace now i got this pack it's all white because i do like to dye my own laces and to be honest i use a lot of white laces i'll open this up and we'll look through and i should mention that some of the things i'm showing you today are repurchases they're things that i've bought over and over but some things um it's it's the first time these are things that have probably been in my cart for a long time but i really wanted to be able to buy them so that i could show you and we could go through this together rather than you testing it out so it looks like there's tons of different varieties of lace and lace can be expensive so this was such a great buy um i mean you're getting a ton of lace here and not to mention you know different lengths or sorry not lengths but like widths and different designs on the lace so this would be just perfect as a starter kit if you are getting into junk journaling you want to use lace but it really can be expensive now of course it's not that legit vintage lace but i will tell you 100 that once you put lace on a journal i mean i have one here you can't really tell by taking a peek at this if this is vintage laces or not not to say that you you can't tell all the time but um if you wanted this to have a more vintage look you can always you know dye it a brown color um but i love i love the white lace okay we have a lot to look at so you know what i'm not gonna go through all of these but let's just pull a few open here so that you can just see all the different oh this one's so cute it has little hearts on it yeah there's a ton so this very excited about okay i'm going to stick these to the side let's take a peek these are nameplate um nameplates i think is what you call them i use these all the time in my journals i'm going to be real honest i usually get the tim holtz brand however i once needed a lot of these and the tim holtz can be rather spendy so i realized that amazon carries them and much less expensive i believe they're i can't remember how many were in this pack i am gonna have everything linked below though um but this is gorgeous now the only thing i want to mention this does not include the little um the little pins that you use to put it in onto your journal um not pins i can't think of the word this does come with like little nails as if you were using it for hardware so that's the only thing but you can get those rather easy and i'll actually try to put a link down below brad so that's what i'm thinking of um so these are gorgeous and i mean they're just as great quality as the ones that i've used in the past so i had to toss those in to this video let's go with stencils stencils can get expensive and i knew that in the past i had bought a different floral stencil set and normally when you're getting buying stencils you're getting just a couple and like one or two usually for you know the the same prices i paid for all of these now i'll be honest i'm probably not going to use all of these i don't really like that you are my sunshine i mean it's cute but um it's probably not something i would use but i just thought it was worth it to get a few really pretty gorgeous florals and not to mention they have um stencils that have birds they have different nature stencils and this big size is going to just be wonderful for coffee dyeing and i usually like to use a stencil when i'm coffee dying to get different designs on my coffee dyed paper so these are really cute and i remember during the holidays i got a holiday stencil set and it was just the cutest thing so that was what made me think to look for a different floral stencil set okay let's go this is something that i've purchased just a million times and they are basically just flat paper bags but i like to use these let's hope i don't cut the paper bag i like to use these in my journals i like to use these to package things up in my shop i like to use these for all kinds of things and so i wanted to mention these are really fun to decoupage on um you can do all kinds of things and i'm actually going to do some stamping and stenciling on these at the end so we'll set that to the side here and so speaking of stenciling and stamping you're going to need ink now i know that so many of us use the distress oxide ink and i was about to include that however this is a little bit expensive and i will say it's totally worth the the price i love what you can do with oxides but i wanted to find a little bit more affordable um for someone who might be starting out you're wanting to do lots of stamping or inking and you want more than one color so for under ten dollars guys you're getting all of these now the funny thing is when i first started crafting i had this exact set same brand and everything and i absolutely loved it um i do think this yes it's a pigment ink so it's not it's not um something that is going to be permanent so i do want to mention that but the distress oxides are also not permanent just so you know and i just love that you have so many different shades i like how it gives that ombre so if you want you can just totally stamp you know right across that whole pad to get a fun ombre look and then you have all the browns here too which you can also use for um you know making things look vintage so we're going to just test these out but i already know that i loved these inks so i'm going to set those to the side over here and then staying on that same topic sometimes you want brushes to do your ink blending now i will say i normally use these right here however recently i bought one of these and i really really like it for um ink blending it works great so i actually bought a whole set here that has different sizes because i thought that that would be great for all kinds of different projects and so for this set you get five different sized brushes and there's different sets of these as well where you can get um all one size or more or less brushes so we're gonna test those out but i had already bought one of these from the same brand i already know i like it okay yes this is kind of more of a basic supply and this is a book binding kit i loved that this really included everything that you're going to need for starting out with junk journaling and i'm not even starting out and i just wanted some updated supplies so you have your all and i will be honest this is pretty sharp here and i'm so excited about that because mine was a little bit dull and i wanted something a little bit more sharp so you get the all you get two different bone folders and i'm so excited because this one had such great reviews so no i haven't used it yet but i already can tell that it's amazing so we have that you get three different waxed threads for book binding i don't always use wax but it's really good quality and it's nice to have um it's nice to have it waxed and it's easy to work with and then you get a few other things that come along with this kit one is you get a little set of needles and these are perfect for book binding because they are very long and the eye hole on them is big enough to put the thread in and then you get these mini little scissors and i think that these would be perfect for if you are like pulling apart an old book sometimes you need a little pair of scissors to get in there to cut around um the pages and that would be perfect but of course you can use that for other things so so excited this might have been whoops this might have been one of the things that i think was 10.99 so just a little bit more but totally great for a nice big um set okay let's go ahead and take a look at these vintage postcards now postcards are something that can be kind of hard to come by so obviously these are not actual vintage but when i saw this collection i thought it was so cute and you get 24. so this was a really good bargain and then i mean they're just all the the types of botanical and mushrooms and the different um the different kind of designs that i know that a ton of people are into right now or not even just right now but any time that i've been doing uh making journals i feel like botanical themes are just always super popular uh gorgeous so um and these are postcards i can't remember if i already said that i'm going to be sharing these with my patrons so i'm really excited for that and hopefully they're excited too but these are just gorgeous oh my gosh i'm gonna i think i'm gonna have to buy another set to be honest yeah i'm gonna have to because there's 24. and right now i have 36 patrons thank you guys so so much i have a few spots open but it's starting to get pretty pretty full in there and then you get these more vintage ones so loved that i loved that i could find some vintage looking postcards on amazon okay next up we have one of the things that i'm most excited for this is the cutest stamp set and this really reminds me of another brand that i'm just loving like tim holtz um but it's it's wooden stamps obviously and um i love these ones are white i would i first of all thought that that was a little sticker over it so these are all of the different ones we're going to test out a few of these i love that there's like some text in here little mushrooms and things like that so the next thing you get three packs of the same design here which i'll be honest i did not know when i um picked these up but i'm really glad because when i went to take a look i i peeked in here already these are little postage stamps and they are so cute they're going to be perfect for my upcoming snippet rolls that i am working on maybe already worked on by the time this video is up but they're basically just little postage stamp stickers and i think they would just be perfect for any type of junk journal and there's all kinds of different themes and if you guys are like me sometimes you want to hoard the these little things that are super cute and i love that there are more than one of each of the designs because then i feel like i can actually use it i'm sorry about that glare and then not to mention you have three packs of these like these are just so cute lots lots of um cute designs in here so i'm really excited about those and i have definitely bought things like these before i just had never bought this exact set so that was something to try out this is a repurchase and these are washi stickers and i got the mushroom ones this time um in the past i actually got the botanical ones you can see here though all the designs so there's tons and washy stickers are just really fun to work with they're easy to work with and they're just perfect because they're kind of see-through and so there's those excited to have some more of these this was a fun find now i only got a three pack these are handkerchiefs and i hope i'm saying that right handkerchief anyways um they obviously look like vintage florals and i know that so many of us use these in our journals but of course to find actual vintage ones can be hard not everyone has the types of stores around where you can buy them and they get very expensive so i could not believe when i found these now i only bought the three pack because i was buying so many things today that i didn't want to go overboard but they had i think this was only 6.99 and i think you get like a six pack for more in a nine pack so these are really really pretty good quality and then of course i would be using them cutting them up to use in my journals or um just using them you know to make pockets and things like that so i was really excited i'm excited about all this stuff but this is a repurchase and these are metal book corners i have a journal here just to show you what that looks like here and we'll open these up so the set that i bought this time actually has a variety so i normally buy just one of the designs in here which i'll show you but i got the variety pack this time because i wanted to try i wanted to try out a few different designs and so some of them are bigger let me put a couple in my hand up here and then i'll make sure that's focused for you guys so these ones are a little bit bigger than what i'm used to but i think that's going to be really nice on bigger journals there are smaller ones these ones are really cool i loved the design on that one but then my top favorite these are what i usually use and i'll try to put a link down below of just these ones i used to get lots of questions where i got this style and i just love it so i think there's four different styles in here so that's just a nice variety pack especially again if you're starting out and you want to try out some different styles of book corners the next thing this is a repurchase as well these are just charms but they are little keys i think there's a hundred in here um i could be off maybe it was 50 but there is basically just tons of different little key that's my little bold pin there but these are just different keys and perfect for junk journals it's kind of a nice general design that i feel like goes along with a ton of different themes so got those now i saved this for last because i get questions all the time probably a top question is where do i get the little thing that holds charms so these are called ring fasteners now what i'm holding right here this is the tim holtz brand because i did not get my other ring fasteners in time and what i mean by other is amazon also sells some ring fasteners that are a generic brand you get a lot more of them and they are super sturdy so i'm showing you this one because this is one of the sizes that's a little bit bigger but i wanted to show the tim holtz because this is what i used to use all the time when i was first starting out but i go through them like crazy that it gets expensive so i am going to give you a link for the tim holtz if that's what you're wanting they're definitely great great quality but i'm also going to give you a link for some that are similar to this size right here but again they're the generic design so you're getting a lot more of them for less expensive and then i'm gonna give you a link for the larger ones and those are um also you get a lot more of them i do think you have to pay shipping on the larger ones but either way i'll leave all three of those links down below that's literally i'm telling you one of the questions i get all the time is what are those things called that hold the charms okay so now let's go ahead and play with a few of these things so i'm gonna go ahead and try out one of the stencils first i'm gonna put that up in the corner here and i think let's go ahead and actually do one of the yellow colors and then we can also try out the brushes here together and i'm going to use like one of the medium brushes here and i think i'm just going to try to go for the center colors here um you can definitely go in with just one of the colors if you want but i'm just gonna go like that yeah it's seriously so smooth like right away guys i'm so excited that i have a lot more of these right now because they are great and not to mention i'll i'll do some like ink blending on just the edge like a lot of people would do just so you can see what that will also look like do try to get a little bit darker here and just do the centers here like that so it's kind of convenient to having all of those colors right there i was just thinking that it would be really cute to use the greens for the stem here but i'm just gonna do the flower like that let's lift up and see yeah super vibrant and really pretty so let's go ahead and just try to do some ink blending just on the edges and i'm going to use kind of a larger this is one size up here i'm just going to go ahead and tap that on the middles here wow this is definitely this is definitely a little bit darker than what i even imagined like it's just the color is there it's super pigmented so i didn't need to get that much on my brush but i'm trying to look for we'll use um just the back of this one because i want to see what it would look like if i want to kind of fade that in kind of like that so you just need something down underneath you but yeah it totally blends in super easy whoops and this bag's a little bit flimsy but you get the point okay so let's try out some of the stamps now that is seriously wonderful i am going to grab some of the greens here and we can try out some of these gorgeous stamps that i am so excited for i'm just going to do some of the stamping down at the bottom here i think i'm not exactly decorating this bag so i'm just going to go ahead and stamp down at the bottom with no rhyme or reason okay these stamps are so cute sometimes stamps don't work perfect on that first try but that worked pretty good because you sometimes need to somewhat prime them but that worked darn good let's try this one right here this one would be perfect for just like a border kind of like i'm doing there and i saw so many more stamp sets that i seriously wanted but again i couldn't go that crazy let's try this little fern very cute um let me get that to focus for you and let's do one of the mushrooms um but i think i'll do this in the orange dark orange it's that one the color looks great that one looks really good and i'll just go ahead and let's try that in the darker brown awesome i feel like that one will come in handy because it's just really great for like a background so there we go i hope that you like to see the demo and i really hope that you loved seeing all of the products that i got um i will have all the links below and if you have stuck around this long guys i'm gonna do a giveaway and i'm basically going to bag up a little sampler pack of some of the things that i bought here today it's going to be a surprise but it's going to have some goodies and it's going to have some other things in it from my past amazon video because i have way too much stuff so if you want to enter that i just want you to leave whatever comment you want down below but also include somewhere i just want to make sure that i see the word sunflower and bright in your comment and that will enter you and then i'm going to announce the winner by replying to your comment and i will announce that winner on like a separate video as well okay guys i'll have all that information down below and i will see you later bye
Channel: Paper Terrace
Views: 44,576
Rating: 4.9731545 out of 5
Id: s4PZfnsafpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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