The Best AI Tools for Business Owners -Work Less by Automating Your Business

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hi everyone and welcome to my designs where you get short tips and tricks to Build a Better Business [Music] episode for you it covers five of the most useful AIS that are currently on the market so if you want to save time get more work down and optimize your hustle then this episode is for you AI software is constantly being created and optimized so it's super vital to keep up with this industry don't underestimate it because I can guarantee you that businesses that fail to adopt AI in their system will most likely fail in the next five to ten years that is why agency is literally obsessed with finding the next best AI tool and we are constantly out on the lookout to see what we can find because we know that if we fail to do so we'll probably be left behind so if you don't want to miss out on the next best AI tool for your business make sure you subscribe to our Channel and ping that notification button so we can share with you that content when it comes around AI is no longer a buzzword it is literally integrated into our daily lives and the quicker we can learn about Ai and scale up and different tools it offers the more competitive we can be in our Market okay I think I made my point ai's amazing the AEI software I picked for today are completely different from one another so I'm just trying to give you a picture of where AI capabilities are currently at in different applications without further Ado let's jump into the five AEI software's I recommend you check out starting with the one we use the most called Jasper AI many recognize Jasper is one of the best AI writing assistants leading the market with impressive features and quality Jasper is used to create copywriting which is probably one of the most important aspects when it comes to marketing and content creation we use copywriting everywhere and for a lot of people it's the majority of their work spending writing copy so Jasper is really helpful when it comes to taking some of the workload off your hands by creating the content and actually helping you improve it if there is a type of AI software I would recommend to start with it would definitely be Jasper AI I use it myself a lot of the time it's a great writing companion and it actually speeds up my work process and gives me more quality results the platform has over 50 AI content writing templates which include blog posts Facebook ads Google ads marketing content and even full articles and much much more it's quite simple to use and each template has its own sets of inputs so some of them might include a little bit of copywriting to help it understand what sort of content you want what sort of keywords you want to include and what sort of tone or voice you want to have in your paragraph Jasper then takes that input you provided and creates whole phrases paragraphs and even blog articles [Music] the next on our list is Dali Dali is one of the oldest kids on the blocks when it comes to AI image generation so it's no surprise it's one of the best AI softwares out there it is a great software if you want to generate images quickly I would say that you could potentially use it almost everywhere you typically use images and by that I mean digital advertising campaigns website images brochures signs and even video editing assets you can also use existing images you have and get value to make variations of them so from a business friendly perspective you are actually able to generate images with the same sort of style daily works by literally typing in what sort of image you want to see and within seconds Dali can generate it it literally took me one minute to sign up with dally and get access to the software here's what I generated a monkey with a hat playing baseball a cow flying above the pyramids a green dragon attacking a city with fire these images might not be super impressive because I literally posted the first one that was generated but just so you know Dali has a lot of tools to improve images and do iterations of them but you just need to get to know a little bit about how to use the software and how to optimize those images so if your business requires images and photography on a regular basis darling might be a good option to explore fireflies is an AI meeting assistant that uses neuro-linguistic programming to eliminate the need for note-taking during a meeting you can easily record transcripts and search across your voice conversations on an intuitive to use platform all you need to do is to invite fireflies to your meeting and he'll take it from there it's like having a digital assistant that will record your meeting take notes and organize the meeting highlights for later use it's also compatible with multiple web conferencing platforms such as zoom and Google meets the best part of fireflies is the meeting search functionality it enables you to review an hour-long call in less than 5 minutes search across action items and other important highlights that the software organizes for you and most importantly you can share fireflies meeting notes with everyone else in the team fireflies can also transcript audio files that you upload to it it's exceptionally helpful for individuals who want to improve their sales tactics or for businesses that mostly use meetings to organize their weekly and monthly tasks next one on our list is an AI software that is going to make any manager's life a lot easier and it's called timely if you haven't heard of timely it is an automated time tracking software that uses AI to optimize and make recommendations relating to time planning and project management it essentially removes a lot of headaches that come with managerial tasks such as tracking work hours tracking project progress tracking team performance planning tasks and maximizing resources and organizing timesheets with timely old team activities can be managed in one place which makes life a lot easier and helps you get the best results out of your Workforce while also making sure that they're not overworked the AI function I personally like about this software is its ability to learn your processes when it comes to managing your tasks so later on it can actually give you recommendations and automatically organize your time and activities in your calendar it can also create automated reports to monitor both profitability and productivity of the team which can later be used to make better decisions the last of our list is Runway ML and I'm really excited about this type of software specifically this applications aim to provide users the ultimate video experience by eliminating the tedious tasks of creating and editing videos so it's basically like Dali and a video editing software combined I put this one on our list because video content is the most consumed type of content in the online World which makes any sort of improvements or optimizations of videos really desirable any sort of AI software that is going to optimize your video making process making it faster and better is definitely something you want to check out especially if it does what it's supposed to the AI capabilities of Runway ml are still being developed but I can definitely see the value in it especially because their goal is to be the fastest video editing software in the world and that is a very very smart Mission some of the main AI features of Runway ml include text to image generation array raise and replace an image to image generation so as it might sound this software also generates images for your videos now imagine if this software was actually capable to generate small clips and little videos you can add to your video that will be a game changer and that's why I'm really excited about these types of software specifically so these are the five AI software that I really wanted to share with you and I hope you start exploring at least one of them the signs are on the wall AI is becoming an extension of the human capacity making us faster smarter and just better I would like to thank you again for watching this video Until the End and I really hope you got my message about AI its capabilities and where it's taking us finally if there's any sort of content you want us to create for you that will be helpful for your business please let us know in the comments below till next time stay safe and have a great day
Channel: Mindesigns - Omer Bernstein
Views: 22,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ai tools, best ai tools for business, top ai tools for small business, ai tools, ai article writer, ai content generator, ai content writer, artificial intelligence, crazy free ai tools, jasper, dall e 2, free ai tools, ai content writing tools, ai marketing, pictory ai, free ai content writer, best ai content writer, ai marketing legit, best ai writing tool, content creation tools, content creation, content writing, ai video generator, ai video editing
Id: gpvZc5QXhog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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