The BEST affordable Competition Shotgun!?

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you all know that I like nice guns nicer guns are more expensive but they don't have to be I was in Barbary the other day and I saw this so I bought it and I brought it to the two heads at Sullivan's headlines you guys in this instance hi to this is this s682x trap the big question is can you get a world-class gun for under a thousand pounds [Music] before we put this gun in front of its jury let's have a quick look over it and some of the features of why it is considered one of the better guns Beretta ever made [Music] it is a 682x strap as discussed you have a Monte Carlo stock in grade one but the Finish they put on these back then was good this was a premium gun and as such had the premium finish that the premium guns have now however 36 37 years worth of oil into this 1986 gun and care there is no accounting for 36 years of buffage at the back you have the trap pad this is not preferable but it is original it's quite slippy you can see that it's starting to age some of it started to crack but you have the white and black white spacer black plastic onto the wood it's um it's period correct that's not bad my favorite part trap safety I'm not a fan of selectors just from an aesthetic point of view I think that the standard safety is is pretty it's sleeker it's more symmetrical that's nice and that just is obviously manual because it's a trap gun the whole action is blacked really nicely machined and it's done in the black chrome style finish it's not blued so it's a very hard chemical finish that's good from a wear point of view the trigger when I bought it had a little issue and you'll see in this film is very light subsequently I've had it fixed by the guys over at gmk Beretta did a fantastic job only took them about 25 minutes whilst I was at the Beretta Worlds the action is plain black slight border engraving here and there stippling across the top of the action to reduce glare and Beretta logos for aft bottom all around the rib is one of my favorite Parts about this gun it is a parallel 10 mil rib with a step up it's nice rounded four end not a full beaver tail again I really love the geometry of that and it is a 32 inch gun with fixed choke full and three-quarter chokes the three-quarter is actually slightly over three quarter at 33 thou whether that matters or not I don't know don't particularly care this gun dusts Clays Back To Grim stop hello victims once again I will apply you with a reasonably priced gun very nice that instantly looks like a bit of me but you know what drew me to it is that it looks a little bit like your gun in Spec yeah it's like slight step rib Monte Carlo stock I can tell you now without picking that up that's a good buy that is a seriously seriously good bit of Kit I was in the right place right time they've just taken it in 800 pounds 800 quid for that is an absolute bargain as far as I'm concerned that is a a legit competition grade bitter kit there's that's not going to hold you back from doing anything he's saying an awful lot without having shot it yeah I'll I'll wait wait a couple of minutes that comes up nicely so you've got a nice high stock lovely little raised rib the old 680 series guns are absolute gold you know pardon the pun they're super bits of Kit so um yeah I think you've done well they're 32 inch yeah or 31 and a half or something close enough yeah brilliant um that's gonna be again not a million miles away from your your old 682 gold e a little bit in chunkier I've got a 682 Goldie I've got a 682 X trap as well okay hey look at this when I saw that that's a crack it does need a little work so don't touch it until you're ready for it to go bang it's not a big job but I haven't done it yet okay so again looking at the stock stocks interesting do you find this is like a little mini Monte Carlo yeah yeah little Monte Carlo slightly rib you can see by shouldering it up it's got a nice high comb on it um a little bit more of a head-up position and we tend to find this in consultations in the practice is the number of people that come in with gun fit that's not ideal I've got a Monte Carlo on my kriegoff my k80 parkours and sometimes bring that in for clients and it's amazing how many times people who come in with a little eye dominance problem it's because they're shooting eye in my case is a right-handed right right eye is buried behind the gun and then sometimes having something like this little Monte Carlo just puts the head into an optimal position and it just gives a much better High Barrel Target relationship it's not a bad thing to see rip right yeah absolutely not I think some people really like to shoot flat flat shooting guns and that's what I learned to shoot with when I was sort of shooting some dtl but I can actually being able to see more of the target I find is a lot more of a comfortable sort of repeatable picture yeah and it does that in itself does seem to solve quite a few eye dominance problems that actually aren't eye dominance problems but maybe our head position gun fit things um my view is shooter comb as high as you are comfortable with I'd sooner see somebody seeing a bit more ribbon a bit higher comb a bit more upright head and so I'm buried in a bit flatter there are obviously exceptions to the rule people that shoot a very flat gun very well most people who are shooting sporting constantly see a bit of rib and have a reasonably High pattern income and that just allows you to see a little bit more of what's happening so I think that's going to be an absolute cracker it's gonna be good for you come on let's Crackle [Music] Johnny show me the D [Music] the trigger is terrifyingly light I actually kept my finger away from it and just hit it last minute because I know I'm I'm going to get a bit of a shock otherwise but no super let's do a couple more [Music] let's put a three-quarter choke because you can tell that certainly hitting them in the middle isn't it you've got a gold mine there good job the fact you own one makes me feel a little bit better see what you mean about that trigger that is light yeah it's quite the um quite the surprise that isn't it [Applause] yeah fantastic really really nice place to get that you could probably shoot that for another 30 or 40 years and have absolutely no issues with it we'll have a 10 quid repair bill for putting a pair of Springs in it or something but you got a shot yeah we'll give it a try shall we oh no I can't do that I'm not very well unfortunately today ladies and gentlemen so yeah 12 hours later I went to hospital and spent nearly two weeks there luckily I'm okay now um yeah back to the video [Music] hey a good quid absolute bang on you know market value is probably about 1200 in good order but even at 12. you could spend three times as much as that and not get something as good in my mind yeah that is a billy bargain when you look at guns from a competitive shooter standpoint there is a recipe you look for right personally I'd be looking at 32s so 32 inch barrels um I like heavier barrels over lighter barrels it's more controllable but again you'll get just as many people who prefer the lighter barrels I prefer more Head Up Style so something like a Craig off with the the k80 sporting with the slight rump in it suits me quite well other people who like a more flat rib and get down into getting a little bit more going with the parkours barrels for me it's about handling sort of repeatability and I while like a heavier gun something fairly chunky with a head up position I feel it's more controllable rather than something that's light and fast but you know it's personal preference but this is this is Bomb proof it's a proven action it's a proven spec a really really nice bit of Kit yeah 100 I would say let's go and find something that it can't do yeah I mean one presumes that a big heavy gun will do less good at quicker targets or is that a I mean yes and no the whole thing is when you're shooting sporting you learn to to manage the gun that you're shooting so there's going to be targets where you could argue that a big heavy gun is less suitable for but if that was the case we'd still be carrying two guns around this you'd have like a 32 inch trap gun and a 26 inch skate gun and we don't do it most people shoot 32-inch guns learn how to move them and manage them if anything over the last over the last 10 years targets have got a lot closer than they used to be people are still shooting 32s all the guys winning are shooting 32s with almost no exceptions now um yeah 32s are just as capable on The Closer stuff all right if that's all you were shooting then maybe you go down to the shorter barrels but the point of a Sporting gun is it needs to be capable of dealing with everything and I would say this is going to be more than happy shooting close stuff as long as you can control it let's go find out shall we [Music] all right before we shoot this next stand it's probably wise to have a word from our sponsors which is you guys in this instance hi hello they'd like to tell you about these glasses so we've been inundated with questions in the comment section about these glasses and this is a product that I designed with input from Mr Solomon's I was getting lots of clients who were coming in who were unhappy with shooting in their regular specs and they wanted something that didn't have the overtly aggressive look of some of the sporty models uh like some of the the Oakley products that used to be really popular the pillar products and so we came up with something like this this is titanium so it's handmade in Japan using the best quality of materials you can find so it's lightweight super strong and hypoallergenic I'm just deliberately going to put these lower down so lots of ready to wear Optical Glasses tend to sit a little bit low and when people are looking in the primary position like this they work really really well because the optical centers are in the right place but as soon as they're mounting the gun they tend to look over the top of the frame or actually their vision is occluded by the frame bar so what we did with this was reduce the distance between the lenses and mount a low adjustable nose piece that means the frame sits up nice high and close so it gives you loads of vertical room when you're looking laterally through the lenses you're also not going to be falling out of a lens or impeded by the bridge when you're into the gun that way so they're available in polarized lenses we can do these as ready to wear products and we can also fit your prescription lenses and we'll make sure that when we do that the optical centers are elevated and positioned in the correct place so that you're into The Sweet Spot of the lens when you're shooting we've launched some new colors because clients were asking for low light products for game shooting I use a product called a Colorimeter in my practice when we're working with kids and adults who have dyslexia visual stress so what I did with that was search through some of the data and find out what my Shooters like the most and that's how we came up with the unique color coordinates to produce these lenses they're going to give you high contrast they're going to give you comfortable restful feeling vision and you're also going to be protected from Impact glare and UV I wear mine all day every day I'm always out shooting they're really comfortable you don't know you're wearing them we're so confident in how good they are we've put our names to them and people who know us know that means a lot to us we wouldn't put our name to something if it wasn't really really good if you've got any questions on this please hit us up in the comments section or go to our website I think it's safe to say we're we're very very happy with what we've done so far plus I sit down and try not to pass out I have a question and that for these boys is do different guns require different shooting Styles that's a difficult one to answer directly um there's certain sorts of guns that will suit people's Styles differently so if you're somebody who shoots with a little bit more gun speed a little bit more of a faster gun something lighter in the barrels maybe a little bit shorter will suit you a bit better if you're somebody who likes to shoot a very slow steady precise way of shooting so a bit more sort of maintained leader matching Target speeds that's something I think will suit heavier barrel guns but I know we said it a thousand times before there isn't a black and white answer to this there's always room for personal interpretation generally speaking you'll find most of the top guys shoot within sort of a central bracket of for example Barrel weights we know almost everybody's shooting 32s you'll find that there's like a sweet spot where the the central 30 40 of barrel weights kind of Suits most people that will obviously be outliers people who shoot really really like guns well people who shoot really really heavy guns well but generally speaking somewhere in the center is a is a good starting point but yeah there's there's room for everything and you've just got to try and find out what works best for you [Music] foreign I've got a few guns from the 68 series a couple of 680s in the cabinet moms moms ones my wife's got a 682 Goldie Sporter and a 682x trap and again they just handle like an absolute dream super reliable and just good fun to shoot yeah I think for for 800 quid you're not going to get anything close to that in my mind now I mean that's a genuine 100 party that is um I know 800 quid isn't cheap as such but when you look at what's on the new market legit competition done now no I would think you'd be starting at probably the nocular door three grand maybe a bit less but that's kind of the the middle of the market really um that 800 pound is just an absolute Banger I would I would happily have one of those in my cabinet for that and for me as a right-hander that comes up really really nicely um the stock Dimensions feel fine I think as you said I definitely want sort of a different pad on there because it was a little bit slippy but the way it feels in the hand the way it feels in the shoulder for me as a right-hander it's it's spot on as a left hooker for you how does it feel um it as with all right-handed guns it doesn't feel great because it's it's kind of not but like you've seen there you'd never say that it's ideal but I'm quite happy to say I can shoot that to a reasonably competent level would I choose to shoot a right-handed gun as a left-hander no it's not aggressively right-handed it does have some right hand casts in it but it's fairly marginal it's not a it's not a super super aggressive right hand shot um stock it's straight with a bit of right hand Bend in it it's not really got a an aggressive Palm swell you can see there's a fraction of a right-handed planter which again makes it pretty easy to shoot um that's the sort of thing where if you get somebody to bend it um take a bit of the Palm swell off and swap the pad out that's something that I'd feel quite comfortable that I could shoot pretty happily and we're sort of bending stocks how long do you tend to find that a bent stop will last for do you find it it tends to bend there's a very small window for what you can do you know turning a right-handed stock into a left-handed Stock's not going to happen you're either not going to be able to bend it enough due to the fact you've got a stock bolt going through there or you have to do so much work with it that it either Springs back over time or it snaps something where you can straighten it up again it's not ideal but for something where you've got 800 quid in the gun spend another 100 pound to get it sorted out so it's much more suitable I can hit plenty with that now with 150 quids with the work on it I could hit more with it and yeah it just feels like it it feels like a proper bit of Kit and it absolutely is you could probably shoot 100 100 000 rounds more through that and with the exception of Johnny squaring the triggers away Last Stand with the reasonably priced gun yeah we've got a got a bit of a scary one to finish on so this is in the process of being set up as a Ed Solomon's coaching as per your beautiful t-shirt there training stand so the idea here is we're going to build up three sort of not extreme targets but three large birds that you probably wouldn't normally see in an average round so people have got something that they can come and practice the bigger stuff on because as you know there's not that many places that like to put it on and to be fair maybe in an average practice round isn't the place to do it so here is an opportunity to lovely bit of space nice big window two big targets a left to right standard Crosser and a big right to left Batu Let's uh stretch its legs see what you can do so for me one of the things with that crossover whether you can see it here it's been set quite cleverly that you've got this Bank along the back and it follows the line it's dropping a bit more than what it will look like I purposefully tried to get underneath it but because of the nature of this I can't really squeeze my head down into the stop to get the picture that should be right for me because hence the gun's not quite right so I'm kind of floating a little bit with it thank you and there you go another one where it's hard enough that second target without trying to throw too many variables in but once you figure something out it's not perfect but it's certainly manageable and that's a serious serious pair of targets I now feel reasonably comfortable I should be able to shoot those fairly consistently obviously you would never set somebody up to shoot a gun that is quite clearly doesn't fit like this but this does kind of come on to something we're going to talk about later where people start talking about gun fit people making out that you know millimeter adjustments here and there can make the difference if you're a super super top level competitor then yes very small margins can make the difference the vast majority of people are so inherently inconsistent with what they do and not necessarily having the best grasps of the the basic techniques the gun fit being a fraction off is normally not the reason people are missing targets like this it's they are bloody hard and they don't have the technical ability to break them obviously you're always going to do better with a gun that fits a versus one that doesn't but this you know emphasis on microns and millimeters for most people is straight [ __ ] get something that's close and that it's pretty good and you can see enough rib almost everything else you can work around and this is kind of the last couple of stands proofs in the pudding no one would ever argue that this fits me but it's completely possible to shoot it reasonably well when you understand what it's doing is it perfect no is it workable yes as you said a few hundred pounds of work it'll be pretty much where you need it yeah you Chuck Chuck 300 400 quid at this and get it absolutely dialed in near enough perfect [Music] so there you go it has the Seal of Ed approval it has my seal approval and the seal of approval of many shooters is it appropriate to shoot a trap gun at everything Maybe not maybe not maybe there are certain parts where the lack of Versatility of this big heavy gun will let you down but honestly I don't care when you're on form this gun will catch up and work with you absolutely perfectly yeah it's got a little crack in the stock yes there are some technical issues and yes a lot of these guns will have been used so heavily that their life span will be significantly reduced but if you find a good one like this I would not hesitate to go for it for under a thousand pounds obviously you might want to be a slightly more technically Advanced shooter to pick one of these up might not be the best first gun but a hell of a second gun I'm glad I bought this from Barbary yeah I'm probably not going to shoot at a great deal anymore but I'm glad to own it and well I'll definitely be taken out occasionally for some fun thank you for watching guys this channel is made possible by our amazing sponsors you can find out more about them in the description down below and if you want to support the channel you can join as a member you get loads of extra content well some extra content and occasionally we hook up and go clay shooting together as a membership group if you don't feel like joining today we really appreciate you watching and subscribing have a wonderful day
Channel: TGS Outdoors
Views: 149,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gun, guns, shotgun, shotguns, rifle, rifles, shooting, shoot, botley, botley gun shop, ammo, ammunition, tgs, Ed solomons, Ed Lyons, Edwards eyewear, Budget gun, Shooting
Id: tpQvcC1ZFE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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