The Best Advice Dr. Maya Angelou Has Ever Given—and Received | SuperSoul Sunday | OWN

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in 2000 when you were 72 I interviewed you for the magazine I asked you if you considered yourself wise and at the time you answered well I'm enroute that's true and how would you answer that now I mean rude you still further long but I'm still in Roo I don't know when I know enough I know I know a lot and I'm grateful for that and now I know enough to try to to live what I know now that's a lot well that's a lot but I still don't have it Oh what do you think that you Maya Angelou everybody who quotes you and I quote you and then they quote me do you and all what do you think is the best piece of advice you've given well hmm well I'm thinking that the best in fact I've ever given I hope was that which I gave to my son and he was growing up he said I don't have any trends how can I get some friends and although it was very young I told him two things I told him in order to get a friend you have to be a friend be ready to be a friend and also I'd told him there's a place in you that you must keep inviolate you must keep it pristine clean so that nobody has a right to curse you up treat you badly nobody know mother father no wife no husband knows nobody because that may be the place you go to when you meet God you have to have a page but did you say stop it back up not he must not know no absolutely and that's one I told you 25 years ago yes say no when it's no yeah say so back it up because that please has to remain clean and clear and that has to be a place within you yes ma'am yeah that is the best advice I know everybody who's watching is going to say when people show you who they are believe them that's also very good it is good man yeah but nothing tops having the place inside really that nobody else nobody has like a windy no yes and when the when the person comes with rude language to you are invasive language to you you have to be able to say back up not me you don't I'm don't you know I'm a child of God what is the best piece of advice you've ever gotten mmm so many good things no yeah um I guess the greatest advice is to forgive hmm I don't anoint it with anything and just forgive it but don't we forgive I've tried to let people know on the show as you have taught me over the years that when you forgive somebody doesn't mean you want to sit down and invite them to you no no no no indeed not I just mean I'm finished with you yet you done go away yes yes you go away now I don't I don't say go away and harm somebody else but I do have to protect myself it looks like a ninny if I ask somebody else to protect me and I'm not willing to protect myself yeah that's one of the great lessons that you've taught me to have you got to be willing to take care of this first yes ma'am then you have enough to be able to tell yeah you
Channel: OWN
Views: 2,673,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: own, oprah winfrey network, own network, oprah, oprah winfrey, super soul sunday, inspirational, Maya Angelou, super soul, Angelou, Maya, Dr. Angelou, #WednesdayWisdom, forgive, Writer (Occupation), Artist (Job Title), African American (Literary School Or Movement), Vivian Baxter, inspiration, Mother (Relation), Advice (Quotation Subject), The Best Advice Dr. Maya Angelou Has Ever Given—and Received, #supersoulsunday, SuperSoul Sessions, SuperSoul Sunday, super soul sundays
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2013
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