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hi guys my name is Dalton and this is my wife Hillary and this little girl behind the bottle her name is Letty and um we're what's up girl we are from Cottonwood Texas Scurry Texas um we live on a I guess you'd call it a little farm a little ranch and we live out here we've been married um been married for a long time now not really almost eight years and uh but this is our story of adoption and uh I pray that it blesses you and I put I pray that God is glorified through it and we're gonna I'm sure we're gonna have some um bloopers in this video but uh we're gonna try to get through it with without too many and without Too Many Tears all right are you good lady are you ready let's go [Music] all right so this is our story about adoption but I gotta I gotta start you out before that um so you can get the the big picture of everything that God's done here um Hillary and I we got married on the 12th of December in 2015. we met through Ministry and friends earlier on that year dated for a few months or engaged for three months didn't see a point I knew I wanted to marry her she was she wanted to marry me um and the Lord said do it so I said why wait so we got so we got married and um so our other daughter is not here right now when I married Hillary I got the blessing of uh not the cutest nine-year-old little girl ever her name is Lily she's not here right now she is actually a college girl now um so she's not with us we only got a little lady here pulling on my beard but it's the four of us when we got married it was the three of us really and before we started dating before we got married Hillary told me that she might not be able to get pregnant ever again um there was some ovarian cysts that she had some um she had one tube that wasn't quite sure if it was really working or not and um so she said you know what I don't know if we can get pregnant or not I said well the Lord knows the Lord wants to give us a baby he'll give us a baby and if not then amen the Lord's the Lord's got it under control but through uh through seeing my sister have babies and working with the kids and the youth at church I just I had the desire to father my own child and that desire just it grew and grew and grew Hillary at this point was kind of over the thought of having any more kids Lily was 10 11 years old already and uh she's like huh I don't want to restart I got a 10 11 year old I don't want to restart and she's planning on um what were you planning on doing traveling the world and I know y'all don't know us maybe you do but uh we don't come for money so she wanted to travel the world I don't know where she was going to get the the money to do it but that was her that was her plan but in 2017 Hillary became pregnant uh first time she became pregnant since we've been married and she found out early on in the pregnancy that she was and she just had his gut feeling that it was going to be a girl so we we said we were gonna name her Ryan and that's my middle name Ryan with two in so it wasn't like the guy Ryan but uh Hillary started spotting one night wasn't feeling good said let's go to the hospital so we went to the hospital and um sure enough she was having a miscarriage and being being a little stepdad being an uncle to my to my nephews or my nephew at the time and just working with kids you know my desire to be a dad was just oh it was cut right there I was heartbroken Hillary was Hillary was fine health-wise the the baby passed through naturally and um so health-wise Hillary was good emotionally she was a wreck as well but uh we'd only known about this baby a few weeks we'd only known her a few weeks in the womb but we already loved her and you know God says that before we were ever formed in the womb that he knew us so yeah it was a it was a baby that was our little baby girl that we never got to meet but she got to she got to grow up in heaven is growing up in heaven but for us no child on Earth um together we got Lily I'm blessed to be a stepdad I love being a stepdad uh you know people say that people say that coming in when they're nine years old that can be a little late in their life you can be past the bonding stage that's far from Far From Reality at least in our story but God had a lot to do with it Jesus had a lot to do with it and he just you know Hillary's not the one to go fishing and hunting with me and feed cows but Lily Lily will be the first one to hop in the truck when I say let's go all right so after after we grieved a while it took me a while to get over that miscarriage but after a while things went back to normal as normal as they could and we were just going on with life nothing ever happened no more pregnancies but God still gave me the desire he never took that away from me and over time Hillary's seeing my desire it became hers so my sister had three babies Hillary's seeing that getting to love on them Hillary's got a niece that had a baby had a baby boy getting to love on him Hillary starts getting the itch again too so Hillary's got the desire I got the desire but it'd been six years since uh since that miscarriage January of 2023 Hillary had some more complications been a couple weeks some things been going on that just weren't right and in our family we don't go to the hospital unless your arms falling off but it'd been it'd been more than a week right three three weeks um so we let it go three weeks it didn't get better we figured hey something's wrong so we were at your mom's we were at her mom's in Kaufman one night eating dinner and when we left there we just said hey let's go to the Urgent Care said hey let's go to the Urgent Care so we did that and uh went to the Urgent Care they did some tests on her came back and said uh uh you're pregnant no no there's no way and then they came back and said you're pregnant what were your thoughts so from the Urgent Care they sent us to Kaufman ER and Kaufman ER did some did some scans don't forget I had to stay off oh yeah we need to so Hillary found out that her test said she was pregnant um and needed to go to the ER right away so I was driving from the Urgent Care to the ER and Hillary had to stop at Dairy Queen to get a blizzard this was top priority Letty Dairy Queen Blizzard top proud 40. he's got some devastating news so got her blizzard went to Kaufman did test Kaufman said oh man we're not uh we're not equipped for this uh equipped for this what do you what do you mean um yeah so they didn't really give us much information they just said hey you got to go to Dallas so Hillary um they call an ambulance they get the ambulance there and we ride we ride to Dallas I rode in the did I ride that time didn't ambulance so I had to get medicine in the ambulance that time because I threw up in a barf bag I don't do good with riding in the back of cars or not driving so it was a little much for me but we made it there in one piece yeah you ain't got to tell them everything so we knew from the moment that they told us at that urgent care that Hillary was pregnant we knew from that moment that something wasn't right we'd been through this before and it's a test showing pregnant she's having these complications some something's not right her bodies rejecting the pregnancy so there was no there was no joy there was no they told us that it was bilateral so that's why they came in very serious because my body could have wanted to subsystem and I would have not made it yeah if you know anything about ectopic pregnancies that could be very dangerous and I've talked to a few people from our town that have had them and knocked them down almost almost really hurt them and um so there was no was no happiness was no joy it was no jumping around um this time the doctor said she's pregnant but we knew it wasn't good we get to Dallas and they're they're he hauling about it takes them it takes them a while to do anything but uh I wouldn't know because I'm happy drugs yeah yeah but they finally take Hillary back to surgery and um they said you got one ectopic pregnancy Dallas says this so they go in to remove to remove her her left tube had the pregnancy stuck on the outside of the tube it didn't didn't go to where it needed to go so it was just stuck there it was bleached and um excuse me um so they took that out they closed her up no blood transfusion that time right they closed her up we left the next day a couple days after a couple days after the surgery we left she was she was starting to do starting to do better they said her her uh January 24th so when we left probably January 26 or something well when we got home she never got any better um just felt a little better the first day but then still having the same complications never getting her energy back never feeling good Hillary's normally a go-getter Jump Around let's do whatever that wasn't that wasn't her she was trying to she was trying to so much that it had been it we had been home almost a week or at least a week and Hillary said hey we've been doing all this stuff uh let's just let's just uh go to the movies let's have us a date night said are you are you sure you're you're not feeling good Valentine's weekend not feeling good Hillary we don't have to we don't have to go do anything we can have Valentine's at home and uh she said no I wanna I wanna go out I want to go on a date said all right well I'll see you when I get off work so we I go ahead and I buy the tickets on my phone and uh we go to Rockwall the movie determined to go on a date with my husband because of the past few weeks that we had had and um I think that we even had to stop at the Walmart in Terrell parking lot to let me throw up because I was in so much pain he didn't understand what was going on with me because it's not my normal um not it's not how I am I just usually am just pretty happy go lucky and just go along with everything even if I am and just a little bit of pain um so he was like are you sure you want to go I said yes I do I want to go so we go and um actually on the way there I was like hey look there's a hospital like three minutes down from the road so if we need to go then we'll be close by but um we ended up going to the movies and in the middle of the movie I just couldn't handle it anymore I um had tried everything and I couldn't even walk I had to like inch like almost like I was a brand new baby walking step by step to the bathroom throwing up he had to drive my car around and it was just it was a lot so we get to the hospital and they make us wait and of course Dalton does not do very good with I don't wait will especially when she's hurt how much pain I was in and like I just the tears rolling down my face but I was smiling and laughing at the time and he was like get her into her room and I was like okay it's it's fine you know they'll get to us as soon as they can and um that's when they took us in and at by the time that we actually got to CMS I was in so much pain that um not even what was it that they gave me um it was a strong it was a strong drug thanks neighbor what fentanyl that wasn't even working it wasn't even touching the paint so then they decide from there we find out that I was bleeding internally and um we were really shocked because they found the also that I was pregnant so Kaufman originally had told us that we had a bilateral ectopic pregnancy when we went to Dallas Dallas said they did not see bilateral it's very uncommon in fact uh I'm not going to dab ahead but statistically it's like one in 200 000 people that it happens to and so um we were shocked and then they tell me we've got to get you to Dallas immediately it's so I'm in shock again and I'm upset because I have to ride in the air plus you I have to ride in the ambulance by myself a bunch of pain and Dalton's following me you know behind but I can see the car through the ambulance and of course the guys talking to me just doing his job asking me are you okay is everything good and I was like I really don't want to talk right now um and then we get to Dallas they did get me back pretty quick but they still took their time and again that did not go well with Dalton so we get to we get to the ER the second time they get us back as Hillary was saying um and we go back for what would be surgery number two they had to drain out like a half liter of blood that had got in her abdomen and they said there's somehow they missed it but they said there's another ectopic pregnancy in there so what so what Kaufman was saying they got it right it was a bilateral ectopic pregnancy Hillary said it it's a one in two hundred thousand case so they go in there they're they're planning on taking draining that blood out they're planning on either trying to take the the pregnancy out or they're going to have to take out her other two her only remaining two so that's the plan and I prayed as we were going to the hospital the second time she grounded me uh Hillary was an ambulance and I was following behind and I was I was praying and I was just telling God hey I I don't care if I'm able to father a child of my own as as long as Lily gets to keep her mom and Hillary doesn't have to go through the pain or die I said I'd be happy with it I didn't care and I had complete peace with that prayer I had complete peace knowing that if I spent the rest of my years on Earth here never got to father a child of Our Own I would be happy with it and God would see us through because I just didn't want her hurting anymore so they're going back into surgery plans to take out her only remaining two and um the surgeon scrubs out during surgery and comes out to the waiting room where me and my mom and Lily my sister we're we're all out there the surgeon comes out grabs me asks me she says that she could see what she thinks is the pregnancy that's on the tube that's bleeding says she can probably probably take that and leave the tube and everything be okay but there's a chance that it might not be okay it's just I don't know I I told the doctor I said well I prayed about this before we came up here I got complete peace if you have to whatever you have to do I said you're the you're the professional here I'm no surgeon you don't want me to be a surgeon I said do what is do what is best in your professional opinion she said all right she got back in there she they just took the blood out they they took the the pregnancy out of there and they were able to leave her leave her tube intact and when she when Hillary woke up me and Lily were waiting in the waiting room and uh the surgeon actually a long time and she said and her right mind like with what she saw she could not take out what looked like a normal working tube and she asked all of them do you want me to take it or do you want me to leave it and Dalton chose to leave it well I I knew that would make that would make Hillary still feel like a woman I got to me and he told me that what had happened with the doctor and he decided to keep my tube and Lily you know being as caring as she always is asked me like how do you feel are you okay with that and my response was I know Dalton wants a child and I don't really remember much after that but I didn't I didn't tell the surgeon to leave the tube in there because I wanted to have a child I just wanted her to feel like a woman um as much as much as he could I know if they took both of them it's just it's gonna make you feel different at least at least mentally and emotionally um but I didn't leave it in there to have any more kids I had complete peace with Hillary not us not having a child because I did not want to see her go through that pain or have a chance of losing her but because I did leave it in there Hillary's like okay well we can still we can still keep trying let me just heal up from surgery and we'll see what the next steps are and I was no we are not doing that um so it took what six weeks for you to heal up that second surgery uh yes yeah six weeks healing time from that second surgery and she's she's healing up she's feeling better so she's scared she schedules a follow-up appointment with a fertility doctor after she does her six weeks she sets this appointment to see if fertility doctors see what our next steps could be at having a baby because as you know the wife always gets her way I'm over here saying no we're not having kids well I'm not putting you through that your body's been rejecting it it's not supposed to happen Hillary says we're we're just gonna go see this fertility doctor and see what they have to say but this is where this is where it gets even more interesting so the day before Hillary's fertility appointment I'm at work it's Monday right so I get the text message from my mom to me and Hillary hey there's this family at the church with the baby and you just be adopted do y'all want her now right back and say Mom I can't really answer that in a text message call Hillary some other things go back and forth my mom my mom calls Hillary they talk Hillary calls me when I'm on break talking about this baby and mind you we've never really sat and thought about adoption before um we've known people that done it we have good friends that have done it but you know I was always I was always saying you know if God wants to give us a baby he'll he'll do it naturally um never thought about never thought about adoption but now it's it's in our faces we have to think about it and we only have a short time to think about it so we pray about it we think about it that day that Monday we go to we go to the gym Hillary meets me at the gym when we get off work and we're working out we start to head to the house my mom asked you know if we want to go meet the baby and Hillary's like uh I got family in town can we do it tomorrow and I was about to I was about to route my mom back but I was like no I I really want to go do it tonight so I wrote my mom can we can we go tonight and my mom rides back that's what I was just about to ask you so out of the millions of people that we have in Texas the family with this the family with this baby is literally five minutes down the road from my house tell me that ain't God and uh literally five minutes down the road so we go we meet this baby that evening we spend about two two hours over there just sitting on the couch loving honor and at one point I looked at Hillary and Hillary looked at me and she was like this is our this is our baby and I was like yeah sure is and when we left that night um so fertility appointments tomorrow I said well you don't need that no more uh my mom said yeah you don't need that no more so uh when we leave she says come back get your kid in the morning I mean of course there's there's a lot of legal things that we got to go through and uh we did we did everything but uh you know Letty has been in our lives since she was three days old so we're we're all she knows as mom and dad she was born with she was born with drugs in her system uh and God knew what we'd been through we were trying our best to follow Jesus we weren't perfect at it of course but we were trying our best to follow Jesus and just live a life that glorified him whether he gave his kids whether he didn't I was just going to love all my nieces and nephews if if that was the case um but then God placed can I play sledding in our lives that that day so we've had her since she was four days old she's five months yesterday five months yesterday and our adoption was legalized she got our she got our last name she got our social security well not our social security yeah she will have my last name [Music] um so one week we're thinking there's no way for us to have any more kids have any kids and the next day God's like here you go here's a baby do y'all want it of course God thank you thank you for the opportunity started to unfold so one of my mother-in-law's friends I wouldn't like she's just not a close friend but acquaintance they talk pretty often when they go through Chatfield and she had a dream and she told my mother-in-law that Dalton and Hillary were going to have a baby and she didn't know how and of course my mother-in-law is like how do you tell that to someone who desires a child so strongly so we didn't find that out actually until the day we brought her home and then also a good friend of mine had been praying about a baby for like three weeks and it was just a strong feeling and she was like I just knew the moment that I met her that I had been praying for her and I was like wow I just really overwhelming and then um my friend that I had in 2017 she'd given me a blanket and told me that God told her I was gonna have a little girl and I was like okay you know the time had passed years had gone by and I'd just given it to my sister-in-law because she has a little girl and I was like I don't think I'm gonna need this anymore um she gave it back because you know God's got a little sense of humor sometimes and then also um I had friends who had adopted a child actually they have adopted a couple children and when I told her about letting they had told me that her mom had asked if they had ever talked to me about adoption if I'd ever considered that and she said I just don't think it's the right time right now and her mother's have fun I'm just gonna pray for her to adopt a baby well she had been praying for us to adopt a baby my sister had been praying for us to adopt a baby my pastor's mother had been praying for us to Dr baby and now all of us I mean out of all of that adults and I did not know that these prayers were going up we just knew that when we met her that she was ours and so we found all of those things out the day that we picked her up and then on top of that I'm praying and I'm praying and I'm praying and I'm asking God like please give me a sign like I just need to know that what we're doing is of your will and as we go there's this sign and it says Providence Park Ed in my mind and I was like okay that means something biblically I just didn't know exactly what it meant so I what do you do you Google it you Google it and I found out that Providence means the protective care of God and so then of course you know I'm weeping I'm crying I'm just like thank you God for all of these things um and you know and for friends who pray without you even knowing that they're praying for you so ladies five months like I said born with drugs in her system never any side effects never any withdrawals just God's hand on her from the very beginning she's a little chunk of Monk just eats everything grow and grow and grow and she's been a testimony of God's love ever since she was born nurses people we come across our church family people that I work with and the drug and alcohol rehab I mean her story just resonates with so many people and it gives hope and it gives life to others and you know as as I was thinking last week telling Hillary hate get your thoughts together we need to do a video this scripture came to my mind it's James 1 17. that says all good things come from God and every perfect gift is from him and I knew that this is a perfect gift from God Letty is our perfect little gift from God picked out just for us God said hey y'all are going to raise this baby this is yours really it's our ours and the community and the church because and it's God it's God's first and foremost God's job [Music] but we wouldn't I don't feel like we would be in this situation if we weren't following God ourselves God loves everybody God gives favor to those who serve him to those who love him and me and Hitler would do we do our best to follow God and when you when you put your faith in Jesus when you believe that he died for your sins when you believe that he's the only way to restore that relationship between you and God and for you to even have a chance to see heaven the Bible says that once you believe and confess that you're saved and once you're saved and you start living for God God looks down on us and and God's just like he's just like apparent to us as we're a parent to Letty he we want her safe we want her loved we want her cherished and that's what God wants for all his children he wants to give us good things he wants to give us good gifts and uh I know that's why God gave us this baby so it's true in our lives and it can be true in yours you just have to believe in him and follow his word um this adoption is one of the best things that has happened in my life Hillary would probably say the same but it wouldn't happen it wouldn't have happened if we weren't following God so honor God with your life and don't think don't think weird about adoption I I couldn't love this baby anymore or any less had it come from me and Hillary naturally had a stork dropped it off I mean I love this baby she is my she is my daughter she is my youngest daughter she was picked out and given to us by the Lord so adoption's been a great thing you know we didn't have to deal with CPS or none of that stuff so we we really had it easy but that's because the Lord's hand was through it all so follow the lord if you're if you if you want a baby if you if you want a child and you think it's God's will um for you to have one pray about it and pray about adoption because it's the that's why we got little Letty here and uh lettius lady is a gift to us to our church to our families and she's going to be a gift to this world God's going to use her in a mighty way so that's our story I hope it helps I pray that I pray that you're blessed through this and uh pray you get out there and give God the glory
Channel: Dalton Blazek
Views: 62,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UxvUlrr6T8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 38sec (2378 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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