The Beretta PM-12S Submachine Gun

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Such a solid channel, love when he breaks down how it all works

👍︎︎ 117 👤︎︎ u/Northeast7550 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2017 🗫︎ replies

So nice to see Gun Jesus on this sub

👍︎︎ 66 👤︎︎ u/PerWup 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2017 🗫︎ replies

Im from Italy, saw a Guard out of bank with this few months ago

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/GlitchTheHunter 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2017 🗫︎ replies

Why they gave a BOPE operator a vintage gun?

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2017 🗫︎ replies

I don't know much about guns aside from what I've seen in video games but I like watching his videos because of the historical aspect he explains of each weapon. first one I saw was when I was curious about Sledge's (and Thatcher's) L85A2. Good stuff. Thanks for this link!

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/soopa90 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2017 🗫︎ replies

I prefer the m12 over the spas 15

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Fury_Gaming 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2017 🗫︎ replies

love to see new guns for frost and her , just add new smgs

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/hellfish2015 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2017 🗫︎ replies

I wonder why the m12 is so shit in-game.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/grobobobo 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2017 🗫︎ replies

I posted a video here about them making a video about tachankas turret

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/biowil224 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2017 🗫︎ replies
hi guys thanks for tuning in to another video on Forgotten weapons calm I'm Ian McCallum and I'm here today at the Rock Island auction company taking a look at some of the guns so they're going to be selling in their upcoming May of 2017 premier auction today we're taking a look at a pretty modern submachine gun actually certainly any viewers in Italy will think that this is in no way a forgotten weapon because this is in fact still a standard issue weapon with the Italian military and a variety of Italian police forces in fact you'll see these things all over Italian cities if you walk around there so this is a nine by nineteen standard cartridge submachine gun weighs in at right about six and a half pounds three kilograms fires at about 550 rounds per minute and it is the result of beretta moving away from the designs of coolio Marangoni no Marangoni had designed like everything beretta made at least in pistols and submachine guns for many decades he was responsible for Baretta's whole line of automatic pistols and also the submachine guns that they had from basically the end of World War 1 up into World War two so that the Beretta 38 / 42 / 44 series very well liked submachine guns in World War 2 those were all Marangoni design after world war ii however the buck passes and a new designer takes over at beretta guy named Domenico salsa and he starts working on this and through the 1950s he developed this which would become the beretta model 12 now I do want to step back and point out nomenclature wise up until World War 2 beretta was naming these things after the year that they were manufactured model 38 42 model 44 etc after the war because of geopolitical economic circumstances people kind of wanted to look forward to the future and not back and so beretta changed its nomenclature and started referring to well the first one it took the Beretta Model 38 / 49 which is really that same gun they'd always had just simplified a bit and they renamed it the model one because that sounds futuristic and new and from then on all of the new developments would be named with iterative numbers so by the time 1958 rolled around and this gun was ready for market it was the beretta model 12 technologically the model 12 does a number of things has a number of advantages over the old Marangoni pattern guns mainly it's more controllable and it's a lot more compact and the reason that was possible was because Dominico salsa used a what we call it sort of a telescoping Volt's design this is something that you would also see in the check pattern 24 and 26 submachine guns and most famously in the Israeli Suzie submachine gun so why don't I just take the bolt out of this one and show you what that looks like so the beretta is a very nicely finished gun despite the fact that it is a basically a stamped tube receiver submachine gun but a good deal of fit and finish a good deal attention was paid to the fit and finish here now the classic question with a submachine gun is what prevents it from firing if you drop it on the back end that's the classic safety issue with these sorts of guns and the answer on the beretta is this trigger right here that is a grip safety and when it is not engaged it actually locks the bolt if it's in the forward position so I cannot pull the bolt back unless I depress the grip safety that is what prevents accidental discharges with a gun now we also have a manual safety here which is full auto semi-auto and safe and in the safe position it simply locks the grip safety so you can't depress it that's a simple and effective way of making the gun safe the original beretta model 12 actually had a push button safety the 12 s is the more modern upgraded version with this rotating lever safety all of them however have a paddle magazine release right here at the back comes out very good magazine design it is a double feed magazine and then to extend the stock we just push this button it allows us to unfold it like so and then this button here allows but plate to fold down if there is a not particularly great feature of the beretta 12 it is that stock it is offset so it's really only comfortable for right-handers and it's a pretty thin and kind of uncomfortable stock to use it does work but it could be nicer now there are two stages to disassembly here we have to take both ends off of the receiver so I'm going to lift this spring-loaded tab up which allows me to unscrew the rear cap this will spring off under tension from the mainspring if you let it we'll pull out the mainspring now I've pulled the bolt back and I can now take off the front receiver cap we have another spring-loaded keeper which is this which I'm going to pull down it's a little hard to do it where you can see it on camera all right there we go once the front cap is off I can remove it and then depressing the grip safety and the trigger I can pull the bolts and the barrel out the front of the gun once I have the bolt out you can then tip the barrel out get wiggle it a little bit and there we go the two come apart so when someone talks about a telescoping bolt in a submachine gun this is typically what they are talking about the thing is very long and the actual breech face is at the back what this does is it allows you to position a lot of the material forward and that helps keep the gun controllable what it means as the center of balance of the gun is going to be farther forward and instead of the mass all coming very far back in the receiver a lot of it is going to stay up front so that reduces muzzle climb and just makes the guns nicer to shoot you can see the barrel here there's our full barrel length and the bolt comes out to only you know just short of two inches short of the muzzle so when you combine the forward mass of the bolt with a vertical four pistol grip that this gun really is a remarkably controllable gun it's generally well liked by the people who use it of course all submachine guns really do require quite a bit of practice to become very proficient with but the Beretta 12 is a pretty good one if you've got your choice I believe there are some modern adaptations to allow it to use optical sights in this standard original configuration its iron sight only but even that at submachine gun ranges is really not that much of a problem this is a really gorgeous looks like virtually unused I'm sure it's been fired a little bit but not a whole lot this thing has been babied great example of a beretta PM 12 and these really are a quite good modern submachine gun the downside well it is coming up for sale here but the downside is it is a dealer sample so if you have the license to purchase and possess a post sample machine gun then take a look at the description text below you'll find a link there to rock Islands catalog page on this guy and you can look at their pictures and description and everything else necessary to place a bid on it if you are just a regular dude like me and you are only able to own transferable machine guns one might be interested in taking a look at this one anyway just to get a feel for what some of the dealer sample guns look like and so far thanks for watching
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Views: 680,806
Rating: 4.9458299 out of 5
Keywords: pm12, -12s submachine gun, SMG, submachine guns, PM12S, pm-12, M38 family, machine gun, submachine, Model 12S, Beretta company, Tulio Marengoni, Domenico Salza, full auto, new SMG design, pistol grips, police forces, military smg, police smg, Beretta, Forgotten Weapons, gun, the beretta, security guards, mccollum, kasarda, inrange, inrangetv, history, disassembly, disassemble, development, Beretta engineer Domenico, 9mm, auto, pm, Firearms, shooting, Forgotten Weapons merch
Id: X0649LgdUJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2017
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