The Beginner's Guide to Persona 4 Ultimax

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all right so we're gonna do the beginner's guide to persona 4 arena ultimax so i'm going to try to cover the basics including trying to help you understand what i'm saying like in terms of some lingo for youtube people i have a link to the fighting game glossary it will help you a lot when you watch any fighting game content creator basically if we're gonna start we gotta start with the basic of basics right all right you guys can definitely see this right this is very unprofessional this is the first thing that you must learn if you are from another fighting game and you hate this i'm sorry and if you're new to fighting games you don't know what this is this is the numpad right we use numpad notation so if you just learn this now your life will be so much [ __ ] easier you will be able to understand what any input for any type of arc system works game or any anime fighting game so the five is neutral six is four four is back the two is down eight is up everything's assuming that you're on the player one side straight up like pause pause the video and just like look at this and then think about different inputs like quarter circle four would be two three six if you understand this every fighting game video by me and probably some other people will be way easier for you to understand so next will be uh the buttons so this is a four button game you can set your controls however you want i would say the main things you will be using is a b c and d right so a and b are your physical attacks and then c and b are your persona attacks there are also combinations of inputs you can use as well so a plus c will give you the evasive action right down ac gives you short hop a plus b gives you um all attack c d gives you throw bd gives you uh the universal dp three buttons the ace was it abc gives you roman cancel and a c d gives you burst or shadow frenzy and the last the last one would be a air turn in the air which is you do with ac these are essentially the controls the main buttons you need to know for the game so then some simple offense basics right so this game has changed like many other of these fast-paced fighting games the general order is it goes from a to d so a b c d is something you can do most characters have the same general structure of gatlings with very small changes it's not like say if you try guilty gear exert the idea is to go from punch kick slash heavy dust but people will have a lot of unique uh ways to go between uh the different gatlings in that game but then you have strive where everybody has the same exact gatlings no matter what this game is kind of in the middle like everyone basically has the same gatlings the same chains with very very very small differences what type of differences would you say would you say so here's a simple one so you carry i can do three two a's numpad two a i'm going to be using numpad notation this whole time where margaret cannot do that i'm mashing i only get one right so there's like little things like that that vary by character to make the characters feel different and unique because they're different people another thing that you're going to want to determine is how often you will be using your persona to attack a character like yukari is like a hybrid like you you will use both your normal attacks and your persona attacks together to attack your opponent where margaret leans more towards using her persona a lot to be honest with her it's kind of like a stylistic choice like most people who i've seen playing online it's my first time playing people in this game in a very long time they lean very much towards a lot of her physical buttons but at a more advanced level you will use her persona quite a bit to do all sorts of things so the each character has like a different way of attacking some are more physical types like akihiko some are more persona types like you call margaret so you'll want to get used to slash understand what type of character you're jumping into this is going to help you out a lot is the frame trap so once you catch somebody what do you do so you can do your whole string but actually a really common theme in this game is that almost everything is disadvantageous so the way you want to set up your pressure is you want to try to introduce very small gaps and get used to doing this really early so that it doesn't feel weird later for a simple example i could do something like this and go for a throw okay so this is a little gap so i can't throw i can't like a master oh let me try to straight mash can't can't mash in here but getting used to adding these little delays will help just get some pressure and get some hits on people once people stop pressing buttons on you then you can start putting in your throws and you got a simple attack or throw guessing this type of theme is really common in this game some characters can do some other stuff to mix you up but if you start doing this early it'll help you out a lot then last would be to talk about throws in general too so this game actually has a pretty long throw tech window and throws are not like super fast so this this type of guessing game will be very common in most new fighting games that you play where you can do this run up and either actually throw them or back off or jump back or something to punish them for throwing so i'm just gonna press throw no matter what okay [Music] so if you need a way to like hit people that's decently reliable for a long time i would really try to get used to using this another way you can do it that's not just running up interface and backing off like that would be to do this but you would have to figure out how to do it with your character because not everyone does it the same so so there backstep killed me attacked the throw the jump so i jumped away i used a big attack that would reach there if they block i still have advantage i'm not giving up my turn really and then if they throw then i'll hit them this is a nice little simple guessing game you can use to just get out the gate and get some simple offense going okay so defense basic so when you're starting this game holding away makes you block so in many of these type of games it's really safe to just hold down back because if you hold down back you'll beat moves that hit mid so mids are you can block them high or you block them low and you'll beat lows so low specifically you have to hold down back the only thing that will hit you would be an overhead now the thing in this game is that the all-out attack which i mentioned before the amb everyone has a different one and everyone's are different speeds and do different stuff margaret has a really slow one like she's not honestly a competent margaret player will not use this to try to hit you it's extremely slow uh yukari's is slow-ish where uh maybe you hit somebody online but um if you were playing like your neighbor or something and they saw this a couple times you would probably not hit them if you played chie or narakami or something you might hit them with the all attacks they're all attacks kind of fast most people don't have just a button they could do that overhead that's so fast that you can't like react to it however there are situations where you might not be able to see what's going on and the opponent can do like a high attack or a low attack which is called a like a 50 50 mix up if you watch fighting in tournaments you hear about the whole time yukari has a pretty simple one where you have the tornado and you kind of just jump i do low so once you get to like that style of mixed up it gets basically you can't react to this but it's not very common that someone can set this up so for starters just get used to walking low and trying to see any all any all-out attack that can come most characters have slow ones so you'll probably be fine the next thing that is really important for this game is uh jumping rules when you want to escape pressure by jumping how do you do it basically this game has something special where you can be hit out of the air for a small window of time when you're jumping so most games have like some really short amount of time small frame window that you can't see you can't actually see it it's this animation so i'm pulling up i'm still on the ground so here i can't uh i can't block and then i go in the air so in this game there's an additional small window of time where you will be hit also this is really really important to know if you don't know this you might be like why am i getting hit randomly even though i'm jumping it's not until you clear a certain height where you can just block and then you can block everything except for like uh the 2b there you go a couple of characters have two bees that you can block uh yukiko yukari are the main ones i don't know what's on my head but uh that's the main rules for jumping on defense so keep that in mind then we have backdash so back dash everyone's back dash is in this one frame one for a small window of time the reason why i'm talking about back dash rules is because of uh this [Music] in this game you can't back dash on wink though oh the there's only one character in this game who's allowed to back dash on wake up and it's igis in orgy mode every other character cannot do it remember this if you're from another game remember this this is really really important to know because you're going to be like why am i getting hit randomly if you're new to fighting games then boom you're starting with a good habit by not doing back dash and then next we want to go into role you might hear this called quick escape by some people but most people call this roll so this is projectile invincible it is also strike invisible after a little while uh but they could always grab you out of it so it's a really small window at the beginning but it's really vulnerable at the end different characters have different lengths for those the main times i would recommend using it is if people are zoning you with projectiles to have like a a long total duration so like they're just slow it's literally what you're supposed to do against by the way there you go if you time it right you could roll through it and then punish that's probably the main spot you want to do it another spot you want to do it is if someone is on let's say someone is rushing you down and is trying to put themselves in the corner you could use roll to get out if they're constantly moving forward in the corner just slip by a quick little roll if they throw you they will hit you so just be careful for that uh then we have guard cancel stuff so we have guard cancel by doing chord a and b in block sun and we have guard quetzal roll by doing forward a and c so it's the same inputs uh your guard cancel roll is the same input as rob and block sun and uh your guard cancel is the same input as uh your all-out attack so these are both metered options meaning if you look at the bottom left corner you need to use resource to use these mechanics they can get you out of some tricky situations when you have meter and you feel like you're in a rough spot you can make it harder for your opponent to keep up their offense by using one of these two options then we have burst burst is kind of flexible there's a couple of use uses for bursts so it is a combo breaker this is the defensive burst two is you could use it offensively multiple ways so if one of these hits your meter instantly fills so that's one way to use it offensively another way you can use it offensively in this game is the one more burst in a combo you can instantly pop them up and extend the combo so you can turn like a small hit into a big hit and the last one would be the shadow frenzy which has its own set of rules but it makes it so you can do combos that are not possible by canceling special moves and special moves and making things cost different amounts of meter at the start i wouldn't really worry about shadow frenzy unless you're playing a shadow character if you're playing a normal character just don't worry about it too much you can learn a little bit more about it later if you are learning a shadow character it's kind of mandatory you unders at least learn a couple of combos for for this relatively soon that's not to be day one but relatively soon then we must talk about uh awakening so this is awakening so when you go into awakening a few things happen so you get a defense bonus you get 150 meter max instead of 100 and you get access to a super you don't normally have so for margaret she has a that's not that that's the pain one you get this is hustle me that's her awakening super so if i turn off awakening i just will never get it ever ever ever you can also see that i have a 100 meter instead of 150 and as far as damage right so this is uh 726 that's normal and awakening you get i only do 443 so you can see the benefits of going to awakening awakening and bursts are actually connected so my personal recommendation if you're playing a normal character is to save your burst for awakening because every character in the game gets a desperation super and even the fair ones the ones that do a lot of damage uh that you can combo into can still turn the game around for you and then other characters get crazy special effects supers uh in the case of yukari i have shadi kari but if i was normally karin this is her awakening super this is tornado very very very strong okay so next is and people ask this question many times i've answered in a couple videos but why to pick a shadow or normal version this is what you get for playing a shadow so the shadow characters get the old auto combo with the exception of new characters to ultimax so like shadow yukari and normal yukari have the same auto combo because she's new to ultimax where uh narakami mitsuru they'll have another auto combo the old auto combo from personal four arena one thing number two you get is that you get awakening supers always right so here tornado once again so here i can't do it i'm going to do just this this mine over and over it will never come out because i don't have access to it you have slightly more hp than normal you have a thousand more hp than normal but you will never get the uh awakening defense buff nor will you get the 150 meter either and when you go into awakening you get instant meter so see immediately i got 50 meter and um now i have 50 meter just super and a defense buff just like that you will never get that with shadows shadow characters also do less damage might sound funny considering the memes if uh you know stuff about this game but they do less damage than normal characters so there's 726 versus 651 they do less damage now the benefits the main benefit is that you have access to the shadow burst so defensively you can use it the same so like you can get them all viewed all the same but when you activate this you have access to special cancels they don't normally have as then you can do special moves in the special moves and your meter cost for everything is drastically reduced so your ability to spend all your meter on high damage combos is just way higher way more often than a normal character this is the main probably the main benefit outside of having access to awakening supers all the time they also build meter faster than normal characters as well in order to help with this kind of game plan of getting the resource and spending the burst offensively to do a lot of damage or create a unique situation nine meter right seven meter seems insignificant 40 43 meter right as opposed to 55 right it definitely definitely definitely adds up if i was hit this person again i would have 100 meter ready to go so that's another benefit of playing a shadow character for a quick reference of recommended so which characters like you should probably pick the shadow version over the normal version so can most people recommend you should play the shadow version yukari it's actually either or is fine i i believe most people say that the shadow version is better but the normal version is also very good uh i believe also shadow regular labyrinths is another one now until i think it's either or actually as with teddy meets it's pretty overwhelming that people say that the shadow version is better i guess it doesn't really matter for yukiko i believe the shadow version is better for narakami i actually am under the impression that the normal version is better yosuke i think either or is fine it should be shadow for her akiko i think either version is fine kanji actually i don't know yet i think either is probably fine and then for junebe a lot of people will say shadow is better for him and then risa is kind of unknown either or is fine so you can use this as a guideline in the comment section by the way if you guys want to correct me on this then by all means i am personally using yukari for this version of the game so i'm using shadowy card another thing that i'm going to explain that will help you a lot in this game is the attribute system so especially if you end up being interested in other arxis games because you're persona fan who's starting this game for the first time or maybe you're a dragon ball fighters player who is exploring the other arcs games a bunch of arc system works games use this system the attribute system so what is it so if we look at our lovely protagonist at the left side our copyright you can see he has a head and a chest and then like he's got some legs and some feet so in this game the characters bodies are actually split up into different parts it sounds really silly but then attacks have these properties as well so for example this move his 5b is a chest attack but the property is chest this is head head invincible against head moves almost all jump bits in the game are head properties where this is like a body type move where it's just general hitting all over i believe on top of my head there's like a foot tight move so what does this mean i say with liz i do this sweep sweeps our foot type so i could use something that's invincible to foot moves to go over the mini jump from before similarly sweeps are invincible to chest moves after after a certain time so if i time this right here i will never ever beat this sweep unless she doesn't leave she'll always win where if i use a body move i will win instead i'll win with this i will if i get a little bit closer oh when is this where to sweep we'll just always always always beat my 5b which is a chess title almost all air attacks in the game are head type moves it's a very few exceptions but they do exist and then two b's generally have some type of head invincibility in this game jumpings are still pretty good though but uh it's worth a shot especially if you play uh certain characters so just keep this in mind in case you feel like there's a move that is really hard to deal with and you don't know what to do you might want to see if there's like a special property on it where you could use another move to be invincible against it so that your opponent can't just do it over and over so let's talk about meter and cancels next real quick how do you get meter unlike most arcs's games you don't get meter for running forward a lot of arc system works games like guilty gear and dragon ball uh you get meter for running forward but this game you don't but this game has a couple of unique things where for example if you get the first hit you actually get a meter bomb that's reading the first hit as well as you get a small bonus for doing an auto combo and you get a bonus back to your burst you get your burst back a little bit faster if you do the full auto combo once you get 50 meter so you just get it by attacking you don't get a lot for defending unless you use the instant block mechanic which is like you block just before an attack hits you and you'll get a bunch of meter and you'll make the opponent less advantageous something you can practice later but just keep in mind you can get meter on defense pretty important once you get to 25 meter you can power up your special moves so where like you'll have this fireball normal fireball 2p6 once you get meter you can press both the buttons to do a powered up version skill boost so ex so this fireball turns into 236 cd which costs 25 meter has a bunch of special properties on it when you get to 50 so not only you get supers uh you still have your skill boost moves but you also have one more cancel so this is the game's rc roman cancel it's you cancel back into neutral state so you can do stuff that you can't do normally you can make up new ways to attack new combos things like that the only thing i would say about one more cancel is that there's a shortcut where if you hold forward you will dash automatically so if you if you run into a situation where you have to run right away you can input your uh one more cancel by holding forward and you will just hold forward in the case where for some reason you need to be holding down uh i think it's only is a meter thing you can even do it with uh with three and you will run this whole time you can see my last input is three so you also get access to defensive options the aforementioned guard cancel and guard cancel roll on top of that you also get access to the super cancel off dp so we're going to this a small segue into furious action i will make a video just on this because i want to talk about all the strategies you can use against furious action but everyone has one there are essentially five types of dps there is this this is the very standard if you've watched street fighter this is the just standard dp dragon punch is invincible you can cancel it into a super move on block run hit i'm not in our common players i don't got these but uh it is something you can do since i have this here i will show you the worst type which is the grab type this is invincible but it will lose to anything that beats a grab and you can also reject it with the throat tech that you saw before if i wasn't a bum there you go okay now yosuke has this this is a counter type dp so when someone activates it he'll parry and the labyrinth has a guard point so what this is is when you attack it so you guys hear that uh guard sound okay so when she does her dp it makes the same sound so even though you're hitting her the game is considering her as blocking sounds good in theory and she follows up with it so it sounds good in theory but it's weak to like fast moves or people who have cancels off the attacks they're using so it sounds good in theory but it's not so great shadowhavers is a little bit better than normal average by the way but it's not like the best thing and then the last one is arguably the best but has the second biggest downside arguably the best second biggest downside the last type of dp in my opinion technically the strongest type with one of the biggest weaknesses out of all them it is the persona dp it's when your persona does the dp for you what why can this be bad like what is bad about those the good news is usually they all have special effects or like it's really hard to bait them or something but the downside is if for whatever reason you do not have a persona you can't do the dp at all which is also a small little segue to the persona basic system in general those little cards you see underneath the health bars that's ap are your personal cards so those are what give you access to your c and d buttons so if someone were to let's say empty this let's say for fun for some reason then you would just not be able to use the c and d button at all you would not have access to your persona back until you uh fill it up again and it goes away for a while the more personal cards you have the longer you have to play without them too so it's it's pretty bad it's pretty pretty bad the other way you can stop them from using persona moves and thus persona dp is this you put on the silent status effect so the silent status effect same same type of thing i just cannot use bursts nor can i use my persona buttons that is pretty much it for the basics so there's still some mechanics that are in the game but these are like more advanced stuff this is uh just like a get your feet wet get familiar with the game and what's in the game and getting used to the terminology that people use everything else i generally assume that a total beginner is not watching so if you have any questions definitely feel free to leave them in the comments and people will definitely help you out with anything that you need you
Channel: LordKnight
Views: 46,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8UChzPtdsKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 50sec (1610 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2022
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