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The bees are coming Jillian the bees are coming Oh the bees are coming Jillian I was in there reading and were you reading a book about bees no I was in there reading a book and then I heard something buzzing and then I looked and I saw a bee and then I saw a lot of bees so I ran did you close the door no I didn't should I go back to close the door I'm not going back to close the door Addie everyone knows you're afraid of bees are you sure this isn't like the last time where it was just a piece of dust no it was right there and it was one of those black and yellow stinger having things you mean a bee there was a whole swarm of them in there giant they chased me out of the room I find it hard to believe that there's just a swarm of bees hanging out in our room well go check it out for yourself then that's just what I'll do fine hello any bees in here did you see the bees Jillian oh yeah the whole rooms filled with bees I'm covered in them ah you're awfully calm about it that's because there aren't any bees in here Addie and furthermore hey Addie the bees are coming oh really Addie that room is infested with bees crawling with bees well well well the girl who said that there is no bees suddenly sees a bunch of bees in the room hmm but the bees Addie the bees what are we supposed to do I'm pretty sure we should tell a parent it's apparent that we should tell a parent apparently what's this about meeting a parent Oh mommy perfect I don't know about perfect but what do you guys need mommy there's a bee invasion in our room they chased me they chased Jillian ah Jillian can you corroborate what your sister just said what does corroborate mean Wikipedia help uh yeah yeah there's bees in there did you try shooing them away uh no I was too busy being terrified to think of technical things like shooing them away I did wave my arms around a little bit while screaming well your instincts were right but let me go check this out be careful of the bees mommy the bees have a mommy everyone is a mommy joy but that's not what I meant I meant be careful of the bees, comma, mommy if anyone needs to be careful it's those bees do you think this is gonna turn out there's probably gonna be some screaming running possible stings you know all right you bees where are you hiding girls so I don't think there's any bees in here at all oh they're in there trust me yeah try waving around your arms and buzzing or something I'm not gonna do that girls what the bees are coming well we told you that there were bees in there I told Jillian that there were bees in that no one believes me but now she's a believer get it maybe we need a bee lever to remove the bees I think there's someone who could help us ramen man the dummy let's go get your father well I did say ramen man that's his secret identity Jillian secret come on girls what's he doing is he dabbing Bob we need some help here huh oh yeah what was that all about what oh you mean like this other kids call it Darbing it's called dabbing Bob there's bees in the girls room they swarmed around us they almost stung me on my wittle nose bees what kind the stingy kind the swarming kind I think it's Apis mellifera or the common European honey bee Apis mellifera? that's the worst kind of mellifera I better go check it out there he goes poor daddy poor naive daddy I guess we should have said goodbye to him girls he'll be fine I think your bees here bees bees bees bees girls I don't see any bees back here that's what they do they hide they try to undermine your credibility that's weird because I don't see any well that sounds like it's going well really the babies are coming because the bees are coming stop calling us girls well were girls majority rules mommy girls the room is infested with yes what are you George Thorogood now so what are we gonna do about those bees Bob yeah what are we gonna do about those bees Bob bees bob bees if only there was like some way we could you know exchange ideas or confer as a family together but I don't know you mean a family conference I think you've been a family conference family conference no I have a better idea family conference now what do you think we should do about the bees I think we should call an exterminator ok mommy thinks I can't handle this myself I think we should move to a new house that doesn't have bees in it ok Adi wants to throw money at the problem I think we should eradicate every bee from the face of the earth ok Jillian's being unusually violins today well what do you propose that we do this is when I break out my secret weapon that's Pam cooking spray well what are you gonna do cook them huh oh we really need to store these in different places huh isn't that for mosquitoes actually this repels all insects and last time I checked bees were it's a word again insects are they even insects they're kind of hairy they might be mammals no they're not mammals anyway a little bit of this and those bees will get taken care of trust me all right you bees I know you're hiding in here somewhere you're gonna pay for what you've done what have the bees done really well they've invaded our home for one all right bees this is your last warning hey Jillian is Pam spelled OFF no OFF spells off so you're telling me this isn't the Pam oh no daddy must have grabbed the wrong canister Bob you might want to hold up in there eh let him learn from his mistakes not now I'm just about ready to spray them with this Pam did you get stung no I think I got Pam in my eyes should we try that again with the right stuff this time no we've ruined the element of surprise family conference okay it's time for a plan B any ideas well technically they've all been a plan B yeah a plan to deal with the bees I still think we should call the exterminator okay mommy still thinks I'm in over my head maybe we can just wall off that room and sleep in the living room okay Addie still wants to throw money at the problem perhaps we can dress up as beekeepers to gain the bees trust and then swing at them with baseball bats okay Jillian's gone completely insane well do you have any more ideas biological welfare pretty sure that was forbidden by the Geneva Protocol oh not that kind of biological welfare I'm talking animal against animal I'm pretty sure that's also a legal no one needs to know about it anyway every time I take Miska for a walk she's snapping at every bee and insect she sees she's perfect for this I don't know Bob but if she gets done oh no she's protected by all that for she hasn't been stung yet come on alright Miska now the bees the bees are right back there okay so you're gonna go in and snap up all those bees and get rid of them and save the day okay ready go go go where'd she go Bob the dog just ran out of the room gee it didn't work what a surprise daddy we need to get out of here before the bees wise up yeah you're right come on well guys I'm out of ideas what do you got shouldn't there be an authority figure a queen bee ooh we could bribe her with our honey bear and I could bribe her with this crown after all she is the queen that seems a little big Addie if the school yard kids are right and the queen bee should be gigantic we can make this work come on so how do we get the queen bee to come out maybe there's some kind of queen bee call Addie do your stuff queen bee come out here Jillian look there she is the queen bee oh great queen bee we come in peace I didn't even bring Pam this time we bring you gifts of honey and a crown what do you say your majesty alright girls I'll hand them over to her be careful daddy it might be a trick there I think she likes them it's working the bees are starting to leave oh I'm already starting to miss them aren't you the one who wanted to attack them but she looks so cute with that crown well girls I guess you have your room back now well join I know what I want to do dance I'm only gonna do it if your dad will alright let's do this I thought you never asked see that like button be sure to click it follow us on Instagram for new pictures videos and stories every day check out our other two channels Babyteeth More and the Jillian & Addie channel thanks for watching bye
Channel: babyteeth4
Views: 1,813,635
Rating: 4.4885788 out of 5
Keywords: Babyteeth4, Jillian and Addie, Skit, Funny, Mini Movie, Bees, The Bees Are Coming, Funny bees, Bees chasing, Swarm, Bees in house, Squirrels Loose in the House
Id: t3Bzwg0gppk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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