The Beatitudes

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welcome back I'm Robert breaker and I've had a lot of people emailing me lately and asking me would you please talk about the Beatitudes and uh it wasn't just one or two or three people it was quite a few so I thought well I guess it's time to begin and do a little bible study about the Beatitudes what are they who are they written to when are they written for what is this all about there are many churches today that they preach only the Beatitudes and you go to many churches we used to have a joke that the way you knew a church was liberal and and didn't know the Bible and didn't know how to rightly divide is because you go in and they preach on the Beatitudes every Sunday so if you go to a church and that's all they ever preach on and they only preach from Matthew Mark Luke and John then you know that's a church that doesn't know how to rightly divide because all they know is how to read the first couple chapters of the Bible of the New Testament and uh that's all they know well there's a whole lot more to the Bible than just the first couple chapters of the New Testament so it's very important that we understand the that we know what the Beatitudes are but also where they are written to I looked up the word beatitude and again the word beatitude is not in the Bible uh there are a lot of words that men make up that are not in the Bible the doctrine may be in the Bible but the word is not but just because the word is not in the Bible doesn't mean we can't use the word for example the word Trinity we use the word Trinity why because the doctrine is clearly in the word of God it is one God with three Parts it is a Triune God how do we know this because uh 1 Thessalonians 5:23 says that we human beings are triart beings we have three parts and God said you're Spirit soul and body so God said in Genesis that he made Man In His Image well man is one person or one individual or one human being with three parts made in God's image which means one God three parts now the Bible term is godhead and I wish we would use that word more often rather than the the the the man-made word but I'm going to use the man-made word because the doctrine is in the Bible same thing with the Rapture the word rapture is not in the Bible but the doctrine is but this word Beatitudes isn't really even a Doctrine I guess you could call it a Doctrine but it's more just to a term that was made up to explain a certain thing that Jesus said in a certain place in the Bible and the word beatitude is from the Latin beatitudo which means happiness and so the word comes from Latin so it's Catholic in origin this word Beatitudes is is a Catholic word that's made up that's why I don't really like to talk about it if you look at the fruit the Bible says by your fruit you shall know them you look at the Catholic Church their doctrines their fruit you find a a so-called church that has a lot of false Doctrine and is guilty of the blood of many many many true Christians that it has killed over time in religious wars and Spanish Inquisition and things like that but let's look at this today we're going to look at what is called the Beatitudes the be Beatitudes as many people call it are said to be eight others say nine so they don't even tell you which one if it's eight or nine but they say it's either eight or nine blessings proclaimed by Jesus on The Sermon on the Mount well we will look at this shortly and I'll show you what these Beatitudes are these eight or nine depending on how many you want how you want to count it different things in which God said blessed be so and so blessed be such and such blessed and he said blessed blessed blessed and they call this the Beatitudes now there are many many what I like to call milk so-called Christian denominations today and they preach on the Beatitudes and pretty much nothing else it's like that's all they know is these eight or nine be attitudes and they preach on it all the time why do they put the emphasis on that and not on the thing that saves us what saves us is the gospel why aren't they preaching the gospel I don't understand so the Beatitudes are Tau today and they and many people that preach the Beatitudes they try to preach them for us today and they try to say and they go so far as to say well you need to know what the Bible says about the Beatitudes because this this is how you're saved is through the Beatitudes they'll they'll actually tell you that the Beatitudes are for today and and salvation can be found through these Beatitudes well that's not what the Bible teaches the Bible teaches that salvation is found through the writings and and Revelations and Mysteries and teachings of Paul because God revealed un Paul the gospel of Salvation And it is through that gospel that we are saved so many many times the people that you see preaching on Beatitudes they preach this rather than the true Gospel of Salvation I want to make that very clear now I also want to make very clear that I am not against anything that Jesus preached I'm not preaching against the Beatitudes they are in the Bible but I want to show you where they are in the Bible in their proper perspective in their proper context so that you may know what to do with them amen all the Bible is written for us that means we're to read all the Bible but not everything written in the Bible is doctrinally to us today so we have to understand that there are things in the Bible that apply to different time periods the Bible is a historical book some of the Bible is history the Bible is a doctrinal book but there are some doctrines that were for another time for another people that are not for today in order to understand the Bible you need to understand dispensations dispensational truth you need to rightly divide what does the Bible say go to 2 Timothy chapter 2:1 15 I know I mentioned this verse a lot but it's so important you can go to heaven Through the Bible the Bible says that it is the word of God and it gives us the way of Salvation the Bible teaches us how to go to heaven it teaches us the gospel of Salvation how to be saved so we can go to heaven but the Bible can also be used by people who twist the scriptures or change the scriptures or even take out of context passages and they'll teach a false Doctrine or they'll preach something that was for a different dispensation and they can end up going to H H because they didn't come to the true Gospel of Salvation so this is why we have a command in the Bible in 2 Timothy Chapter 2 and verse 15 and it says in 2 Timothy 2:15 study only if you have a King James Bible does it say study other Bibles I guess don't want you to study so they take out the word study what a dumb thing to do this is a command to study it says study to show thyself approved unto God a Workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of Truth so second Timothy 2:15 tells us to study amen for that and then it tells us to rightly not wrongly rightly divide well the problem is people wrongly divide quite frequently the Bible and by saying that the Beatitudes are for us today is wrongly dividing the word of Truth it was Jesus speaking and saying something but as we look at it I want you to ask does that sound Like Us in the church age that it was for us today let's look at that so let me write up here as uh briefly as I can and every week I I love to put up here this chart so that you can see the Bible many people have told me brother breaker it's a blessing that you put this up every week cuz I'm a visual person I need to see it uh as it's taught so I can understand it and other people say well you've laid out the Bible in such a way that it helps me to rightly divide and to understand so that's what we're trying to do we're trying to rightly divide and we're trying to understand and and make sure that we understand the Bible and are on the same page of understanding and that we're dividing it correctly that we're rightly dividing the word of truth that we're not twisting the scriptures or taking something that wasn't written for us to us and misapplying it that is taking something from a different dispensation so here's what happens today there are many so-called Christian Chris denominations in the world today many of them say oh we're Christians but when you begin to look at them and their Doctrine you find out that they are very shallow in their understanding of the scriptures and they are very shallow in their Doctrine for example there are some denominations that look at the Bible and they say oh the Bible yeah here it is okay Old Testament and they are so shallow in their Bible Understanding and not rightly dividing that they can't even make the most important important and most simple Bible division in the entire Bible and that is the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament remember we're supposed to rightly divide okay so we look at the Bible and the first thing we see there's two Testaments there's an Old Testament and a new testament but there are people in the world today that claim to be Christians that don't even make this distinction they don't even see this and so what you have is you have churches in which people say well if you want to get to heaven you have to keep the law and they say the law is essential for salvation well wait a minute the law is the Old Testament the Bible says the death of a testator starts a New Testament Jesus Christ died and when he shed his blood and died on the cross that started the New Testament we are no longer under the Old Testament we're in the New Testament hence the word Old Testament is not the new it's the old but yet there are people who believe well you got keep the law to get saved then why do we have a new testament if that's true let's throw the New Testament out and just go back under the old no no there is a new we need to find out why is there a new testament so some denominations don't divide the word of Truth at all rightly they want to live under this instead of coming over here to where we are today in a time of Grace the law is works for salvation the law is you keep these works you do do these works and you're saved the church age is all about Grace you're saved by grace through I know I'm in spelling through faith so there is a difference there is a division you must rightly divide you must see that in this time period you had to do something to get saved which was follow the law this time period we're saved by believing what Jesus has done for us so I like to say it this way the law is a due preaching and the gospel is its done in Christ and that's a good way to explain and to rightly divide and understand now people say well you're wrong we still keep the law you got to keep the law to be saved okay then why is Galatians 2:16 in the Bible go with me to Galatians chapter 2:16 and let's see if you have to keep the law to be saved is that what the Apostle Paul preaches are you saved by the law Galatians 216 what does it say Galatians 21:16 says kn that a man is Justified uh knowing that a man is not justified by The Works of the law but by the faith of Jesus Christ so it says we know that a man is not justified by The Works of the law the law can't save you Paul says we know that well not everyone knows that there are people that are still thinking they need to keep the law to get saved they don't know they haven't rightly divided the word of Truth they haven't looked at the scriptures and said okay I'm going to follow it the way it's written and understand it so they have a misunderstanding I'll read it again knowing that a man is not justified by The Works of the law but by the faith of Jesus Christ even we have believed in Jesus Christ so faith believing is what saves and not by The Works of the law for by The Works of the law shall no flesh be justified so we cannot be justified or saved today by keeping the law okay so we're rightly dividing the word of Truth when did the New Testament start it started when Jesus died the Beatitudes were something that Jesus said in his Earthly min Ministry when was he Jesus's Earthly Ministry well clearly that was right here right before Jesus Christ died for three and a half years he walked on the earth in his Earthly Ministry and this is when the Beatitudes were taught I I'll put given or spoken this is when Jesus Christ gave the Beatitudes well if this is when the Beatitudes were given this was before the New Testament if we're in the New Testament this is something Jesus said in the Old Testament so does it apply to today that's a good question if it was something said before Jesus died then we have to remember and as we rightly divide oh that was back then Jesus said that does it apply to us today for salvation is this the way that we are saved by what Jesus said back then before he even died on the cross what is the Beatitudes what is it for who is it to well according to the Bible Jesus in his Earthly Ministry when he came he said he came only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel so everything from here back is all having to do with Israel well let me put it in blue so we have a different color there got a big spot there but oh well so this is all having to deal with Israel so when Jesus comes in his Earthly Ministry what is he doing he's dealing with Israel so does that does that mean that the Beatitudes have to do with Israel we're going to find out about that in a little bit but let me give you a a little bit of right Division I know some of you already know this but under the Old Testament it was do these law do the law do the law do the law but in the New Testament it's oh you're not saved by The Works of the law well after Jesus died he sent out the Jews for a time to preach to the Jews and he preached to those Jews and when he did he preached what we call the apostles Doctrine and what was the apostles Doctrine it was Ste to Jews acts 238 is a good example and it was repent and be baptized so water baptism now are we saved today by water baptism let me say it a different way do we receive the Holy Spirit today by water baptism I'll put some blue up here for the water well clearly this was not for us today this was clearly something that was preached to the Jews and water baptism is clearly for Jews as you go back to John the Baptist he was the one came came that was baptizing they said why are you baptizing Mr John the Baptist he says well I'm baptizing to make Jesus manifest to who Israel so you got the water baptism thing going on now are we saved today the same way through water baptism no the Apostle Paul he someone asked how must I what must I do to be saved Acts chapter um acts 1611 excuse me acts 16:30 and 31 I'm thinking King James Bible 1611 acts 16331 believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved when you believe is when you receive the the the Holy Spirit Ephesians 1:13 after whom you trusted then you're sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise so as we rightly divide as we study the Bible we see it change and we see it going from doing works and having to do some sort of a work to salvation by grace through faith without works and you're saved by simply believing so water baptism is not essential for salvation that is we are not saved by water baptism we're saved by simply trusting in the gospel the gospel of Salvation is what saves us or the better way to say it is through faith in his blood faith in the blood of Jesus Christ so the gospel is what saves us today trusting the gospel what is the gospel you know 1 Corinthians 15 1-4 amen I hope you know so the early part of the church was the Jews and it was still a Doctrine being preached to Jews until Along came a guy named Paul so we have the apostle Paul here Peter was the big dude first and then God told Peter to go to Gentiles now let me let me say something here very important I'm not a hyperd dispensationalist I'm a Bible believer but I point this out some might say well you're a hyper dispensationalist because you believe that no no no no let me show you what a hyperd dispensationalist believes a hyper dispensationalist believes that the church didn't start until the Apostle Paul and so all these early disciples and all these early Jews that believed in Jesus they're not part of the body of Christ I do not believe that the Bible clearly tells us that the body of Christ started at the cross and that it was founded with the apostles so those early Jews that got saved are part of the body of Christ they just didn't know there was such a thing as the body of Christ that was a revelation given to the Apostle Paul you see God gave Paul Paul certain Revelations and Mysteries and that's why Paul is in the Bible yet many many many so-called Christian denominations today they don't understand the Bible they don't rightly divide they don't know what to do with the Apostle Paul so they say well Paul shouldn't be in the Bible and then they try to get under this Doctrine or this Doctrine or this Doctrine and leave out the doctrine of the church age that is New Testament the heart of New Testament Doctrine Paul's Mysteries Revelations the things that God revealed un Paul as Paul is the that God chose to use in the church age to do what to get Gentiles saved so when the church age was going on it started with these Jews but the nation of Israel rejected their Messiah so God started saving these people over here Gentiles so today salvation is through Paul well let me explain it correctly salvation is through Jesus Christ trusting what Jesus did but you don't understand that you don't know that you don't hear that unless you come to the Revelation that Jesus gave to Paul and that is of the Gospel that were to trust the blood atonement so Gentiles and Jews people have asked me what about Jews can't they get safe today yes but they get Sav today the same way we do they must trust 1 Corinthians 15 1-4 so here's the Bible rightly divided now what happens at the Rapture at the Rapture the church leaves when the the church leaves at the Rapture then it goes back to the Jews so the Jews will be in the tribulation period and the Jews will God will begin to deal with now after the Armageddon the battle of Armageddon well the millennial Kingdom will be the church glorified and their glorified bodies and then it'll be Jews in their natural bodies because you see the Jews will make it through the tribulation and all the Jews will have a natural body in the Thousand-Year Millennial reign of Christ now there may be some Gentiles that make it into the Millennium I'm not going to go there today that's a interesting thought don't have time to talk about that but I want you to see rightly dividing the word of Truth now as we rightly divide the word of Truth and we see that we are here in the church age under the teachings and preachings and Revelations and Mysteries of Paul then it's through Paul's Epistles that we find that salvation is by grace through faith it's not water baptism that saves us it's not keeping the law that saves us Paul is clear you're saved by grace through faith alone without works now with that stated what are the Beatitudes and where do they apply well the answer is they are actually more than just Matthew 5 3-12 the Beatitudes really if you want to look at the whole thing in context is really Matthew Chapter 5 through Matthew chapter 7 so let me write that up here use a different color here the Beatitudes really are the Book of Matthew all of chapter 5 through all of chapter 7 and this is Jesus preaching in his Millennial about his Millennial Kingdom so what Jesus is preaching about when he comes and he preaches about this thing called the be attitudes Jesus is preaching about when he comes in his kingdom let's look at this Matthew chapter 4 all right the Beatitudes are found in Matthew Chapter 5 so here's a chapter before for context we should always look at the context of passages many so-called denominations so frequently pull things out of context Matthew CH 4 and: 23 we read and Jesus went about all Galilee teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the Kingdom now the word gospel means good news so Jesus came preaching the Good News of the kingdom and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people so what is the kingdom well there are two kingdoms in the Bible there's the Kingdom of Heaven and the kingdom of God yes they are different some people make fun and Mock and tell the Kingdom of Heaven the kingom of God they're the same thing well then why are they different the very names are different why would you say they're the same if it one is the Kingdom of Heaven the other is King well you look in the Bible it says the kingdom of God is Not Me meat and drink but righteous joy and peace in the Holy Ghost in Luke it says the kingdom of God is within you the Kingdom of Heaven is without so you look at the passages in the Bible between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven you find out that the kingdom of God and I'll abbreviate the k o g is a spiritual Kingdom and when you're saved you're born again you're part of the kingdom of God the Kingdom of Heaven is a physical Kingdom and the Kingdom of Heaven is when Jesus Christ is reigning on Earth in the Millennium for a thousand years so what this is this Kingdom of Heaven is the the reign of Jesus Christ as king it's Jesus reigning on Earth in throne in Jerusalem so when Jesus Christ came who did he come to Matthew 15:24 Jesus Christ is speaking and Jesus Christ says I am not sent but to the lost sheep of the House of Israel so Jesus Christ's Ministry was for Israel so Jesus came to Israel a Jew going to the Jews and in his ministry he went to them telling them I am come to bring in the kingdom and what he meant was this literal Thousand-Year Reign that's what he wanted to come for when he was born these wise men came and in Matthew chap 2 and: 2 they said where is he that is Born the king of the Jews a king has a kingdom so Jesus Christ was born the king of the Jews for what to literally physically Reign here on Earth over the Jews that was why he came now you say well why didn't he do that because the nation of Israel Ed him as their Messiah so now we're in this period the spiritual Kingdom now we're in a time where people are saved by grace through faith and there is a postponement God has postponed this Kingdom of Jesus until the Jews come back and they must come back now Paul talks about in Ro Romans chap 11 how blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in now in Acts chapter 1 after Jesus Christ rose from the dead Acts chapter 1 the apostles they saw Jesus as he was the king of the Jews coming to reign in his kingdom and so Jesus rose again from the dead they asked him in Acts 1:6 when they therefore were come together they asked of him saying Lord will thou at this time restore the kingdom to Israel verse 7 and he said unto them it is not for you to know the times of the seasons which the father hath put in his own power so he's saying look I'm not going to tell you when I'm going to come to roll for a thousand years you don't need to know you just go do what I told you what did God tell them to do to go to the Jews and in Acts chapter 7 the Jews as a nation said that's it we reject the Messiah for the final time by the stoning of Steven and step says I see Jesus in heaven standing on the right hand of God why was he standing because he could have come back Jesus Christ right there and set up his kingdom over here but because they rejected him Jesus set back then God went to Paul now we're in the church age a time of Grace we said by grace through faith God is dealing more with the Gentiles than with the Jews today so the kingdom is on hold this Millennial kingdom is still future of a thousand years how do we know though that what I'm telling you is the truth well go to Luke chapter 1 when Jesus Christ came he came as the Messiah the king of the Jews the promised seed and he came to do what was prophesied of him which was to Reign well has Jesus reigned yet no he has not reigned on this Earth as the king yet but he will in the future when he sits in Jerusalem literally and Reigns but look at Luke 131 Luke 1:31 all the way down to verse 33 we read this is the angel coming to Mary and telling her about Jesus and he says and behold verse 31 Thou shalt conceive in thy womb and Sh bring forth a son and they shall call his name Jesus he shall shall be great and shall be called the son of the highest and the Lord God shall give unto him the Throne of his father David verse 33 and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever and of his kingdom there shall be no end now is Jesus Christ literally sitting sitting on the throne in Jerusalem right now on the throne of David ruling over Jacob or the Jews or Israel no he's up in heaven he's waiting to do that and he will come back at the battle of Armageddon and that's when he will set up his throne but the Jews rejected their Messiah that's why we're in this time that's why we're here and it's all about that rain when Jesus comes to rain but he's not rainning yet I had somebody write the other day and say well I watched your video on the postponement Theory and you're so wrong there's no postponement well then Jesus Christ should literally be sitting on the earth reigning in the Throne of David right now and he's not he doesn't do that until the future we're told in the Book of Revelation that of his kingdom there will be no end and he will literally Reign upon the Earth and Rule how long will Jesus Rule and Reign well God revealed that information to the Apostle John so we go to the Book of Revelation chap 20 and look what we see Revelation 21 20 and verse one says and I saw an angel from come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit and the great chain in his hand and he laid hold on the dragon that old serpent which is the devil and Satan and bound him a thousand years when Jesus comes at Armageddon he takes the devil and Bounds him a thousand years and then we read here that uh it continues there verse two says a thousand years verse three a thousand years now in verse four toward the end of the verse it says and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years so when Jesus comes back at Armageddon he destroys the Antichrist he puts the the devil in into the lake a lake of fire into down to the Center of the Earth for a th000 years and Jesus literally Reigns for a th years and someone's reigning with him who would that be we that go at the Rapture will come back in our glorified bodies and reign with Jesus Christ and the Jews that make it through the tribulation in their natural bodies will live with Jesus and they'll probably live really close to A Thousand Years you say I don't believe that well go back to the first of the Bible Genesis and there we have a guy named uh Adam and he lived 900 and was it 960 something 9 something years and then people after him lived 800 700 so there was a time in history when people lived almost a thousand years that's when there was no curse upon the Earth well Jesus comes back and Reigns for a thousand years there'll be no curse on the earth so people will live hundreds of years as a matter of fact uh in Isaiah it talks about the millennial Kingdom of Christ and it says a child shall die a a young man at a hundred years old so if it's a child at a hundred that sounds like they're going to live to 800 900 years old in the millennial Kingdom again so here we have what the Bible teaches as we rightly divide the word of Truth now I'm going to get to the Beatitudes here in a minute but I'm trying to set this up so that you'll see when Jesus is speaking of the Beatitudes what he is speaking about he's speaking to Jews about the kingdom in which he will reign over them that's the context and that's what the teaching is about so Jesus Christ had two reasons to come to this earth Jesus coming to this earth his purpose was twofold number one he was to come to reign as the king of the Earth for a thousand years number two he came to die for the sins of the world well he accomplished that he died on the cross for our sins he had to do that before he could Reign that was his number one purpose of coming was to die for the sins of the world and then if his people Jews would have accepted him then he could have come as the king so he came first as a lamb and then he comes as a lion at Armageddon to defeat his enemies and set up his kingdom but Jesus had to die 1 Timothy 1:15 says this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save Sinners so Jesus came into the world with a purpose I'm coming to die for their sins the Bible says that he is the propitiation in 1 John 2:2 speaking about Jesus Christ it says and he is the prop iation for for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world so Jesus Christ died for the sins of the whole world and I'm so glad he did I'm so glad he did but what are the Beatitudes well nowhere in the Beatitudes does Jesus talk about his dying on the cross for our sins the dying on the cross for our sins being buried and rose risen again and salvation is by faith through trusting in that the blood atonement was something that God gave to Paul to run with and preach and so that was Paul's Ministry is to preach that but that's not found in the Beatitudes in Jesus ministry his focus when he was to the Jews was to tell them more about here it comes here it comes here it comes this is what I got for you is this rain but because they rejected him then he says okay my other purpose to come was to die for the sins of the world so go ahead and tell everybody in the world that I died for their sins and if they want to be saved they have to trust what I've done for them so we have a two-fold purpose of the coming of Jesus Christ his purpose was to save Sinners and to sit on his throne now with that we clearly see what the Beatitudes are and when where and to whom they apply my former Pastor used to that Matthew chap 5-7 was the constitution of the millennial Kingdom because Matthew Chapter 5 6 and 7 Jesus gets a whole bunch of Jews together on the mountain and begins to talk to them and gives them what many call The Sermon on the Mount and basically he's telling them this is what it will be like when I'm reigning on the earth for a thousand years so we call it the constitution of Jesus's Millennial Kingdom that's what the Beatitudes are that's what Matthew chap 5 6 and 7 are Jesus is telling them this is what it will be like in this time period the end of the of the world the last thousand years in which I'm literally reigning here on Earth so the Beatitudes are Jesus telling what it will be like during his Millennial Reign now with that as context let's go to Matthew Chapter 5 I'll read the entire chapter but remember verses 1 through 13 are what they call the Beatitudes and they all start with blessed this blessed that blessed this blessed are they blessed are they blessed are they let's see we can figure out who the they is that Jesus is talking about because it is in error to say that the Beatitudes apply to the church age now yes you can make some spiritual applications but a physical literal application of the Beatitudes is Jesus telling about his Millennial Kingdom and what it'll be like during that time and actually a little before that actually in the tribulation you see during the tribulation that's God preparing the Jew used for the Millennium the tribulation is called Daniel's 70th week it's also called the time of Jacob's trouble it's a time in which God prepares the Jews and readies them to re to accept Jesus Christ as their Messiah so let's read Matthew chap 5 and let's read what's called the Beatitudes the happiness it doesn't sound very happy of the things you read here but uh let's see what the Beatitudes say and see if what I'm telling you isn't the truth and see if people that try to apply the Beatitudes today aren't twisting them out of their proper context because the Beatitudes point the Jews to what things will be like when Jesus is reigning here on Earth go to Matthew 5:1 and seeing the multitudes he went up into a mountain and when he was set his disciples came unto him verse two and he opened his mouth and taught them saying so Jesus is teaching his disciples but anyone else who came this is what they call The Sermon on the Mount and what he's preaching if you look at this as we will I'm going to read the whole chapter might as well I want you to see how many things Jesus says that are pure works I mean this Sermon on the Mount these Beatitudes it's just works works works works works works works Works Jesus is telling people you got to do this you got to do this you got to do this you got to do this you got to do this you got to do are we saved by works today a thousand times no Paul says we're saved by grace through faith without works so if Jesus is telling somebody do good works do good works do good works and the Apostle Paul says no you're not saved by works we have a problem either there's a contradiction in the Bible or there are dispensations and that is there are different time periods in which God deals with different people in different ways and the works is over here during the millennial Kingdom salvation is by works I had a guy write to me and asked me about that and I said well well think about it what does the Bible say faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of Things Not Seen we are safe today by faith because we haven't seen Jesus so we take by faith that these things the Bible says happen really happened and our trueth so by faith I believe but I've never seen Jesus Christ when he comes back at Armageddon and sits on the throne for a thousand years how can a person be saved by faith he can't because he'll literally see Jesus sitting on the throne so the millennial Kingdom salvation will be by works not by faith you can't have faith in the Millennium because faith is believing in things you can't see you can see Jesus for a thousand years sitting on his throne so it's a Works gospel in the millennial Kingdom well Matthew Chapter 5 look at verse three here's the first one of the Beatitudes blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven the poor in spirit what does that mean poor in spirit well we aren't poor in spirit today cuz when we're saved we're sealed with the holy spirit of God so we have his holy spirit there will be some people that are poor of the spirit what does it mean to be poor of something means you don't have much of well the holy spirit is taken out at the Rapture and the Bible says that God will pour out his Spirit on some Jews is in the tribulation but there'll be very few people that have the Holy Spirit and it says poor blessed are the poor what does it mean poor well during the tribulation it says there's going to be the mark of the beast and the Antichrist will say take my Mark or else I'll cut your head off and people that flee and Jesus saves them like the Jews won't be able to buy or sell without the mark so they're going to be poor they're not going to have much food and probably not much money so blessed are the poor in the spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven There It Is Kingdom of Heaven is the millennial Kingdom so clearly Jesus Christ and speaking of the Beatitudes is telling the Jews of his day blessed are you if you're poor in spirit in the tribulation because you will come and you will get the Kingdom of Heaven in the millennial it's so simple if you simply rightly divide verse four blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted all right who's mourning well there's a lot of people that would be mourning in the tribulation because a lot of bad stuff happens Jesus comes back at Armageddon and takes the Jews and puts them back into Israel and he reigns over Israel and he Comforts them and they will certainly be comforted knowing the Messiah has come and now he's ruling in his kingdom the very thing we were hoping would happen back here verse five blessed are the meek now watch what this says in verse five blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the what the Earth I put right after this verse in my Bible in a note I wrote parentheses in the Millennium so blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth who inherits the Earth the people that make it through Daniel's 70th week the time of Jacob's trouble the people that make it through the tribulation they inherit the earth which is what Jesus inherits when he comes back at Armageddon and defeats the Antichrist and he sits and Reigns for a thousand years and he says to those Jews that make it through the tribulation hey the Earth is Yours come come enjoy the Earth and they inherit it and enjoy it in their natural bodies now I mean it's so plain if you simply rightly divide and read the word of truth how you can try to apply apply the Beatitudes to us today is just crazy in verse um six blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled so there are some people that are hungry and thirsty and they need to be filled filled with what well they're hungry and they're thirsty in the tribulation they don't have much food they'll be filled with food but uh righteousness filled with righteousness is what the context is well when we get Sav today the Apostle Paul says we're Justified and that we have Jesus Christ imputed righteousness to us when we believe and we're saved and we're sealed with the holy spirit so obviously Jesus isn't talking about the church age being filled with righteousness we have Christ righteousness when we believe somebody over here needs it so it's definitely the beatitude speaking about the millennial Kingdom verse 7 blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain Mercy well in this time period of the tribulation another thing that Jesus said when he was in his Earthly Ministry to the Jews he said uh blessed are you when you clothe the naked and and feed the hungry and do all this because he says you're not just doing it to them they're doing it to me Jesus says so basically Jesus is saying hey when there comes a time when people are hungry and naked you help them when do you think there'll be a time when Jews will see other Jews hungry and naked the tribulation their trouble the time of Jacob's trouble that's when Jews are going to have to get together and help each other out and those Jews that help other Jews when Jesus comes he says hey good job good job I I was glad you were merciful to others they obtain Mercy in the millennial Kingdom verse 8 blessed are the the pure in heart for they shall see God now wait a minute blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God has anybody seen God here I don't see Jesus Christ I'm looking forward to the Rapture when I will see him but guess what here's the millennial Kingdom when Jesus comes back at Armageddon every eye shall see them people will see God the Bible says the people with the mark of the beast will be cast into hell but the people that make it through the tribulation without the mark of the beast that are that are mostly Jews there might be some Gentiles they will see God for a thousand years sitting on the throne do you see how this is clearly a passage speaking about the millennial reign of Jesus Christ about the millennial Kingdom blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God verse n blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God well who's somebody that wants to make peace somebody that doesn't want to fight so it's all about peace verse 10 blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven Again Kingdom of Heaven Millennial Kingdom persecuted for righteousness sake well during the tribulation the devil persecutes the woman which is Israel verse 11 blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake so during the the tribulation many Jews will realize that Jesus was their Messiah and they will accept Jesus as their Messiah and they will be persecuted and ridiculed and mocked and made fun of today in Israel there are a lot of Jews that are waking up to the fact that Jesus was the Messiah and they're saying wow and guess what they're being persecuted by other Jews for saying that but when the 144 Witnesses thousand Witnesses show up and the two witnesses show up uh and they're saying Jesus is the Messiah a lot more Jews are going to believe verse 12 rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you which by the way were Jewish prophets verse 13 ye are the salt of the earth but if the salt have lost its Savor wherewith shall it be salted is henceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and watch the word he used here he says the word and be trodden underfoot of men Jesus says you are the salt of the earth and he said you'll be trodden underfoot I looked up the word trodden in the King James Bible and the other time that it shows up is in the Book of Revelation Revelation 14:20 is the word trodden and in Revelation 14:20 we read these words and guess what it's talking about Armageddon Revelation 14:20 says and the wine press was trodden without the city and blood came out of the wine press even unto the horse bridles by the space of 1,600 furlongs now what is it talking about verse 19 the Great wine press of the wrath of God Jesus comes back and he stamps out his enemies at the battle of Armageddon like a man Stomps on grapes and all the enemies of Jesus Christ are trodden underfoot when Armageddon the whole context of the Beatitudes Matthew 5-7 is Jesus talking about a future time of tribulation for the Jews of Armageddon and his Millennial Kingdom the Kingdom of Heaven the Thousand-Year Reign when Jesus literally rules on the Earth why would someone try to take you to Matthew chap 5-7 and tell you that's how you get saved Jesus isn't talking to the church age and to Christians about how to get saved by works he's talking to future people how to be saved in the tribulation and the Millennium by doing good works and how should they should endure in that time period Matthew chapter 5 verse 14 you are the light of the world many people read the Bible and say that's talking to Christians we are the light of the world well yeah in other places we we do read that you know we as Christians we we called the light because we have the light of the gospel and today we are the light of the world but is this what Jesus is talking about as to Christians look at the next part of the verse verse 14 ye are the light of the world a city that is on a hill cannot be hid hm let me think is there a city somewhere that's on a hill that cannot be oh Jerusalem sits on a hill and Jesus was on top of a hill giving the sermon of the mount and right there was Jerusalem on the hill do you think maybe when Jesus was talking to these Jews about this future Kingdom that he says that City over there on the hill cannot be hid and he's talking to Jews about Jerusalem and he's talking about this time he's not talking to the church today y you think maybe that's that's what he's saying I think the context proves that 15 neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but on a Candlestick and it giveth light unto all that are in the house let your light so shine before man 16 that you may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven so good works this is all about doing good and good works we're not saved today by Good Works after we're saved we should do good works yes but good works do not save us we're saved by faith today but at that time it's all about doing good and doing good works uh verse 177 think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets I not come to destroy but fulfill 18 for verily I say unto you till Heaven and Earth pass one jot or one tit shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled 19 whosoever therefore shall come shall break one of these least Commandments and shall teach men so he shall be called the least in when the kingdom of heaven so in this time time period the Millennium they're saved by works keeping the Commandments but whosoever shall do and teach them the same Shall be Called great in the Kingdom of Heaven which is the millennial Kingdom verse 20 for I say to you that accept your righteousness they'll exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees ye shall in no case enter into the Kingdom of Heaven wait a minute I he says except your righteousness what ises he talking about I have Christ's righteousness according to Paul when I got saved why would I need to be righteous of my own in my own righteousness Paul says I don't want to be found in my own righteousness so obviously this Beatitudes is not applying to the church age in the kingdom of God the spiritual Kingdom obviously Jesus is speaking of the Kingdom of Heaven in a time in which people have to do works and God judges them by how good they do their works and they're saved by works and not by faith alone because faith is the substance of things hoped for evidence of things not seen and you see God in the millennial Kingdom so we are saved by faith today in the church age they are saved by works in the millennial Kingdom now some people don't like that there's a lot of people out there that don't rightly divide the word of Truth and they say terribly stupid dumb things proving that they are Bible ignoramuses and very shallow in their Bible Understanding for example they say people are saved the same in the Old Testament as in the New Testament is that true uh uh well we just looked at it over here they had to do Works under the law and I've showed you verses in other videos that their Works Jesus says this shall be your righteousness that you do these works in the millennial Kingdom it says you have to have your righteousness better than the righteousness of the Pharisees so you have to do these Works to be saved yet here we're not saved by works not the same different dispensations people say well people are saved the same way throughout the whole bible really you ask them well how are they saved throughout the whole Bible they're all saved by faith oh yeah yeah how's a guy saved by faith in the Millennium when you can't have faith in the Millennium because faith is a substance of things hoped for the evidence Things Not Seen according to Hebrews chapter 1 11 verse one and you see God in the Earth how how do you put your faith where's the faith you were doing good work works it doesn't make sense people don't read the Bible they don't study the Bible they're very shallow in their understanding they don't rightly divide you read the Bible you understand there is a time period when people aren't saved by faith they have to do works in the millennial Kingdom matter of fact in the millennial Kingdom if a man sins God can literally cast them into Hell Fire right there in the millennial Kingdom I don't have time to get to that verse but it's there we we will get to a verse close to that in verse 30 30 and 29 let me continue reading we'll be done here we stopped here in verse 20 verse 21 you have heard that it was said by them of old time Thou shalt not kill and whosoever shall kill shall be a danger of the Judgment but I say unto you that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment and whosoever shall say to his brother rqa shall be in danger of the counsel what council is he talking about well there's a Jewish Council so he must be talking to Jews and it says uh but but whosoever shall say thou fool shall be in danger of Hell Fire Jesus says if you say thou fool you just might be cast straight into hell the very moment that you say that verse 23 therefore thou bring thy gift to the altar the altar why there's no Altar for us today the altar is a Jewish thing bring thy gift to The Altar and go thy way first be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift agree with thine adversary quickly whilst thou are in the way lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge and the judge delivered thee to the officer and thou be cast into prison verily I say unto thee verse 26 Thou shalt by no means come pass come out till thou Hast paid the uttermost faring he's talking about Jesus how the government will be during the time of Jesus when he's reigning and when people do wrong they'll immediately go to jail and have to pay it will be a I don't want to say cruel but it will be a very um very Stern rule that Jesus has he won't let them get away with stuff well verse 27 says ye you have heard that it was said by them of old time Thou shalt not commit adultery but I say to you that whosoever lookth on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart 29 if th right I offend thee pluck it out and cast it from thee for it is profitable for thee and one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell now wait a minute when a person dies their soul goes to hell why does the B Bi Bible say here your whole body be cast into hell when would somebody's body be cast into hell people's Soul Goes to Hell the body goes to the Earth but this verse says someone's body is cast into hell well in the Bible we're told that during the tribulation period there's an earthquake that takes place on the earth when Jesus comes back at Armageddon there's an earthquake that takes place and it looks like what happens is the earth actually opens and and according to Old Testament passages when the devil is put down here into hell people could lit look down on him it says and say is this the man that deceived the whole earth so it appears to me that in the tribulation and that Armageddon a hole opens up in the earth going all the way down into hell and it sounds like Jesus is saying that in this Millennial Kingdom if you do anything wrong that's guilty of death he they'll literally pick you up in your body and throw your whole body straight down into the pit that's what it sounds like now look at this verse 30 Matthew 5:30 says If thy right hand defend thee cut it off and cast it from thee for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell now wait a second why would Jesus Christ tell someone if your right hand offends you what would it be in your right hand or about your right hand that would offend you so much that you say ah I got to cut it off I got to cut it off well my old Pastor thought about this and it makes sense in the tribulation is the mark of the what the Beast the Bible says that the mark of the beast will be in the right hand or in the forehead when Jesus comes at Armageddon the Book of Revelation says when he comes back and he finds people with the mark of the beast those people with the mark of the beast will be cast into hell bodily so if you have the mark of the beast you go to hell could it be that Jesus is saying hey you're a Jew and you took the mark of the beast then you see that I'm the Messiah and it offends you that you have the mark of the beast and you really want Jesus instead if you see me coming back at the battle of Armageddon maybe you should just cut that off and throw it from you so that when I come back and find you I find you with a stub rather than the mark of the devil I mean that's what it sounds like rather than you cast into hell verse 31 it had been said whosoever shall put put away his wife let him give her a writing of divorcement 32 but I say unto you that whosoever shall put away his wife saving for the cause of fornication causeth her to commit adultery whosoever shall marry her that his divorce committeth adultery verse 33 again you have heard that it been said of them of old time th shall not swear of for swear thyself but Thou shalt perform unto the Lord thine Oaths verse 34 but I say unto you swear not at all neither by heaven for it is God's Throne neither by the Earth for it is his foot stol neither by Jerusalem for it is the city of the Great King verse 36 neither shalt thou swear by thy head neither because thou cast not make one hair white or black 37 but let your communication be yay yay nay nay for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil verse 38 ye have heard that it have been said an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth but I say unto you that ye resist not evil but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek turn to him the other also and if any man will sue thee at law and take away thy coat let him have thy cloak also and whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile go with them Twain give to them that ask thee and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away and just a little bit further we're done with the chapter you have heard that it has been said Thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy but I say unto you love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully you despitefully use you and persecute you that you may be the children of your father which is in heaven for for he maketh his son to rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust 46 for if you love them which love you what reward have ye do not even the publicans the same and if you salute your brethren only what do ye more than others do not even the publicans so now verse 38 the last verse in chapter 5 now I'm not even going to read chapter 6 or 7 I'll ask you to read those on your own but as you read chapter 5 and and and 6 and 7 it still sounds a lot like the millennial Kingdom but uh look what he says here in the very last verse verse 48 be therefore perfect even as your father which is in heaven is perfect one a thing to say to somebody you be perfect or else we who are saved we are perfect in Christ he has perfected us he has forgiven us as far as God's concerned we have no sin because our sins are washed in the blood in the millennial Kingdom salvation is by works you have to live a perfect life and do right or else you're going to pay every time you sin because Jesus Christ will be on earth and he knows when you sin and there are going to be all these glorified people that were Church age saints that are going to be in this time period in glorified bodies and I've often wondered if if we who are saved when we come back at Armageddon with Jesus and we're a thousand years reigning with Jesus in our glorified bodies we weren't going to be like the police we'll be like the Angels the Bible said so you're like an angel and you'll be maybe the policemen during that time you'll be ruling and reigning so you'll be like a mayor or a governor or a policeman and Jesus's job in the Millennium for you might be whenever someone sins you go over and take care of it Bible says we shall judge the world Paul says that so can you imagine a person that makes it in this Thousand-Year reign he makes it into a dictatorship basically Jesus is the dictator of the whole world and he sets up a thousand years in which He Reigns as king and he won't put up with anything and you'll have all these glorified people going around looking at everything that these Jews do in their natural body and as soon as someone sins it'll be our job to go okay come on and throw them in jail or if they commit sin cast them into hell it'll be great for those that want to do right it'll be hell on Earth for those that like to sin Jesus won't put up with sin so I hope that did a good job of explaining the Beatitudes I hope you understand now what the Beatitudes are the Beatitudes were Jesus saying to the Jews blessed are they that do this this and this when he says they who's he talking to the people that go through the tribulation and make it into this you can take the Beatitudes as some Churches do and try to apply them to today spiritually say things like well we're we are blessed when we make peace G you know we are blessed when we do this but doctrinally literally what it's talking to is Jesus to Jews talking about what will happen over here so be careful of any church that doesn't rightly divide and doesn't understand these things I hope this is a blessing to you I hope this explains very well what the Beatitudes are and I hope you read the entire Bible but I hope you rightly divide thank you for watching we'll see you next week
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 61,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Beatitudes, Jesus' Beatitudes, The kingdom of Jesus, the millennium
Id: CBd_TPAD4g4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 30sec (3630 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2017
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