The Beast Of The Barren Lakes: "A Story Nobody Wants To Publish" | full Dogman SeriesBy:CreepyAus

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[Music] the beasts of the barren lakes an unexplained news story that nobody wants to publish let's get straight into that and when they came upon the clearing the men were struck by fear such that some among the men began wailing for the Beast they had seen fall dead with their own eyes the Beast into which to score men had dispensed the contents of their rifles was nowhere to be found the Beast of Gevaudan had survived to vanish right before their very eyes unknown author circa 1785 I've always been into the strange in the mysterious stories of unknown beasts and weird phenomena drove me to study science and when the reality of scientific work left me charred and burnt out to journalism I make my living writing about the weird and wonderful things that make our world so interesting whether historical or current and that takes me all over the country and sometimes even further abroad it seems though that there is someone who doesn't want this story getting out no one will touch it and even my own blog has mysteriously shut down after I posted part of it there and so I'm doing what any self-respecting freelancer would do and turn into the wider Internet I have no idea who is suppressing it or how or why but I need to get it out there the story came to me completely by accident I was researching a historical piece involving a supposed medium who operated in a rural New South Wales in 1800s when I came across a tiny snippet on the internet forum the basic gist of it seemed to be that this farmer had been losing cattle in gruesome fashion and at an alarming rate and had reached his wit's end he provided a little more info than that really but for some reason tuition kicked in I had planned to go out to the area anyway do some interviews regarding my long dead medium and so a few extra kilometers and a few extra questions couldn't possibly hurt of course I was slightly wrong about that I sent the man a private message wondering if he would ever see it and packed up the laptop time to go the drive out to Sydney would take quite a few hours and I wanted to make it by nightfall most city folk find the drives away from Sydney being boring except maybe for the coast roads once you clear the city and the mountains if you happen to be heading far enough West it's just endless rolling hills some of them are nothing but pasture others nothing but brown green bushland and beyond those hills you hit the plains for miles in every direction nothing but dirt and pasture dotted with the ancient gums personally I think the dry country is every bit as beautiful as the more popular parts of Australia and I always loved driving through it when I arrived at my destination a small town some 150 kilometres north of Griffith the farmer had in fact sent me an email he told me that he'd received no other responses and that the killings had actually stopped in the months since his post still he was just as puzzled as he had been originally and cleaned to talk about it I told him where I was staying and he promised to meet me the next day I spent the morning researching my medium peace but wants to sat down with the farmer I realized that it might have to take a backseat to this new story he and his wife met with me downstairs at the country pub where I was staying after introductions Jack and his wife Mary names changed obviously sat down with a beer and told me and my recorder their tale it started several months earlier jack had woken with the son as usual I'm headed out to feed the cattle there's not as many cattle farmers and sheep farmers out there that way but pasture is pasture and plenty of the relatively small hole grazes like Jack make it work when he went out to the main paddock though he noticed that a majority of the cats will be on the fence at crammed into the far corner near the gate that's weird behavior cats who might live in a herd but they still like their space I've seen him huddle up like that Jared a storm or whatnot when they get scared so I straightaway figured something was up couldn't have guessed what though from there Jack took his youth deeper into the paddock headin to defeatist with his load of feed that's when he saw why the cattle had huddled into the corner of the fence line I saw the crows first but I knew what they meant the way they were all down on the ground we lose a few every year it's part of the job so I drove over there to see what had happened can't have an illness gone through to hurt for example so I needed to work out why this steer had kicked it it took a big gulp of his Sunnah shaking his head subtly at the memory wasn't no illness that killed his stealer the huge scared off the crows and all I seen was blood blood and meat look like a butcher's shop on mints making day occurred to me later I should have snap some pics but I didn't think of it at the time anyway this fucking steer had been torn to bits one leg over there a head over here another leg over there somewhere wasn't much big meat left either something had a good feed and not too fancy table manners now out here there's nothing I know of that would do that we've got a problem with feral dogs like most farming communities but taking a full-grown healthy steer from a herd I don't want to say it had never happened but I've never seen it we got baits on the property too and we've not seen a dog for maybe two years obviously at the time Mary and I still reckon that's the most likely culprit right so I lay more baits move the cattle out at a paddock and don't think much of it Jack got up to order another round at this point and Mary and I made small talk in the interim where was I right next few weeks we lost a few more the same way they start to look like a problem but we couldn't do a lot when I say it was a real regular either sometimes two days between them sometimes four or five folks around town suggested stuff like patrolling the place at night but that's not gonna work when you've gotta bust your balls for ten hours on low sleep this isn't one of those massive stations I employ one part-time Stocki and my son helps out when things get hectic otherwise it's all me so we reported it to the coppers weird thing was the locals were happy to look into it but once they called him for some expert help it all got stonewalled cops dropped it like warm beer and told us to leave it be anyway one night there was a god-awful commotion outside the house we had some cattle in a house paddock ready to move in a morning and about 1:00 a.m. they started kicking up to all sorts of Hell so I grabbed the rifle out the gun safe and go out on the back deck it's dark as the inside of a dog and so I don't see much but I can see the stairs all gun on it towards one ended a paddock then off to the left as his sound right like a crunching tearing sound by this point I'm pretty much packing it but I grab the Maglite from next to the back door and shine it out that way anyway another big swig of Asuna and his hands were shaking merry rests a hand on his shoulder it takes me a second to work out what I'm looking at but there's definitely something there big it's just dark in shape but when the lights hit it and it turns to me I realized I was looking at the back end of it and it's got the head of a steer in its mouth torn clear off but it's a long way off and I can't make out a lot of details just the rough size of it maybe seven Wow eight foot and it's covered in black fur big eyes - reflecting the torch went from orange to green as it moved a bit like a dog or Fox's eyes but no dog or Fox is that tall it didn't like the light though made to come at me so I shuddered it honestly reckon I miss a thing but it did the job anyway whatever that thing was it dropped to all fours and shot through Mary spoke up then the next day we reported it to the police but it didn't seem very interested a few days later we got a visit from a couple of federal police fellows from Canberra they were nice but assured us that whatever Jack had seen must have been a misidentification and that folks have been tracking a big pack of feral dogs through the area Jack scoffed at lat I could cop the misidentification maybe I happily admit I was shitting my ducks and that could fuck with you but you can tell me why - Fez needed to come all the way up here and tell me it was a dog we got the locals we've got Rangers so why did two blokes from Canberra needs to come out for a pack of dogs the man had a point I couldn't think of a good reason for the AFP to even concern themselves with some cattle deaths and feral dogs didn't matter in the end never saw the thing again although I did find a couple of Roos torn up at the very edge of the property the next week since then not a hair whatever it might have been it looks like he's moved on heard tell of something else though we caught two ago something bad I gently prompted him to continue as he looked around as though making sure no one else was listening Misun helps me work out sometimes but he's got a real job - works out at Griffith as a sales rep for one of those wineries he was a couple of towns over shilling booze as it does when he hears this story a couple of days before a farmhand went missing out of one of the properties no good kid never in any trouble found his four-wheeler smashed up in one of the paddocks and most sign of the lad they figured he must have just rolled it or something struggled off to get help except there were no tracks leading away from it so they spread out looking for a sign and they did find a track but it wasn't from the young fellow at this point Jack pulled out his phone managed to get me a pic of what they found sent through by my son ground at my place is too dry for any real sign lately unless you've got an indigenous tracker or some shit maybe but out there they got a few tracks here take a gander Jack handed over his phone I almost dropped it in shock as the picture registered in my head smudges and smearing made it difficult to identify the exact kind of animal but it was an image of a paw print that much was clear possibly canine based on the overall shape but if the scowl item against it was real then that meant that a tract in a photo had to be at least 20 centimeters long I found myself needing a drink too this is Australia what the fuck sort of animal has a foot that big the beast of the barren lakes an unexplained news story that nobody wants to publish part 2 of 6 let's get straight into that they had shot a wolf an impressive specimen but the beast described in the attacks around Jeb all done did not resemble a wolf and the villagers were unconvinced they knew a wolf when I saw it and none had ever met a wolf that could survive the barrage of ammunition their beasts had sustained when they cut the belly of the wolf open a most gruesome task I'm sure the villagers were sure the last attack had been a mere hours earlier yet no human remains could be found the king and his men insisted that killed the culprits but the villages around Jeb all done still looked at a dark forest with fear the Beast of rzhev all done in their eyes still lurked somewhere out there Thomas water Blake in a personal letter 1770 I'm sure you can see why this case sucked me in even if it wound up being nothing as someone who had been obsessed with you unexplained for my whole life the parallels between this and other cases were hard to ignore a whole lot of beastly encounters with unknown vicious creatures had happened over the years and there was a chance I might be smack in the middle of another I had to visit a farm where a young worker had disappeared Jack gave me the address and I headed out there the next day a couple of hours drive further west there I met the owners teri and grace who were only too happy to put a cup of tea on and talk about their own strange experiences although it didn't agree to be recorded and I had to take physical notes I fashioned the below piece from those notes it didn't start with Tom the young farm hands disappearance was the zenith of the activity but it came after a fortnight or so of strange occurrences first Terry found every single chicken on the property slaughtered or outright gone it would have been easy to attribute that crime to foxes or perhaps the same only a Bink ewis feral dogs except that an entire corrugated iron wolf section have been torn off the large coop not many foxes can do that next came the Chryse chilling sounds emanating from the bush behind the farm they came late at night covered on the still air deeply resonant and almost demonic Terry and grace both heard them as did several workers and no one could honestly say that ever heard anything similar before if not for the volume and the massive timber the house could almost be mistaken for a dingo although dingoes have been wiped out many years many years earlier in the area but the coffin Ross and the Chatwin ululate in Wales were not those of any animal that had ever been hurt in Australia native or otherwise grace described it as being how she'd always imagined the sound of hellhoundz or perhaps the infamous Hound of the Baskervilles it was a rawness about that came through loud and clear with every call they stopped going out at nights and they stopped locking up the guns laws be damned over the course of about a week the sounds came and went sometimes they sounded unbearably close and others they seemed to be carried from miles and miles away then Terry started finding corpses in the paddocks unlike jacks cattle these corpses similarly weren't the result of predation Terry runs massive herds of sheep and for whatever reason they started turning up decapitated the corpses were otherwise unmolested each sport in one massive traumatic injury they removed the head they were also found in strange places paddocks and yards without stock hanging on fences or climbing pegs or power poles on top of the hay boughs in the feed paddocks and even on top of a water tank somehow and chillingly one morning Terry walks out the front door to find four decapitated kangaroos neatly lined up on his porch thick blood seeping into the wooden decking for most people that might have been the last straw but Terry and grace live off the land and if they'd fled even for a few days it could have cost them thousands in income so they stayed they offered their three workers the opportunity to head into town but all three refused the morning of his disappearance tom woke early and ate in the kitchen overlooking a paddocks older weights in a range of small hills several miles away when Terry rose about half an hour later tom said it seen a large dark shape moving in a dawn light down by the creek he resolved to head out on a four-wheeler once the Sun was higher and he could see if he could find any solid evidence of what they might be dealing with anything that might help them get rid of it Terry was reluctant to let him go they had been waiting until later in the day to go outside and that had been using the Utes in case they came upon anything but tom tom was insistent and at about 10 a.m. he gathered a few things into a pack and left when he hadn't returned by 3 p.m. Terry became concerned he and another worker grant took one of the old Utes outs have followed the creek hoping to find Tom they came across the four-wheeler right near the boundary at the property and the bush irreparably damaged Terry knew right away that something awful had happened to his young employee the idea that he must have crashed has relayed later by Jack a few hours away came from the townsfolk and of course he could have crashed but that's kind of been all that happened the four wheelers showed signs of an attack for lack of a better word two tires were shredded as though by massive teeth certainly not a result of the gentle pastoral terrain one will was torn off and lay quiet in a distance away and what looked like claw marks raked over the red paint Terry fearful though he was immediately began searching for tracks of tom to see if he was still out there he would be in serious danger and that's that's when they found a huge prints there were five semi distinct impressions and many many others that we'll know more the marks on the ground was something heavy that passed through all five were smeared heavily potentially distorting their true size but there was no doubts that even a half the size of the actual impression of foot would have been far larger than any animal commonly found anywhere in Australia Barham maybe an emu and it clearly didn't come from anaemia a bird whose size belies how light she actually is these tracks these tracks were made by something big something solid and heavy as much as he feared for Tom Terry refused to follow those tracks into the bush and instead he called the local police but they couldn't make it out in time until the next morning by then there was no sign of Tom Terry told the police everything that had been happening he showed them that decapitated carcasses and the tracks and be a local they demonstrated a real concern a search party looked for Tom for two days before someone found his pack soaked in blood on a game trail some five kilometers from where the four-wheeler had been found the search went on for another day or two but was called off soon after Tom wasn't officially dead until her body could be found but like so many who had gone missing in an Australian bush there seemed to be little hope as the search came to an end to AFP offices in plain clothes visited the farm in a curious parallel to the case with Jack a few towns over they claimed to have been in the area and compelled to help with a search but no one actually saw them out in the bush stranger they were seen loading wanted a decapitated sheep into the boot of their car before driving out of town while something terrible had clearly happened to Tom his disappearance seemed to signal the end of strange events the monstrous sound stopped immediately and no more headless corpses turned up apart from a few that obviously escaped notice originally judging by the level of decay teri and grace Moore the young man and they knew in their heads and hearts he'd been killed by something that shouldn't have been there but whatever it was it seemed to have moved on they hadn't seen any evidence of it since and no one else around the town had either for them at least the nightmare seemed to be over Terry and grace were a lovely couple and they made for a great afternoon tea but I couldn't help feeling unfulfilled as I left their farm and headed back to my accommodation they had much more activity than Jack who apparently frightened the creature off completely when he shuttered it that night and yes I had no further answers just a bunch more questions why did whatever Terry and grace encountered makes so much noise when Jack described it as moving through the nights in complete silence why did it kill but not feet and why did it put the bodies in the places it did why did it seemingly attack and kill Tom when it fled from Jack Tom had been armed - were they even a same creature it seemed unlikely that two large unknown and terrible creatures in are almost the same area none of it made any sense but as it turned out the creature was far from finished I would get more information sooner than I might have expected the beast of the barren lakes an unexplained new story that nobody wants to publish part three of six let's get straight into them the men found Marie by the river facedown in the shallow water of the margins the science was said to have turned the stomach of even the bravest among them the ragged stump of her neck still fresh and bleeding they needn't approach any further for the evidence whisk the Beast of Gevaudan have returned excerpt from a story related to Boris Makarov 1826 I had left my number with Jack and Mary I'm a Grayson Terry and asked him to pass it on to anyone else who might have information for me when my phone rang with our unknown number two days later I did hope that it had to do with a strange beast that quickly become my obsession as I spoke to the woman on the other end of the line my heart managed to both leap and sink at the same time on the one hand there had been another encounter on the other there had been another killing and this time there was a body the attack had happened to the south this time given the amount of time that had passed since the events of Grayson Teri's farm it also seemed like I had underestimated the effect of this thing the caller was a friend of one of the workers from the farm where Tom disappeared and she told me that my number had basically been given to everyone in town they were all terrified at the monster that lurks in the dark and there were so many more encounters more pressing obviously was the body in a breathless rush my contact told me the attack had happened at a river crossing the victim a 55 year old man had got out of his four-wheel drive maybe to check the flow of the death whatever the reason never got back in his body was found next to the truck later on when another driver came through the contact said the man had been torn in two and that's his head wasn't found at the scene understandably the poor soul who made the grisly discovery didn't hang around and had since been treated for shock but my contact said he would be willing to talk to me he's shaken up she said but he's desperate to know what the hell was going on out there we all are but that wasn't even the most important piece of info Jack hadn't seen the creature for a couple of months Terry and his last incident several weeks earlier this attack though it happened two days earlier interview with James Knox name changed I've added this transcript in its totality because it's shots and because I felt like I shouldn't author it okay James I've turned the recorder on so we're being taped if you change your mind about that in any stage just let me know okay yeah yeah okay thank you James I understand that what you saw was very traumatic so if at any stage you need to take a moment please feel free James not why don't you start by running me through what happened just before you got to deliver crossing well I was just on my way home really some was going down and I'd had a rough day before you came to the actual scene did you notice anything unusual you know I hadn't really thought much about that I suppose everything was pretty normal I've got to say I was pretty zoned out though I tried that track every day so I'm not always paying much attention so there was no sign then of what was waiting for you up the road no nothing that sticks out just a normal drive home then I came around the bend to the crossing what did you see when you did not much first I was looking at the river well it's not much of a river more of a creek I suppose but it gets pretty deep in spots and it can flow pretty quick most folks go to the main road cuz there's a bridge but this way is quicker for me anyway when it looks back in front of me I sort the truck just the truck there was nothing around it not when I pulled up but I could see there was no one inside it I thought that was weird but maybe he had ducked into the trees for a leak so I jumped out to see if I could find the driver that's that's when I saw the blood James scratching his beard and closes his eyes if you need to stop I understand no no no it's just it's just you never expect to see anything like that you know James takes a deep breath and a drink of water it was all over decided a car white truck so it stood out I couldn't look away for a sec but I was pretty worried for whoever the driver was I thought they must have cut themselves real bad getting out of something I don't know it sounds dumb now but there's not supposed to be anything out here that can that can do that James had become power and requests a short break to gather his force sorry I must must seem like a complete pansy not to tell James it's fine it's perfectly natural to be traumatized by what she saw thanks anyway I might as well get it over with a eyelets around a bit seeing if I could see any sign of the bloke from the truck or as he missed it at first it just like meets when I noticed it grass of the truck is pretty long and I was well I was looking for for a person there was blood everywhere all over the grass it looked like one of those docos where the lion eats a zebra or whatever I couldn't control my feets like I didn't wanted to go any closer but my feet were moving that way by themselves and what did you find when you move closer just chunks pieces I didn't even recognize it as a person until I saw the feet they still had boots on everything else though I threw up and run jumped back in a car and floated out there I drove back at this point James paused and frowned James are you okay yeah yeah I just thought of something is all something about the scene yeah yeah it was late in the day so the Sun was on the way down almost gone actually I had the lights on the woot on a pill Daladier it's a head back and gets the cops there was this wattle across the river Oh shitty thing really low to the ground and really bushy I must have blocked it out on my panic when the lights flashed over it I just remembered there was something there like lights reflected of ice my contacts also put me in touch with the emmys office handling the body the official report has yet to be completed and the chief examiner who had flown in refused to even speak with me but one of his assistants was a concerned local who slipped me her own autopsy notes kept for her own portfolio over a coffee edited for content names and locations but her words are unchanged so as it appears disjointed that's on me Medical Examiner's notes John Doe believed to be mr. Smith of one to three town wrote based on the identification found at scene of death body found outside vehicle vehicle undamaged and running massive trauma not consistent with car accident subject completely decapitated had not recovered its sin confirmed identification not possible at this stage body presented in three large sections abdominal organs missing lungs in heart almost unrecognizable spine completely severed between l2 and l3 several lumbar vertebrae also appear to be missing left legs separated from body at Nexus of hip joint flesh around him wound is ragged indicates Terran very little skin remains a large amount of flesh appears to have been removed from the body per tick the organs are the large muscle groups in her legs and glute as' left leg which has been removed shows almost no romanian flesh reports of blood on the ground at scene and little remaining in the body indicates severe bleeding at time of death forced to remove leg extreme hip joint severely damaged wrenching force likely cause of death impossible to determine at the stage beyond severe traumatic injury marks on bone suggest consumption or scavenging of the body possible explanation for the flesh removal body does not appear to be old enough to indicate scavenger activity predation by what notes from the scene indicates signs of struggle dr. Williams indicates decapitation from singular trauma as likely cause of death at this stage but accepts the remains are so badly dismembered we may not know hair of unknown origin found on remains dr. Williams organizes to send samples to lab in Canberra not on site facility dr. Williams indicates farman accident as cause of death for us to account for discovery of remains away from farms and farming equipment fails to account for omission organs and flesh dr. Williams refuses to acknowledge his oversights objections not noted on official records dr. Williams has arranged for the remains to be flown to Canberra for more extensive investigation remains sealed and placed under guard all staff asked to leave the premises it's fake and to a point because even a private notes you don't want to put forth anything too crazy but it was enough to set off a knots of dread in my stomach knowing what I did about the sightings of a strange creature in the area so based on the assistants notes I did a little research of my own I knew for sure it wasn't a farm an accident the decapitation of the body lank the carcasses elsewhere along with the obvious signs of predation ruled out that entirely from the patent didn't match any of their loan predators in NSW it didn't in fact match any predators in Australia we don't have many to be fair dingoes are exceedingly rare around here these days if not gone entirely much like wolves they had a methodical approach to break him down a kill whether they brought it down or came upon a dead animal feral dogs are savage and lack any of the hierarchal sensibilities of wild quenette's and a kill thats could explain the beast eale way in which to remain seem to have been attacked of course I don't know of any dog capable of decapitating a grown man with a single er traumatic injury as the sitting ma apparently believed beyond that the only other land-based predator in the whole country capable of taking a man is the saltwater crocodile an animal we definitely don't have in NSW and one that takes its kill into the river that one terrible death opened up a whole bunch of questions and it seemed that no one had any real answers rumors spread like a summer bushfire though and enough people were on alert that when the beast showed up again a few days later I found myself front and center for the show the beasts of the barren lakes an unexplained news story that nobody wants to publish part four of six let's get straight into that they had finally it seemed cornered the terrible beast butts as before when victory seemed too short to be slipped through their fingers the hunting party fired him fired so much so that they seemed to be no conceivable way for the Beast to escape being struck and yet when they entered the clearing there was no body no sign of blood surely they thought this was their proof the Beast of Jebel down to the people upon whom it preyed was nothing less than a devil itself excerpt translated from letter unknown author 1792 and it seemed that the police has stopped taking reports of this creature seriously and as a result my phone and email were unindicted for the next week I managed to track sightings roughly westward although why anything will be head in that way at all I had no idea maybe this thing was headed for the rapidly Quindlen lakes and rivers further out or maybe for the desert itself my own research into animals extant or extinct that could even remotely describe what had been seen came up mostly empty and they were a few similarities but mostly impossibilities so I started looking into mythical stories and that's when I remembered the beasts of Chev all done it had always been one of my favorite monster stories as a kid but time had distorted the details rereading it though so many things seemed to fit huge beasts animal deaths savage killings decapitations it seemed an almost perfect match except that had been in the South of France over 200 years ago I guess over hundreds of years coincidence becomes much more likely still I found it a way in my mind just in case then I started puttin the most detailed or interest in sightings in chronological order hoping to guess the next move I was sick of arriving after the thing had moved on dates 12 for the first nineteen approximated twenty hundred hours location withheld details I was driving along the road near dusk when something on the shoulder caught my eye the road here is sharp dipped between two small hills so it was a bit darker than the road either side of it it was hunched over a road Coe of some kind I've never seen an animal like it it was big and black and for a moment I thought it might have been a feral pig but then it when it moved it was no Pig it must have been almost as tall as the car reported as a 2012 Holden Astra in a hunched position before I got much more of a look at it it shot off into the scrub so fast like the high being startled it it didn't move like anything I've ever seen before date 12 for the first 19 approx 2330 location provided details me and some of the boys were out at the back of the farm spot line in first we'll had some sheep taken for a couple of nights so we were on the lookout for the culprits but won't see much of anything about 11:30 we hear this god-awful racket kind of like this babbling scream real close never heard anything like it and we all sort of froze I felt it in my chest the bloke with a spotty start scanning the treeline back and forth really slowly but we didn't see much just chalked it up to one of those sounds of the bush you know every so often out here something weird pipes up it happens so we kept driving around a few minutes later that same scream louder and closer it's like it's bouncing around the countryside sound out here is weird like that but one of the boys he reckons it kind of sounded like it came from behind us somewhere so we turned the spotty back there and holy shit maybe 200 meters off or so behind ute is this massive black thing it looks at us for like a second and then name removed panics and takes a crack at it this thing tears off into the tree line faster than we can swing the lights it was on all fours it must have been maybe five feet high thick black fur and big big eyes that shone green in the spotlight the way it was behind us like that I almost felt like it was stalking us we got out of there real quick and haven't been back out since date 14 for the first 19 2025 location provided details I saw a huge animal crossing the creek behind my farmhouse around sunset it looks about the size of a large ball but it was certainly not any sort of bovine it had thick black hair and all the way down along its back the hair looks almost raised like a Razorback its legs were long and quite thick and I think it had a tail it was hard to tell because it was mostly walking away from me so I also never saw the head I thought it must have been a huge Razorback but then it left over the creek completely and I realized it couldn't be any bore the creek from the bank to bank is only small at about 2 or 3 meters wide but no book only plate that's whatever this animal was it crested the hill quickly and vanished from sight dates 16 for the first 19 approximately 0 645 location provided details I'm a truckie I've got myself caught up behind an accident on the highway and wound up running late I was gonna sleep at the truck stop at location removed but I must have been there 3 or 4 hours behind and I was wrecked so I figured I need to park up somewhere and catch some sleep I pulled into a random rest stop before it got dark cooked up a bit of food and grab some sleep I woke up around 6:30 in the morning to continue the trip I laid there for a bit thinking about going and brushing my teeth and all that before heading up the road to find brekkie and then I heard something outside it was real quiet out there no one else around and I swear I could hear the huffing breaths so I moved the curtains and climbed up front and damn near wet myself outside sniffing at the bottom of the door as a genuine monster this thing would occurrence at a window of the truck of his stood up it was like dark brown and black and filthy it must have smelled me on the inside of the truck but hadn't see me yet so I called back behind the curtains the thing outside did something and the whole caps shook that take some strength it started scrambling at the door or maybe the step and I was scared that it might try and get in where lies the glass was breakable so I yanked the cord for the horn and gave it a blast this thing gives a horrible howl and I stuck my head out from the curtain in time to see it heading off at a decent clip into the trees I took my chance I got the truck out of there before it could come back didn't even stop for a piss and see what gone about 200 kilometers dates 18 for the first 19 time not given location provided details I saw the creature cross the road in front of me at night it came right to left across the highway near location removed when my lights hit it it slowed down a bit and looked straight at a car it wasn't there long enough for me to get a really good look at it but it looked like it had pointed isn't some sort of snap snout thing and I had big eyes that reflected the light really brightly it was huge and then it was across the road and I just kept driving dates nineteen for the first 19 approximately zero 300 hours location provided details we farm pigs for shows and that sort of thing mostly now that were older the land hasn't been much good for stock since the big drought at the late 90s all told we keep probably 30 pigs at any one time in a couple of barns and sheds around the place this night in particular I was woken up by a bit of a ruckus coming from one of the barns I almost thought about checking it out but cut it out pretty quick not even long enough to wake my missus and I guess not long enough for me to really wake up and properly think about it either sometimes the pigs get a bit short with each other across the pence I'll get startled by a fox or a some snooping around and I just thought that was what it must have happened I heard the stories but I never expected what I found in the morning I just thought people were going a bit loopy but then I woke up the next morning and one of the sheds near the house had the back wall torn completely out in from a distance I could see the carcasses of a pig over one the rouse when I got to the shed at least two pigs were dead and the rest were nowhere to be seen whether they fled or were somehow taken I don't know but there should have been six large pigs in that shed and there were none the bodies were not proper State torn up and shred and even just being sheet metal it would have taken a lot of strength to destroy the back wall and nothing natural can't do that to pigs not here anyway it looked like a scene from that movie about killer lions back in the nineties we rang the police but they wanted nothing to do with us and so I'm reaching out to you because folks around the town tell me you are looking into all of this I'm not sure what else suck intern date 21st of the 1st 19 the time not given location provided details we were having a bonfire on our farm at location removed what a few friends there was a fire band so I hope Sharon this doesn't get the owners in trouble but that's not the important thing late at night when the fire started to mellow down and most people had gone to sleep in the shearers quarters we started hearing those horrible sounds off in the distance there were house like a big dog but other sounds too sometimes whatever it was shrieked like how I imagined a banshee other times it was like a gargling scream we were all terrified and went inside but he kept coming closer and getting louder after a while we could hear it clearer we could also hear it snarling and making this kind of barking growl roar it sounded really angry and really dangerous we switched off all the lights but no one was game to go out and put the fire out so we just hoped it wouldn't attract whatever we could hear without the lights it was really dark home we couldn't see anything but we could hear it it got to the point where it sounded like he was right outside and then something brushed up against the shearing shed wool and snarled I don't think any of us breathin trying to make no sound at all whatever was outside walked along the sidewalk snarling sniffing and then as it walked out in front of a bit of a shadow passed in front of the window as it walked by the last bits of the fire suddenly it gave such a loud howl that my ears felt like they'd burst I don't know if it didn't like the fire or it heard something or what but it let off this massive howl and it must have headed away because we started to hear it getting fainter again in the morning we could see the ground around the fire had been scratched out but there was no sign of anything had even happened dates 25th for the first 19 approximately 2315 location provided details I think your creature was on top of my water tank last night we have an enclosed porch and in the summer I like to sit out there and have a whisky or two before bed last night my dogs who live under the house started going off like nothing else they'd never done that before even when foxes get in the yard they tend to just snarl and growl even ignore it last night though they were going crazy and then they just stopped one or two of them whined and then I heard them shift further underneath the house then I heard a clang out by the tank we don't have much light out at the back of the house but I flicked on the yard lights anyway I had a look around nothing on the ground but right up on top of the old corrugated iron water tank there was a dark shape that was our syrup first and if it was just that I wouldn't have thought twice but then it must have opened its eyes because clear as day I got a shine reflecting the yard lights it was looking straight at me or at least at the house and then it just jumps straight off the tank our old tank is about six meters tall on the top and it just threw itself right off I barely even heard it land although it was definitely big then headed off instead of darkness somewhere all of these accounts seemed to be clearly linked to the animal I've been chasin and they took place along the path had in West and slightly north based on that and based on the timings I thought I might be able to intercept it ever got there fast enough it seemed as though it would pass through a collection of mostly dry lakes and creeks within a day or two and I resolved to beat it there I really didn't know what I was in for but I've gone too far now and I had to know honestly still don't know how I live to tell the story from this point onwards the beasts of the barren lakes an unexplained new story that nobody wants to publish part 5 of 6 let's get straight into that when ginge a sterile finally killed the beast with his silver bullets he spawned a legend many hailed him as a hero and the attacks miraculously did indeed end but still the people would not be entirely satisfied for Jean just steel himself had a reputation as a beast and some began to question his motives some said chaste L had raised the Beast himself only able to kill it because it trusted him some said that chaste L had loosed the beast and trained the monster to exact bloody and random retribution for some perceived slight enough as well they said that the Beast of Jebel down the loup-garou had been chaste l himself all along Albert dumbest in a tree toads regarding werewolves 1813 before I could follow the trail around known monster and left someone knocked on my hotel door young guy stood there maybe five or six years my junior his jaw set but his eyes nervous they wind in the bits on seeing me um are you have you been looking for the monster thing people have been seen he stammered that's me I smiled trying to disarm him a little how can I help he looked puzzled for a minute but quickly attempted a recovery sorry sorry I just expected well someone else can I come in or can we go down to a bar if you prefer I'm sorry strange men asking to come in is probably not ideal huh his awkwardness was kind of endearing so I let him in Thanks I'm out run by the way the extended his hand but attentively like he wasn't sure if that was the dumb thing Tom the stock hand he's my brother was my brother sadness came over him then as I took his hand and heartbroke a little I'm sorry has there been any news I knew there hadn't but I felt like he could use a little hope Harris shook his head I know he's gone if he was even alive when he went into the brush it'd been too long in this heat that's why I'm here actually I want to help with that is just said again and his eyes hardened he may have been young and a little awkward but he had the spirit of a proper country boy tough as nails I heard you chasing this thing all over the countryside I've got a four-wheel drive in an ATV and I've got a couple of three-hour weights he spoke with such a venom that I doubted his intentions admittedly a proper four-wheel drive would be a lot more useful than my Toyota SUV and the security of rifles that could drop a Razorback sounded awfully good but I had no idea what I might find and wondered whether I could deal with an impulsive young guy who wanted to revenge i sat Aaron on the small couch in the room and squeezed his shoulder look Aaron I understand that you hurts and you're angry especially when the cops are apparently pretending this whole thing isn't even happening but whatever is out there is genuinely dangerous I've got no idea where it comes from what it is or what it wants but I know that tackling it fueled by emotion is only gonna get people killed so that's a no he looks both angry and crestfallen so I tried to be more diplomatic it's not a no it's not yes look at it from my perspective a strange young guy I've never met finds me at my hotel wants to help me fight an animal that probably killed his brother using his four-wheel drive and his guns I don't know who you're tall I don't even know what you or who you say you are I'll given you some advice more than anything now sight let me ask around think of it like references for a job okay I've got a couple of hours before I have to get going and I could think of a few people I can ask just hang out in the bar or something and be ready to go because if I do say yes we'll be straight on the road Aaron shared up a bits and then muttered his thanks erratically shaking my hand as he stood and excited promising that's I wouldn't be let down secretly I hoped he was right the idea of running into the Beast alone didn't sit well with me at all thanks to the barman and pub manager as well as his brother's employer a few other town folk I'd built up a rapport with and the one wonders of social media Aaron checked out I still had concerns about his emotional state obviously but as the day wore on I realized how foolish it would be to tackle this chaise alone Aaron seemed more relieved than anything when I took that to be a better response than gung-ho excitement at least he didn't seem insane within the hour we got on the road I run behind a wheel of a large raised four wheel drive his shyness had yet to evaporates and so I asked him about himself in an effort to get him out of his shell a little he had no issues talking to me once I had to question which encouraged me I wanted to have at least some kind of rapport with the guy if we were going to be hunting monsters then I realized how insane the whole thing was I was a failed biologist turned journalist hunting monsters holy shit IRA laughed when I mentioned it well at least it's not boring he started to warm to me a little after that we talked about growing up we talked about his brother he was well spoken clearly smarts and seemed really interested in my path through life living out here he said it was really only ever one or two options you farm with your parents or maybe you do something else but it always related to the land everything is about the land I never got a chance to explore anything else would you have if you could hell yeah I mean the farm is what it is but it's not exciting science sounds cool discovering things and all that I think I could have done that and been happy is that's what you wanted to be when you were little he blushed a little what we all wanted something silly when we were kids Aaron it's not that I just I kind of wanted to right place like Shakespeare I couldn't help myself and choked out a short laugh Haren glared at me and went beet red no sorry I'm not laughing at you I promise I just had this image of a guy in a flannel and an kübra rounding up his cattle shouting Shakespearean prose at them it's just so in Congress his glare turns up a grin and he burst out laughing anyway what's so embarrassing about one it's a right place I think that's a great thing to do better than most kids well I guess it's just not the done thing he said it's not manly out here blokes are supposed to be blokes you know I was the weird kid who enjoyed Romeo and Juliet at school and that got me quite a few bullies well maybe when it all this is over you can write a play about it it can be a horror story if we Yubel rights or a black comedy if we wind up catching a stray Rottweiler around us the country stars are flattened out not get truly desert it may as well been after the scorching dry Summer Sun bleached grass rippled in a hot breeze and it desiccated scrub hissed and rattled as the wind blew through it and his parched leaves we were surrounded by different shades of brown and red and despite being oddly beautiful it reminded me of just how remote and alone we would really be out here over four hours drive from the nearest decent town all alone in a path of a monster the Sun had fallen noticeably in the sky by the time we reached the dirt track Aaron said would take us into the heart of the rapidly evaporating lake country near the roads we were momentarily surrounded by a surprising burst of green I win to the still flowing Creek system that spilled into the lake system when it rains allowed for it quickly though the landscape became arid and rocky dotted with Nile scrubs and the odds stunted eucalyptus it looked almost Martian with no real signs of life for miles around but I was sure the Beast would pass through here we pulled up on a spit of land between two shallow dry lake bits began setting up before leaving town which stopped in an at a farm belonging to one of Aaron's uncles a pig shooter he had several carcasses on hand and we've taken a couple hoping to use them as bait for the Beast before the son lost its heat Aaron said about scattering of four carcasses around the campsite no more than 250 meters away and no closer than 200 we wanted to be able to see and shoot the creature if it showed up but we also wanted to be at a distance if we could the son still had an hour or so to bake the carcasses creating what we hoped would be an irresistible scent is such a lifeless place with little else to do until nightfall Aaron decided to cook some food as the Sun finally started to sink it was a fine line we wanted to attract the beast but we didn't want to be caught out by it had no doubts it remained active during the day but from a slightly raised to pin position we could see out over the lake beds for miles what a Sun stayed up it seemed like a good idea to eat whatever we could before the Sun dropped and with its visibility we ate quietly anxieties setting in I didn't know if the Beast would come through this particular night or not but I felt certain that if it passed with his smelling distance of that rotten meat it would head straight for it and they say dingoes can smell carrion from 4 to 5 kilometers away and from all reports this thing was much bigger than a dingo as Aaron packed up the camp stove and remaining food I started a small slow burning fire with some of those hard packed hardware store fire looks made from sawdust I'd heard the one story about the thing investigating a fire so I figured it couldn't hurt then we settled back into the back of the four-wheel-drive seats flat and guns nearby to watch a blazing red sunset and wait for whatever might come the moon wasn't full butts in a cloudless sky in the open arid outback it gave us plenty of lights much more than I'd expected I could almost make out the black smudge of at least two baits against the whitish salt deposits on the lake bed which almost glowed with reflective moonlight I almost started to worry that it might be too bright but the creature had shown no signs of being overly skittish around about midnight I started to drift off boredom had well and truly overwhelmed the nerves of earlier in the evening you can catch him sleep if you like I'll keep watch for a few hours I used to sitting out in the dark waiting for pigs and foxes damn it I had hopes Aaron hadn't noticed then again that would have been hard seeing as we were only sitting a few centimetres away from each other in the back of a four-wheel-drive no no it's okay I whispered not sure how much noise I could safely make I pull all nighters more often than you think bad time management I do wish we'd thought to make some coffee though Aaron held up a single finger rummaging around under a folded seat before coming back up with a thermos probably not much better than warm by now but caffeine is caffeine right holy shit I could kiss you I thought he blushed a bit at that's but I couldn't really tell in the darkness the coffee was strong and lukewarm and I slammed it down like a shot then the caffeine work its magic once it had a turn to my companion maybe it was just the natural curiosity of a journalist but based on our earlier conversations I felt like I needed to understand him better so Aaron you mind if I ask you a personal question I mean this seems to be better than even chance that we could get eaten by a monster together it's only fair that I get to know you a little he chuckled nervously at my galas humor sure why not I shifted into a more comfortable position facing him instead of sitting so I could look out of the side window what's your deal why are you out here I get wanting to be here right now but beyond that obviously smart well-spoken and well-read you don't strike me as being happy to stay the farm your whole life you're not a kid either you could do whatever you like go wherever you want it so why stay our sight and for a moment to thoughts he might not answer there's a few reasons I guess family is one it's hard enough to move away from them as it is but I reckon it's harder for our but I reckon it's harder for us conjugates I thought about leaving a lot but I could never bring myself to he paused sipping his own no doubt cold coffee beyond that I think I felt like as a kid I needed to prove myself I copped a lot of shit all throughout school I was girly because I liked Shakespeare and Mike Twain and poetry or whatever I wasn't tough because I really didn't join the sports teams I was less than a man because I never had a high school girlfriend I suppose all that maybe want to prove myself for the same thing everyone else was doing beat them at their own game so to speak if they were going to stay out here and work the lands and so was i it might sound small-minded but it was important to me I think it's perfectly natural especially you want to change the way people have but little G in the past I took a moment to scan the moonlight landscape searching for any movements any way but if some of those high school girls could see you out here ready to take on a vicious beast be a bit more interested he broke into a full-on grin at that Oh problem was they never had a lack of interest it was mine oh oh I found myself blushing this time but Erin saved me from making even more of an idiot of myself your turn biologist to travelling reporter of oddities how does that happen isn't it hard on your family partner whatever well I haven't got much of either to be honest I'm an only child and my parents moved to New Zealand when I was at uni the first time and doing science I guess I started that because I felt like it was a way for me to indulge the part of me that loved the idea that something could be hiding in the dark or in the jungle or in the deep seas or whatever when it turned out to be a lot more banal than that I turn to stories in history I felt like this way I could at least keep feeding that part of me that loved darkness you found plenty of that out here just in a sound cut through the whispered conversation somewhere and I on the empty plane or how more powerful than I'd ever heard before slashed the night silent air Erin and I shared a look why night as the howl rose to a ridiculous crescendo far above what I thought an animal could create as the terrifying howl died down Erin gripped my shoulder firmly and pointed slightly to the south and at first I couldn't really see what he saw but as I squinted my notice a large dark smudge moving across the barren landscape it appeared to be heading for the bait set 200 meters to the south and even at a distance I could see my earlier joke about stray whop Wireless had been well off the mark the Beast had arrived this creature was clearly much larger than any ordinary dog and the way it moved as it got closer reminded me more of a hyena loping and easy it made a beeline for the carcasses I say that enough distance that I couldn't make out a lot of the details still it seemed to give off an energy or maybe my own body had a primal response to the beast looking at it filled me with a gut clenching sense of fear and uneasy anxious Naza small hairs on my neck am i are stirred up with a prickling of goosebumps and my muscles began to twitch I realized they were flooding with blood as a result of adrenaline my body wanted me to turn to run it recognized the situation even if I didn't in the face of the beast I was nothing more than prey Erin strangled into silence by fear as well gently handed me a rifle the original plan had been to open a door and fire from outside the four-wheel drive but as I got the distinct feeling that had gone out the window I had no idea how to fire from inside the car would affect us butts I was sure a shit I wasn't opening the door with that thing 200 meters away he said open the rear window a motion for me to do the same with a middle window now I fired a few guns in my time but in that moment palms slick with sweat I doubt it or I could hear the shed let alone a moving target at 200 meters through the night vision monocular Aaron passed over I could see my target much much more clearly although details was still difficult to make out it loads along like some kind of canine hyena hybrid a distinctive and strange form of locomotion that made me think briefly of the alleged instinct thylakoid any similarity to the legendary marsupial predator ended there though the beast was far stockier and had thick tuft dark hair it ran with its head down rather than up as expected from any other of the ok needs that I knew I thought of a Wolverine or a badger but longer more languid and massively super-sized it had closed the distance to about 500 meters or so when it stopped I heard it make the cackling chattering scream that witnesses had reported a demonic alien sound so unnatural it made me feel ill and then to our horror something responded in kind another chattering shriek rose from further away somewhere to the Northeast we weren't dealing with one beast we were dealing with two and we all alone in a barren wasteland stuck square in the middle of them the Beast of the barren lakes an unexplained news story that nobody wants to publish past 6 the final let's get straight into that even now some 200 years on there are those who refused to believe that the beast was a mere wolf some agree that chasse Dale had bred and trained a vicious beastly dog others suggested that the descriptions of the animal we indicate Brown hyena or perhaps a sub-adult lion then there are the werewolf enthusiasts as we veer into the preposterous who believed that Chesto himself actually became the Beast one particular interest in theory put forward in the years after the attacks even suggested that chaste L had made a pact with the devil someone in something truly evil and binding it within the body of a cheval down wolf creating something halfway wolf and half way demon unknown author website 2008 the second beast school faded slowly leaving a ring in silence in its wake Aven and i were dumbfounded scouring the plain for any sign of the other visitor while keeping one eye on the shadow of the first is that it right back there are chokes out barely making a sound at all try as I might I couldn't pick out anything that I could definitely identify as a life my attention suddenly snapped back to the first animal it had reared up on its two legs like a bear no more than a hundred meters from the carcass it had been approaching my already thudding heart almost left out of my chest on the ground it looked large but upright it was massive maybe seven feet tall and is broad across at the shoulders as a country rugby player it seemed to be scoping out the area it could have missed it couldn't have missed the car parked on an empty plain but after a moment's it dropped back down to all fours and crossed the remaining distance to the first bait in a flash he didn't waste any time either tearing straight into the carcass with the savagery we could even hear at the distance snarls and snapping bone were unpleasant of a soundtrack and it got worse when other one sounded off it was much closer now I realized as I snapped my head around somehow it had crept up almost of the carcass of the north side of us while we watched the other one with ever-growing horror I realized it was larger than the one to the south if this one stood up I'd have guessed it would have get to about an eight or nine feet in height and maybe 25% bulkier it chattered and whooped like a demon tearing into its own mill I am a fucking journalist but the hell am i doing out here I thought overwhelmed by terror in the face of the beasts Aaron's expression seemed to reflect my own but to his credit he gently took the monocular from me and focused on the closest smaller creature slide and open a window as slowly as possible while still moving it the emotion for me to move further towards the front of the car I launched my own rifle and inclined my head towards the other creature but Aaron responded in a negative for whatever reason he wanted to take them one at a time I defer to him as the experienced hunter have been opened the window he eased the rifle out sighting the Beast and blowing out a steady breath what followed was nothing but complete madness that's pretty blurred in my memory the force of the shots in the semi enclosed space kicked me in the chest and blanked my hearing for a few seconds the beast at the end of the bowel switched violently rolling away from a direct hit and pounced into his feet the one behind us led out of violence shriek and is shot to a standing position seemingly looking straight at the four-wheel drive I had been concerned in a way that one or both of these creatures have been shot at before I had run I didn't want to have to track it again for some reason they behaved differently this time it's cry was answered by a wounded enraged howl from the animal Aaron had shutter and as the larger of the two tried to work out what had happened then the wounded Beast charged straight for the car it's amazing how small distance 200 meters actually seems when something monstrous is charging headlong at you it felt like the Beast would be honest at any moments but somehow I managed to slam the bolt back and chamber it another round his next shot was true that's the first barreling the Beast over and his calm skill with a rifle surprised me as he sent the three remaining rounds into the solely wounded monster before it could find its legs and feet then I found myself smashed against the inside of the four-wheel drive safety glass shower in my face something hit it with tremendous force with a bellow of rage the larger of the two animals had grabbed the car but enough power to lift it on wills for a moment parent yelled something his voice unintelligible as it joined the crunching of glass and the roaring of the beast the rifles have been sent clattering around inside the car Aaron bouncing around with every enraged impact as he desperately tried to grab the unspent weapon finally his hand closed around it just as the Beast shoved the wicked he clawed limb through the broken window slashing his upper arm and eliciting how not to unlike its own the fact that the creature didn't have proper hands probably saved him without the ability to grasp his arm it simply poured at him aren't able to put him closer every time he aimed the rifle though the thrashing poor Ned he knocked it out of his hands and he shouted some vaguely recognizable as vicious obscenities and round the button a rifle went to the searching limb cause its drawback the head of the thing loomed above the roof of the car had a sight and I had a sudden flash of possibly suicidal inspiration the ATV I shouted we can't stay here it's gonna rip the car apart he nodded as the creature drops trying to get its blunt head through the broken window trusting that he'd been ready I'll throw up in the door on the other side of the car just to the remainder of the window gave in to the massive savage head of the beast as it burst through Aaron and I both managed to get out just before it could close those huge jaws around either of us and I put my head down and sprinted for the ATV faster than I'd ever run in my life I jumped on the front and whipped my head around his Aaron piled onto the back with his rifle just in time to see the Beast extricate its head from the mold car and send a smoldering glare in our direction nothing has ever made me happier than that ATV starting straight up I don't think I'll ever be that happy again and I'm completely okay with that had been a while since I've driven one and I had a momentary panic as I envisioned myself freezing under the pressure of being devoured right next to a perfectly functioning escape vehicle but thankfully that didn't happen I let out a scream of raw triumph as we rode off into the dark night and a truly unsafe speed the plan roughly formed in my head had been to get some since between us and the creature said that Aaron could shoot it from a better less immediately dangerous spot I quickly saw though how difficult that might prove when Aaron tapped me on the shoulder and jested behind us not only had the Beast taken up the pursuit it was keeping pace with the ATV and in the dark on the rough ground I didn't think I could go much faster can you shoot it on the move I shouted an hour instruct non-community is that a fucking yes or no no once it came and I had to turn my attention fully back to where we were go the land may have been barren but I couldn't think of a worse time to put a will weight at one bat hole I flipped the bloody four-wheel over behind us the thing giving chase I started that chattering cry again fuck me it's gaining on us what I can't go any faster it'll kill us both so will that fucking thing I wanted to scream I knew the ATV couldn't go faster buts with a deceptive terrain and a dark night I couldn't do it with the Beast now gaining instead of just keeping pace though I didn't really have a choice just as I started to throttle with the thing up IRA leaned into my ear fuck it we'll have to go into the lake bed I look to the left across the wide expanse of flat land it would be a huge risk there could be thick mud underneath the cross ready to trap us like flies in honey but if it stayed hard we might have a chance of course it would also involve slowing down and turning left giving a monstrous piece of chance to get even closer when we turn slow down for as long as you can Aaron said I'll have a chance at hitting it maybe I wanted to snap back something about how Eustace maybe was in our position but he'd already started getting himself into the best position he could to shoot a rifle on a moving four-wheeler driven by a journalist I probably made it difficult if I'm honest but I followed his instructions and made the turn I couldn't help but look towards the creature as I did and once again I regretted it the ice shone in the moonlight silvery savage orb set in a blindly far shadow and then a right cracked and it stumbled maybe more out of Hope than realism I thought error might have pulled off a miracle kill shot I almost stopped but a beast gathered its feet rather than falling I swore and gun the engine again but this time the monster did something different I'm not sure if death I'm not sure if the death of the other one it rattled it or if the shot had genuinely wounded it but instead of coming back at us it swerved hard to the west loping off into the night and quickly dropping down to the slightly raised Land Between the Lakes and out of sight for the last time being at least we could breathe again we made our way back to the campsite slowly and diligently hyper aware of our possibility of an ambush on the way back we stopped to try and gather up the body of the dead dead creature and what we found though made absolutely no sense it was a dog nothing but a normal everyday dog little bigger than I expect she but definitely not the massive animal that we both saw I started to wonder if I was losing my mind but Erin pointed to the tracks of the dirt huge pored pug marks that didn't match the dog in any way we weren't losing our minds but there were so many questions unfortunately we had very few options that damage to the four-wheel drive would extensive and we couldn't shelter there with a wounded monster on the loose we didn't know if it would start and a damage meant that we would have to change a will before we could go anywhere not something we could really do given those circumstances plus a wounded animal is off that are most dangerous and we didn't know who else might be within the range or where it might head next I had already come to the same conclusion but Erin voiced it we're going to have to track it and end it properly when his brother went missing the creature had similarly left very little evidence of his passage this time though it seemed far less cautious or maybe it couldn't avoid leave in a signal on the brittle surface of the dry lakebed either way it left an obvious trail for us to follow and we slowly stoked it across the dried lakes on the four-wheeler as the Sun began to rise behind us always in West the Rising Sun gave me a bit more confidence visibility improved and the creature would find it much harder to hide in the shadows of the dark rocky landscape with an injured violent animal somewhere ahead of us and advanc'd it had lost made me feel much better try as we might though we couldn't seem to catch up even as the Sun rose higher and the heat of the day set in eventually we had to stop and at least eat something a long nights of fear had taken its toll and I could easily have dropped right there and slept even with the Beast still out there few kilometers along the ground became harder again and the tracks became harder to follow Aaron the Hunter had to get off the ATV and track on foot with me nursing a vehicle along behind looking out for any trouble a few kilometers further and we ran into a problem it had been dry out here for a long time but when rain does come it comes in torrents often all that water finds a weak spot in the arid soil and but in days it can erode deep ravines as that rain makes its way into the river system at about midday we found ourselves standing on the edge of one of those ravines not a particularly wide one mind you maybe 12 feet across in 7 or 8 feet deep but enough to stop us in our tracks try as we might we couldn't find any sign that a beast turned away either it seemed like it had gone over to ravine entirely worse they didn't seem to be any way around the ravine anywhere nearby we'd fail to chase the thing down and it had gotten away I hung around for a few more days looking for any sign of the creature in the news out west I wrote up a story leaving out some of the put more Prieta internal elements and focusing on the mysterious attacks and in the last few weeks I submitted it to everyone I'd worked with four opinion they all shot me down with our phrases like this article would not be in the best interest of the publication I've never heard that said before especially given our write stories about strange things exclusively as for the creature it seemed to have vanished and I had to get home at some stage so after almost a week with no more news I figured I couldn't hang around any longer I said my goodbyes to Aaron left him my number in case anything new came up they set off home three days after I arrived home I received a phone call from someone within the Australian Federal Police they were curtis enough explaining that they had information i've been involved with a federal feral dog instance out near Griffith and wondering if I minded answering a few questions I played along with a conversation that seemed reasonably normal except that the AFP don't usually get involved with that sort of thing and the worst dangerous feral dog were repeated far too often I felt as though the caller was trying to convince me that a feral dog had been their only culprit I couldn't help but be unsatisfied in a weird way I had touched on something I felt was preternatural some creature well beyond the norm and I had nothing to show for it but a story that no one wanted to hear the Beast itself had left no evidence that might allow me to answer the questions I still have instead I started scouring cryptid encounters again hoping to find something that I could relate to what we've been through a lot of them were junk clearly embellished or outright made-up but to had enough similarity to the case out west that they caused me to dig deeper neva had happened in Australia but I'm not sure that matters I don't think these events tied to a place as such the most recent happen in Malawi fifteen years ago where a terror beast killed and maimed some 20 people and the other being the killings of Jebel down in the 1700s that I wrote briefly about earlier in both incidents the killers were savagely beyond normal predatory behaviour descriptions of the killers were very similar between both and seemed to fill that beast well of course I could easily have dismissed these correlations or coming as coincidental if not for the way both cases ended in Malawi they shot a hyena as you've all done two wolves were killed these animals match neither of the description of the beasts or the patterns of their attacks the villagers in both cases were well aware of what these native animals look like sound like and how they hunt in both cases they were convinced that the Beast not the normal animal in the dried lakes of the Western River Rina which shots a bonafide monster only to discover the corpse of a feral dog where it fell in Malawi and France some blamed witchcraft claiming that Blackmagic had been used to turn an animal which is something more I have no idea about all of that but I do know that the body of that dog lay in the midst of the tracks it could not have made something unearthly happened down there in the barren lands bordering the Australian desert something I doubt they will ever be able to explain I feel like we might never know how many times this has happened give a my call from the AFP but I do know that we have two other recorded events that seem to match almost perfectly over the course of history who knows how many more have been lost never heard or explained away this is not the first time something like this has happened and I'm certain it won't be the last [Music] Wow fantastic stuff creepy as they offer their creepy was absolutely phenomenal author I think this is about the third or fourth story of creepy others that I've actually covered I've been sat on this one for quite a few months just try to find the time to record this week has been murder as you might know over in England we still have our kids at home for the six weeks school holidays so looking forward to getting my studio back we're not trying to play Minecraft etc etc but anyway as ever guys hope all well and happy and above all remember be safe not sorry [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Dead Man Talkings Forest Of Fear
Views: 13,208
Rating: 4.838449 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, scary australian stories, creepy australian stories, creepypasta Werewolves, Dogman stories, creepypasta beasts, scary cryptid encounter, creature encounter story, monster attack story, strange dog sightings, missing hunters stories, scary hunting stories, horror stories for bed, british horror narrator, english narrator, voice over horror, scary audio story, creepy audio book, werewolf attack story, werewolf encounter story, chased by dogman
Id: SL-LVvS9xxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 28sec (5248 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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