The Battle of Italeni | Zulus Vs Boers | Total War Cinematic Battle

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on the 28th of January 1838 pet ratif left the upper tala region with the belief that he could negotiate with the Zulu King dingani for permanent boundaries for the natal settlement King dingani had invited retif and his men to witness a special performance by his soldiers however King dingani betrayed retif and his party killing them all and leaving their bodies to be scavenged by wild [Applause] animals after the massacre of pet retif and his men by dingan on the 6th of February 1838 several boore camps were also attacked by the Zulu imp [Applause] the [Applause] double after this it was decided that pet and hendrik potg would lead a punitive Commando in retaliation to the perceived aggression by the Zulus and their King y was elected as general field commandant by those present becoming the first elected bore commandant General poer who was a natural leader objected to this and stated that he and his men were not prepared to serve under any other leader as a compromise it was decided that each bore unit would remain under its leader but that both parties would fight together this Arrangement would prove to have disastrous consequences the two Commandos consisting of a total of 300 147 Men set out in two separate columns for the sake of Speed and Agility it was decided not to take wagons on the 9th of April near the babano mountain range the bors took several Zulu stragglers captive however it has been speculated that these may have been spies sent to lead them into a trap the captives told the bors that the main Zulu Army was encamped near umgungundlovu the capital of their King dingani and so the bores out the bors descended from Kaza Mountain down a narrow pass as they crossed the nalo stream they could see some Zulu warriors on a hill known as italan the bors halted 1 kilometer away from the Zulu warriors on top of italan they then noticed a second column slowly advancing across the plane U gave pot a choice as to which imp he would like to attack potg chose the the one on the plane while U decided to attack the [Music] hill after riding within close proximity of the Zulu Force U ordered his men to Dismount and open fire [Music] after killing many Zulu Warriors the Zulus then withdrew and ran back down it aleni Hill in the direction of umgungundlovu the bors quickly mounted their horses and followed the fleeing Zulus in small groups in all directions on pot's side he made what was reported as a half-hearted attack on the Zulu forces and then retired he ordered some 15 men forward with strict instructions not to Dismount they closed the Gap with the right horn and fired a volley which suddenly enraged the Zulu impi the Zulus charged with a cacophony of noise and the small party turned and fled back towards the drift one man Joseph Krueger who dismounted against orders was unable to mount his panicked horse and was killed within seconds the entire unit is De when the survivors reached pot Gita the rest of his Commando mounted and they left the battlefield the Zulus then turned and advanced on the rear of the U party Po's Retreat had put u in terrible danger the Zulus fleeing from the UI Commando were closely pursued by the two malan brothers pet saw that the Zulus were leading the milans into a Gorge and dou back to cut them off seeing the danger they were in O formed a party of 15 volunteers including his son derky and rode to their rescue pet rode ahead of the rest of the party reached the malons and was shepherding them back when the Zulus then began throwing their asagi and one hit U his men rushed to help him and provided covering fire after being revived with some Brandy and water pet gasped people I have been mortally wounded I will not survive save yourselves not wanting to leave their leader behind the other BS put pet back onto a horse and started to withdraw from the area as the bors retreated out of the area the two Milan brothers were cut off at the rear and killed by the Zulus meaning the rescue mission was in vain the B the entire unit is dead sir as the group of bors retreated pet fainted from blood loss and was again revived again pet insisted people I have a mortal wound I will not survive save yourselves those about him were old friends and relatives and would not leave him they assisted him to mount and finding that they were cut off from the main party at top the hill proceeded down towards the stream in the direction in which potger had retreated for a third time pet fainted and fell from his horse again his helpers jumped from their horses to revive him when he recovered Consciousness again pet pleaded people in God's name if I fall again leave me I will be unconscious and will not feel it when I am stabbed further save yourselves the bors continued across the wilderness soon after the small group of bors reached a hilly area with rough terrain the horses struggled over the terrain and the Zulu once again caught up with them more BS were killed here the rest managed to escape [Applause] [Music] [Applause] by this point the boore rescue party had shrunk in number significantly the remaining men in the party then split into two to bypass a hill intending to reform on the other side Willam Nell and Yan landman soon found that a ridge separated them from Pet's party Pet's section came up against a ridge which was covered by a horde of Zulus they charged through the Warriors more bors were killed here and during the Escape including P's son [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what what Willam Nell and Yan lman who had been separated from Pet's section also had to fight their way through the Zulus they managed to get through unharmed and were the last to rejoin the commander pet had lost a great deal of blood and knew that he could not last any longer turning to the men with him he said leave me I am finished keep God before your eyes and fight for your land and look after my wife and children he then fainted again and fell to the ground Jacobus mman sprang from his horse and attempted to revive pet but realized that it was in vain the Zulus were almost upon him so he mounted his horse and fled with the others to regroup with the main force of bors meanwhile the bulk of Pet's Commander who had remained on the summit of the hill before the mission to rescue the Milan brothers were under massive pressure from the Zulus [Music] [Applause] [Music] they fought desperately for an hour and a half before they opened up a gap and retreated the battle had raged across 24 km of the country to the itala mountain a dozen or so bors were killed and over 500 Zulu warriors were reportedly killed the Commandos returned to their camp on the 12th of April during a subsequent meeting of the vort trekers poger was accused of cowardice and treachery for his refusal to endanger his Commando in an attempt to rescue Us's party in vain potg argued that if he had attacked he and his men would also have died at italan he was called a traitor and so pger and his followers left and returned to the orange free state
Channel: Historical Total War Battles
Views: 185,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: heIapFaIOQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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