The Batman - One Year (and a bit more) Later

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[Music] 2022 wasn't a very good year for the superhero genre like other [ __ ] each [Music] despite the ever-growing superhero fatigue and so so much cringe [Music] we were saved by none other than Edward Cullen with the Batman but before we get to all that let's talk about the film's original idea the Batman 2018 this was actually meant to be Ben Affleck solo film which you would direct co-write and star in the movie I think is going to be called the Batman yeah the script is going well I'm really excited about it and um I assure you that when there's anything to develops I'll you'll hear about it it would have centered around Arkham Asylum with the main villain being Deathstroke who would terrorize Batman's life after finding out his secret identity this was actually hinted at in the post-cred scene of zax known as Justice League but it was cut from the theatrical release his name is Bruce Wayne however after facing complications with the script Affleck stepped down as director with Matt Reeves a longtime Batman fan replacing him he's the man behind the found footage from Cloverfield and two out of the three Apes films which I enjoyed okay for you though Reeves wasn't entirely on board either and at that point Ben was supposed to be doing the movie originally and so I read the script and I I totally understood why they wanted to do that version of the movie but I thought I knew that for me everything I do I have to have a personal way in I have to have something in it that kind of allows me to have a compass so that as I'm going through and we're talking about every decision that we're making I know that there's something in me that sort of is pointing to my North Star and so I thought the meeting was about me saying I think I'm not your guy but fortunately after an ongoing plethora of challenges in his personal life along with the hellish development that was Justice League afflict stepped down completely like I say sometimes things sort of work in jail and sometimes they just uh you know you you seem to be just having one problem after another you know they said you want to direct and star in like a solo Batman movie I found that I had kind of at just some point lost my enthusiasm or passion for it you know I was like this should really be made by somebody for whom it's their Wildest Dream you know come true and for me it was it had become like something different and it was clear to me that it was time to move on without like out of the picture freeze was given full creative control from Warner Bros allowing him to make the Batman movie he wanted he wanted a dark grounded emotional detective Thriller and inspired by 70s noir films he grew up with I came of age really uh on the era of movies that that you know that he was talking about there you know taxi driver and French Connection and all those things those are the movies of you know my my youth and I kind of felt like it opened up that side too the idea of doing a kind of Gothic neo-noir um kind of like a 70s movie and it was well received overall but recently I've been seeing more and more people criticize the movie and it's been a year and a bit more since the movie came out so I thought I'd sit down and see how it holds up foreign [Music] so without further Ado let us revisit Matt Reeves the Batman the movie starts out with a POV shot of someone spying on the mayor we find out that this is the Riddler played by Paul Dano you know that guy who always gets beat up when you left them I actually like his outfit a lot I know it's a dress of change from his look in the comics but I think it fits the whole zodiac Vibe really well the only other live-action ruler we got was Jim Carrey which was uh something to say the least one question about how a fell about reuse interpretation of the Riddler Carrie said he was worried that some real-life sickos might try to adopt the Riddler's methods but I think it's the other way around you know like Riddler's interpretations inspired by real people but don't worry Jim the character has been inspiring people long before this movie came out the answer is who is Thursday October 31st we then have a lengthy monologue from The Drifter as he patrols through Gotham I really like how this whole sequence shows how fearful criminals are just knowing Batman is out there and how it's the psychological fear of the unknown that Batman utilizes they think I'm hiding in the shadows but I am the Shadows then he does that woman from the trailer Batman is then brought to the mayor's study by Lieutenant Gordon who's played by Jeffrey Wright some people were upset that this Gordon was race swab stating that this was another woke move by Hollywood but if you notice they made Catwoman black Commissioner Gordon black everybody Goods black but I disagree I think it's just because he's a good actor I mean Michael Keaton's Batman did a similar thing with Harvey Dent being played by Lando himself so I don't really know what the fuss is about okay let's talk about the sparkly elephant in the room Robert Pattinson when he was announced as Batman there was some slight backlash online though I feel like most of his detractors were either people who saw him as the guy from Twilight or people who were upset about Affleck's replacement but I think he was a great choice for Batman I really liked him in the lighthouse God damn [ __ ] and he was phenomenal in the film good time how would you like it if I made you cry how would you like that no I would not and hey even Trump was obsessed with him at one point so as to account for something and while other Batman were able to rely on their villain's performance or the performance from the side characters this Batman was put at center stage of the film in a ranking of the various Batman screen time Paxton is ranked third place with 129 minutes and that's just in one film not to mention that this Batman has really dialogue heavy scenes with a lot of emotion in them so I think that person really had to shine in his acting or else the entire film would just collapse in on itself but he nailed it I think you're better than me I am better than you this has a lot to do with this voice as well Reeve chose to go with a more whispery voice for Batman rather than what we got with bail I have a source I spoke to the D.A tonight Gail's very nervous we're never giving to an ordinary citizer where's the trigger and on that now about performance let's talk about the bad suit itself I know that afflix 2 is more comic bug accurate and it's really cool but I just like the whole practical homemade nature of this one it's very much based in U.S military or sort of late Vietnam to contemporary kind of military techniques and sort of ballistic protection that's old school engineering so he's able to fire fire his uh his hooks a lot of the complaints come from the cow wall how it's really stitched up and I do admit it looks a little goofy in some scenes but I like it much of the criticism is also pointed how exposed his mouth is but with the jawline as sharp as that you're cutting through bullets and we will later see how resilient that jawline is so after Batman does some detective work and stares at a child for a little bit we get one of my favorite scenes from the film thank you [Music] foreign people don't give enough praise towards is this movie is Gotham as much as I love Nolan's Trilogy besides the Narrows in Batman Begins Gotham feels lifeless I get that's just New York and Chicago combined and you're meant to feel like you can walk outside and be right in Gotham but I feel like that takes a lot of the life away while the Batman's Gotham has modern yet Gothic architecture making feel really run down we wanted to shoot in a place that had historic Gothic architecture that we then built upon create our own Gotham so you felt you were seeing a place that looked like a big city but a city at the same time that you'd never seen before a city that was ours this Batman film by far has the best cinematography and in my opinion was totally snubbed at the Oscars even Roger deakins the cinematographer behind my favorite move of all time says so which means I must be right there's a lot of POV shots mounted camera stuff heavy use of Shadows and a lot of close-ups I'm not an expert on this topic by any means and I highly suggest these videos if you want to learn more my apron just goes wow movie looks cool good movie and got the bat cave now an abandoned subway station we get a look at the most emo Bruce Wayne yet while the rest of the Batman had a dual Persona between Playboy billionaire and mask vigilante this one is just a brooding vengeful kid which I think fits the tone of the film really well and it's just an interesting take on the character in my opinion but I figured you know if you had experienced something like that in your childhood there are different ways you could respond you could become a Playboy you could do all these things and obviously that could then become a Secret mask to do as you've seen in so many of the stories but I thought well there's another response too I almost thought of like the Kennedys or like British royalty and the idea of something happening that was tragic and that it had just the opposite effect which is that he would withdraw he'd become kind of a recluse Alfred is played by Andy Circus in this film and while he doesn't get enough screen time he does a good job overall oh and then Bruce gives him this line oh Bruce a prick offer then helps solve the Riddler Cipher and oh my God I have to say while a lot of people tend to comment on Batman and Catwoman's relationship I think the best relationship in the film is Batman and Gordon just working together at the start of the film they feel like two detectives just working alongside each other though they barely trust one another you don't trust me you mean like you trust me and by the end of the film it feels like two men against the Sea of corruption I don't trust any of them do you I only trust you okay Batman then just charges into the Iceberg Lounge the fight scenes in this film feel much more raw and brutal compared to the others while Affleck's Batman feels more powerful and calculated this one just feels angrier and unhinged I mean look at that face it's not that the action was bad in Nolan's Trilogy by any means it's just the editing is terrible I mean I can't even tell what the [ __ ] is going on in this scene so I'm glad in this film the scenes hold the shots back a lot and allow us to see the action Batman is interrupted by the penguin played by Colin Farrell no less oh tell me how's saying that's for John Lennon your Yankee [ __ ] [ __ ] a bottle now don't bother who I might add is totally unrecognizable through the amazing prosthetic makeup honestly when I saw Mike Marino's work and what he had created and how the penguin was gonna look facially what his Visage was going to be I was so blown away but I will say it was one of the most exciting jubilant celebratory experiences I've had in making pictures in 20 years he adds a lot of comic relief in this film which I appreciate oh [ __ ] it is look at that we then get introduced to Selena Kyle played by Zoe Kravitz she was met with the same complaints as Jeffrey Wright with the ray swapping but I think she fits the look really well she looks exactly like how she is in year one other than being you know black Catwoman black Commissioner Gordon black everybody Goods black we then get a neat Batman and Riddler parallel with Batman spying on Selena using Selena as a way in Batman investigates the corruption and got them as she goes through the 44 below where we're introduced the D.A Gil Coulson who's played by Peter Skarsgard I known him from The Killing spoiler he dies in that dude Selena then runs into Falcone he's played by John Turturro he was in Big Lebowski you said it man nobody [ __ ] with the Jesus he's also in the night of which I liked a lot he's also in Transformers where he gets pissed on he's also under giant Transformer testicles a Far From Grace if you ask me anyways Batman doesn't like the idea of stalking a woman who's single so he gets frustrated resulting in them losing connection no Gill is attacked by The Riddler who gives him a pizza gate treatment in the form of a neck bomb we get on the scene of Alfred helping Bruce with the Riddler Cipher which means we have to get on the scene of Bruce being a [ __ ] you have to keep up appearances he's still away what about you your way your father gave them to me it's not that a line in any way I mean I get he's an angsty teen he kind of pushes everyone away doesn't let anyone get close to him not even Alfred but still I think this is done way better than Batman Begins why do you give a damn Alfred it's not your family I give a damn because a good man once made me responsible for what was most precious to him in our world Bella real speaks to Bruce Wayne where we get some impressive display of social skills Bruce Wayne why haven't you called me back sorry it's really interesting to see if Bruce Wayne who's so reclusive and uncaring about his public appearances and it just really shows how obsessed he is with being Batman he's just compelled to do it that's a kind of important differentiation of this Batman basically the options are kind of death or being Batman Gail crashes the party where everyone just stands around after a lady shouts he has a bomber on his neck there's a bomb around his back I mean personally if I were in that crowd I'd just bolt out of the room like my life depending on it which it does Riddler then FaceTime skill I just love imagining religious laying on his bed calling the phone with like his v-kick in the air I mean he must be sitting there for hours waiting for Batman he's like he's just letting it ring ring ring like come on pick up pick up he's also live streaming this whole event I mean gotta get that back somehow right he plays a little game with Gail who only answers two out of three riddles with the help of Batman which I think is cheating right like what if Batman didn't show up would uh he refused to give up the rat and explodes I have issues with the scene we later learned that Riddler believes Batman is an ally we've been doing this together you're part of this you're part of this too so why does he just let Batman take a bomb through his face I mean maybe he didn't know completely that he was on his side but I mean he could have put a smaller explosive or something secondly thank God Bruce put some blasts and fires his impotions on that jawline he just took an explosion to the face and it isn't even scarred I get that he covers it with his arms but still they could have fixed the scene by just having Bruce shove gills right before the bomb goes off but oh wow Batman is then taking the gcpd where he gets into a scuffle with the police okay but why does this guy grab his ear of all things Gordon helps Batman Escape after being told a nice joke who's a mustache with the broken nose I thought this scene shows Batman actually escaping rather than Vanishing even though he does that later in the film but but it's nice to see I guess to escape the cops Batman deploys a wing suit that I admit looks very funny but it's a cool scene nonetheless Batman proceeds to eat [ __ ] oh and as much as I like to see this imperfect Batman fail his getaway he again has no visual damage he just ate a lamp to the face and the next scene he's perfectly fine and I get it you know he has plot armor he's Batman it's a superhero film whatever but for a movie that's so dedicated to having everything being practical and realistic going through the lengths of having Batman fail his Landing which I respect but they don't show any of the consequences that being Batman brings and I think it's just lost potential here this is a Batman that's in his younger years he's totally obsessed with being Batman this would have been the perfect film to see the physical and mental toll it takes being Batman but you know I guess it's fine but shut the [ __ ] up enough ranting here's the amazing Pet Mobile the people who not only constructed this whole sequence but built four working versions of the car for the film deserves so much praise we built one electric car then we built three petrol cars the trick is is that they all look the same don't get me wrong I like the tank Batmobile too but to see that this is just a modified muscle car was just awesome we had a 100 odd Vehicles driving around a half mile set with pyrote tactics and effects going off and stunt drivers we really try to execute stuff as much in camera as possible so that the believability of this world remains at the highest level possible and I want to give a big shout out to the sound Department because I mean this it's just beautiful thank you Matt Reese for the genius idea of putting a bunch of camera mounts on this car oh and then we get the best shot of the film [Music] it's not epic or grandiose like the other films but it feels more personal more intimate which I think reflects the film pretty well it was all composed by Mike giacchino I don't know if Bronson that right he's done like a [ __ ] ton of Disney movies including my favorite Disney film Ratatouille which is interesting [Music] who again offers some comical relief [Applause] they then get into a text conversation with the Riddler which again makes me wonder if he's just sitting in his room waiting for them all day like how do he know they're here right he was just here at the perfect time okay sadly after this point the pacing of the film slows down pretty drastically because up to now the riddles unraveled at a pretty good Pace we got two action scenes and a great chase scene but now we take a break from The Riddler and focus on how it all ties back to Bruce who has actually read those next victim and he's given a male bomb as a present how thoughtful Bruce is contacted by Selena where she calls him Vengeance yeah I thought you were Vengeance which I thought was kind of cringe she also sparked a lot of controversy online with this line all anyone cares about in this place are these white privileged [ __ ] Mr Gordon black everybody gets black I mean come on DC has had cringe Airlines anyways they share a kiss and she goes off Bruce then watches a highly edited video from Riddler which is basically a Wayne family Rose did Riddler hire someone on like Fiverr to produce this like were all these effects really necessary he then goes to Falcone with a knee call back from earlier you know who I am no I am we'll essentially repeats what the Riddler said but also adds that he thinks Moroni had his parents killed are you saying got my father killed do I know it for a fact I'm just saying it sure looked that way to me Bruce then goes to Alfred and gives him the rudest Awakening ever he lied to me my whole life imagine being Alfred in the scene you just took a bomb for Bruce got put in a coma for a day or so wake up and immediately start getting roasted like Bruce you don't have to twice cook him that's terrible I mean look how happy is to see Bruce again and he's all like you piece of [ __ ] you [ __ ] goddamn [ __ ] listen [ __ ] him anyways this scene boils down to everything Ridler and Falcone said but Alfred adds that his father never planned on having the reporter killed and thinks that Falcone might have been responsible for its parents death it's a touching scene between the two but I feel like their relationship wasn't that strong to begin with so the emotional impact isn't as great and the fact that Bruce has told the same story three times feels a bit much Batman and Gordon meet at the bad signal to find Catwoman beating up Kenzie we are then revealed the big twist that Falcone is the rat all along the Falcon has wings too Falcon is the red Batman also makes his no kill role very clear in this film which I like dude let's finish this live-action iterations of Batman haven't been the best with this rule early on it didn't really matter since admittedly the dude kills a lot of people in the comics when one of them survives Batman ropes him up by the neck and hangs him from his back plane he later kills one last henchman with a gas pellet that makes him fall off the roof you sure got them all Batman but let's take a brief history lesson and go over Batman's murderous track record shall we in Batman the movie Batman and Robin accidentally killed these two goons who become anti-matter to instantly reduce them to anti-matter anti-matter you mean they won't be coming back no Robin kian's Batman kills a good amount of people too in Batman 89 he kills a handful of henchmen including throwing a dude off a bell tower and her turns he sets this dude Ablaze and gives the most sadistic smile before blowing this guy up and Batman Forever Kilmer Bamboozled Two-Face into Fong to his own death in Batman Begins Bale infamously says I won't kill you but I don't have to save you The Dark Knight Two-Face takes another tumble and when Zack Snyder is making bvs he thought no kill rule you mean no kill rule so I'm glad that reads finally got it right cat wore my heads off to kill Falcone with Batman in Pursuit we see him learning as he decides to go in stealthy for the first time which I like so Catwoman is about to kill Falcone when he's interrupted by Gotham news and the recording of Annika being killed which makes me think if Falcon is so powerful he didn't think of controlling televised news speaking of which Gotham news broadcasts everything every murder to graphic detail maybe that's just a normal occurrence and Goblin so whatever so Catwoman is about to kill Falcone again and somehow misses a straight shot and Greg Frazier does what he does best while hallway scene oh I think they've seen highlights my biggest issue with this movie and that's plot armor Batman is just taking these shots way too easily without any consequence and I get it Bruce is a billionaire and we live in America right like everyone has a girl it makes sense for him to build the most bulletproof suit in existence but this armor feels too perfect for a year to Batman like there's no flaws to it there's no reason for him to change suits in the next movie because this one has everything and Batman Begins Bale's suit is really tanky as well but it's at the compromise of Mobility when we see this in the Dark Knight where his suit is made more mobile and less resilient leaving potential for the old British treatment now there is a trade-off separation of the plates makes you more vulnerable to knives and gunfire oh we wouldn't want to make things too easy you know with me like the only flaw in this whole suit is his cowl which knocks him out a lot which again is a nice detail like getting shot in the head would recoil you back and cause some sort of internal damage but now having gunfire running down on your chest is fine we get a very seven inspired scene with Riddler purposely giving himself up which one is you you tell me Riddler's apartment is a clear homage to seven as well and it shows the clear perilous between Batman and Riddler Friday July 16th my life has been a cruel riddle I could not solve maybe it's beyond saving but I have to try push myself empty promise they sold to me as a child in that orphanage one look inside and finally I understood maybe this is all coming to an end what is the Batman so Batman visitors learned Arkham we essentially Riddler confesses how much of a simp he is this is expanded much more in the Riddler prequel comic they released after the film it gives Mark backstory on Ashton and in it he really looks up to Batman it's probably one of those Transcendent moments in his life an aha moment where you project something onto that figure out there and you see some hidden piece of yourself or some something that you want to be without the Batman you know you would you would never have the Riddler anyways the moment Batman realized really doesn't know who he is his inner prick Bruce Wayne comes out and he just goes off this is all in your head you're sick twisted how can you say that you're pathetic psychopath thank you for attention wordless breakdown is absolutely hysterical I remember watching it in the theater and I didn't know it was meant to laugh or be terrified a lot of people called this scene cringe but I think it really works it just shows how unhinged Riddler really is the scene of Riddler talking to his followers is hilarious too hey guys I like how the modern interpretation of Riddler is just an internet Intel with a schoolgirl crush on Batman we've come so far we've spent our lives in this wretched place Riddler then goes from serial killer to domestic terrorist a lot of people criticize the scene because it just kind of jarring how Riddler goes from killing corrupt politicians to blowing up Gotham but I don't think Ridley was ever meant to be this Justified character he hates Gotham he just wants everyone to suffer innocent or not then Batman attends the Riddler fan Meetup and starts beating everyone up I do think this end fight is pretty cool but a lot of attention from this scene widows away because Batman is just taking on these shots again then he goes flying from a shotgun which you can see dented through his armor in the original screenplay The Buckshot actually pierced his armor showing blood I wish we saw this in the final film because again that armor is too resilient but maybe that would have affected the PG-13 rating I don't know Selena saves him but it's grabbed by shotgun Man Batman Jabs himself with adrenaline yes that's adrenaline sorry everyone I was hoping it was a Venom too and he just goes Ham on this guy foreign but it's okay Batman can kill after all I mean he's done before but you know Batman then Saves The People by cutting the cable going through a literal baptism and transcending conventions to a hero we then get a pretty good monologue from Batman where he completes his Arc of the movie I do have to say I think this whole scene is too light-hearted especially with the new Merit talking about restoring faith and Gotham like [ __ ] my apartment is underwater I live with the fishes now and then we get the Joker I agree with most people's sentiment that we've gotten too many jokers in the past and this whole scene just feels forced you know like they quickly filmed a short thing with him as a tease for the next movie but that's not the case fortunately and he was actually in an earlier scene that was cut from the film which would have added some context speaking of which let's talk about the two deleted scenes from the movie starting with the joker this scene would have taken place after Batman Gordon go to the morgue or Batman would visit Joker to help profile The Riddler he's played by Barry key again he's in the Banshees of initrin with Colin Farrell funnily enough he's really good at playing wacky odd characters I have to admit but he is very creepy as the Joker the same people who did Penguins makeup did this one so yeah very disgusting sadly though Joker just spoils the entire movie 30 minutes in completely deconstructing Riddler's motivations this is very very personal he feels these people have all wronged him why is she writing to me maybe he's a fan of yours or maybe he's got a grudge against you too maybe yours the main course it's a real shame because I love this interaction between the two and how Joker ultimately understands Batman and what scares him nor just terrify you're not sure he's won huh you think that he deserved yeah you think they deserved it foreign The Joker so early on would deviate so many people's attention from Riddler you know and obviously he spoils the whole twist to make sense to me it was one of these things where narratively it wasn't necessary you got everything that Barry was telling him that the Joker was telling him over the course of the movie and given the great length of the movie it helped the story to take the scene out but I always really loved the work of that Barry and Rob did in the scene the other delayed scene would have featured an interaction between the Penguin and Selena this would have taken place before she goes into the 44 below it's a good scene between the two but again he does some more foreshadowing the [ __ ] only ain't gonna be around forever one day this city is gonna be mine I can understand more why the scene was cut like it didn't really add to the story at all especially with that penguin spin up show coming out we didn't need to hear how he's so ambitious and hates Falcone and we already know that the film ends again with Selena going off on her own well Batman stays and Gotham it's a pretty bittersweet ending and I think it was appropriate for their relationship there are two people who want to be together but can't do to who they are if you're not safe here I can take care of myself don't you baby I can take care of myself take care of yourself phew three hours down the drain but I think it holds up pretty well I know that I had some complaints but there are mainly nitpicks and it's fine and I don't think that the Batman could have come out at a better time as they post endgame MCU continued to decline due to underbaked characters and storytelling overworked VFX artists any real lack of Creative Vision resulting in this saminess feelings around I think people just got tired of it does that look real in that particular shot no actually no none of them something looks very off about this and I think that Batman is like a breath of fresh air after all that you can feel the passion and craftsmanship of the crew throughout the entire film everyone gave it their all from the actors strange period so to be a part of something which has this fan base this still has such an anticipation for it and yeah it's just it's a real privilege to be a part of it to the production design the costume team is incredible on this film I take quite a huge responsibility in effect actively putting all those people's Craft on screen by far the hardest I think he's from the bottom of my heart because I care so much about what we do this movie means so much to me but you guys showed me that you care just as much thank you so much to that [ __ ] Batmobile man a lot of people's complaints about this film are usually this movie is too long it's too slow too dark too much rain and I get that but funnily enough those are my favorite aspects of this film I respect Matt Reeves for letting the movie take its time it doesn't Rush from scene to scene letting us soak in the atmosphere this is my favorite Batman film yet we've really pushed the whole 70s vibe to 11. it really felt like a Neo Noir movie first then a superhero movie second and I want to just acknowledge the fact that this Batman isn't for everyone I get that not everyone is a fan of this three hour long slow burn gritty dark detective film I love those types of films so naturally this one resonated with me in a different way we have so many interpretations of the character that pretty much anyone can latch onto and relate with and it's perfectly fine if you don't like this movie that's the strange Beauty in the [ __ ] of what we call the live-action Batman franchise if you want a grounded detective 70s Noir Reeves if you want more of an action Blockbuster with one of the best villains in cinematic history Nolan if you want a cynical murderer Batman Snyder if you like a little bit of campiness in your Batman with a hint of dark burn if you want full Camp Adam West if you want bat nipples uh there's a site for that I'm sure and hey if you hate every live-action interpretation there's a ton of anime movies out there for you and if you hate moving pictures there's the Arkham Trilogy and if you hate all of that hey this is the [ __ ] Comics go read that there's a Batman for everyone is what I'm getting at and I think there's something to admire about that I want to end this video on a quote from Matt Reeves that I think sums up what I'm trying to say really well and it was a very special experience to get to make this movie you know I mean it's a it's a daunting experience to make a Batman movie you know the history is so great and there's been so many great ones and to try and do something that we could all put ourselves into and feel like we had something fresh to say and to do I think it's a true Testament to the character and to all of the characters in this world and how enduring they are that they are that open to reinterpretation and that they last in the hearts and minds of the audience the way they do after so much time and you realize just how important this character is to people and for just a little bit of time you know I was allowed to be custodian along with all of the actors and all of the incredible people the the crew that worked on this film we got to carry him for a little while and I hope there'll be more All That Remains to be seen but it was a an honor and a privilege So yeah thank you for watching this video uh the four of you who do I know the writing and editing is all over the place especially the audio like it's it's total [ __ ] I've retaken these lines over and over again but I just really want to get everything I've been wanting to say about this movie out somewhere I've been wanting to make this video since the movie came out so yeah cut me some slack please anyways IMB show and I'll see you in the next millennia have a good one
Channel: Bisho
Views: 285,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video essay, the batman, robert pattinson, dc comics, film video essay, one year later, batman, batman video essay, film essay
Id: 44OCZG67c1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 20sec (2300 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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