The Basics of GIS - Concepts

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hi and welcome to this video where I'll be talking about the basic workings of geographic information systems I'll be focusing on concepts not how the working is implemented in a specific application in the next two videos however I will be looking at how these basic workings are implemented in on one hand arcgis pro and another hand cookus so for this video it's the general concepts next two videos I'll be looking at how the principles are implemented in arcgis pro and qgs so if you remember back to the video on conceptual models talked about that we had a world of observation and we looked at that world of observation through ontology so conceptual models was interesting in for connection of geographic information systems is that we here have a target audience we are talking about that we have some world observation that we want to communicate or analyze with a specific target audience in mind so these are two starting points our world of observation of our reality and our target audience if we try and visualize a geographic information system has this big burger we have on the top bone we have the logical tier in the middle bond on the meat will have our control - and at the bottom bun Bo but we have the software here the control really consists of what decides what we do how our how we implement our work and this is basically controlled by our menace by two components our institutional framework so what do we do in this institution so if you're employed in mr. Palin see what is the business rules of that municipality if we are the University what is that one called the business rules here but we'll talk about our institutional framework so but software do we have and bits are resources do we give you to work with you should also remember that we all have some form of pre understanding of things so we might call this our analytical framework so how do we normally analyze this or that type of problem so those two combine these how do we normally do things if you call the analytical framework we'll choose to workbook and then which resources and what is the traditional business rules of the organization these two control how we look at it so given these controlling components we will take our world observation and then we will apply an ontology remember a neurology is really this defined as a conceptual model so let's be talked about in that earlier video we have entities so trees houses buildings but also these more conceptual entity starts as municipalities we have property fields so something that various continues such as elevation and then we have these categorical partitioning x' typically so our classes so basic using these three types of components we will construct a conceptual model that is our ontology in which through which we see our world of observation remembering that an ontology really defines what really exists so the ontology see tells us about what we can see you know reality or world or salvation but this is coming much more detailed in the video on concept your mom so once we have created our conceptual model via valence to start the real work if you wish where you start into a digital world so if we look at what is in the digital tier of our geographic information systems we basically have four different components we have a management services that is where you can create delete transform our data sources so that will probably be the first thing we will do when we start on a project is that you'll use this management services to collect data from different sources perhaps even creates our own data and this data is in sent to our data services the data services have the function of storing and retrieving data in some data format and they then can send it on to lighter too important services the visualization services where we you can visualize our data in different ways and our analytical services where we analyze them if you just look at this in general concepts and look at the software tier I've been talking about so we had our data services they can read and write from the data sources we have our management services where we create deletes data sources transform them change projection coordinate systems all of these special things we have our visualization services and we have our analytical services so that's the basic workings of this offer but of course they need some form of user interface so if we look at what this can be most users will have a what they call a catalog or browser a user interface for finding data or finding places you want to save your data sources so basically manipulating collecting for if you have once you have your data sources available or new hard drive on your network then we use this catalog or browser called differently in the two pieces of software we'll be talking about so in RJ's accordin catalogs in Cubase across browsers but they do the same they go and find where is a specific data source then we have our map UI where we were using that to filter data so we have some data coming from our data source but typically we don't want to show all of the data in the data source be able to probably want if the data source was roads we might only want the motor roads be can symbolize it so we'll say okay people not symbolize motor roses big red lines or blue lines or whatever we can do scaling so we want to show our data in specific scale and of course if you're going to create new data or modify data we'll also typically use the map user interface for doing that we'll have a design you say interface the design user interface is about putting a layout into the final output product so I'll put the product it was probably this not just a what they call a map frame just the little area on a map with some colors on it we might want to all things like some graphs pictures nor for our scale bars and legends all those things texts all of these things and how they are layout on the farm output is what we use the design user interface for and then we'll have a analytical or two tools so where we can do buffering early operations all those are things that we have to do and finally we'll have a project management barely desire okay bad we're going to save our data or working project of GIS project it's our project we have it settings to this how are you guys - speaking Danish or English all of these different types of settings there's lots and lots of those in most J's so they will have their own project management user interface so if it doesn't make a little short preview or be looking at in the next two videos and look at how these user interfaces are implemented in in in ArcGIS we will see that we have a map interface where you can display our maps of this is this area and it goes together of what they call the content so we have you see bits layers which data source I displayed here we have their catalog for browsing data sources we have what they call two boxes for where we have all our analysis and modification things and then we have a design user interface which will give us some black sheet in which we can then put our where we want our different elements to go and change fonts and all of those are and finally which you can't see at the same time but in the background I've displayed it we have some options so if we can go in and set the options so we can say how does editing how do we want our layout to look it's typical page sizes do we want all these different general project related settings so that's how the user interface looks in arcgis pro if you look at the same in QGIS we will say here that we have our map you say interface which again has this display area and here called layers this was called content in that yes but the same thing here we see which layers is in our map display and we can change the coloring and filtering in here we have our catalog of browser thank you guys is called browser and we go and find our data sources we have a settings so this is where we have our pure project management languages and default coordinate systems and only all these are different things it comes up from this sitting menu and then we have our layout where you can or design use interface where you can insert map frames and pictures and text and move them around and output them in different types so these those are you can see if it'll compare so this was the interface in arcgis pro and here we have it in qgs they are really relatively similar but of course with lots and lots of small specific details so i'm now talked about the basic principles and i've use interface and what is a J's if we look at how the general workflow within a J's is it would probably start with we have some data sources these data sources we will load in and we will start out by filtering them the closer to the data source we can do our filtering the better because we will have less data to work well so as a principle we will try and filter as close to our data source as possible but if it's at many places in both cubist and ArcGIS so if we take our data and say it filtered out saying only we want only to use our motor roads or only to use our or see our paths or whatever you want to see the general language for filtering is SQL and as a video series on SQL and how that's implemented so what's that later we will then after we have filter the data will symbolize it so we will decide ok motorboats they will be displayed big fat red lines or blue lines or whatever it's a tradition of the country and these go into our map display have the layers or contently massacring qgs a continent was cold in RJ's wherever you can decide which layers go on top of each other and it's also the interface to the simple in Civilization and the filtering process and all of that is then displayed in a what we might call a simple map our final output we will take our map and place it as a map frame in our put we put in North hours legends and all those other things and of course it's may mean many situations we might want to have another set of layers displayed in an our map frame so we could have one map frame showing for instance assumed in the area may be displayed the different soil types of an area and then our view map with all layers in it display where we are located within the country so typically me in our output will have several map frames that come from several different maps and of different contents in those maps so that's a general working of of the GIS as I mentioned there's two following up videos for this video says one video where I talk about it in our GIS pro and one where I'll talk about how these are things are implemented in queue keys I hope you like this video I hope to see you in our videos bye
Channel: Geoinformatics
Views: 3,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Geographic Information System, GIS, design, workflow, User Interface, software agnostic
Id: NtI4ry_Zb10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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