The Badass Sergeant Who Instantly Became His Own One Man Army

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this video is brought to you by magic spoon long time viewers of this channel know that i'm a big fan of cereal because cereal is great who wouldn't love cereal but it's not always great for you anyway long car magic spoon they're like yo simon heard you like facts so check this out zero grams of sugar 14 grams of protein four net grams of carbs in each serving and a full serving 140 calories cool i think i mean i don't know much about protein and carbs other than the formula is good and the latter is maybe not so good but that zero sugar bit had me sold it also tastes amazing they have sent me many boxes and i've eaten them many boxes very few left i'm very sad it tastes amazing it tastes as if it's loaded with sugar but it isn't and it's also low carb gmo free gluten free keto friendly all of that good stuff now originally they had these four flavors cocoa fruited frosted and blueberry but recently to my delight they've added some new ones including peanut butter and cinnamon those 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the british took him if he can't beat him join him attitude and formed entire units of gurkha soldiers commanded by british officers these units quickly became an integral part of the british army taking part in every major conflict over the next 200 years in this time they've acquired a reputation that can only be described as legendary with an astonishing 26 gurkhas being awarded the victoria cross the uk's highest military award for gallantry with the motto of better to die than be a coward the gurkhas are known and feared the world over as some of the world's most fearsome and deadly warriors how deadly well look no further than the story of acting sergeant dipperson pun who while serving in afghanistan in 2010 single-handedly defended his outpost against a large group of taliban fighters and redefined the word badass born in bhima western nepal but currently living in ashford kent tibrusampun comes from a long line of soldiers with his father and grandfather also serving in gurkha regiments his grandfather tul bahadur pun even received the victoria cross in 1944 while serving in the burma theatre of world war ii in september 2010 the then 31 year old pun was acting sergeant in the first battalion royal gurkha rifles stationed in helmond province in southern afghanistan on the night of the 17th pun and three other soldiers were left to guard their control post near the town of babaji while the rest of their unit moved out to secure the surrounding roads ahead of the next day's parliamentary elections throughout the night the four men took turns manning the sangha or elevated guard tower at the center of their compound sergeant pun was standing guard in the tower when he suddenly heard what sounded like a cow or donkey braying in the darkness at first he ignored it but he soon grew suspicious and climbed higher up the tower to get a better look it was then that he spotted two taliban insurgents planting an improvised explosive device or ied by the compound gate before pun could react the air filled with traces and rocket-propelled grenades as a hidden force of taliban launched a coordinated surprise attack on the compound while most of us would have reacted to such a situation by making our trousers significantly damper and a bit more smelly dipper said pun remembered that he was after all a gurkha and responded accordingly at that time i wasn't worried there wasn't any choice but to fight the taliban were all around the checkpoint i was alone i had so many of them around me that i thought i was definitely going to die so i thought i'd kill as many of them as i could before they killed me at first i was a bit scared but as soon as i started firing that feeling went away with taliban closing in all around him pun [ __ ] gathered up two radios and used them to call his commanding officer for reinforcements this time he then went into supercooker rage mode with a cry of machu talai nepali fur i will kill you all he pulled the guard towers l-108a1 general-purpose machine gun off of its tripod and proceeded to go full john rambo on his attackers hip-firing the weapon in a 360-degree arc once his ammunition was exhausted pun moved to lobbing grenades off of the tower and even set off a claim or anti-personnel mine before picking up his sa-80 service rifle and continuing to lay withering fire upon his attackers at one point a taliban fighter climbed up the side of the tower and attempted to rush him but pun spotted him whirled around and fired only for his rifle to jam apparently determined to prove that a gurku can kill you with just about anything pun reached for a nearby sandbag but it had not been tied properly and so the sand spilled harmlessly to the floor so with seconds to spare punt picked up the heavy machine gun tripod folded it and held it in his attacker's face sending him toppling off the tower to his death pun continued to beat back the taliban assault for nearly a quarter of an hour before the rest of his unit arrived and finally drove off the attackers his company's commander major sean chandler gave him a hearty slap on the back and asked him how he was which pun simply replied i'm fine in all sergeant-depressed pun one man gurkha army had single-handedly held off an estimated 30 taliban fighters and killed three in the process setting off 250 machine gun rounds 180 rifle rounds 17 grenades and a mine about the only weapon he didn't use was his kukri the traditional gurkha fighting knife but only because he didn't have one on him at the time as the battalion commander lieutenant colonel guez strickland data remarked my battalions have done two tours in afghanistan and been involved in some very difficult and fierce fighting dibrasard's action is the bravest i have seen he courageously held that position despite being under attack from a hail of bullets he saved the lives of three men as well as his own in recognition of his bravery on june the first 2011 sergeant dipper said pun was awarded the conspicuous gallantry cross britain's second highest military decoration by queen elizabeth ii in a ceremony at buckingham palace the citation for his award read in part sergeant pun single-handedly fought off an enemy attack on his lightly manned position in the dark he tackled the enemy head-on as he moved around his position to fend off the attack from three sides killing three assailants and causing the others to flee in doing so he saved the lives of his three comrades and prevented the position from being overrun sergeant pun couldn't know how many taliban were attempting to overcome his position but he sought them out from all angles despite the danger consistently moving towards them to reach the best position of attack sergeant pun was more modest about his actions that night stating i know i'm very lucky to be alive i didn't think the attack would ever end and i nearly collapsed when it was over i did what i was trained to do though the gurkhas now make up only a small part of the british army their numbers having fallen from an all-time high of 200 000 during world war ii to less than 3500 they continue to serve with distinction wherever they are deployed as to preset puns actions of september the 17th 2010 clearly demonstrate such feats of gallantry would appear to confirm what field marshal sam manikshaw former chief of staff of the indian army once said about this unique fighting force if a man says he is not afraid of dying he's either lying or is a gurkha and now for a bonus fact the weapon most closely associated with the gurkhas is the kukri a curved machete-like knife originating in northern india and nepal over the years numerous myths have grown up around this legendary weapon the most common being that once drawn the cookery cannot be sheathed until it has drawn blood according to this myth if a gurkha is unable to draw another's blood he will instead cut his thumb before sheathing the blade however this notion is undermined by the fact that the cookery is not exclusively used as a weapon in fact in india and nepal the kukri is widely used as an all-purpose utility knife for chopping wood and preparing food if everyone were to cut themselves after every minor task it would surely lead to a nationwide epidemic of anemia so i really hope you found that video interesting if you did please do hit that thumbs up button below don't forget to subscribe please do check out fantastic sponsor magic spoon link below and thank you for watching you
Channel: Today I Found Out
Views: 135,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: today i found out, tifovidz12, tifo, awesome, facts, didn't know
Id: yIpu8w4Iqus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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