The B-29's Fatal Flaw
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Channel: FlakAlley
Views: 486,110
Rating: 4.8504972 out of 5
Keywords: b-29 superfortress, b-29 superfortress documentary, b-29 bomber, b-29 superfortress takeoff, b-29 doc, b-29 engine startup, b-29 fifi, b-29 frozen in time, b-29 documentary, b29 bomber, b29 documentary, b29 doc, b29 flyover, b29 bomber in action, b29 rc plane, b29 frozen in time, b29 sound, The B-29's Fatal Flaw, sgtvittie, flakalley, vittie, b 29 flying superfortress, b-29 flying fortress, b-29 engine problems, b-29 flight engineer, b-29 flaw, b-29 design, b-29 crash
Id: TuKceC2Nxbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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