The Avengers CRACK || Song Spoof ♥

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what's the matter I'm not overly fond of what follows once upon a time before I was insane I dated this Disney guy but he broke up with me you're just way too creepy if you don't marry me I will pull out your teeth you're totally crazy no yes no yes maybe remember what I've taught you you are deform I am before and you are ugly I am ugly look he's gonna drag this out Thor what's his play he has an army an army I'm telling you on your way are never ever getting back together this boy dance everybody make it hot in this boy you touch me here we go me then I met Beth jake gyllenhaal dick and was obsessed right away you sent me 1,000 messages and that's just from today your goddamn wire thought you dead we're up all night to get we're up all night Jim Kennedy I think he was 15 I bought the house next door now what you constantly and also to make sure you never ever T OMG we are done you are scary I like the way you move where's Bart now we don't know you were righteous nuts you are coming with us wait what get off of me I'm not crazy we can do this the hard way or the easy way or the medium way or the semi medium easy hard way or the sort of hard with a touch of awkward easy difficult challenging way so that's how you wanna play it huh must miss something I didn't I'm pressing a button on this thing don't hit it just press it gently I am pressing it gently stop what Jarvis drop my needle 1 2 3 get him back on the scene sex machine don't mess with me I can die like go this is with you makes us faster I just want you to know that you may have done some bad things but that does not make you a bad kid or your faith your boy your clothing you wanna be in America let go psycho in same online
Channel: BuckyWinchester
Views: 196,227
Rating: 4.9663386 out of 5
Keywords: The Avengers, avengers crack, crack video, thor, captain america, the winter soldier, iron man
Id: kyLGAkWy0KU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2015
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