The Art of Logic | Eugenia Cheng | Talks at Google

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[MUSIC PLAYING] EUGENIA CHENG: Thank you very much. Well, first of all, thank you to Google for inviting me here to speak to you. And thank you for coming in what I suppose is your lunchtime to listen to maths during a lunch break, which is pretty amazing. So I am going to talk about logic and about how to make sense in a world that doesn't, because a lot of the world does not make sense at the moment. In particular, many people don't seem to make sense in the world at the moment. And I have previously written books to show how maths is fun, and delicious, and amazing. And this is less about how it's fun and more about how it's important, because the previous books were about how it's important, but recent events in the last couple of years have driven me to feeling the need to say slightly more urgent and more, dare I say it, political things about how maths can help us. And this might be surprising, because usually pure maths is thought of as being pure and remote. I am a pure mathematician, I am a category theorist, that is my research. And category theory is sometimes thought of as the most abstract type of mathematics. Well, I say that pure maths is a framework for agreeing on things. But in general, pure maths is often thought of as really only being relevant to applied maths. And applied maths is then helpful to science, possibly, and science is helpful to engineering and medicine. And engineering and medicine are helpful to the world. And maths is helpful to kind of the numerical part of the world. And we might think of differential equations, or solving equations, and calculating things in finance, and science, and business. And those are the ways in which maths is useful. But that enables people to say, well, that's fine, I'm glad somebody does that, but it doesn't have to be me, it's not relevant to me, someone else can do it. And I'm sure many of you do do it. And there are many people in the world who just ignore it and hope for the best. Well, I say that, actually, because pure maths is a framework for agreeing on things, it's a framework for how to think well. And because it's about how to think, it's actually about the entire human world, or at least the parts of the human world that thinks, which might not be all of it at the moment. [LAUGHTER] But wouldn't it be great if everyone were able to think better? That's what I say. And I truly believe that pure mathematics is a discipline for thinking better and for how to have better arguments, because I'm not claiming to tell everyone what to think, but I wish we could have better arguments. Because at the moment, we seem to be mired in conflict, divisive arguments, fake news, yelling, bigotry, prejudice, hate, exploitation, victimhood. And it can sometimes seem like there is not a productive way to have a discussion. But I think there is a productive way to have discussion, it just might not be on social media, necessarily. But we can try. And so this is what my book is about, it's about how can we have more productive conversations using lessons from abstract mathematics? So I'm going to talk about analogies and how pure maths uses analogies. I'm going to talk about the interconnectedness of things and how we should always think about how things are interconnected. I'm going to talk about relationships of various kinds. I'm going to talk about pivoting between different contexts so that we can help ourselves understand other people from their point of view. And finally, I'm going to talk about what I think intelligence really actually is. So first of all, analogies-- I say that pure maths is a framework for agreeing on things. It's also a theory of analogies. Because fundamentally, what it says is, there are lots of different situations that have something in common if we just forget some of the pesky details about them. And then, that takes us from the real world of things into the abstract world of ideas where more things become the same by analogy. But what pure maths does that we don't necessarily do in normal life is, we make very precise what the analogy is. We don't just say this thing is analogous to that. We say, what is the analogy that we're thinking about here? And that removes a lot of ambiguity. And having a framework for agreeing on things is partly about removing possible ambiguities. So here is an example of how this works at a very basic level. If you think about two apples and two bananas, then you can go, oh, these things have something in common, they're both two things. And that's how we get the number two. It's an analogy between a lot of different sets of two things. And when we first teach small children how to count, we have to wait for them to make the abstract leap from the objects in front of them to the concept. And you can't really do that for them, you just have to sort of wait, show them over and over again, and wait until they make that leap. It's a leap of abstraction. Now, there are other ways we could have done this. We could instead have said that they are both two fruits, which is still true, it just encompasses less stuff. So if we had instead made the analogy via two fruits, then we would not be able to encompass two chairs in this because that is not two fruits. This doesn't mean it's a wrong analogy, it just means it's an analogy at a different level that encompasses fewer things. Whereas now if we go all the way up to two things, then we get to encompass the two chairs as well. And a lot of pure maths is about finding the right level for the situation that you're in. It's not that there is one absolutely right level, maths, as it turns out, is not about getting the right answer. It's about different points of view that illuminates situations in different ways. And I think arguments in life are often not really about one person being right and one person being wrong, but a sense in which something is right. So here is the sense in which two chairs are not analogous to two bananas along with a sense in which they are. And then once we've made precise those two different levels, we can then have a discussion about which one is a better level to use for the current discussion. And this happens at a more profound level in maths when we think about, say, 1 plus 2 and we compare that to 2 plus 3. And this is where that thing happens that makes some people very scared, where their numbers turn into letters. And these are both examples of a plus b. But the point of doing that is not to terrify everyone, although that can sometimes be what seems like the point. The point is to encompass more examples, that's always the idea of abstraction, to study a lot of different things at the same time to save your brain power and be more efficient. And this is a good thing to do if you are lazy like me and you don't want to do the same thing over and over again. And I'd say a lot of pure maths comes from that. You do the same thing a few times, and you go, oh, I don't want to do that any more, I'm going to make a theory that will do it for me. So you're kind of front load your effort, and then you never have to make the effort ever again, like getting a dishwasher. So this is very similar to 1 times 2 and 2 times 3, which can be abstracted to a times b. But now, we can say that whole left-hand part is analogous to you the entire right-hand part. And these are both an example of a something b. They're a way of combining some a and some b. And so we can go even one level more abstract, and say this is a bleh b, and it's a way of combining two things. This is called a binary operation in mathematics. And it's one level more abstract that you probably only see if you do an undergraduate degree in maths and you do something like group theory where you look at things with binary operations. Now, sometimes the top level is a really good place to look, and sometimes the middle level is a better place to look. It just depends what you're trying to do. So if you're thinking about something like 1 plus 2 equals 2 plus 1, which you might remember is the commutativity of addition. There's also commutativity of multiplication, which says that 1 times 2 equals 2 times 1, and a times b equals b times a. And if we go up to the top level, we can study both of those phenomena at the same time. However, if we want to look at undoing the process, we can't go up to the top level, because at that level, addition and multiplication aren't the same, because you can't always undo the process of multiplication, because if you multiply by 0, you can't undo that, you're done. Whereas whatever you add, you can always subtract it to get it back again. You can divide by any number apart from 0. And so, at that level, addition and multiplication are not analogous. So we have to pick carefully. And the main point of talking about this is to show that making precise which level we're talking about helps us to be clear about what's going to be useful now. And what isn't, isn't true in that context. So a more real-life example, and my book is full of actual life examples of things that people argue about on the internet all the time, is when a straight marriage and gay marriage are analogous. So some people say that they do not believe that gay people should be allowed to marry each other because they think that marriage should be between a man and a woman. Now, that is not exactly an illogical argument. But it's also not a very profound argument, because all they've really done is said the same thing twice. So if I say, I like orange juice because I like orange juice, that's not illogical. It just hasn't got anywhere at all, you haven't achieved anything. And so just being logical versus illogical is not the be all and end all of what an intelligent person should try and do. What we should try and do is actually make progress and gain understanding, not just say the same thing over and over again with slightly different words. So the sense in which these two things are not analogous is if you do think that marriage is about an unrelated man and woman, and then it is true that same-sex marriage does not come under that. However, if you think that it is about two unrelated adults, then same-sex marriage does come under that. And the question shouldn't be whether those things are the same or not, the question should be, which level is a good level for us to consider? Now, the next thing that happens if you go as far as this is that somebody will get really upset and say, oh, well, the next thing you know, we'll be allowing incest. And so what they've done is, they've gone up a further level and gone up to the level of two adults. And then, the next thing you know, you could go up to the level of just two humans. And then, the next thing you know, you could go up to the level of two living creatures. And then, you could just go up to the level of two creatures. This is the slide that could have been redacted had there been any minors in the room. Now, all of these levels are logically valid. I would argue that some of them are not very morally valid. But that's a different question. And what is certainly not logically valid is to claim that just because somebody has accepted this level, some people claim that means that you've accepted all the other levels. And that is not logically valid. So once we've made precise what all these levels are, we can now have a discussion about which level anyone thinks that we should go up to. But we should not conflate all the different levels. And the trouble with not making those levels precise is that somebody can hallucinate, willfully or otherwise, that somebody else has shot all the way up to the top when they haven't. So this is one of the advantages, I think, of the precision of abstract mathematics. I'd like to move on to talking about the interconnectedness of things, because everything is interconnected. Unfortunately, many people often like to blame exactly one thing, or exactly one person, or one group of people. And that is a way to simplify situations, but I don't think it's a very good way. And yes, we are all trying to make sense of a complicated world. And that requires somehow simplifying the world. But just ignoring huge quantities of it is not a great way of doing it, I think. I think that a better way of doing it is to become more intelligent, because then the world becomes simpler relative to your intelligence. And then, you simplify the world. So here is one of my favorite diagrams of interconnectedness. We all know this picture. It's not a geographically accurate picture. It doesn't show geographical location. What it shows is the interconnectedness of stations by different tube lines. And this is all we need to know if we're trying to get from one tube station to another. Once we're in the train, we don't really need to know exactly where the tunnel goes, necessarily. We just need to know where it's going to pop out at. And this does mean that hapless tourists sometimes find themselves taking a tube ridiculous distance because they didn't realize that actually if they just went above ground, it was two minutes' walk that way. This is an abstract picture because it's just showing the interconnectedness of things. This is the geographical tube map picture. It is much harder to understand if you're trying to use it to get from A to B, but that doesn't mean it's worthless. It's quite interesting to see where the tube lines actually go and to see where the tube stations really are in London, I think. So it's not that one of these is right and one of them is wrong, it's just that it depends what you're trying to achieve and that depending on what you're trying to achieve, you should look at the things that are relevant to the thing you're trying to achieve or understand, and then be able to switch between thinking about relevant these things in this situation and those things in that situation. And that's one of the things that abstract mathematics does a lot, is that it doesn't say, this is actually the full explanation of this situation. It says, here is an explanation of an aspect of this situation. And then on another day when we're worrying about something else, we can think about another aspect. Relationship breakdown is something that involves a lot of interconnectedness and also a lot of blame. And often when relationships break down, everyone blames one person, and then the other people all blame the other person. So often people take sides. And often the people in the relationship breakdown take sides. Now, there are situations where it might really be one person's fault in cases of extreme domestic abuse. But usually, it's about a breakdown of things going in both directions. And here's an example of how I think about it sometimes. Supposing Alex is someone who doesn't like feeling disrespected. And if Alex feels disrespected, then Alex is unable to show love. And then, maybe Alex's partner Sam is someone who really likes to feel loved. And if Sam feels unloved, then Sam is unable to show respect, in which case Alex feels disrespected. And we get in this cycle. And it can get worse, and worse, and worse. Now, I can classify these arrows in different ways. So these arrows are arrows about action that people take in response to something, and these arrows are about feelings that people have in response to something. And they can get into a very bad vicious cycle. Once we've seen it's this vicious cycle by the interconnectedness of these arrows, we can think about how to break the cycle. We can think about which of these arrows is the weakest one that we could break. We can think about whether it's more difficult to change your feelings or your actions. I think it's harder to change feelings because feelings just are, you just respond to things, but you don't have to act on those feelings. But some other people think that they can't stop themselves acting on those feelings, so they have to change their feelings. But at least we can then have a clearer discussion about what's going on in this situation. Now, there's an analogous situation, that is to say it makes the same picture, that's possibly more urgent, which is about police violence against black people. This is a particular issue in America, where we have another vicious circle that looks like this that involves, maybe, police who feel threatened by black people. And that means that they aggressively defend themselves against black people. But in turn, that means that black people feel very threatened by the police, which means that black people aggressively defend themselves against the police, which means that police feel threatened by black people. And again, this separates out into feeling responses and action responses. And once we've observed that there is this interconnectedness of causes, then we can have, I think, a more productive argument. Instead of half the people on the internet yelling, well, they should just do what the police tell them, and then they won't get shot, and then other half saying, well, the police shouldn't shoot them, that's unfair. I think that we can look at this interconnectedness in saying, there are many things going on. Now, whose responsibility is it to change something? I think in this situation and in a relationship breakdown, whoever has more power in the situation should take the responsibility for changing it. But maybe some people disagree with me. At least then we can talk about really what we disagree with rather than having futile shouting matches across the internet. I use the interconnectedness of things to help me understand difficult situations that have arisen when people are yelling about exactly who is to blame. So one case where I drew a diagram, that looks like a category theory diagram to me, was in the egregious United incident, or rather after the egregious United incident, when the flight was overbooked, and they picked someone to kick off the plane, and he didn't want to go. And so they called security, they hauled him off extremely violently, and he sustained quite serious injuries on the way out. At which point, half the internet went, well, he should have just left when he was told, and then wouldn't get injured. And the other half of the internet said, well, you shouldn't just beat people up because they don't want to leave a plane. And some people said it was just one person's fault, some people said it was just something else. But it was really a lot of things. And there was even an editorial by a British journalist whom I probably shouldn't name, since this is going on the internet, but who wrote an editorial saying it's all of your faults, yours, because you're sometimes late for flights. And that means that they overbook flights in case people are late. And it's because of that overbooking that they had to get someone off the plane. So it's actually your fault for being late for a flight. I thought, well, that's pushing it a bit far. [LAUGHTER] Maybe there is some kind of a point. So what kind of a point is there? Well, the end result was that some injury was caused. Why was the injury caused? Well, the guy refused to leave the plane, and also the security used force. But the security wouldn't even have been there unless the airline had called security in the first place. Now, he refused to leave because he needed to get to work. But why did the airline even choose him in the first place? You could say, he was a doctor at a hospital, he had a very valid reason to want to get to work. Why did they pick him? There are questions about whether there was racial profiling, why did they pick those particular people? Then, there was, why did they even need to kick people off in the first place? Whose fault was that? Well, nobody volunteered. Why did nobody volunteer? The airline offered them too little money. Were they being stingy, or why did they really want to get home? Why did they even decide to remove people in the first place? That was because the flight was too full, the flight was too full and they needed to get some crew to Lewisville. Why did they need to get some crew to Lewisville so badly, was it some scheduling issue? And why was the flight too full? Partly because it was overbooked, and partly because there was not enough no-shows. Now whose fault is that, is it the airline's fault for overbooking, or is it the people's fault for not showing up? It's both of those things. And then finally, there's that people often miss flights, which is a very tenuous contribution to this situation. But I think that changing any one of those factors would have changed the outcome, but it doesn't mean that any one of those factors by themselves is individually to blame. It's really the interconnectedness of the whole system. So another situation where people often go, oh, it's really simple-- whenever people say that, it really usually isn't that simple. [LAUGHTER] It might be simple in a different way, but it's rarely simple in the way that people are saying. And one is when they talk about losing weight. So I used to be quite fat, and I lost 50 pounds, and I would like to leave it that way. And so I think quite a lot about this because it's quite an effort. And then, periodically someone will go, oh, well, it's not rocket science, you just have to eat less and exercise more. And I say, well, even rocket science is just applied maths. [LAUGHTER] So why do I put on weight? Well, I put on weight because I take in more energy than I burn. And that's because I eat too much and because I exercise too little. But it's also because of my metabolism. And what affects my metabolism? Well, my metabolism slows down if I eat too little and I exercise too much. So already, we have the fact that I gain weight because I eat too much and too little, and I exercise too much and too little. So yes, it's a very simple situation, together with the fact that why is my metabolism like that, it's also some genetics, the amount of sleep I do and don't get. And why do I eat too much? I really like food-- but also because emotions, I emotionally eat. And why do I eat too much? Well, why do I eat too much because of emotions? Some people don't. It's partly to do with my genetics and partly to do with my upbringing where we definitely had an emotional connection to food when I was growing up. And there's also social pressure to eat too much. And some people say, you can't blame everyone else all time. But let's look at all the factors. There is social pressure to eat too much, because people get bored with you if you don't join in stuffing your face when they are. The social norms also cause emotions that cause me to eat too much. Then there's also time pressure-- if I'm very busy, I get stressed and I also sleep less. And there's also life that causes emotions. And then, there's also the entire food industry. So there's a multibillion pound food industry that is trying to get us to eat too much because that's how they make money. And they're also trying to get us to want to lose weight, and to try and lose weight and fail, so that they can carry on with a diet industry that doesn't really achieve anything. And so advertising and so on causes us to eat too much, and then they make money out of us. So it's kind of money, maybe it's money that's at the root of everything. Then, there's the fact that if I do gain weight, then I try to eat less, and exercise too much, and I get stressed about it. And so I get all of these vicious cycles, and interconnectedness, and a conglomeration of factors. So now try and tell me that it really is that simple. I don't think it really is that simple, but it really is this simple. And the point is, if you get used to understanding interconnected networks of factors, then this actually is simple, the whole thing. You don't have to forget huge parts of the diagram in order to make it simple. Your brain can comprehend this as a single unit. And that's what I mean by becoming more intelligent in order to make things simpler. I did draw a diagram for the 2016 US election because it's a classic case of people yelling at each other about whose fault it is. Here's my diagram. [LAUGHTER] I'm not going to leave it up for very long, but I did find it very helpful for me to put all of these different factors in and understand why people are yelling at-- there are some people who just say, it's the entire fault of the third party voters. But what they don't realize is that the people voting third party wouldn't have made a difference if the voting system were different. So it's people voting third party and the fact that the voting system is the way it is, and so on. So this to me, is the logic inside the situation. Working out why each of these things was there in the first place is more the politics or the sociology of it. But understanding the logic of the interconnectedness right at the outset can help us start to think about all of the other issues. It's definitely not the full understanding, but it makes it so much clearer to me, and it means that I can see what's going on with other people's arguments about it. I'd now like to talk about relationships between things. I mentioned relationships between people just now. But a lot of what I've been talking about in the previous section was about how things are interconnected by different relationships. And actually, my field of research, which is category theory, is all about studying relationships between things instead of their intrinsic characteristics. And so I've learned a lot from this. And my brain is very geared towards thinking about relationships between things a lot. And I realize that it can apply to many important things in the world around us, but starting from something quite banal like the factors of 30. So this is obviously mathematical, maybe we can remember what the factors of 30 are-- they are 1, and 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, and 30. Very good. It's not very interesting, it's a bunch of numbers in a straight line. And we live in a three-dimensional world, so we write on two-dimensional pieces of paper in one-dimensional straight lines, which means that we stuff all our thoughts into a one-dimensional straight line all the time. And sometimes they don't want to be in a one-dimensional straight line, they have natural geometry in higher dimensions. And I like to say this is why I don't tidy the papers on my desk, because they have natural geometry in higher dimensions. [LAUGHTER] They don't want to be stuffed into a one-dimensional pile. So I'm going to exhibit the natural geometry of this situation or find some by looking at which numbers are also factors of each other. And I'm going to draw something a bit like the family tree to show those relationships. So like in a family tree, I don't need to show relationships across two generations because we can deduce those. So we have 30 at the top like a kind of great-grandparent. And then, we have 6, 10, and 15 that go into 30. We have 5 goes into 10 and 15. 2 goes into 6 and 10. 3 goes into 6 and 15. And 1 goes into 2, 3, and 5. So now, we see that it's the corners of a cube. We can also see a hierarchy going on here, because you might notice that one is at the bottom because it's the smallest, and then 2, 3, and 5 are directly above it because nothing else goes into them apart from 1, which is that they are prime numbers. And then at the level above that, we have products of two prime numbers. And then at the top, we have a product of three prime numbers. So we have a hierarchy according to the number of prime factors that each number has. And if I draw out a picture of the prime factors, instead I get this. So at the bottom, it's the empty set, there are no prime factors. And then, one prime factor, pairs of prime factors, and then three. And we can get back to the left-hand diagram by just multiplying together all the numbers at each corner. But now, maybe we can see it didn't really matter what those numbers were. In fact, it didn't really matter what they were at all. They could have been a, b, and c. So we've turned our numbers into letters, ooh. And now we have arrows that show forgetting one thing from each set, so this is also called subset interaction. But this is now, it's very powerful because we can try it with something else. So we could switch to doing the factors of 42. And we can draw a diagram similarly where we start with 1 and then prime factors 2, 3, and 7, then the products of two prime factors, and the product of [INAUDIBLE] prime factors. We can redraw the other diagrams, and you can see that the right-hand one is just a, b, and c. It's the same. The middle one looks very similar, except that 7 has been put in place of every 5. So once we get as far abstract as the right-hand side, it's become the same picture. It looks less and less the same towards the left, and this is the point of abstraction that many things become the same. And there is a particular feature about the left-hand diagram that I want to point out, which is that 6 is less than 7. Now that might not sound very profound, but notice that 6 is higher than 7 in the diagram, but 6 is less than 7 in the normal hierarchy of size of numbers. So there is a difference, there is a tension between the hierarchy in this diagram and the just sheer size of numbers. And that is something that's going to be crucial in the next couple of minutes as we move on, because now I'm going to show that this has become very powerful at the abstract level, because a, b, and c can be anything. They don't have to be numbers, they can be anything. So for example, they can be three types of privilege-- rich, white, and male. And then at the next level down, we'll have people with two types of privilege, rich and white, rich and male, and white male, and then at the next level down, just rich, white, or male, and then at the bottom, people with none of those types of privilege. And if I put back in the other words for emphasis, we have rich, white, non-men, we have rich non-white men, we have poor white men. I should have said non-rich, but it doesn't fit sideways, so I said poor. [LAUGHTER] We have rich non-white non-men, poor white non-men, and poor non-white men. And at the bottom, poor non-white non-men. So we have gone from a diagram of factors of 30 to a diagram of interaction of different types of privilege. And there are many things I think we can learn from this diagram. The first is that each arrow represents a direct loss of one type of privilege. And it doesn't mean that all the people who are white are better off than all the people who are not white, because you can see along the second level that there are some people with no arrows in between them. So there is no direct loss of privilege along that level. Now, this is something that people make a mistake about when they're getting angry about the theory of privilege. Because people sometimes point at the super rich black sportstar, and say, look at that really rich black person. See, white privilege doesn't exist. But that's not what white privilege means. White privilege, in the theory of white privilege, means that if that super rich black sportstar had all the same features but was also white, then we would expect them to be better off in society. And so it's not trying to say that every white person is better off than every non-white person, it's about losing one type of privilege along one of these arrows and how that affects people's experiences. Now, there's something else I think we can learn from this. If we just look along the second row of people who are level, having two types of privilege each. Because I don't think that they are really level in terms of absolute privilege in society. If we think about rich white women, I think we can probably agree that they're better off in society than, say, rich black men, who are in turn better off than poor white men. Because it turns out that money can mitigate for an awful lot of other problems. So actually, it's more skewed like this. And the same is true on the bottom level. Although actually, I think it's skewed further than that, because if we look at the interaction between the two levels in the middle, I think we might be able to agree that rich non-white non-men are probably better off in society than poor white men. Because again, riches mitigate for many things. And if we think about some extreme cases, like Michelle Obama or Oprah Winfrey, I'm sure we'll all agree that they're much better off than poor, white, unemployed, homeless men in the middle of nowhere in America, for example. So actually, it's skewed more like this. And it's just like the fact that 6 is less than 7. So 6 was at a higher level in terms of the cube, but it was lower in absolute terms than 7. And poor white men have two types of privilege, so they're quite high up in terms of privilege. But when it comes to absolute privilege, they're lower down than people who are considered less privileged than them. And this has helped me understand why some poor white men are so angry in society at the moment, because they are considered to be privileged, but they don't feel any actual manifestations or benefits of that privilege. And I think that it's more productive for us to understand this root of that anger rather than simply to be angry with them in return. Seeing these abstract structures, I think, helps us pivot, or can help us pivot, between different situations that are analogous in which we play different roles so that we can understand what it's like to be in different situations in those abstract structures. And we can look at analogous people in different structures. So for example, we've seen that in these three cubes, 30, 42, and rich white men all occupy an analogous position. And if we look at just one type of power relationship over another one, we can see some more analogous things, such as that male people over female people are analogous in a way to white people's relationships to black people, which is analogous to rich people's power over poor people, because each of these involves a power difference in society. We can then have a discussion about how exactly that power difference manifests itself, but there is an analogous power difference in the sense of this diagram. However, there is not an analogous power difference between these two situations. So the interaction of male people to female people is not analogous to the interaction of female people to male people because of that power difference. And that is why that gives us a sense in which men are being sexist against women is not exactly the same as women being sexist against men. And it gives us a sense in which white people being racist against black people is different from black people being racist against white people, and a sense in which straight people being prejudiced against gay people is not the same as gay people being prejudiced against straight people because of power differences. And I think that's an important thing that these abstract structures can help us remember together with the fact that something could be not at the top in one context, but at the top in a different context. So in our original diagram of privilege, rich, white men are at the top. But if we restrict our attention to non-men, then we get these people. And we find that rich, white, non-men are now at the top. And if, in fact, we restrict our entire context to, say, women, and we think of three types of privilege among women, then we can think about rich, white, and cisgendered as being our three types of privilege, for example. And now, we'll see that rich, white, cis women occupy the analogous position that rich, white men do in broader society. And this has helped me to understand why there is so much anger against white women, especially in some parts of the feminist movement at the moment, because they can be prone to seeing themselves as under-privileged relative to white men, because we women do all feel everyday sexism every day. And that is a very big part of our lives. But then as a result, they can maybe forget how privileged they are relative to non-white women who have it even worse than them. And understanding those underprivileged and over-privileged aspects of the same person can help us to remember what it's like to be somewhere else in the cube. We're all over-privileged relative to someone and underprivileged relative to somebody else. And so we could all pivot between a situation in which we are one thing and a situation in which we're other to understand it from someone else's point of view. And in that way, these abstract structures can help us empathize with other people. And here are some pivots that I do or that we could do. So one is that as an Asian person, I've realized that I understand something of what it's like to be non-white, because I'm not white. But also, I am probably among the most privileged of non-white people, because Asians occupy, in many ways, a much better position than other non-white people in most of the world. And so I can pivot between understanding things from the underprivileged and the over-privileged point of view from a racial perspective. In terms of wealth, I can also pivot, because I don't tend to think of myself as extremely rich. I'm not so rich that I don't have to work ever again, I'm not that kind of rich. But I'm doing perfectly fine, and that is a much better situation to be than people who are really struggling, who are maybe unemployed or working at minimum wage. And so I think most people, especially in this country, we tend to view rich people as other people. And however, we are all richer than somebody. And there is somebody who is viewing us as rich in turn. And so we can pivot between those situations. And here is the pivot that white women could do, because white women are less privileged than white men, but more privileged than non-white women. And any time you take two adjectives where one of them has privilege and one doesn't and put them together, you can have this situation where if you only see yourself as under-privileged and everyone else sees you as over-privileged, then antagonism will result from that. So finally, I'd like to talk about, sum up, what I think intelligence is, really. And because I've been drawing all these diagrams of interconnectedness, I thought I'd draw one about intelligence to show what I think are the contributing factors to intelligence. So I do think that intelligence involves being reasonable, being not just logical, but powerfully logical, and also being helpful. So if you just sit in a cave and use logic, I don't think that's particularly intelligent, because you're not really helping anything. I mean, people can disagree. You can disagree with me about this, but I don't think that's very intelligent. So what do these things mean? I think that being reasonable means you can be reasoned with. And what that means is not just that you use logic, but you have some kind of framework for it, a framework for telling when you should change your mind. I think that's really important. You can tell when someone isn't reasonable if there's no possible situation in which they would change their mind, if there is no possible evidence that would convince them that the moon landings actually happened, then that isn't terribly reasonable. So what about being powerfully logical? Well, I gave an example of saying, if you say something twice, so if you don't believe in gay marriage because you think marriage should be between a man and a woman, you've just said the same thing twice. That's not powerfully logical, even though it's not illogical. So I think being powerfully logical involves not just using logic, but also using techniques to build up logical arguments and unravel logical arguments so that you can actually get somewhere with your logic. And finally, being helpful crucially involves, well, some techniques for being helpful, but it really involves using our emotions, because people are emotional beings. And if we don't use emotions to communicate with other people, then we'll just be throwing cold logic at them all the time instead of understanding what it is that they are feeling and why they are feeling it. So I really like Carlo Cipolla's theory of stupidity. It's a slightly tongue-in-cheek but quite serious theory. He starts by saying he thinks that in any given group of people, there's the same proportion of stupid people, whether those are scientists, people who work at Google, maybe more in politicians-- [LAUGHTER] --professors, Nobel Prize winners, prisoners, criminals, street sweepers-- he thinks that there's exactly the same proportion of stupid people everywhere, and that it's more than you are ever expecting, even after you've taken that into account. So OK, what does he mean by stupid? Well, he has a definition, and it involves a graph with two axes. And this axis is how much you benefit yourself, and this axis is how much you benefit other people. So if you benefit yourself and hurt other people, then you are a bandit. If you benefit other people but hurt yourself, then you are what he calls unfortunate. I sometimes think of this as being a martyr, where you sacrifice yourself all the time for the good of others. And I used to do this a lot, and I think that quite a lot of women do, because we think that it's noble, and we're supposed to efface ourselves for the good of our people. I've eventually realized that that's not terribly productive in the long run. If you hurt others and hurt yourself at the same time, you are stupid. [LAUGHTER] And that's how he defines stupid. Whereas, if you benefit other people and you benefit yourself at the same time, that's intelligent. And I think this is what intelligence is. I don't think it has anything to do with qualifications, degrees, education, money, status, job, achievements, prizes, accolades, any of those things. I think it's about this. And I think that we should use logic and emotions together so that we can benefit ourselves and other people at the same time, and in that way, create a virtuous circle, because logic and abstract mathematical thinking, I think, can actually help us to understand how other people think from their point of view rather than from our point of view, which helps us to empathize with other people. And if we can empathize with other people, then that will help us act in a logical way for them and for us all together so that we can create this virtuous circle. And I think it might be a surprising idea that abstract mathematics can do that for us, but I truly believe that it can, and I hope that I can persuade many people to join in with this lofty aim. Thank you. [APPLAUSE] SPEAKER 1: Thank you very much, we do have time for questions. Please raise your hand. AUDIENCE: Thanks for the talk, that was really amazing. I also have a background in mathematics and have always wished that I could help other people not be as afraid of it. And I see that you're writing books to accomplish this. And I had always planned to eventually create a website where I could offer free tutoring and then end up with this kind of database of questions that are well-answered. But now after seeing your chart, I feel like that's the martyr route. [LAUGHTER] So I'm just wondering if you have any suggestions for what I could potentially do or if this is something you've thought about at length, maybe. EUGENIA CHENG: I did start out by just making videos of me explaining things to people. And it wasn't too much martyrdom-ish at the time, because I did also feel that-- I mean, there are many ways that you can benefit yourself. And one is that if you get a feeling of self-worth from having helped someone understand something, then you have benefited yourself. And personally, I do derive my self worth from how much I help other people. So maybe it gets a bit cyclic. And if I have helped other people, then I have helped myself. But what I had to stop doing was actively hurting myself. So I was I was quite unhappy in a job that I had, but I thought that I should carry on going because I was helping people, even though I was completely miserable. And that was what was particularly unproductive about it. So I think that the way in which you benefit yourself can be measured in many ways. And if you feel like it's benefiting you, then it's not necessarily martyrdom. If it feels like it's hurting you and that it's making your life miserable, then I think it limits your ability to help people in the long run. So you help people tons for a week, and then you're burnt out and you hate everybody, and then you can't help anyone anymore. Or you help people a bit less, and you also look after yourself or do things for yourself, and then you have a much longer run of being able to benefit other people. So that's some sort of vague answer to that, I think. AUDIENCE: Hi. EUGENIA CHENG: Hi. AUDIENCE: Amazing talk, and what a fantastic way to look at the world. One question though, when you're starting to break down challenges in life, and particularly looking at the weight loss slide as one that jumped out, I start to see a building series of contributing factors to why this becomes a challenge to overcome. How'd you get over that? Do you find that when you start breaking things out into all the different reasons why something is one way, mentally it becomes harder to then make that change, how do you get to that next step? EUGENIA CHENG: What I do is, well, first of all, I'm so used to dealing with these huge diagrams that I'm less daunted by them, maybe. And the more you deal with them, the less daunted you become. And it actually becomes clearer, it's reassuring to me. And that's not the same for everybody, but because I've been trained in this way of thinking for a long time, it has become very reassuring to me. And I think that what I can then do is look at all the individual parts and see which is the arrow that would be the best one to try and break. And once you've actually made clear what all the connections are-- this is a bit like a cognitive behavioral therapy technique, where you try and see which arrow you can break-- but it is about seeing which one is the weakest or which one would be the easiest one to try and change. And then, you can try it. And if it doesn't work that well, at least you might have weakened it a bit. And then, you can try weakening another one. And then eventually, there will be enough that has become weaker that the end result doesn't happen quite so strongly. AUDIENCE: Thank you for this amazing talk, I really enjoyed it. EUGENIA CHENG: Thank you. AUDIENCE: I was wondering about-- so obviously, we would all be better off if we all used such logical mathematical constructs, but I think it's clear that, especially on the internet, a lot of people do not. I was wondering, are you optimistic, or do you have any tips for how we can engage people via logic if they're not, even at all, willing to acknowledge that maybe that's a helpful thing to do? EUGENIA CHENG: I am optimistic, and that's why I'm here, and that's why I write books, and that's why I'm in education, because I am optimistic that we can change things. I think that there are some very extreme people who we might not be able to reach immediately, and that that's OK, and we shouldn't get too upset about those people. But there are a whole load of other people who aren't so far gone. We shouldn't start with the most absolutely difficult people. But there are other people who are, first of all, there are people who really, really want to do better but don't know how. And those are people we can definitely help to do better. Then, are the people who aren't really terrible people, they just don't have the techniques or don't realize. And then once you explain it to them, just like with things like sexually inappropriate comments, some men, especially older ones, have just got used to the fact that they can say those things and they don't understand. But they're not really terrible people, and once you explain it to them, then they get it, and then they can change. Whereas the ones who are really absolutely morons, maybe we can't change them yet, but eventually, if we sway enough people in that direction. So I see it as being a kind of continuum, and that these are the people that we can most easily convince, and then once we convinced these people, then everything will have shifted a bit further this way so that then we can convince these people. And then everything will shift this way, and we can convince these people. And eventually, everything will shift, and then maybe we can get back to a situation where it is not acceptable to be those people anymore. And one of the problems with the current climate is that it has become acceptable again to be those people. And they probably were always there, but maybe they felt like they weren't supposed to show it or that they was not supposed to be really like that. And if we can persuade everyone to come a bit further back that way, I don't think we have to just flip everybody over overnight. But if we can shift the balance a bit further, then I think that could just flip it back again. And yes, I am optimistic. The people who are unreasonable on the internet are often the loudest and the most annoying, but I don't think that they're the majority of people. And I've seen enough reasonable conversations on Twitter, even, that I believe it is possible if we all slow down a bit and try to understand what other people are thinking, rather than immediately trying to show that they're wrong. AUDIENCE: You are an accomplished artist as well. And your title of your book [? says ?] about art. So where does the art play a role in making sense of things? EUGENIA CHENG: Oh, thank you. I think that anything is an art. Well, it's interesting, because I teach art students at the school of the Art Institute of Chicago, so we've had many discussions about what art is and what science is. And what we have collectively decided one semester is that science is about trying to understand the world around us, and that art is about trying to interpret the world around us, and that in order to understand the world, you have to interpret it. And in order to interpret the world, you have to understand it. So they're really joined together, they're not completely separate. And to me, something becomes an art if it's not an algorithmic process that you just follow step-by-step. And that's why there is an art to using logic. Because if you were just doing, say, computer-aided proofs of something, then maybe the computer wouldn't be using an art, because it would be using an algorithm. But when we're using logic, we have to understand the people around us, and we have to engage emotions, and we have to pick ways of speaking, and we have to use techniques to understand what's going on. And that, to me, is what makes it an art. Hi. AUDIENCE: Hi. I also enjoyed your talk very much. EUGENIA CHENG: Thank you. AUDIENCE: You claim that in any group of people, there is roughly the same ratio of stupid-- EUGENIA CHENG: That's Carlo Cipolla's claim. AUDIENCE: But you seem to be agreed with that. EUGENIA CHENG: I was neutral about whether I agreed with that. I agreed with his definition of intelligence. AUDIENCE: OK. Because it is somehow-- how to understand that one would feel that in a group of more intelligent people, are were less martyrs. EUGENIA CHENG: Well, only if you define intelligence like this. If you define intelligence by who has really prestigious degrees from prestigious universities, I don't know that that's-- I've worked in some of those places, and I don't know that that's-- [LAUGHTER] I don't know. AUDIENCE: Thank you. AUDIENCE: I was struck right at the beginning when you started talking about the abstraction of 2 by the fact that that's maybe straightforward in English, and there are several languages where there are particles you put after the number to talk about what kind it is. So they've got more levels of abstraction built into the language. Does that change anything in practice or anything an implication in the process you're thinking about? I guess the child development aspects is way outside scope, but-- EUGENIA CHENG: I think that it means, like you say, that there are some more intermediate levels. But I think at the level of 2, there's still the concept of 2, then there are some other refinements of 2 bleh, and 2 bleh. And I know what you mean, because there is this in Cantonese, and it's terribly confusing when you're trying to speak it and it's not your first language. But I think at the level of 2, there is still a concept of 2 that sits kind of above all of those things. And so yes, at different levels of abstraction, you get different subtle nuances in between things. And I don't know what that means for we native English speakers and whether we have a less subtle distinction between different types of objects. SPEAKER 1: Thank you very much. Again, Dr. Eugenia Cheng. EUGENIA CHENG: Thank you very much. [APPLAUSE]
Channel: Talks at Google
Views: 70,982
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Keywords: talks at google, ted talks, inspirational talks, educational talks, The Art of Logic, Eugenia Cheng, What is the art of logic, art of logic, how to be more logical, understanding logic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 8sec (3068 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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