The Art Of Hustle: Street Art Documentary (Feature Film) 2018

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[Music] when I discovered that I had a talent for art I went into a national wanted to be creative and now that I understand being creative and how creativity can connect with people and bring people together I look at it as course partly my duty to inspire others to inspire other artists to inspire - that's not artist I've always had a saying and I always go by the saying it's better to give and receive I know my artwork I'm going to give more than I ever received and I guess what I wouldn't want any the other way this is Tyson Knight and this is the art of [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is why cheap heart under my bed [Music] [Applause] cardboard or poster board and I'm going to use supplies spray paint cans more markers my heart with I mean I'm in oil Johnson's knee pads you know all right so get ready get out there and Street and just work I would like the people to connect to the inner child side of themselves that that side myself before life got through series I think sometimes that humans as we get older we kind of lose that childlike quality that we usually have in ourselves because life good series and have children easy sort of thing I like to happen to that part of everyone that has that that childlike imagination I would like my order to take you back to a place that you were at one point in your life and you look at the argue to see that place and feel like wow I remember when I was just kid and I had big dreams and aspirations I got a few others that it's fun my top three or jean-michel basquiat he's once my number two was Andy Warhol and my number three is Keith Haring they all were well except for Andy Warhol they all over the field artist coming up in New York City in the late seventies early late but I also have influences from fine art pop of Acosta he was actually a fine artist but it never come is laid over it had a certain 15-week art style to it I don't know if he was going that route with it but what I see I see a between art style to some of his later works and more his earlier words I applied for a art show in Palm Springs California at the Desert Art Center and they said you submit one piece of artwork and I've sent the piece of artwork to do this is up I think that I did I called this a remixed masterpiece which means I love i picking a famous painting by Picasso named Larabee and what I did was I took inspiration from his original work and I recreated that and to me I call it a remixed masterpiece I was within their website for the desert art center I've seen a day more into my yard and I'm street artists and if I just submitted if I did well what I submitted if I did chosen I'm probably going to be the first street artist to ever beat in this gallery which would be pretty cool I mean that's groundbreaking okay I could put it in two different categories I can put a category necessity I can put a category of passion necessity the barber shop the barber shop is what funds and helps me support my street art which I enjoy the most but also I'm not taking away from barbering because that's sort of an art form as well shaking someone's hair sculpting it get into their protection how they like it I look at that it's art form as well so I have a love for that as well but the street art when I'm doing my street art it's a so your fourth feeling where it just takes me to another place so if I had to rank it necessity barbarians up there passion street artists above them all you know yeah [Music] they're all pretty much the same except for pop art that's kind of something that uh there's more on the Andy Warhol side but the urban art street art just was born of a people just you know in inner cities that spray paint cans you know just doing call it vandalism but it spawns from graffiti so that's a lot of my instruments because not a child growing up in New Jersey I would see all the beautiful art and graffiti in the colors on side of the trains and that fascinated me to see that only training someone's actually dead dead and how long did it take them to do that and that's what made me want to go out and spray and stuff that was it I mean I like that I was hooked first time I received I was hooked my parents took me over New York City first time I've seen I was four actually people happen what people would do is they would write their name and someone will do it in bubble letter block letter I mean every person had a different style the artist had their different style of how they were express themselves and they were writing I couldn't understand a lot of writing covers so small but I can just understand the colors and the different textures they use attics sprayed and how it left me any marks and they just did color choices it's amazing like wow this is this some people just you know some artists I just say you know what I'm just going to spray on something so to see that coming alive is like whoa [Music] well they're the same I mean they're the same confiteor the street arts in the same the difference with I say this is a slight difference with graffiti artists in the street art so street artists can do murals and stuff like that the fede artists they usually tag names or they put up they just do throw-ups which is something you put up really quickly and you move for the police comer anything like that in trouble but I think if the lines are so thin that it pretty much the same I mean street artists Coveney it's pretty much the same thing you know it's really not too much a difference in between the two of them they're pretty much the same I think my mother she would like me to do art and more traditional way when I was a child she found out was artistic she actually put me trying to put me at art classes and it just it just bored me I just wasn't my thing I know she tried her best and she's great mother for that but um I was just trying to getting free paint cans and spraying things I mean that was it it's like I think instinctly as a child I think you get drawn to riding on things I mean the first thing you do if you give a child a marker the first thing he's going to do is run to a wall and write on it I mean I think it's something stinky and human nature that we like to write on things then you learn oh that's goofy don't do that may I just say you know I'm just going to contain the top just got to continue to do it I look for others other street artists and other graffiti artists and see if they the area's uh is it okay to inside a law enforcement looks at it so I'm someplace is there a little bit you know lacks on certain areas certain areas they're a little bit more stirring on I mean I probably couldn't go into Beverly Hills and spray anything out because I probably get in trouble very quickly but I probably can go over to maybe a nice beach or maybe or Compton or sometimes switch subject I mean it just depends on the area none of it is probably illegal but uh you know yes he kind of just know like I've got an eye for which areas to go in and actually do this looking video here I'm more of a lone wolf when it comes with my street art and I might invite a friend to be a lookout or somebody's who just assist me but for the most part I try to do is I'm not involved in any group or street artists I think you do have some people that have a team of street artists I think some people have that but me I'm probably I just kind of do it on my own and try to be safe and in do it in areas where you know I'll probably would get something violent to happen or anything like that wouldn't be safe and I can put a nice piece of artwork up there now on about my businesses they let other artists appreciate and understand okay you know that guy's we're just Isis work but is billboard for a while now and it has a way for the perfect time to go over there and uh put my brand on it so hopefully it go works out well and no police are there they're like I need to express myself you know art art art is a very hard thing is to crack into it [Music] bicycle stata say there's the white horrible white community situation art and so you know when you go to different art galleries and you can turn down and no one looks into your work and you know your work is good you know you've got great art kind of makes you lit upset so this is kind of speed rappelling and put art out for the world to see my way instead of waiting for people to give me away I'm going to make my own way that's a part of the reason why the other reason is just I enjoy it then doing the Phoenix if I was a kid oh I enjoy it a real lot of it's like an adrenaline rush plus it's pretty cool to see you're working the next day a billboard so yeah pretty cool some people believe it's uh absolute support I look at a little bit different I'm going to say it's right I'm going to say it's wrong this is my way of looking at things I want to go back to my studio and actually put some work on campus just feeling a little there right now better than drugs absolutely better Blanco would uh he's a pretty interesting guy he's a tattoo artist as well like the 3d artist he's a real cool guy like I don't I don't usually a vibe with a lot of people and he's one person that I actually vibe wit and actually feel good energy from so Michael he has great energy I trust his energy and night I like it created my name is Blanco attached throughout a blue rose tattoo I'm a big big fan of art I love graffiti had chilling here seen anything have to do with art I like to put my art in the world great schemes people walk with it what do I think graffiti is I think graffiti is like expression I like to go out there and express my feelings I don't look at it as a legal activity at all I don't I don't think so I like art and I like to go out trying to show it a lot I started back in sixth grade every McCree middle school Palm Springs and ever since that I started finding out my mom was an artist growing up so it kind of like encouraged me to like go more and more with it started getting really serious with it when I got into a PR in Desert Hot Springs High School Tanya Jones she got me to our mat he was my motivation yet she like she motivated me to like keep on going zones on I came with my girl could my girl she's always been in my life too so she's always always told me like I always came home and always asked her for her for opinion about everything Polanco that name came back up it was in high school I was kicking it with like a little couple knuckle head and it was like a little chill little group and they kind of gave me the name Polanco as in like referring to me as like a white boy they just always call me Blanco they were like ronnie was a cool name and everything but they wanted to give me a nickname when it was Blanco do I being that graffiti artist and street artists will make good type of money I think they can I think we can Thomas Reid artist but it's really hard especially when you have a lot of negative activity out there and a lot of disrespect from people it's really hard out there man on the streets like people just scratch about not knowing who you are not knowing how long you've been grinding for and it could just be like some new guy to just started on this on the block and a couple of words describe what street art mean community respect and love that's what I look at it as disrespect and lo what do I think about Tyson night he has the hearts while staring to show the art in the industry sight he just he's all about the love and he just wants to be out there with us and theis tonight man he's a really good guy the he's a homing to me do I see Tyson my artwork furthering yes I do just because of his heart yes he has a heart for it that's all you need you just have to have the heart and you can't let no one bring you down you just got to keep on doing you and that's what I see Tyson doing my name is Stephen and I suppose you could call me Blanco's a roommate I loved being roommates with with Longfellow because he's what he said he's eclectic he's a man of many talents artistically and even when he know all of my tattoos on my arm all my beetles had three from Ronnie and Blanco and even when he was feeling patting on my skin you can tell that he has a he has an N division in mind and that vision is very exciting there are so many courageous artists out there that want to exhibit their ideas and their feelings and their their opinions and their artistry in general for the general public well thank them self talk about how we want these art to be exhibited by all you know that it's truly uniquely a public phenomenon I think that's beautiful and I hope it continues and I think it will continue I think amazing you can even sort of get a hence it what where where he's thinking artistically but the same time there's still plenty of room for you to put your own put your own perspective in soon for that I love Tyson I think that's uniquely Tyson right there I'm feeling so accomplished right now so blessed right now I actually got accepted I got accepted for the desert Art Center's offsprings Art Show first street artists to be accepted holy Amen man all the hard work all the blood sweat and tears they came to this moment where I'm just Billy [Music] Dylan thank you killings last night and things from here from this point on and I think it's not from here that's best until my documentary is called the art of hustling and the art of hustle is to to create appreciate and elevate and I don't know how to put this into words me enough I just [Music] I don't know I just feel very blessed [Music] little unworthy but I know I'm gonna I'm not going to take this for granted to represent those who don't get this opportunity I want to shine a light of the people to less fortunate the ones not seen artists of them what I do is for them so it's all it's all let me tree Hulk Edith what do I do well I live currently in Palm Springs I relocated here from LA in 2009 an artist photographer and about five years ago when I moved here I started anti-bullying organization but my full-time job was a gallerist I owned gallery for four segments the art of hustle is I would believe more of a urban term of really building your brands and really bringing out the are that today's artists I mean that's what I see when I see art a puzzle it almost brings me back to the 70s of truth and that really expressing yourself you know the art of hustle is Annamma I grew up in that era so that was a whole new change of life so I believe the art of hustle is not coming full circle around to bring that identity apart you know being in New York I actually was really inspired from the Scotty caring um just a numerous and also actually the most inspiring was the street artists that I would see the graffiti that it was called um in my era um when I would ride the train from Connecticut that commuted so I would try and ride the train to New York and I would be so inspired like as looking out the window and looking at the are and it was just fantastic and also a lot of those artists that were graffiti artists are famous now instead of walls I mean building make a commission never do not you know so it's really has one God both verbal the genre of artwork at galleries will for stick this is very very different you know being consecrate the very different now marking very challenging and also very courageous of music a chance because I've been conformed with the regular palm trees which is beautiful but I wanted to showcase just a different diverse are on artists and I love some will cleanse and now we are but some were beautiful paintings and drawings I look old and I love photography photography and actually the gallery started the photography studio for me but then I it evolved to showcase thing like I said friends are and I actually have artists that work on recyclable now are they homeless they just can't afford canvases remember because they have to pay rent they have to pay electric that because a bone belt so you know where's your room from canvas to me that Street are you're using and or you're using wood and I have a weak thin in the 25 below one of the artists use he's likable and I love that I love that you can take I would probably thrown it out and never looked at it again but I love to see another person of in transition style of blending is very important and this took me a long time as a photographer on to really grout because you want to work you want to sell art you're going to please in some form these are selling that's a mistake yes you'll get your quick fix in your quick buck but I think what's hot what happens is you're limiting yourself to really develop where you should be on and where your longevity is going to take you I'm still having that I dent in that branding with very important ice issue bodybuilders Wars they're not old-fashioned - my book would almost have a little bit of everything right now and my client would be like though I know you're a good photographer but I don't know what the Lucy so that might be other people talking about ok but no I'm crazy because I didn't really listen you know and it's not one time two times another luck but then I start listening on to putting a genre together but identified my style I understand Ruiz and I like to collect modern art and I three are my name is Amistad xiana bar and I like to collect street art I think street art has more personality behind it you can see pain you can see a lot of you seen on the road the journey that they've been on and it really expresses you know more of the person's soul and just you know what they're thinking of how they're feeling I collect street art because I think it's very unique it's a different style of art and I think it expresses emotion and a lot of the person's on many streets we're engaged you know we got coming up and everything and uh you know we're starting a new chapter of our lives not really in the first chapter of our legend of the first a big thing we didn't get it was got a house on the first thing I want to do the house of our personality Honor I think this tree art that we you know picked up entice tonight with exactly what we wanted to do I felt like we connected on another level you know and I be able to connect with somebody and connected to our work really know symbolizes something you know pretty deep when I seen it I was actually really surprised you know I she told me there's the artist when I check that as our work and I wasn't safe on that day that's that's what we mean I show my girl and she said I love it let's go with that yeah definitely was an amazing and unique piece of art and I knew that that's what we had to have in a house because when we moved into this place I wanted to have this be modern contemporary something that is very unique not like everybody else has and so when I saw that piece I knew that without to have it I bought it because I really loved the piece you know I mean and then on top of that you know I go why do I want this piece what is this piece how does it represent me and I look at it and I was a kid like everybody says well I don't want to do it I don't want to be popular in this and I but I I mean I want my friends to be jealous you know I think and I have a piece like that you know to be ain't going to have that piece exactly for sure and so I know having that one piece you know it goes up in value to me no matter what so that's how that's where I got it um we head down to Venice Beach quite a bit and we love going down there the atmospheres art working on that street artists I mean even like the sand sculptures the graffiti on the walls you know the the gym out there and everything is just beautiful you know I mean I loved how the other buildings covered with a bunch of different art and everything you know that they let people express themselves out there and that feels free you know I mean to me that's freedom and that freedom to be able to express yourself I think that's everything game you know naima game street art means to me I'm just emotion a lot of emotion that's built up in yourself and it doesn't have to be sad or bad it could be just happiness and excitement but a lot of people cannot express like for instance myself there's a lot of times where I cannot express how I feel about certain things and for people that are street art or graffiti that's their way of taking it out and for me it isn't the gym for me it's being an athlete and working on myself and working with him that's my way of taking it all and for others you know it's art or some music I think you know there's bad types and there's good types you know there's bad types isn't it it's like gang-related and stuff like that and there's hate behind it you know that I mean when there's love there's you could never go wrong you know you're going to love expressing yourself you know I'm truly showing yourself as a person I mean it's going to be beautiful no matter what it's just so that one person to five people or 2,000 people they get to see you know I mean well I think I think there's different types and to me I think it's all beautiful you know being able to see all this different artwork when they really put their effort into it and you see different really like violent colors and different you know characters I like to see a lot of space of portraits and stuff like that and like that's that's badass where I said I don't think I've seen street art lessons with really on foot sedition you know I think street artists have not respect to doing the face that it is except it because they want they don't want the stuff covered up you know they're after the time and I put it I don't think I want to without they're going to do it right place their into a medication Tigers are a little bit different they want everybody to see but I see people that don't want to see it to see it I think you know people just have a nice representation of what they want to do with it so they they're lost you know I mean that I mean I've been down a long road that's been pretty troubled in everything so my experience myself I was lost during this time that I was doing that I should've been doing just because I didn't know what I was you know once you find yourself and you're doing the right thing I think that's where we are comes into because there's Tigers are looking tagging and doing bad you know tags it's doing beautiful murals and sure like that that's really familiar things when someone transitions with the Cielo transition in their artwork see the room pison nights three dark news to mmunity know there's a lot of courage there's a lot of soul behind it nautical feel to the expression of colors and you know a lot of personality Tyson nice art means to me um it represents a lot of strength to me when I see it I see strength and I see on just a lot of different emotions from different parts of his life well right now we on the 10 freeway we on our way to Venice Beach I'm going to go out there and put up some street art talk to other street artists you know get their feel for you know how they hustle and sell their artwork on Venice Beach finis because one of my favorite places because it's a lot of art there's a lot of culture a lot of different walks of life you got interesting people strange people there's just so many facets and walks of life or Venice Beach so I'm going to go out I like to frequent a lot and go down there you know and put a you know street art up just be cool people create I know a few people there but I mean you just meet people on your journey know as you go you just kind of just meet people you know a dust investor do do going around the country you don't rafidhi it pain iterative get to meet other interesting creative people so I kind of like I kind of like not knowing people because not knowing people to get a better chance to get this prospectus of different types of you know people persons like talking people I like that I like people open minded person I like to you know create 12 the other people is getting sex that's how you plan it you better to pass [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's ask any foundation we've been having this law for about three years now our crew who comes here and weekend we have here evolution of take care of walls we have make sure that everything from smoothly and nobody's vandalizing you nothing like that like a parking spot in there and all the tanks came through and basically like packing bags I throw a real bad spot okay shut it down everything like feedback your cyclo city projects bad but stand over it and they just all let people paint it you'll have people at from communal grab bars they turn into all active artist to artist and I have very people that these murals that goes like different countries and I think what's on for three years and that's rose of all you're just like walking around make a trip okay make sure there's your spine and come to time I stopped bathroom I'm Foundation and everything and I just have to follow person printer lets off this one don't get all mad and start scripting about slow organization there's SCP foundation and we take care of the walls at vengeance [Music] well I went down to Venice to the Venice harmful ministries and uh because one of my heart up on the hot Baldy half there like I have a wall where street artists can go and express themselves without you know getting in trouble go there and expression so artistically and creatively without getting you know harassed or or detained or arrested by the police where they actually was I think it's a good thing that we police did that and Venice Beach is doing that is given a middle street artist like a 3d artist you know a platform to express themselves number one helps the community because when I was there I've seen a lot of tourists with their cameras taken into beautiful work because there was a lot of amazing amazing artists out there putting the Barfleur I put up with my put up a beast had a few uh onlookers that you know we're interested in what I had going on and I explained to them or even feels good when people admire your work and the division of yard work so that's pretty cool I like diamond type of thing going to finish hard wall enough accidents as well as joining in my studio it was very interesting to me that when I was talking to all those street artists they never get paid for their work they're so passionate about it I did want it for free that's interesting to me because I've actually sold less enough to be able to sell artwork and also Street on so that was kind of I was kind of humbling and I opened anew to see that my peers actually the same passionate love died you are not seeing the monetary gain or any money from it and I was blessed enough to you see money from it and uh I just want to encourage them to keep going you know as well of course myself to keep going so I mean it really it was definitely worth it for the long day we've been going around putting up stickers and prepping the types tonight would be the brand my artwork and just all we have to do i met a homeless artist his name scratch now to me personally he's probably not a state probably he is the most fascinating artist that I've had the pleasure of actually being on there's not a mentoring with me just based off the love of the passion of art I mean being a homeless man and still with all that adversity and all those things against you to still have the love to create it is fascinating to the assistants I think about him probably every day and how he was so creative and he was so articulate and how he spoke and explaining his art now he's he doesn't look for anything perfect he wants imperfection in his work I started drawing I was three and about to play twelve I threw exactly the way I go on how much was psychedelic and got introduced to pastels sand acrylics and I did portrait your spatial features I did him fantastic around him in a week the John was Walter Gutierrez who worked for Disney and I got out that's my same old trick then I got divorced crack-up and so here I am and I picked up my art again the funny thing about it is since I was about three four five six seven eight I just going to leave I kept to myself I didn't think anyone that late but that's not after all that for just beware that this would be the concept of having colors within a range the rain could be complementary to what you're doing basically the frame is gold an x1 the pattern that allows you took your different action reflection of the movement inside the artwork together no shame I pick up all the interesting pieces I can see those pearls rocks right here cliff you got a glisten in this paints I get it Michael you're not out there pretty much between revivals where I get my friends where I find friends out the dead and don't want to think because to me for what I do perfection that's what after my death - night let me do street artists catch one piece what the hell did home as the scratchy and homeless does focus creativity if I got one reason why I feel that way because when you're when you know you're not worried about materialistic things and the American Dream and keeping up with the Joneses and drive the big fancy car and the rap rates are having money I think things are life become a little simpler and I think one thing he told me that resonated with me was that he would walk through the desert and I all frames and use those frames then go to Michael's and get paid and on discarded frames someone thought was ugly a big one and not that ugliness he seemed creative he same beauty and to me you can only see that with a clear line you can't see that when you're in a rat race of society trying to keep up until this beauty we can't possibly see us you're so busy distracted looking over here so then I think they can be at home as does help you scream too because you started from scratch [Music] Victoria black Victoria black is it uh artists who specializes in cubism she grabs a lot of inspiration from Picasso and I like her colors because I use a lot of colors of artwork as well so the reason I was I selected her to be in this documentary is because of the fact that she did her cubism these colors on buildings so to me that qualifies you to be astray doctors as far as officer because it's done on the streets so my artist name is Victoria black there's a couple reasons for that and one of them is the triggers my real name and then I have a really long vanished name Victoria Carmen Rivera funkiness but it goes on and on and on now people ask me sometimes okay what's your favorite color yeah I tell them well black is the absence of life though or is a color that outside of life spectrum you know so I really enjoy that about the color and also I have a really long time love for heavy metal music and black metal it my preferred medium is tarpaulin pastel a little bit of ain't as both I've built my signature work around that I'm telling you to abstract cubism though I know that's not really like a figurative form of art or anything but I'm calling it a strike to this one because it's very abstract and there's no real for you to construct as they're loose and I use the cube a lot so I'm calling it cubism you know as an artist as even an artist with such long I would say a little bit of a career into my belt I still have to have a nine-to-five job you know so as making art especially Los Angeles and these places where there's tons of artists everybody wants to get their name out there it's a little bit tricky because you have to be really good at marketing you have to have your commotions you have to be Twitter to in order to Facebook Instagram you know and the people that are successful is because they're really good at the marketing skills and networking and the type of thing so definitely need to to make a living I believe you really have to define a signature for yourself something that really defines your own personal style something that people to take a look at your artwork down the line that's - I think that you know not type of thing one thing that I really really enjoy about ice and night and it is that ye self is liking her style as well I really enjoy like mirror might be a little bit of neuro you get to the colors that type in the user so red the primary the yellow the blue and not only that not only has he built his own signature style something that he could recognize but but also we have a really nice nice combination of like modern pop and the classic old master there's this painting by Tyson that that I really enjoy by ceccato the dream the dream but painting the three major copper and he does it in his own way giving the his own artist flavor that really brings back the piece to to life in a nice way there is another thing I really enjoyed when I kidding the one I City is you could you could see some of the pop icon Paulo city and the pirate and the flowers roses and this type of thing and it really it gives you a different view of how you could make certain elements that are big and pop culture and blend them together to build on things that Phil signature artwork there's a lot of deep story behind later oriented behind there so as an artist you try to represent like Beyonc to me but I have a great vision but within my artwork nificent geometric and mathematical things it would be great if I could develop it into theory of quantum physics and particle mechanics and this type of thing but as long as Victoria black they can sync them with Darwin it could be divine and it could eventually be and well known within that that's a big goal there are not possible I have a little bit of a settlement and like the title self you are not helpful that says what is art usually invoked art is imposed in both like what's out there what's the meaning of things how can I represent it and giving people a different view and emotion and an open window for creativity or somebody else's creativity and the art of hospital just the name says okay you as an artist need to find every single way and any which way you really helpful to get your name out there my name's Robbie Sherwin and I am a commissioner on the public art Commission for Cathedral City California a photographer and a writer we moved back to the valley here from Portland Oregon a little over a year ago so I've been hanging in galleries and part of artists collectives for many years and as a photographer sort of wander around my environment seeing the world through a lens finder so when this opportunity came up whether they can see on the Public Arts Commission I sort of jumped on it and asked if I could be remember we're not that big a city city but for the valley we're a fairly good-sized chunk of the population and we have a seven-member public arts commission that is tasked with going out and pulling disparate areas of the city and disparate types of ours together and getting it accessible to the public as public art has emerged from tagging to street art to murals there's been a learning curve that other cities have gone through when you put in your own site in a building you have a bunch of rights to consider the artist has raised to this image or her image the building has rights to the use of their building in this classic case in Los Angeles if a mural artist who painted our mural a cyber building in the number of years went by the building is sold and the owner wanted to tear it down and rebuild so he did and the artists happen still be alive and when his mural was torn down he sued and won over a million dollars for them not consulting him about his mural so one of the things I've learned is the best piece of advice and we Kayden's put your public murals on we cloth so that they're removable they can be taken down and cleaned and refreshed and moved if they have to be if the building changes ownership and something happens to it and in accordance with taking it on cleaning then you also have to have a very long range plan for maintenance of murals because if they start to degrade over time you have to refresh them and that has to be done in conjunction with the artist and with a specific type of paint that's in the desert a lot more resilient than most other places I think that the perception by the public and look and many other things is oh okay go out and do it pass the law and active fund it whatever you need to do well each of those things has to be very carefully considered and the timeline for murals is stretched out now to get it in terms of budget for maintenance and save gets tagged by gang artists or just plain taggers who go out we have to have a way to repair that and that's a budget line item that has to somehow account for all the way along the line say the paint fades and it starts looking Randy look at complaints from the public saying that tired old mural is looking ratty what you can do about it well we have to have a budget to do something about that and we have to be in contract with the artist to do something about them I think graffiti is something that's done in the dead of night on other people's property without their permission an action of defacing somebody else's property speaks for itself I think there's it this then another level of street art which is which sprang from tagging and graffiti but became something more than you look at something incredible street art is on railroad cars in old if you watch a train go by particularly out west here where they have these long expenses of train cars these cars are like moving museums they're fascinating to me it's not exactly tagging or repeating it's something more than that I'm sure how I feel about that per se but I find that fascinating and then you come to murals which is an entirely different thing as we've been talking about the process for getting a mural up is long and involved there's a lot of legal ramifications that have to be considered and with artists becoming more famous like Banksy and some of these other public artists there's money involved people make money on murals and they can also be done for free and in memoriam and you go to 29 palms and they have a lot of murals to follow soldiers so there's a lot of different layers to this onion there's an interesting leap happening between gallery art and street art and I think this gentleman named Tyson Knight who's made this leap from gallery artists with showings in Palm Springs currently two mural artists who's doing actual murals on the streets in India and other cities around the area so that to me is the prime example of the the forward motion of art from gallery artists street artists and back again I think that there's an interplay they can go back and forth between those two things and promoting both is a good way of educating the public and maybe allowing them to see street art and a little bit different fashion Theisen nights are as I said before is the perfect transition and marriage between gallery artistry dark he's combining the two and he's blending back and forth between different vendors and in doing that Tyson is approaching wider audiences he's getting audiences and galleries that wouldn't necessarily be paying any attention to street art whether it's murals rafidhi or tagging and as a street artist doing murals I can probably guarantee that a lot of the young people who look at his murals which are vibrant and brilliant don't realize that he's also a gallery artist with great shows so Tyson's the kind of perfect marriage between these two venues right now and on I would hope that there are more people like him that see the potential to bounce back and forth in different worlds the reason I chose that particular piece are called a remixed masterpiece it's my take on Picasso's lab Rafi and the reason I chose that particular art pieces because I think that our piece that only speaks to street art but I think also collectors of fine art will appreciate that piece I mean I think it crosses all genres of art and I think that out you know I could capture a bigger audience with that particular piece the more static and more so more my reaction speed our pieces that I do I think that one with this with the play on Picasso and that the colors and it could be it could be street art or he defined on Modern Art I mean I think that fits in all genres of art so I selected that piece and I think it's a pretty cool teach this in mind waiting it look good on someone's wall and I think they appreciated pass it down to generation to come okay Tyson's came by our gallery I believe last spring only early October and wanted to join our gal to be able to show his work and so we explained our jury process where about fifty people are supplied for being honest and I supplied and out of fifty people about fifteen were accepted as more caring members of you is one of them I don't even know how to put into words how I felt about my art show being the first time that my work was displayed for hundreds of people to see it kind of was a surreal moment for me I think was other things that worked I mean I think the universe and something was there guiding me I felt because I've never been in that type of situation before where I had to display my art to hundreds of people or be in front of hundreds of people who know how to interact and that that circle I'm used to going to vacant buildings and putting up graffiti and street art and dealing with that John loved people you know [Music] what I'm comfortable with our show is amazing I'm just so blessed and so thankful that I had the opportunity to be a part of something big like that I just feel like that's just confirmation for me to keep going sky's the limit your art is for millions and millions of people to see and for people to enjoy even when I'm dead and gone my artwork should be a representation of something positive on this planet sometimes in life you're born into situations where you have no control over what I'm here to tell you Tyson Knight is here to tell you your creativity your perseverance and more importantly your hustle will make you the artist you want to be let nobody tell you anything different master the art of hustle and you master your life this is Tyson Knight and this is the art of possible Oh [Music] [Music] my job desire God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tysen Knight
Views: 15,410
Rating: 4.3417721 out of 5
Keywords: TysenKnight, TheArtOfHustle, Documentary, StreetArt, StreetArtist, Graffiti, GraffitiArtist, PopArt, UrbanArt, SignatureByTysenKnight, TysenKnightProductions, Aritst, Artgallery, StreetArtDocumentary, ArdentRetrospectiveThoughts, FeatureFilm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 53sec (3473 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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