The Art of Flaking

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I feel as though this video is just stating the obvious for 7 minutes.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Nightlight10 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

I....I feel personally attacked. Damn I'm a shitty person

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
Hey guys! This video has been brought to you by NordVPN. Use the code DOMICS at for 75% off a 3 year plan. with an extra month on the house. *anime cough cough* Trap Domic : I'm sick. uwu *Domic intro plays* Flaker. Slang for a person who has proven to be unreliable in following through with plans (often for gatherings or public outings). Can also be used as a verb, to "flake". Abandon plans with little to no notice. Domic : Look, before I talk about flakers, I'm gonna level with you guys. I've been there, okay? As a flake-ee but also as a flake-ER. And you don't want to admit it, But you're probably one yourself. We all have at least that one friend, who just can't seem to commit to plans. Or claims they're so down to hang out. But the moment you invite them to anything, They're suddenly off the grid. It's me. I'm that friend. I have no friends now. There's also the friends who you tried to make plans with, Who give vague answers about their commitment to the plan. Right Domic : Hey, did you eat yet? You wanna get food later with Ben? Left Domic : YEAH Right Domic : Yeah you ate? Or yeah you coming? Narrator Domic : Left on read And then later that night when you're already out... Left Domic : Hey, sorry I had to do some errands with my mom. Right Domic : But I thought she's in China right now. Left Domic : yeah Right Domic : Are you in China right now? Left Domic : yeah Here's a thing with these kinds of flakers. They enjoy the mere fact that they are considered when making plans. It hypes them up because they are being included. They feel their company is desired. And of course feeling like you're wanted is amazing. But they might not necessarily be that excited for the activity at hand. They just like being part of something. Because they know an activity or event is happening, They suffer from "Fear Of Missing Out", or FOMO. So they give a premature agreement to the invitation, without necessarily the actual intent to follow through. "Well, why don't they just say no to begin with?" You might be asking. Because to them, giving a flat-out "no" is too rude. Saying no means you're un-fun and flakers don't want to seem un-fun. They want their invitee to feel like their thought to include said flaker is greatly appreciated! Even if they aren't fully committed to go, they want people to believe that they gave all of their efforts towards trying to be present. But it's a load of bullshit! They'll try to give an excuse that steers the blame away from them and frees them from being accountable. I think I just over-explained the definition of excuse. But they trust that their friends are reasonable and forgiving and wouldn't push for any further explanation. So there usually aren't any consequences. Unless of course, the excuses keep happening. Left Domic: Ugh, sorry, I was up late doing work and I slept in. Right Domic: You're unemployed. Left Domic: Sorry, I just remembered my essay's due tomorrow. Right Domic: You dropped out 2 weeks ago. Left Domic: Sorry, I'm broke. Right Domic: You watched Infinity War in theaters 6 times. White Dude: Sorry, there's two millimeters of snow outside and I don't have winter tires. Domic: Oh yeah, definitely. No worries. Your safety and inability to drive in such a natural disaster excuses you from missing my birthday. I hope you enjoy Infinity War for the seventh time, you son of a bi- And then you have the trump card of many flakers who still live at home. Left Domic: Sorry, my mom said no, sad face. And they know how foolproof this is, because you can't really argue with anyone's mom. Mothers are the ultimate gatekeepers. They are literally your gateway into existence. Flaking has become so easy in this generation because of technology. We can hide behind the safety of a screen and just become ghosts on command, when it benefits us. But the disadvantage here is that if you do decide to flake, You better not be posting on social media about anything else other than lying about sleeping early because you value your health and want a good sleep schedule. [background]: Full of shit! Look, I get it. Sometimes things do come up and you can't make it. Sometimes your excuses are sincere. But you need to be careful when people start catching on. People can see patterns and also your Instagram stories. You can't keep living the "FOMO" life and cry wolf forever. If you really value your relationships. You need to make time for the people you care about. Because they've cared enough for you to take time out of their days. And like I've said before in a past video, time is the most valuable currency we have. It's a one-way transaction and there are no refunds. If you end up wasting people's time, they're gonna stop investing in you. And don't confuse flakers for busy people. Actual busy people will tell you ahead of time or upon being asked that they are unavailable. Dom: Oh cool. Thanks for telling me. Now I know only to reserve five seats instead of six. Flakers will ask you to save a seat for them. and then take a nap. For the rest of the day. Busy people will tell you "Sorry, I have work during the week. Does Saturday work for you?" Flakers will have work all week and then tell you they're free anytime. Busy people will have a New Year's resolution to go to the gym four times a week, But only managed to go twice a week. Flakers will go once using your Guest Pass, and then never get membership. The sad reality with flakers is that you only know them for a short period of time. They can only flake so long until they fully flake-out on their relationships. And what's even more unfortunate, is that they don't realize their behavior and blame their friends for not inviting them to hang out anymore. Don't let it get to that. You're probably flaking on them right now to watch this video and then ten more related videos afterwards. Look, I'll be here when you get back. I can wait. They can't. Go on. He's right, I've been a bad friend. It's time to set things straight! Or gay -- whatever is your norm. I'm not judging. Left Domic : Actually, I'm free now. You guys still going out tonight? Right Domic: It's all good man, since your mom said you couldn't, we invited her instead. Left Domic: [echoing in thoughts] It's me. I'm that friend. I have no friends now... One thing you shouldn't flake on is feeling safe online. And NordVPN will be there for you no matter how much snow is outside. [surfer dude voice] Surf the web dude with peace of mind by using my code DOMICS at for 75% off a three year plan plus one month for free. Virtual Private Networks are a great way to protect your privacy and security online allowing you to browse the net anonymously with no data logging using military grade encryption. They have thousands of servers in over 60 countries, the software is lightweight and user-friendly and you can choose wherever in the world you wish to virtually be. I use it all the time whenever I connect to public networks while waiting for flaky friends because I want my privacy to be protected. It's available on desktops, laptops, and mobile devices, of which you can protect up to six at once. Open the app, select a country or choose quick connect to take you to the nearest server, and you'll be there in seconds. Easy peasy, lemon juice is delicious... Try it out and if you're not happy with it, you have 30 days for your money back guaranteed. Once again, that's with the code DOMICS for 75% off a three year plan plus one extra month for free. Enjoy! [Please do not add unnecessary commentary. Deaf, HoH, and other disabled people rely on CC to enjoy Dom's videos. Thank you :)]
Channel: Domics
Views: 6,317,330
Rating: 4.9599996 out of 5
Keywords: domics, animation, friends, flake, flaker, flaking, plans, bail, nord, nordvpn
Id: iVm_YUpn4fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 31 2019
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