The Art of Delegation

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hey John uh are you finished with that project analysis report I stopped by Jeremy's desk he said you're still working on it finishing it right now uh it would have taken too long to get Jeremy up to speed on this project so uh I decided to do it myself I said have ready for you in about the next hour okay look we just need to buy close of business the week can review it before the client meeting at 8: a.m. tomorrow I know I know it'll be ready don't worry hey John Mr fujiama is on the line for the third time today he said he really needs to talk to you can I forward him to Marie she is the lead on his project no Teresa I really need to handle Mr fujiama myself he's a very important client tell them I'll call him back in 1 hour okay hey John you ready to go to lunch I don't have time for lunch today I am too busy I know we were going to discuss the meeting with the IBT group tomorrow but it's okay I already put talking points together you want to see them no actually I think you should use mine I wrote These down in the Starbucks line use these sorry I wasn't able to text them to you on the phone but I was talking with a client okay John John John um I'm sorry I was just resting my eyes what time is it oh no oh no it can't be 3: already what am going to do John calm down what's going on here well I was up late last night working on these projects and I guess I just fell asleep I can't believe this I try as hard as I can but I I just can't seem to keep up and I feel like I've only had about two hours sleep since I got promoted a month ago oh no and I still have to call Mr fujiama back John come into my office and we'll discuss this further well no no really I can explain everything please I mean I know you hired me because I'm the guy that gets things done I still am that guy I just need some okay take a deep breath and come into my office we need to talk about delegation
Channel: Diane Nieman
Views: 99,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leadership, training, leadership training, delegation, Business, business training, supervisor training
Id: PaZs42CLbRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 45sec (165 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2012
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