The Art of AWPing

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[Music] oh think of the best pro highlights in Counterstrike history what gun were they using honestly it's probably the deagle but at least some of you thought about K's jumping double simple falling off or maybe even ste's hold on Inferno B love it or hate it the op is a main state of the Counter-Strike series that changes the whole flow of the game as soon as it's played but the Hefty price and slow firing makes it a very risky gun to use use and could easily wreck your entire team's economy so today we'll be seeing how not to only get more frags in value as an oper but also how to keep the op to maximize its value this video is sponsored by skins monkey skins monkey is a 247 online trading service for CS2 that is extremely easy to use and completely transparent you just select your skins the Skins you want to trade for it and they'll send you the off offer it's that simple right now they are offering a 30% bonus on your first deposit and up to 35% if you use my code wazu at the top along with an additional free $5 if you trade $100 that's a lot of free money so check out skins monkey today and use my code Wazoo thank you skins monkey before you even fire the op even before you Scope in the first thing you want to do is open the buy menu go to the rifle section and buy the op congratulations you are now an oper oping is the only role in Counterstrike that is not dependent on play style or team composition but simply based on the one gun that you use excluding rifler but that's basically everyone who isn't an oper you can have opers who play Super aggressive basically using it as a shotgun While others will play super slowly finding pcks throughout the map and denying rotates as a result being the oper is about keeping the op and building your economy as much as it is about using the op effectively and who better to teach this than the Lord of saving himself this video is going to be about glazing dream as much as it is about oping of course you could always just opportunistically buy the op whenever the situation fits and the economy is good that would make you a rational intelligent player but if you're are part of a five stack or a team that would rather one person dedicated to the op you might need to be more mindful about how often you get the big green gun we'll get into how to stay alive with the op later because the first thing you need to think about is how to get the op you could just be a penny Piner and buy very minimally such as not buying anything on pistol round only using the deagle on half buys buying very little utility things like that but I don't think this approach is very effective you're just making it harder for your team to win these crucial early game rounds which is ultimately going to cost you potential money if your lack of utility and Firepower loses the round so here's a few alternative money-making strategies that will instead help your team rather than hurt them the first Strat on the pistol round is making sure the bomb is planted on T side look I know everybody wants the kill and no one has the attention span to sit still for 4 seconds but being the bomb planner is one of the most impactful things you can do for your economy even if you don't get the full $800 bonus from playing the bomb and losing the round that extra $300 is the equivalent of getting gain that one kill that you were feeding for while being much safer and if you do lose the pistol round that extra $800 can help maintain your economy and give you a fighting chance for other rounds even if you aren't able to buy an off how does Jame know everything oh this is that's a sick round for him nonetheless if you want to be extra Fugal you could bait your team to preserve your Kevlar so that helmet only cost $350 but at that point you might as well not buy armor if you're so focused on let's call it positioning I would instead recommend being the dedicated nade player on pistol round as it will be more likely to have some carry overv value especially if your teammates pick up the nades after you die after that SMGs are going to be your friend as their High kill reward will make you bank if you knit a couple of kills with them but never shy away from rifles don't throw away your team's buy rounds just because you want to save a couple of bucks for the chance of a funny green gun even if the whole round goes poorly and you're left with nothing but rifle in your hand you always have the opportunity to save opers should generally learn not only how to save their Ops but also their rifles that's wonderful the oper on na'vi 16 eight deaths on Jame oh my God even if you have enough money to buy an op in the next round being able to drop your rifle to your teammate helps to keep the weapon distribution a little bit more even and can make force bias more competitive but when should you save that depends on a lot of factors such as the health of everyone in the clutch the skill level and skill gap between everyone positioning time left in the round or on the bomb Etc but a general rule of thumb that I use in clutches is that if you would scream if you won the clutch you probably shouldn't go for it the [ __ ] down and if you have a teammate or two in the retake if you don't have a solid course of action for the retake and you know you can't even get onto the site easily it's generally not worth it of course if you know that you're that much better than your opponents you can really attempt any clutch but now on to the part that most of you clicked on the video for how do you get good at oping back in the ancient days of 2015 ad oping used to be all about aggression with a higher movement speed while scoped opers could basically entry frag or wide swing angles without much fear of being punished with opers such as Kenny s and JW dominating the pro scene with their confident Fearless play Styles but after the scope movement speed nerfed and the rise of modern Superstars such as zyu Shiro Jame and most notably device during the Australis Dynasty passive oping has since become the predominant play style for professional oppers there are some opers such as simple and Mony who are keeping the tradition of aggressive oping alive but generally speaking teams will prefer opers with god tier cair replacement who they can rely on to get picked safely trade out their entry fraggers and lock down crucial angles as such oping has become more of a game of movement and positioning which go hand in hand with keeping you alive with the limited Vision in the scope and the delay between shots bad positioning can lead you to getting traded caught out or straight up exposed so it is exceptionally important that when passive oping you choose spots to have lots of cover and an easy way to get out but at the same time not too predictable that people can just pre- aim you however you can't just stay in one position forever so this is where movement comes into play now movement doesn't mean be ho or anything complicated like whatever Mony does on Mirage mid what I mean is the simple things efficient pathing effective rotates and team spacing let's start with Team spacing because I made the term up but it's a simple concept since the op has such slow movement speed and does so much damage you have to be mindful of not only teammates blocking you but also you blocking teammates now only that you have to make sure your teammates won't be swinging into your Crosshair and instantly getting obliterated listen he was in you were in the way I would generally recommend that if you're responsible for holding for an aggressive push that you are as far as you can be from the angle but also take the widest angle possible to give your teammates enough space to move through the area as well as getting the best angle should someone peek out if you are planning to be the entry you should call a flash if you can and make sure that you are the only one peeking from your corner and that no one will block you once you go back for cover pathing refers to how you get from point A to point B now obviously the fastest way to get from one point to another is a straight line or however many straight lines due to map geometry but add in a couple of obstacles and suddenly you are going to have to make a few compromises to get to your next spot moving with an OP is especially punishing since you have to take a millisecond to scope in before you fire and the fact that you get only one shot to kill whoever caught you off guard as a result you should can consider how you can use the map's geometry and cover to help you minimize angle exposure how easily you can counter an aggressor should they push you and if you have no way out how easily your teammate can trade you so that you don't give away your nearly $5,000 gun to your enemies for free by extension learning good rotation patterns and timings is one of the most valuable skills that you can bring as an oper half of the Ops value is in its presence if there is an op Play it makes it that much harder to go for risky Peaks and aggressive plays so if you are bunkering down with an op on certain parts of the map your opponents can just play around you and go for lurks have more Dynamic sight holds or simply just ignore you now rotating patterns normally differ from CT and T side as they fundamentally have different goals when they show up to a site but the goal is the same for Passive offers what you want to do is deny space on CT side you want to make sure that when a sight push is being initiated that the te's cannot push sight all at once and overwhelm your anchors so timing is key you want to be as early as possible with your rotations but making sure that your team isn't falling for a fake or giving up crucial portions of the map too fast one of the reasons why simple and zyu are such effective offers is that they have a great read of rotations where it feels like they are everywhere at once you generally want to play more centralized part of the map most notably mid so that you can rotate as fast as possible while still controlling a big part of the map by yourself or a couple of teammates for the T side rotating often has to do with challenging the central part of the map first such as mid but eventually going back to your team or helping Piner the site once your team initiates a push the name of the game here is to keep control of the central area for as long as possible or make the CTS think you have control of the area if the te's get mid it forces the CTS to take the long way around to rotate between sights and allows the te's to have another Avenue of attack onto the site they push but there is a very tangible benefit to not letting the sight anchors play how they want want where going with your team for a site execute is far more advantageous you're going to have to wave between these two options which is going to come down to the situation how skilled your enemies are at countering you at Mid and sometimes even just down to if the CTS use mid at all it's always good to show at least some presence away from where you're going to end up to divert CT attention and resources and equally important to know when to come back to your boys on site simple shut down siren it's a shooting gallery for simple the full 30 if that sounds boring to you you're not alone not everyone wants to wait 3 to five business days for an enemy to peek out only to waste away your best years waiting for the bomb to explode but there is light at the end of the tunnel and it's shotgun oping shotgun oping is when you max out on aggressiveness on oping and throw out the entire rule book instead designed to use the op well as a shotgun of course you don't have to play as aggressively as this but for any aggro form of oping the the idea is that you want to subvert all expectations and use your powerful One-Shot capabilities to get your pick and get the hell out of Dodge this isn't always possible especially if the enemy expects you but when it works out oh boy does it work there's just something so satisfying about running through the enemy team with nothing but a sniper and quick scoping like you're in COD it's honestly a great break from the rigid static form of traditional oping and it's a great way to get some clips for a highlight video I wouldn't recommend playing aggressive all the time but I wouldn't recommend playing passive all the time either oping is all about striking the right balance between consistent reliable performance and unpredictable fast-paced value as an oper you are responsible for deciding when to restrain yourself and when to go for that risky Peak because ultimately that's the art of oping
Channel: Wa Tzu
Views: 64,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Raf-MMRlXL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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