The Arizona Episode | TigerBelly 208

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[Music] [Music] hey what's up hey what's a Johnny Johnny Johnny Neutron here shows that you is me okay Johnny Neutron here it was oh I should have I do we do yeah hey what's up just turn it on hey what's up shaba daba Doo be Doo to you man back you're on k-rock 93.9 the ridge the ridge Johnny Neutron here good morning whoa the traffic out there on the 101 it's [Laughter] start let's just keep that in there on thank you for being a friend and travel down the road and back again your heart is true you're a pal and a cop right there my dad died my dad too soon it happened yesterday too soon all right go ahead you see the biggest gift from me and the card attached would say thank you for betraying okay rock 101 Paul 1 FM listen um you guys are confidants and I didn't even know what that word meant until that song I never used it but you're a confident well everyone in this room is a confident except for one I want to tell you why oh because um some fYI yesterday what's today's Monday or Tuesday Monday yesterday my dad died I'm so sorry about interesting you would say something because it's interesting that you would say something like that because um I'm just gonna give you some facts okay my dad passed and I'm she tell you Mike Halloran Natalie Matt Blake Gilbert cologne Steven Yeun Stonestreet Giovanna from the cat's getting kids that's caring whatever their dads getting kid kid kid just kidding news I mean my brother I don't know my brother I'm with my brother oh yeah he spent Benji Adam everyone Ike Barinholtz Nick Rutherford my ex-girlfriend Christine Sarah Tiana everyone human the XS jibon axis and the only one that didn't leave me any kind of comment or message is George that's I had friends I have a talk to for 30 years giving me comments but you haven't done anything telegram and text is and in every format you didn't reach out at all my family reach out yeah your sister your mom not turning out guilt everyone why would explain yourself well I haven't had that much tragedy in my life so I don't know how to react to these things so I try to imagine how I would feel and I would probably just want to not have to respond to any behind and given our relationship and how much you don't like talking to me in general there's the hammer you probably extra not want to hear from me well I want to give you your no that's not what it is that's not what it is okay I just want what sound is that I left my phone on yeah but what noises that goes to queefs it's it's the minions beep beep beep lbbb was cute and very relevant thank you anyway so you did it that's fine I get what you're saying but let's just start from the beginning where didn't know we already did that we already did that so uh I haven't done this podcast in a while a month a month and a half because I've been out so I've had a crazy um I went to Montreal for two weeks I went to Hawaii for about a week and a half and then I got came back for a couple of days and then my mom called Monday last Monday to say you got to come now and I know if you don't want to hear this turn it off but I want you to keep it on so get the numbers stay on but listen okay this is not gonna be a funny episode this is gonna be tried we're gonna trade more real about it okay and I'm wearing my sunglasses because my brother bought me these and they were over fifty dollars and he's never bought me anything that's a man working women so I don't know but he went to Costco to get it any $50 sunglasses in Costco babe he's a lawyer we know that too so we can do some research on that after after that but I don't want to do that now okay so um so Monday my mom called that was that here's what happened Monday I wake up and I had to go to all things comedy so I went to all things calm need to meet with Mike Bertolini Britt Selina whatever and we little meeting and then I go you know what I'm home go I'm going to go to a dog house mm-hmm for chili dogs delicious could my body craves it sometimes I order it get some tater tots as soon as the meal hits my get it from the thing my mom called saying you got to come now so I called kalila she got me a plane ticket and my brother we flew over there and we thought that he was going to die right then and there then we walked into the hospice he was very cognitive Island and learn and there he smiled when we walked in he said our names when we walked in we kissed him we started crying it was crazy and um so then in my head I'm like he didn't look as sick as my mom made it out to me she was just freaking the fuck out on the phone so when I saw him I'm like oh he looks like he always does like he's there he's not talking but then the lady came in and she said yes so we just put him off we're not feeding them anymore and no more water well that's you have to explain why that sounds cruel when you don't explain know let's just start at that no context there's a there I mean yeah the people can fill in the blanks right it's like he has infections a lung infection anything that comes with his body that's solid right is gonna turn into this gonna feed into the infection and he's not gonna be able to digest the food and it's gonna come through he's gonna vomit it all out he's gonna die that way because he has infections on the stomach has he been feeding him through his stomach it would just add a lot more distress yeah but when he said that my brother goes I have a question what do you mean you fucking can't feed him oh he said like you're not fucking but he was like kind of like shocked by it yeah he said yeah he's just and I kind of pull my back brother back and go do it just it's just he'll have an infection and then he's like there's nothing you could do I go and she said you can't bring him to the hospital and get him antibiotics and try to could do it that way but you only gonna put along his life for another seven days right so I go all right and then that's when it hit us and then by Wednesday when you know he just we just sort of losing him like he there was nothing than behind the eyes and my brother Steve spent just days at night still three four or five in the morning they're just sitting next to him because he didn't want my dad to pass and no one be in the room which is like a credit to my brother and if you're listening to this I'm sorry it's depressing but this is it literally just happened so yeah you had a weird couple days there the the conversations you were we were having were really weird between Monday and Wednesday why why he would go back and forth between calling me and be like hey this is the most depressing shit ever you would love the new athletic where I just bought and then you would go into like kind of a to a half cry and then like be like like excited about the new leggings you're like a year ago I saw jo koy with his family wearing these like Nike liking leggings the tight kind but what he does what they do know the kids is they put Schwartz over it so the leggings are exposed I'm learning I never noticed my boy well and we're learning Thank You Gilbert we're learning okay so I bought this combination as camo pants shorts tight leggings and when I was talking to you I was in remorse and I was feeling sad but then I would pop my eyes under my new fucking vibe from my waist down and I was excited about it so I just expressed to you that I love this new leggings I know it sounded senile because I was like in and out of crime freaking out but that's the truth baby and that's life that's what happens do when you're in that situation you know so the week I'm just gonna finish it so the week went on and then by I mean I imagine didn't feed him since Monday so now come to Friday and he there's just no moisture in his mouth he's staring at the ceiling as at times and then closing his eyes and sleeping for 20 hours and then Sunday was like 7:00 and 8:00 in the morning you know sleeping and I heard my mom downstairs and it was um a sound that I don't ever want to hear again it was it was just I just couldn't put my brother and I weren't shocked my mom was crying screaming get up he's dead or whatever we get in the car we raced there and I don't know listen I want to say this to the hospice that my dad was in everybody in that Hospice deserves a medal and if they had penises at succomb but they're women and that's that's sexist and that's being aggressive yeah so I can't say the vagina thing right so you get one si yeah but my point is is that they were so good we it's 24 hours you can go slip in and out there's a little vending machine it's really nice very nice Eric place and we walk in and the lady said he just took his last breath and my brother and my mom collapsed in sheer devastation I've never seen anything I mean and I did not cry I cried Monday Tuesday Wednesday but then when it actually happened you know I had these fancy sunglasses on that my brother caught me at Costco and I just stood there absorbing what was going on it was like almost like I was in shock and then my uncles and aunts all drove from San Diego so they came in and this uncle Chung and his dad my mom's older sister's husband who I just did the movie with Eric Griffin Chung is a husband EJ me and Eric Griffin and Shawn Austin and a Lamaze girl on this new movie so they're so the my uncle who I don't I've never talked to in my life growing up he was the doctor and he comes in the room and he full-blown goes Oh I wrote something he pulls out a to page but poem or something yeah and he destroyed he rocked the room out yes from as soon as he opened his mouth it was just tears galore I mean and then understand a word he was saying but he was going you know saying in Korean you taught me that golf that one time you know where we could didn't know where to go so you let us stay at your house for three months just all these things and my brother that's when I did weep because it was a powerful poem then I go let's go have lunch and they go we want to go back they drove stayed for an hour we went to in and out that's where they wanted to eat I go there's a fancy place called fucking what's that place Mastro's right there five-star hotel feist our restaurant no you know now so I went and party everyone in and out they drove away it's been a blur since then until you guys came up here it's been an absolute blur I don't know what's going on it's just because there's still a lot of crying in the house and just sporadic yeah your brother just texted me see singing your mom's in shambles fuck man I gotta go you can handle it you told me that afterwards yeah I think that maybe he's just talking about not currently but just generally she's in shambles I think she's in shambles because she is going in and out of tier-i just how do you how do you how do you live with somebody for 50 years which is what she did and she said he's the only man she's ever been with she only fucked one guy that guy and I kept telling her there's bigger dicks out there she's like I don't care and I'm like there are thicker bigger juicier ones and she's like I don't that's the only ones I know so that's the third vibe you really sold it on her yeah I did I said there are black dicks out there they're juicy and you know mean relevant relevant and she's like I don't care relevant no it's in but anyway arm she's only fucked him and also you have to understand that she doesn't really have a lot of friends my parents my parents are like me well you have two or three people that you talk to my best friend is kalila my lover is kalila my my everything is her she does everything she's also my assistant she gets me plane tickets she organizes and it's that's that's all I got you know I she's everything so my mom's that same way so my dad and mom for 50 years that's all they do is just hang out for 50 years and imagine imagine that now how did they meet again she met through my cousin my uncle's uncle goes I know this little guy to my mom which is not a in my mom's probably like does he have a big black juicy is it relevant yeah it's not real it's not relevant no didn't you like leave a steak at her doorstep is what happened so my dad my mom and dad mad they faked they went on a couple dates my mom my dad fell in love my mom didn't he has a flat face yeah it's a flat fucked-up face that he has my mine no because you still have peak qualities you have film qualities in your face and you're gonna be a very big star one thank you okay so I know that's what you wanted to hear no my glasses are off I'm looking right at you know yeah you're gonna be a very big star one day hit I know and your flat face is gonna be an asset I imagined the kind of movies you can do what are they Bobby Orr like guardians again let's go three flat faced with some sort of wall creature okay we'll right at it I think ur a was how funny would that be with that other big blue guy Yeah right you're like they're like walking by a wall and then you didn't see how to Jimmy I am yeah thanks Gary because that's what I'm yeah so it's a big feature for you thank you but my parents um that's all they they so what happened was my mom didn't want anything to do with them and so she moved to Wisconsin with that uncle that did the speech oh yeah and her older sister they lived in Wisconsin my dad flew to Wisconsin and that he bought the most expensive steak now I know Americans women love diamonds yeah and they like flowers and shit yeah Koreans want food and steak a good piece of meat to do barbecue yep right I that's what it's true legit right in fact if you pull out a steak out of your pocket okay here's this fucking asshole why does this make me an asshole I bought you that ring and then you let I found on the grunt of the rental car it's not a lie I found it on the ground the car why I don't know why because we don't give a fuck no because when I was on Hawaii in the plane I wanted to sleep and I didn't want to lose it yeah and I sleep like this with my hands on my face like I do this and it was piercing my face so I said can you put it in your bag and hold it until we get to it that's like saying can you throw it in the trash if you want to give it to me that means you may never see it again I love this one I've been waiting anyway yeah for the week it's been here now it's fine this to you you know he's been really sensitive about this ring not very sensitive about because it came in a very special like a like a box right he got it in Hawaii if I was a guy I would feel a certain way too if I did a test ring and you reacted that way this is a test ring yeah it was a Hertz yeah because I prefer steak and that's what I'm going to propose with her all right anyway Berta bailed on my shirt don't lose it again or we're gonna have a very big problem and let's just not talk about it again okay but that was rude and admit it anyway um so was I saying oh that's how they met so then my dad my mom my dad got a steak ring the doorbell or dislike' apartment complex in Wisconsin somewhere and she took him back and they've been with each other ever since and um my dad was a violent rageaholic alcoholic and so growing up was very difficult I think I don't know what other people's lives were like but I read story book I've seen like movies there's nothing like those movies you know we were at times running for our lives so growing up I didn't really I don't know technically loved him if he had died then I don't think I would uh it would have a bummer but but what was his life like before like did he go through a lot of hardships before he came to America like he must have had his own fair share of a tough upbringing because I think maybe that's what carried over into his adult life well he didn't have an education so what happened was when he was a young man the Korean War happened and he didn't get good grades he's not he's not I think I take after him you don't have a lot of facts what do you mean by no there's no really information like if you say where's Mount Fuji I don't know we have who's to share him a phone I don't know you don't know anything if you played him a Beatles song like anything like let it be this the first time he's ever heard it he's that one of those kind of immigrant so your mom is so the opposite my mom was it was not beyond that her his mom loves history and she loves like learning all these tidbits and new languages and yeah she's such a she's a very like eccentric and very colorful woman and she also had albums are on the house like all the Beatles albums Simon Garfunkel things like that where even as a young guy you would go to the record player and play it because you don't know you know and so my love for Elton John or Eddie is kind of like the Everly Brothers or whatever she would have it she liked music and she even likes new stuff if I sit like R I like I'll play her a ride she oh I like that you know whatever putt but my dad in fact when he had his first stroke we put in his earphones um Eric Clapton tears from heaven oh and he imagined he had a stroke so we have headphones and we push play and he literally started crying and he said for the first time I like music for the first time he got it whoa you know so he's just one of those kind of guys so growing up he went you know he grew up in the Korean War he was it became a street he's to pickpocket pickpocket who's actual pickpocket he was a pickpocket you were supposed to sell gum to the American soldiers but he is also a hood like he had like a little street gang and stuff no but then he as he got older he would didn't do good in school so he went and joined the military so he was in the Korean army and I don't really know how he got to America I just never believed I didn't who got him the ticket I don't how he got a visa on here that so anyway um so Sonny happened and um now I cancel about two Road dates I'm so sorry I have to go back to Hawaii let's go back to cuz I haven't talked about Montreal I haven't talked about Hawaii five-o now what's a short Magne Magne and I didn't talk about any of those things so sorry to interrupt guys but we had meal of spawns we'd love to interrupt it listen to rock ridge wallet we loved it so good you know let me just tell that again you know what no I'm racking up because my dad died it's real yes real the ridge wallet all right so hey guys honestly listen I have in my power on it you know you get it I have that's all we use it's the ridge wall we all do we even Calaca licks chuckles little uh collects even she likes it but I want to say that um my family uses it you know all my friends use it it's a high quality piece of hardware in your pocket you can't arif ID protection the elements that are in it yeah a very groovy future and it's my favorite thing and all the time tell them about it guys get 10% off today with free worldwide shipping by going to Ridge comm slash slap that's Ridge calm slash slept and use the code slept SLE EPT 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do whatever crazy supposed to make swinging up post made it download post mates with the code belly enjoy the rest of the show as you guys know it was the first time I was invited to Montreal now get this okay what I've been doing for the last month and a half is I spent two weeks in Montreal yeah almost two weeks in Hawaii to do magnum p.i I got home for two three days and my dad was sick so I've only been I've only slept one night in the new house for the last month and a half so I'm dirty and I'm lost and I'm confused I don't know what the fuck is going on and so um so I went to Montreal and I want to say to people at Montreal and Howie Mandel and all these fucking people it was one of the greatest comedy experiences of my life it's something that I have always trumped that it was gonna be like that and it was more than that that's awesome and I was so angry that they it took me 20 fucking years to get there in fact every comic that found out that was my first time in Montreal it blew their minds the you've never liked um no I don't know what anything is yeah but as soon as I went and you know my I hosted the nasty show so Andrew Schultz I didn't really know him but he was the one that blew my mind yeah I was so jealous you got to hang out with him and meet him yeah blew my fucking mind and him and I became lovers almost that's awesome like cheek to cheek hugs I mean the whole thing I love that dude Andrew when you're in LA you're doing gonna do this podcast tiger belly yeah what's up and then I hung out with Jimmy Carr for two weeks I'm Howard Jim Jeffries for like three days talked to him a lot everyone that's not everyone but a lot yeah okay but what I loved about it is you know you go to an elevator at the hotel or whatever and then you see Craig Robinson you see Jim Otte Jim Norton came in town he's like let's get dessert so the first night I was there I was at a coffee shop with him and his girlfriend and Boni McFarland what a great experience and the whole thing was great and every show was a thousand seats I hosted every show it was always sold out and I did for 13 shows I did a TV show and it's stand-up on a TV show Oh crushed it right I did Jim Norton late-night show with a nut Jim Norton it was Barney and rich Fosse's show and then um I came then I came straight from there to Hawaii the first three days of Hawaii was the worst acting experience I've ever had because I flew from Montreal which is 12 hours difference yeah I couldn't sleep on the plane once I landed I had to go right to set and shoot every scene 30 40 fucking chunks of lines they wanted fast a lot of it's like dialog that I'm not used to saying yeah and it was really hard and I the first night I was there I was like I don't want to do this I want out but then as days went on anywho I loved all my scenes were with that Mexican fool janie Hernandez that Mexican full dude right there yo J listening right now man I'm telling you something right now bro you you're a special one man handsome right hispanic ax yep which i love the best great actor and he's playful and when I see a fool right now you you're playful I guess you're very whimsical I like here thank you you live in that fucking about how she's the thing she's a daughter she's Nordea oh she's the plate most playful just cherub oh I mean you know what one is but anyway you're great baby mythological thank you and then suit and then this other girl that's on the show pretty fucking great actress and we hung out last two three days were fun and I'm going back in three weeks to do another episode and um and Jean Jean Jean is the right head one of the writers and he's the one that wrote me into the show and he's Korean and he let me say something you friend you took me to the best açaí places on earth from of that place what's it called The Cove they took the ko if you're ever in Honolulu and you want our side because go to the cove and get whatever it's the best koala went out there for the last couple days and then I came back and then my dad died so that's pretty much the whole the whole month of my life and um I just want to tell people you know all the people that left messages and comments I really appreciate it I have a really fully grieved I I'm afraid it's gonna come out in a way that I'm not intending it to come out because I don't think Sunday I think I was being strong for my mom and my mother but I don't think I fully grieved what does it feel like right now I feel my eyes are s pressure but that there's no exit there's no exit my field gosh sure in my eyes and I want to cry now but I can't and it's gonna come out and weird worried I'm gonna play tennis or something tell you that's not a bad thing yep I'm gonna just burst into tears or something because my dad and I used to play tennis together something like that's better yeah we're but but I think that you should allow it to come out any which way it wants you know it's something I don't I think that it's it's a process you have to go through no matter what and you have to expect it it will come out in one way or another so just well it is it a chance where it won't come out hmm unlikely probably come on it always comes out like I think that when I heard the news about your dad I was you know sad for you but I didn't have a good cry until you posted that picture on Instagram and then I called you sobbing because I think that's just that that I don't know that encompasses all like I know you told stories about how your dad was you know violent and all of that but in that picture you could see just so much tenderness and love that's this little baby that was you that's what it is and here that's the point that thank you for saying that because don't get me wrong with my parents and I and I wasn't the best kid at all I was a fucking crazy kid you know but I knew I've always known that there was love no matter what they did that's my brother and I have always known that that we've been loved and you know so I understood in a early age that he's just doing the best he can yeah what the circumstance is that he has you know so um you know I understand also I don't know if without that kind of childhood and that love that I would have been able to do this business really even yeah I think they gave me enough foundation where I wasn't like a crazy person you know and I didn't know what love and all that stuff was and um also my dad is very just when he finds that thing that he needs to do he just does it constantly and that's what I do what comedy you know I don't I go up a lot you know and that's because I think my dad or something you know he's just laser focus on one thing and he did that with his business you know but I don't know how it's going to come out and and it's it's my brother and I keep saying it's surreal we don't know this is it's a nightmare I also don't think that you've had a lot of sleep in the past couple weeks I haven't known so I don't think that you're able to - I don't think you're living in a in a reality right now yeah not I'm you know it's a blur I've been eating terribly - yeah because um just we don't have to going to the hospital it's like right by the other house they live in an area where it's more farming and so there's only like Cannes or like you know at late at night our only option is Alberto's what's that it's like a they have them in California they're like late-night 24-hour Mexican restaurants with a really weird need you know the mystery meat mystery but I like it because it gives me a nostalgia from when I grew up in Poway we had one but yeah I've been eating terribly I've been sleeping and I just got to get my mom - what's the what's the plan I know you guys didn't want to do a service and it wasn't today so your dad just didn't want a service or are you just no I my brother and I walked into the place the lady was like nice but very Addams Family like what does that mean she's just dark hair pale skin real round eyes and just you know with the same clothes you know it was just a little much yeah and then she was explaining I know that because I watched Six Feet Under that's like one of the shows I saw yeah so I know I know the game a little pan you know upselling and stuff you know meaning it's a business a big business which I just basically said put them in a brown box put some engravings on it she goes it's gonna be this much I could do it and then there's no service we're having my Koreans do it that way really yeah my Korean the Koreans that I know yeah are just like very my mom and my uncles and so it's just like he called me last week yeah he was like we're just gonna cream it and cremate my dad no service but that's not what the phone call was for he called me to basically give me a an entire SH feel about how he wants his funeral to be how it's going to be a large procession of thousands of people thousands yeah he won thousands of people know he wants like performers and singers yes he said he's like the slideshow babe the slideshow it better be good IMAX dovey yeah the slideshow is the most important what did I say and I'm like you got it I'm screwed what song am I get what do I want know how long if you don't know then we have a problem oh you didn't tell me less you know already give me a call oh I know it's Eric sati Abe you know here you go there we go horse I know there we go that's all I wanted to hear what's mine Golden Girls a soundtrack told me there's two songs no there's two songs go ahead okay it's Beatles which one I've heard yes got it no in my life and then Roy Orbison's Blue Bayou my life but I'm going to cut the why it means a lot to me I will put it in at the end when people are leaving okay what's your second song it's very salty a end without a loop I want that song I put on the loop infinite loop because I really like that movie being there was one of my favorite movies I've talked about before and Jhansi Gardner if we have a kid the kid's name is gonna be Chauncey yeah it will be yeah was a good basketball player Ely Chauncey Billups yeah I had a basketball player do a little comment was a Danny Green yeah championship Danny Green because they did that show in Montreal together no we had a lunch thing me and don't tell me the name me Chauncey he's donnell rawlings so meet Donnell Rawlings and Danny Green had lunch and and then I said something do and then she got mad what is it can you say it nope I took it we did they took it out well here's the thing he knows that when he does things on camera he can say anything about me anything at all but my vagina but my delicious by the way when he was in Montreal needed the show with Danny Green and Donnell Rawlings and Chauncey Billups my mom he was one of those it was they brought a pig's head out all right with a little right and I go marriages oh no no that's not what you said that's what I said you said oh that looks delicious it looks like she's like my girlfriend's mom I got Meritus and they go whose merit is that goes with my girlfriend's mom I said like that they've got a play date crush I got a really big laugh but you know I called them to take the laugh out and it was a personal thing it was just a funny moment and when you're improvising baby you throw it out and if it doesn't work it doesn't work and you know that you know the rules I know you know I love your mom more than anybody I love your mom like she's my mom I really do when I see your mom I feel safe and I have a good relationship with her I love her so much and so and you know that you called her pig's head it doesn't matter it's for the joke I know it's a joke Oh actually said Oh kalila vagina none taken but you know what's great about Montreal is that in here's here's the deal is um I did Andrew Santino's podcast Montreal it was packed how many people were in that one maybe 100 but no room yeah it was pretty good and it was um free-flowing and fun and um and I said to the people on Trago you know we'd love to have Tiger belly here and they said yeah for sure so we're gonna work on that it might not be this because I just went maybe the next year that we're gonna keep going this podcast we're gonna keep going and I'm going to say something exciting to everyone listening okay I know I've been out and I know I've been doing other things but you know this podcast is very important to me and we also have great guests coming up when we moved into the new studio and that's gonna be soon then we have great people coming on like big names it's gonna be great and how do you feel about Eric sitting in for you last week you know I want to be honest with you I make fun of that guy so fuckin awesome I say there's so many bad things I'll tell you texts that we had just recently and I just felt real bad about it but might as well just get into it you know I mean yeah where is it where is it Eric he was telling us that Andrew Santino called him to ask permission Eric was like mmm fuck no I would be salty yeah Eric yeah so Eric okay so Santino and I want to do a podcast together ready yellow something like that right and and I told Andrew I said I could I can only do it if Eric gives is you know blessing so Andrew did his best no no I mean for real though he would he was being serious he would be devastating I know that's why we're not doing it that's we're not doing it are you all three could just do one yes what I said I was like why you some three you do with once again there we're Bobby's the mainstay host they just alternate with Bobby and then I'll steal him back after the third happens I think it's I think it's hard with three you know three is hard I don't know where this oh I don't know where this went but it was basically it was basically he goes how are you you know I'm thinking about you and I go I'm in Phoenix was the best place to get Donuts all that and he goes I hate you but it's just that's how I treat him its but like so but let me say something you don't make fun of his way I make fun of everything he looks like digital longer ground if he was up alone and if you've seen Eric Griffin's body up close and let's say let's be honest it's not the best you may a me view of the rock that's type of body yeah it's a polar opposite is Eric Griffin's hmm and what being better than the other okay but now that's not me attacking him he's a good guy inside yeah but here's what here's what he proved to me that's what proved to me is is that Eric Griffin is a true friend sorry to interrupt guys but we have an amazing sponsor we wait wait wait whip whip quit quick guide is equipped guys is the only toothbrush that I use oh wow the reason why it's cute it's small it vibrates in a way that it doesn't hurt my gums or my teeth you can tell it's healing spots within the crevices I don't look at myself sorry it looks so white though thank you because if it speakers equipped right okay and it really is if the vibrations don't irritate my gums and I feel like I'm getting a really good clean and it's cute and it's it's just a great little product that we really love hear it it makes you excited to brush your teeth because you normally doesn't but I don't brush it every brushes three times a day because I like that used equip right and if you don't bike whip right now my dad's not gonna get into heaven oh that's why Bobby and we love quip he retired Pelle no White's perfect for getting back quip starts at $25 and if you get quipped calm slash belly right now you'll get your first refill pack for free that's your first refill pack free at GE t qu IP comm slash bat my dad's in the netherworld right now trying to get through the Gateway to get to heaven once again that's get quick comm slash belly push him through guys push him through it quick Tim's hymns for hymns you guys I'm telling right now because my father passed I died but I'm making a joke okay but I'm not saying that my dad dick was broken and he has jean-luc Picard Picard hair right and in this day and age he didn't have the fucking because you know growing up he didn't have the money and what in the resources sure to get those two things you know taken care of for him you know difficult what I'm saying to you right now is is that we now have we're here technologically right at a point in your life boy you're a man and you have problems whether it be sexual or the hair yeah and you can get professional help for cheap oh my gosh and you go to the for hims calm right and maybe if my dad took this maybe real life I'll have a full set of hair or have a full set of here guys order now Tiger Bay listeners get a trowel or ham start off for just $5 okay wait it's still good but Tiger boy listeners get a chair month of hymns for just $5 today right now while supplies last see website for full details and safety information this would cause hundreds if you went to the doctor or a pharmacy go to four hams calm slash belly that's fo r hims calm slash belly for hams calm slash belly enjoy the rest of the show what he's done for my brother what he's done for me the his attentiveness to especially this time of our lives he's the only one that's been constantly aside from obviously you you not him but you fuck you fuck you and fuck you okay and fuck your how about this fucker how about this why don't you comment on people's things when the guy dies let's start comment babe text why didn't you I just wanted a because I didn't want to make it about my you're right you're right your said that I'm sorry you know what I'm I apologize because I've had a rough 24 hours and I'm attacking you and I really I apologize I do like I do find your coping skills kind of interesting babe why I mean just the amount I just the photos you keep texting me okay lucky soul okay that's interesting that you would say something you send it to me like I'm alone at home and my mom I'm not gonna show anybody pot well can I just say what he's been what you've been sorry Bobby has been sending me texting me pictures of his dead father from 80 from 80 different angles that's a lot of angles babe how many angles babe enough oh man that sad is that does that make you feel better cuz when I get them when I receive them it makes me feel okay I'm gonna say sad I'm gonna see this you're following your mom's order are you crying right now it's just sad wow that's interesting we don't cope with with you got some sorrow very well huh oh man thank you idea of a parent before that anything don't make me cry right now I'm mad cuz it's gonna fly out yeah I thought yes that I'm sorry she's gonna show it sure do that but this is my mom's fault because since Saturday she kept saying being a film film what everything so she's like take photos so she took made me take videos photos and then when she died he died she's like more so we took a morbid photo of me my mom I did it in a time round I know it's weird I saw the pain more of it and more of it I know but that's my mom yeah right and then when I showed her one of the photos she cried for three hours I think she has the same thing I think some sort of tragedy porn thing or something yeah yeah just something weird think we're going on but we can that's what we're not I don't want her to get addicted to remorse so we're not giving her anything what would she be me a remorse you know a lot of people like I saw a HBO series if you have HBO now they used to be a great show that I used to watch called autopsy yeah we dr. baden-baden right so it's a show about like forensics okay it was the first show of its kind now there's millions of shows but back then that was the only show like that and they showed real bodies and stuff in real cases so it was really interesting but there was a lady who in it that had I think I'm not lying 11 kids died yeah I remember right she would have kids and then two years later tragedy they did it tragedy what happened where they would find be found blue in their cribs right instead they she think they people doctors thought that she had some sort of disease some sort of disease that's like not and for ten years every kid would die that way yeah they thought they had she had passed on like a genetic type of thing that was like fatal after like I saw one of her kids that died was she adopted yeah then the doctors like know this kid has the same symptoms as your other kids but this could you adopt it and then she so she was addicted to what's it that much constant Munchausen is that what that was Munchausen a little on the extreme end of that proxy or you people like tragic things so that people go because that's what she was addicted to you know people going I'm so sorry Elizabeth whatever her name was right so on I don't want my mom to get that I don't think your mom has that I just don't want her to get it that's all she doesn't even want a service yeah I mean that goes to show you that she who doesn't want any attention she's just grieving on her own and doesn't want to hear from anyone what did Steve say okay that's it so your brother's are is taking it and clearly different from you like he's already just like her mom I think that Steve is is really grieving correctly and letting himself feel all the feelings which is just a good way you know he's not trying to hold anything back which is good for this guy yeah I'm afraid to I don't know what going on something's going on that's a lot when you get home I'm going to have you sleep and just relax and catch up on rest and I think that when that happens and you can reflect more than maybe you'll be able to let it out properly yeah I feel it in my chest and my throat in my mind I feel it in my bones man I want to cry I just not doing it I think I did it already when I got there for three days I cried all day long and I know and you did tell me that when you didn't want to see him pass like your brother wanted to see yeah yeah I thought that was weird but and I get it but my brother didn't want to meet him alone but he also was caught up with sup cest of being there because he just wants to be there everything was the same way with my dad oh you were yeah my I wanted I wanted to watch every single rise and fall of his chest until the very end yeah why it made me feel like I had the finality in the full-circle nests of it it gave me some relief and closure to be like okay this is life like he saw me at my begin beginning I see him at his end so it kind of I like that full circle feeling of it here's here's the thing that I want to say which is my dad was an avid golfer he taught a lot of Koreans they put a lot of white dudes even here in Phoenix like when I do shows in Phoenix I'll have all the white men come to my shows I used to play golf with your dad he was amazing right that was a good golfer yeah my dad played tennis - every Sunday my mom and dad and all my family would place tennis at this place and then afterwards we go to round Table Pizza and we would play video games and then they would get a pizza and it was a big we did that for years and it was up every Sunday they would do that and it felt new and that's when I had a car I you know when I was 16 I got a car so we would go and it was on drugs but when I was lucid and there it was fun and my dad was always athletic and he was a hard worker for the last year he hasn't moved he literally can't walk he can't be in a wheelchair he is constantly just in a bed it's getting fed through with tube in the stomach and not be able to talk or communicate and he wouldn't be able to poo properly she would have to every day we had a hospice nurse - toward the end they'd have to dig that poo out of his butt and it to me and I know how what he is he that's powerless and if he's in a situation that I know he doesn't like because he's an active dude and he was suffering okay and so and by being there and watching this man suffer that way especially when they said we're not gonna feed him or you know imagine what he was going through all right and when my brother and I were their own Esau's you could tell that it like yeah they're here and that's when I cried but then when he went into his coma I was like I wanted him to go now yeah not because I wanted alright I want him there it's just I don't want him to suffer I really don't and so to me there was a sense of relief yeah when I saw him I was like I think God you know but my mom and Mike Steve weren't like that they were like freaking out I mean I and I want to be - I feel the same way it's just that I look at it a little different than they do I just cannot do it and I know him and I just I think I thought also this is gonna sound really crazy but there is a sense that I'm gonna see him again and I'm not a religious person I don't there's no facts it is a real I expressed that to my dad and I don't my dad my brother and my mom you know that I'm gonna I feel like I'm gonna see him again it was a real distinct feeling that it wasn't at the end and it could be it could be nothingness but I don't know for sure but that's a good feeling but yeah I did have that feeling and um who knows yeah I like that there are a lot of people in America that don't bother to say my name correctly even if I tell them to say my name correctly Bobby's dad on first go the man has had multiple strokes can't really talk that great and he nailed my name the first times right remember that and I was shocked he I in my mind I'm like oh he had been told what my name was and he probably like practice it in my head so when he first met me he just said my name and I was like yeah you're my guy and this event in a weird way it has nothing to do with jordu George what I'm saying is is that it really has nothing to do with you but I had a couple of friends Alan Meadows and my friend Jensen who I haven't talked to their high school friends and Jensen was really mad because he has to know this but I don't text anyone back ask chris d'elia it's just it maybe it's a habit I'm gonna change about myself but a lot of these high school friends if I don't have some background where they freak out and they I feel like they think that I'm doing a Hollywood thing or I'm not you know but so there's a lot of older friends I was able to say thank you to them and then um some newer friends to like like I don't know Ronnie Chung okay from The Daily Show all right I change but I was an elevator in Montreal and he was happened to be I knew what he looked like I knew who it was so I just turned to him I go I like you and he we hugged because I like you too and he texts you know he texted me you know I just met Jay Hernandez he meant nice company so people you know my castle and Laura Lauren you know they did it and every one every guest we've ever had from Bisbing to the room of others to air stone street to everyone they all reached out and said what can we do in fact Michael Rosenbaum has left many audio messages that were really sweet nice I could play one if you want I think you can only play it twice if you don't keep it you lose it I don't I didn't I don't even finish them lose it right the audios you can save it can't you yeah if you decide to keep it yeah I didn't really listen to it all the way through though he's the best Michael Rosenbaum you know that he was really worried about you and he reached out to me he was probably the first person to know that you were out here and you know every day he was like hey how's he doing how's his dad and he reached out to you immediately right yeah and I'll gonna tell you another guy that shocked me but as soon as I because a lot of people aren't in LA they're on the road or whatever they're busy they don't know that I'm obviously they don't think about me all the time Ryan as soon as they posted it it's I'm not taking 20 seconds into the post daliyah called me from because he's shooting that movie in New Mexico action movie he's an action star now and he literally goes what do you need I'm here what he need and then it shouldn't shock you though sweetheart Billy is a good guy yeah you know what a nice guy you know George is having a hard time keeping serious I can see his lips person you're like he's not real mad he's farm fire it's farm life man they don't know they think they know but they don't but I love him thanks for the food the grazing and the potatoes so over the farm with the farm thank you for all that John mom - judges are all the fertilizer all right dinner you were telling us about the plans for your father's ashes and you were telling us about your concerns oh yes yes so um my brother and I are concerned that if we put all his ashes in one urn that that's definitely his ghost will haunt so we split up his ashes and and I kind of sadly said I want the bottom half yeah but I don't think they're gonna do that I don't think they have that kind of technology what is the reason for the bottom half because if it's the legs are haunting me that's that's not that scary yeah these upper body that's uh purple oh yeah I mean okay it's got two ghost lists of a dick flailing around no body or be hiding underneath the bed and you could definitely see the legs but no and my mom's like she's like well it'll be done in two weeks you know we'll have the engraving and all that stuff because obviously I ordered the supreme package with the name and the dates and the face engraving why are you rubbing it in my face cuz you knew my dad's like urn was like $20 Tupperware I know because I just wanna let you know that that's wrong figure it out honestly they came on they were like this one is the cheapest one it's $30 and it looked like a cheaper version of it was like a cardboard box cath in cardboard box and I remember my mom and my sister and I we were just so in a state of like we were in a state of desperation that we just collapsed and laughter like it was we were so delirious and and and sad and all of the emotions rushing that we just we were cry laughing in this mortuary because we were looking at the box like this stupid flimsy cardboard box I'm like this is what life comes to that's crazy especially a guy like that a man who traveled the world had so many interesting experiences a long life a complex adventurous life that your dad had that's crazy that's why he deserved more than a plastic box and tougher ones get like a regular wooden box and get some engraving that's all something great I know but you know figure it out but anyway arm yes it's too late you fuck that up but the next time make it better I think your biggest I think you're being sensitive I think come on don't get any good I'll get angry come on we're here there's a comedy podcast we're in a hotel or hotel oh so yes we're so even my mom though she goes it that the boxes will be done in a week or two weeks and she's like we can just send it to your house he goes no keep it here I go why she's like I'm not having that in my house she doesn't want the ashes in her home why she believes in it superstition maybe she but that's a thing with ashes I thought ashes was just the remains in this she doesn't know she doesn't have the details you know she just knows that the feeling the feeling and she'll probably manifest something in her mind yeah and so well then are we bringing the ashes to our the bottom bottom height that mother's gonna or we could split it maybe half I don't know how they're gonna do it and didn't you say you wanted full bones in it I was confused by that I almost feel like you know here's the thing it's that's a silly thing to say my friend oh you said it three hours ago very silly the bone chunks in there I said it but that's silly that you don't know the reason why Oh what is it and I don't know how it works why you laughing you were thinking about it no I don't know how it works okay but I feel like in those it's an oven right a hot oven right no they put a body in there they take the ashes out but they don't take all the ashes out do they clean it between two body I don't think they do I think they do they water it down and make it completely ash free your property value we're getting right not fool my dad we're getting chunks other old Jewish later that died fucking four years ago Yeah right the little Puerto Rican kid that had a heart defect he died oh I know it's sad so we're getting multiple ghosts in ER right so what I'm saying is is that but she's like we can grind it down to an ash or she's gave us the option there can be chunks of bone she gave you the hot that wasn't all bone in boat yeah dark meat please yeah because if you grind it all the way down I don't know what I'm getting but I feel like chunks of bone it you know instead of putting the oven to a 10 she did the seven so they have chunks so when I rattle the box I go yep he's in there and they're like might they go close because my mom went to go get his favorite outfit which looks like Papa Smurf light-blue golf pants a white duck kidding you oh right turtleneck right and a light bright blue pants Yeah right blue Dolph the golfers jacket who chose this my mom this is yet the weather's right and they're like should we take it off when he she wanted it with the clothes - I see just they're burning the Smurfs outfit and the whole thing and that's happening tomorrow and we did we chose not to attend that because why yeah what it's morbid why in fact today when they were like you want to see the body one last time and my mom was almost leaning I got mom it's enough he was just in a refrigerator for 24 hours he's not gonna look he's gonna look frozen you know and she's like all right and then she was giving me cuddle are you sure are you killed I got no no we're talking--we're not doing that again we did it oh my god you have to understand when you're dealing with when you're supposed to be the oldest and responsible one and I'm not responsible you know that I'm a fuckup but when you're supposed to be I did don't cry I'm strong that's power it is I'm going all right let's do we got to do this we got to do this fill out this we fill it out eat money we've given the money all right tell me where you're gonna you know yeah because if I'm in shambles doesn't what nothing gets done I think it's done I had to do it yeah and I think I'm not gonna maybe it's not gonna come out in a weird way but um you know I know this is not the funniest podcast but I can't fake it that we have to talk about real things and that's what happened and you guys want to talk about any of your lives in a while there's nothing going on what's going on with your life mine Gilbert first well I just got sad because I was great yeah you know keep I'm sorry no I just think about my grandpa oh yes he was as low low some 80th birthday this past weekend he flew to Chicago it's just the way you describe how your dad like was active tennis player played golf and to see him suffering I just see my grandpa's hand now shaking it's like wow that's a little weird would you fly back if they said he's at the end yes well good luck I'm sorry it sucks it sucks I'm sorry how are you aside from cliff fucking we've been doing just working hard Hoss farm good answer me man yeah yes not actually my mom's going through it since they uh or actually I shouldn't is that blood on your shoulder from what I've been looking at that reminds me of the movie wait wait let me show your shoulder dude he's fuckin zits on his shoulder and they're popping like fucking popcorn onto his shirt that's hope that's fucking crazy give me a hug hug on camera sorry about it man there it is hug it out now just for technical reasons yeah yeah yeah well there's something going on yeah if there's like legal stuff going on we'll get into it later okay yeah you're a great sidekick and a great producer and I really appreciate it I've been hang out what Steve greeted he's been making fun of me for just being the best sidekick ever so easy to make fun of you're sitting pretty tell you that yeah Eric Griffin wants to do a podcast with kalila and I think that I thought he was joking at first I think it would be good I'm just saying if you did it like a once a month thing with it and not do a committed thing just do one little thing that B I love Eric he was very very easy to I just love Eric you know how much I love Eric I think that you know when I go on the when I go travel when he who I or maje me wherever I go Phoenix even when were in the elevator they looked at us these two guys and they go we love the podcast and I think that honestly especially in Montreal when I would walk around with my agent and my manager and people half the people would go where's kalila and they know your name I think that that is so powerful for me because you're very good at what you do and I think Eric gets it I think a lot of like Christine Christine right get Christina Christina to be gets it these people get it yeah right I think that h3 podcast hi ila hila yellow is a very love you we're gonna do their show in a couple yeah so I think that that I just think I just did that you're just somebody that you can't replace and just very good at what you do and I don't know how much time that's wise how much was that we're good we're pretty good right in how much will we at though over an hour yeah I think that we should keep it at that maybe I don't think I don't push it because there's a lot you know there's a lot of things I want to talk about we can may say for the next one yeah that was a you know I haven't done in a while and I think that's a pretty good one to put out for the kids I think my brother and I are gonna do an arm before I leave a patreon and he I told him he can't get any of the money of it you need to sleep yeah need a rest sweetheart you're gonna sleep well tonight no no I got to go to the store let's get you some sleepy stuff any final words come on yeah any final words for people no sauce just papaya yeah Kimbo Slice alright he died for a while we meet for a while why is he back alive now it's been it's not the cold news right oh shit what do you mean he's analyzing about the fights really yeah I want to do that really quick him in a minute okay the week before the fire we're fucking terrible I'm sorry I was terrible not the best boring but this one oh fuck my brother and I were at the hospice Saturday and he goes let's watch it with that I didn't want to watch it with my dad in the room so we went to the living room area of this hospice and we put it on and I mean my brother and I every match we're like this is fucking good good card beginning to end it I know it was so fellow constable Errol I mean just how many shots can eat a dude so you know 42 years old Romero was good I liked him I was 42 he's good you'll never be champion but he's good and then the Nate Diaz amazing so amazing so good he hadn't fought in three years so it's so funny how good that second Conor was three years ago I thought I know it's time flies and then even the last Miocic oh my god thank you DC was put a body shot oh no no like the first round DC was amazing oh whoa no for sure but after the second round he looked at lost Murray said loses that round but I still thought that he was I know but he's never said that so in now we have an insight into what he's thinking and what he's thinking is holy shit this guy's heart this time yeah I think he knew that though cuz I was watching the embedded before that and then he went to go shake me Oh chicks Han yeah and me it's hand and he went back to his team and he was like those hard handshake oh yeah yeah you he was actually like and his team knew that you know she would be you know much harder fighter this time around and also he is a guy that I don't think the UFC appreciated that much as me yeah I think that they didn't promote him as much yeah I think that he felt that too through just interviews and things that glimpses and I think that he could end up being one of the greatest heavyweights of all time I love see I love him he's a he's very good but no one beats DC for me these he's like my favorite thing got a trilogy now at least yeah Dan you all want to say this I know you're not you know we have this thing come on I wanna see this Daniel karma okay do Tiger belly also secondly okay we think you're one of the greatest of all time yeah we really do I've been following your career since day one I mean early straight hours strike force and I've always liked you I think that you're a very good commentator as well that news show that you have on ESPN about like you know like a breakdown theory a breakdown very good and I and I think that you're one of the greatest of all time so don't let this I know you're not listening but fuck it listen okay I know you're not but I want you to and I want you to know that we love you here at Tiger Bell we also love the Diaz brothers or any but it wants to do our show come because we're ass Bisbing it's pretty good also we have I know that Rose Nami Eunice is direct messaged me on Instagram saying that she's also I want to do it Oh Johanna right so you know me and that Debbie Rhonda you're invited Connor you're invited wait but you didn't say we didn't say nice things about Ron oh you didn't sweetheart so why would she want to come on your show plus she's like super rich doing WWE now we're nothing to her thanks for listening I don't hear that negativity yeah let's stop there but anyway seriously guys thank you for listening I cancel a lot of road dates because I'm just not in the right frame of mind of doing it I will be in Hawaii and then my next road date that I'm gonna do is Portland mm-hmm it's the next one of the books um it's been a really crazy year for me I haven't really fully like it's January I was still on splitting up together yeah you know I'm imagine what I've gone through since I mean you know it walked right up and then a lot is how well it's the craziest year of my life and so um peace out namaste cliff fucking [Music] housekeeping no just make sure you follow us everyone on instagram at tiger belly on twitter at that tiger belly follow everything at kalila at calamity kay everything at george at george underscore Kimmel and for all those Road dates Bobby cancelled any future road days check out his website at Bobby Lee or follow my instagram at Bobby guys Gilbert's [Music]
Channel: TigerBelly
Views: 214,993
Rating: 4.9278245 out of 5
Keywords: tiger belly, tigerbelly, bobby lee, podcast, khalyla, tgrbly, all things comedy, special, on the road, this past weekend, tpw, erik griffin, drama, heartfelt, thank you, to, our, fans, cry, serious, heart, feels, real, funny, stand up, comedy
Id: b_8VF2uYRPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 54sec (4434 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
Reddit Comments

Chris D’Elia is a good dude.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 68 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Telenerdx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I just wanted to point out, everyone would have understood if there was no episode this week.

Bobby and the team really pulled through for us by still getting one out on time.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 51 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/45rpmadapter πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sad, but great episode. I get the feeling they’ll get married soon. Seems like Bobby is close to proposing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 42 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheDukeofPadre πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sometimes I drift away from this podcast when there are a string of episodes with 'celebrity chit-chat'. Episodes like this are what bring me back, their personalities and the chemistry as a group are what make this one of the best podcasts out there.

Thoughts are with you, Slept King. <3

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GulsiTabbard πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yay bobby and K are doing h3 podcast in a few weeks

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 48 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mediciii πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

So sorry for ur loss Bobby!❀️

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YOUREABOT πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

That’s the β€œI got your back, boss” look

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jim-3030 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This may be one of my personal favorite episodes. It was so candid, and the seriousness made the laughs land so much harder. Much respect to them for putting this out.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jimmyjak87 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Really raw and real episode.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mediciii πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
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