the Arduino UNO R4 controversy explained.#drama #arduino #unor4

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the Arduino Uno R4 came out just this moment and there's already some kind of controversy with it so these are the two new variants unar for Minima and unwar for Wi-Fi and they do not have the 80 Mega 3 to 8p that is on the normal ones this is not even a real Arduino Uno this is like a clone from a different company it's called an Uno and when you buy a Nuno no matter from which company you usually expect this processor these don't have that so the AVR specific example codes and the way you code on this processor doesn't directly work on there Arduino is translating libraries and stuff on there and you can use all the shields on here but it is a different microcontroller and the problem is not with the boards these are great designs I've already looked over the schematics this uh LED Matrix is kind of neat but yeah if you really want to use that this one even has Wi-Fi on there USBC is awesome so the boards have nothing wrong with them great designs the problem is the name see when you have an Arduino Mega you get a Mega 2560 and you know what you get so if they make a new one with a different processor that has more capabilities like this one with the same form factor so it's pin compatible they gave it a different name the giga Mega Giga different processor different applications same form factor but different names so you know this is different it could have been a lot easier if this was just called Uno 32 or similar because this is a 32-bit platform this was 8-bit all the confusion basically comes from the name great board I will do some projects with them and see how they perform and stuff but for now I think the only valid critic that people have on these boards is the name it's just not what people expect from an UNO if they're used to AVR programming but if you're using like the normal Arduino way to do stuff like pin mode digital ride analog read these functions they work perfectly fine and a lot of libraries have already been translated I'm in the forums about this and they are actively working on that so you can pretty soon expect that all the common libraries Arduino provides also work on these like you would use them on the older one so it's basically a matter of choice do you want to have the 32-bit faster processor or do you want to have the classic 8-bit experience whatever you need if you want to have Wi-Fi this might be a nice option yeah
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Id: Z7ehZ1E4n0Y
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Length: 2min 53sec (173 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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