The Apostles' Creed (Part 1) - I Believe In

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hi Matt Chandler here pastor of the village Church just want to thank you for streaming this sermon on your device I wanted to just before we get going here just lay before you a deep conviction we have that this video sermon that we've prayed really stirs up your affections for Jesus and shapes you and mold you into the image of the son would just be supplemental to your relationship with the Lord and in no way would replace the church you should be plugged into or the pastor that God has put over your life to Shepherd and care for your soul and so please enjoy the next hour or so of this message we have prayed that God would use it in a profound way in your life blessings I believe in God the Father Almighty Creator of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord who was conceived by the Holy Spirit born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descended to hell the third day he rose again from the dead he ascended to heaven and sits on the right hand of the Father Almighty from whence he shall come to judge the living and the dead I believe in the Holy Spirit the Holy Catholic Church the communion of saints the forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting amen well if you have your Bibles go ahead and grab those Romans chapter ten is we're going to camp out just really two verses there that we're going to just pick apart for the next 40 minutes or so but before we get started this is promotion weekend which means we have a handful of sixth graders in here with us finally in big church and so if you're a sixth grader will you lift your hands for me in fact why don't you go ahead and just stand up I know this is if you wrestle with anxiety this is probably terrifying but if you're sixth grader go ahead and stand up even if you're at Plano or Fort Worth or Dallas sixth graders and this could be really weird maybe there's not any sixth graders even in here but if you're watching me on this but hey let me talk to you just for a second sixth graders we love that you're in here with us right you bring and I say this all the time as men and women get older they get crustier not more fun and and you you with your love for life your zeal and your squirming us remind us of what's really important in what's not and so just as your pastor I love that you're in here welcome I've been giddy this week just knowing you would be here in fact we prayed for you earlier tonight before we got ready to do all that we were going to do and and our prayer was that your love and energy would be contagious for us and so welcome so we're gonna do 12 weeks on the Apostles Creed and here's what I know there's just those chat let's just talk about it right here's what I know those of you who have more liturgical backgrounds maybe you're a former Catholic or or an Anglican or grew up in a presbytery form Presbyterian Church or something like that like you're geeked out of your mind right now right you're like is this can you even do this is he allowed to do the thought I thought we weren't allowed to do Creed's right and and if you're a modern Baptist not a historic back this because historic Baptist were also creedal people but if you're a modern Baptist and you've heard something like no Creed but the Bible then you're probably concerned about me right now and wondering what world the elders are thinking and how could they let him do this and how do we shut it down right and so there's this mixture of excitement and nervousness in the room about the Apostles Creed but here let's just again talk very briefly what I want to do tonight or in today in our time together is I just want to tell you why we would spend 12 weeks on the Apostles Creed and I can give you my outline right out of the gate there when very quickly get to the Bible all right but here's my outline that the Creed will help us develop better symmetry as Christians give us a more robust understanding of the God of the Bible that the Creed helps us with clarity it makes it clear who God is that the Creed informs our community who who we belong to and who we are with and then finally the Creed informs our council both to ourselves and to others so again the Apostles Creed right is going to by the grace of God through the spirit of God and we'll get to the Bible and all that just this second is going to help us with symmetry clarity community and counsel so with that said that's what we're going to talk about in our time together today but with that said three little caveats that I haven't decided yet but I might say every intro for the next 12 weeks here's what they are it's important to know that I have no intention of preaching the Creed but rather using the Creed to preach the Bible and and here's why Creed's do not function do not hold any authority in and of themselves but rather they point outside of themselves to the ultimate authority of the word of God all right so maybe this is a helpful illustration the moon is awesome to look at it has no light of its own but it tells me there's a light out there right if your sixth-grade hadn't learned that yet you like watch all right here here's what's happening right the the Sun all right it is casting out radiating heat and light and that hits the surface of the Moon and reflects to us so that we look up and we see light reflecting off the moon well the Creed is is reflecting the light of the Word of God so the decree has no authority in and of itself and and and I would never preach it like it does but rather it points back to the authority that is the Word of God and so it's going to be helpful for you to keep that in your head really at all times secondly the Creed's historic use has primarily been twofold all right the church has been using this is the oldest of the Christian Creed's and and it's been used in two ways historically the the first is to correct air right God's people have a tendency at times to drift into what is not true about God in the Creed corrects that but it's also been used and primarily been used as a tool in the spiritual formation of God's people that the Apostles Creed has been used by the church for two millennium to shape the people of God around what is true now if you're here and you're not a Christian or you're not quite sure what to make out of all of this let me let you say this very quickly Christians do not believe in incantations here's what I mean by that you saying this along with us you saying this will not make you a Christian you knowing this and memorizing this does not make you a Christian okay so with those three things before us all right it's it's not the Bible all right it's not it has no authority in and of itself but rather it reflects the light and heat of the Bible it's been used to correct air and to shape God's people and it's an it's it's not an incantation that will save you make you lucky get you a promotion get you that girl that you've been staring at it's just doesn't work that way okay now with that said I want to read the Apostles Creed okay and then from there just no later on in our service we're going to all stand I'm going to read it together and if you're not a Christian don't be wigged out like that you can just stand and not read anything at all or you can just stay seated but we're going to stand near the end of the message today we're going to make this a habit over the course of the next 12 weeks to stand and read this together as the people of God but before we dive in let me just read the Apostles Creed to you I believe in God the Father Almighty Creator of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord who was conceived by the Holy Spirit born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descended into hell that's going to be a fun week and the third day he rose again from the dead he ascended into heaven and sits on the right hand of the Father Almighty from whence he shall come to judge the living and the dead I believe in the Holy Spirit the Holy Catholic Church the communion of the saints the forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body and life everlasting amen or Amin depending on your backgrounds with that said let's look at Romans chapter 10 9 through 10 of the verses we're going to look at again which is what we're doing symmetry clarity community and councils that's what we're doing let's look first in Romans chapter 10 starting in verse 9 because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved numbers 10 is huge pay close attention for with the heart one believes and is justified and with the mouth one confesses and is saved so there's two pieces here and it's important we see and understand and grab hold of both of them before we consider the Creed in any way now here's the first one what we have here is a confession that Jesus is Lord a type of pledge of allegiance to so I grew up in the day and age before it was unamerican to say the pledge of allegiance to America in your school room and so I grew up putting my and grew up in San Francisco yo we we stood up put our hand over our heart and said I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands right I know a little thing but when I cut it different time say now this is I confess with my mouth that Jesus is he's the Lord of my life my allegiance is to Christ and so I might say the pledge to the United States I might do summoned up but my allegiance is to Jesus my confession is that Jesus is the lord of my life and so maybe you're in here and you're a nominal Christian if there is such a thing I get confused thinking about that and you're oh man I believe in Jesus I'll confessor right now Jesus is Lord looks like I'm saved I mean he's just a little too quick on the pool there let's keep reading the text looking back at 10 for with the heart one believes and is justified and with the mouth one confesses and it says save so there's an order by which belief and confession occurs and so in the first part of the text you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord you'll be saved but if you look at the context of Scripture here's what you find out notice that the text does not say I mean you can look at it it does not say no it says believe it doesn't say that I know Jesus is Lord it says I believe that Jesus is Lord now why is that important it's important because believing belief leads to action and knowing may or may not quick survey how many of you know things you should be doing shouldn't be doing and that has not stopped you from doing them or not doing them go ahead this is universal if you don't have your hand up right now you're a liar right this is universal to believe is to be moved upon towards actions and to know is to ma'am maybe maybe not and so the word here is not to know in your heart it's to believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord and then that leads to justification right right standing before God which then leads ultimately to a confession with our mouth that Jesus is Lord we don't confess with our mouth and that save us we believe in our heart that Jesus is Lord and then that leads to a confession with our mouth that order is imperative for you to understand what the gospel is right it's important that he's saying you believe not that you know now um here's something to consider if you're in our theological training program you're here some of this right now it's it's so important what we see in this text what we try to teach you around any kind of theological belief is that human beings are not primarily thinking creatures I'm not saying that we don't think and spend a lot of time thinking I'm saying that we are primarily creatures driven by our loves right so that although we do think no amount of kind of just intellectual information necessarily transforms or moves you but rather when the heart believes when the loves are aligned this goes back to what we talked last week and when there's adoration remember like you do what you love you chase what you love you grab hold of what you love and what you think will satisfy you you are driven by your affections any other understanding of what drives you is incorrect same correct so it's the heart that must believe not just the mind because I would be knowing belief is birthed in the heart and something to know the reason the Creed begins with I believe and not I know is he the Creed is tied itself anchored itself to the gospel all other moral religions are you tracking with me on moral religions all other moral religion say here's the bar good luck here's the bar you got to measure up so any of the world's more religions even philosophies of living alright or here's the bar measure up to it so if you buy into the narrative of materialism here's the bar live up to it if you buy into the need to be perfect like say the the Muslims do or that here's the bar live up to it right but that's not Christianity in fact the moment Paul teaches this right to the church in Rome and really across the ancient world he separates Christianity out from all the other world's religions by starting not with we do but rather I believe so that the message of the Christian faith isn't that we have done anything but rather we have believed that someone has that's the difference between the gospel and all other moral religion and it's why our hearts as believers in Christ should be made alive that we're not check gained two wrote religious activity but we have a savior who has accomplished all that we desire for us I believe I believe so again the reason we're going to look at the Creed for 12 weeks is because it's going to by the grace of God run out of Scripture create symmetry going to create clarity community and counsel so let's start with symmetry quick survey in the room how many of you at some point of your life worked out consistently at a workout place go and raise your hands oh praise God okay so what about Fort Worth Dallas Plano workout I know Dallas does is so pretty down there anyway now here's the thing about if you've ever worked out consistently at a gym in every gym regardless and I even will try to hit up a gym traveling sometimes right so in every gym out there there is a man working out that shaped like an upside-down pear with two toothpicks jammed into its bottom you know I'm talking about so you take a pear turn it upside down stick two toothpicks on it and there's a man in that gym that looks like that and here's what he has done right he has he wants a chest and some abs and some arms and he just doesn't like doing his legs and so that dude will sometimes be wearing like pants at the gym right is he like sweating to death but he's going you know it's like some gym pants because he knows he's a pair with two toothpicks jammed into the bottom of it right it's important you know that the pair has been turned upside down right now here's what's happened he's now asymmetrical and because he's aced because he's he doesn't have the right symmetry although he feels like he looks good here's what we know we know he's weaker than he thinks he is and we know that even though he can benchpress 400 pounds I could shove him over with my gangly self because he has no base he has no roots he has no power because power in the human body is birthed out of the glutes and the hands and the hip flex right that's all your powers down here so brother you can keep doing bench flies all day long but you better blow up those legs or you're in trouble now the same thing happens to us spiritually right we get out of symmetry we get out of the robust build out that God desires for our soul to possess and so let me give you out of the Creed and therefore I'll tie it to the Bible in the weeks to come how we can get out of symmetry as Christians so say um some of you in here your understanding of what it means to be a Christian is that Jesus Christ is your Lord and your Savior he is your personal Lord and Savior now just like doing upper body that's great that's true true you should believe that you should love that in fact I will I desire earnestly for you to understand that God sees you Jesus sees you as an individual as a person but man you're not lined up with biblical symmetry if you don't understand that you also belong to the Holy Catholic Church Catholic they're mean universal right the Holy Catholic Church the communion of saints see when we get to that week some of you are gonna have your understanding of Christianity line up you're gonna have a leg day if you will alright and let's say maybe that's not you maybe you're just really dialed in to the historicity of Jesus Christ you love the Gospels you love Jesus that's a good thing you can tell all the stories from the Gospels you love the woman at the well man you love when Jesus walks on the water you love when he tells dead people are not allowed to be dead if you love how he reads the minds of the Pharisees and calls him out you love all that about him and yet somewhere along the way you've lost sight of the fact that Jesus is still alive he has ascended he is seated at the right hand of God and then we worship not a former dead Messiah but a living Messiah who right now as we're in here is alive and not in some spiritual form he's alive and we need to be reminded that's gonna be just yet another leg day for us if you will if that illustration will hold true so so this is what's going to it's going to help with symmetry we could do this throughout the Creed but this is what the Creed's going to help us do by the grace of God right it's going to help form symmetry it's also going to help us with some clarity Ligonier ministries partnered with Life Way Christian Resources on a massive survey about evangelical belief about the doctrine of God Jesus the whole spirit sin the Bible like what do even Jellico's believe about these things and needless to say that the survey was called what is our theological temperature you can look all this up on line and the survey revealed some disturbing beliefs among evangelical Christians in the United States what's important no these these are United States centric beliefs so the survey revealed significant confusion regarding the doctrine of God and so let me unpack that to you when I say the doctrine of God large swatches of evangelical Christians deny that Jesus is God in the flesh they deny the deity of Christ they deny that the Holy Spirit is a person I think some sort of ethereal presence and not a person in fact it gets worse the survey revealed that half less than half of evangelical Americans think the Bible is the Word of God and that it is true these same numbers this should be no surprise reject what the Bible has to say on ethical issues well of course they do it has no authority right and then finally the survey also revealed that many evangelicals in the United States feel that worshiping alone is just as valid as attending corporate worship in the church so again these are muddy waters here what you believe about God what you think about when you think about God as aw Tozer is the most important thing in the universe what you think about when you think about God is the most important thing you'll ever think and what it seems is that by and large American evangelicals are terribly confused about who God is what he's up to what he's like what he's about it seems like we've we've lost our way and I and there's a couple of reasons we've lost our way one when we ask the wrong questions all the time and and so I think pragmatism rules the day are you tracking with me when I say pragmatism like like pragmatics like um what I need right now right there's no there's no real thirst or hunger for spiritual formation as gods find it to be which is you by the power of the Holy Spirit of God walking and growing obedience to the Word of God or God as he's revealed himself in the words and through our highs and lows he shapes us and molds us really what we've bought into is a real weird over-romanticized over emotionalized version of Christianity there's no historic Orthodox Christianity at all we want to be fixed right now all right look it's taken me 20 years to jack up my marriage you tell me right now how to make it better we want it now and we're driven by that now and we also got help us we want to be entertained we don't want to participate we want to witness and not give witness to but just entertain me dance for me and and I know this because of the things we say when we talk about church a one of the things that breaks my I have a daughter who's in seventh grade what do you think most parents ask their kids when they pick them off after Bible study do you have fun as if fun rules and navigates our lives and I know the whole deal about well if they think it's fun they'll want to come but here's the thing I don't think it just stops with kids I think adults are like it was it fun it's church fun it's not meant to be fun it's meant to be formative that means there's a lot of joy there I've worked hard for a decade with you to tease out the ideas of happiness and joy because I love you in happiness is cheap and fragile and you'll break it just thinking about it but joy is not like that Joy's deep-rooted it can't be pulled up very easily joy can't be jostled by circumstance like happiness came that's what the people of God need a rootedness enjoy and not you have a good time and listen you know I love to have a good time call me have a good time with you but the purpose of the gathering of the children of God is to grow in rudeness and let's laugh along the way and let's experience joy but let's not pretend and God help us let's not teach our children that it being fun is the bar that things must measure up on so you get clarity you get symmetry and then you get community I think you you probably noticed we've been very purposeful with everything from the font that we used for the apostle creed to the images around it because here here's why I am trying so hard and I don't know how to do I'm just gonna confess I don't know how to dial you in to how big this thing is that you're wrapped up in like we're a part of a people that's been around for thousands and thousands of years were a part of a people to go back to the beginning of mankind where God has called people unto himself and were a part of that we're a historic people throughout history God's people his elect his those he has called to himself they've thrived they've worship Him they that were a part of that tradition we're a global people people all over the earth this weekend will gather because they believe this and they'll rejoice in it they'll be shaped by it and massive swatches and will actually recite this together see you and I have been woven into something so much bigger than us that that fabric created by God makes us stronger than any of us will ever be on our own it's diverse it's beautiful its global so the reason you're seeing some gothic images and some images from the 50s is because when our brothers and sisters got together and read this out loud in the 1st 2nd 3rd centuries we're a part of them that this isn't new that we're not stolen it's just our turn to run a faithful race it forms a community forms a community and here's something else I want you to to think about the other thing about the community that the Creed forms being pulled from the Word of God is as Christianity has enjoyed such favor the last 150 or so years in the US and as it's now starting to fall out of favor defining ourselves by secondary beliefs will I begin I believe begin to fade away and here's what I mean by that the Creed shows us what's primary alright and that if we are a creedal people we believe the Apostles Creed we start I believe and we believe the things that the Creed says that that means our family is a lot bigger than we think we are that means our family goes beyond the borders a Baptist some of your like we're Baptist surprised right so you like wait we're singing we're doing a Creed in a Baptist Church I mean right so yes so ultimately the family is just bigger then then we think it is and and that's what's happening in this community it's its historic its multi-ethnic its global its historical and we're caught up in it it's a really beautiful thing so you got symmetry you've got clarity you've got community and then finally you have council and and so when I say counsel that the Creed helps our Council what I'm saying is it affects how you counsel yourself and how you counsel others so again from the Creed let me give you some examples if you believe that Christ will return to judge the living and the dead that's gonna affect how you counsel yourself right so if you believe and remember belief isn't I know it's not this kind of yeah I know Christ will return he's gonna bring judgment it's not that it's I believe it like down in my gut out of my heart leading to confession amount I believe that Christ will return to judge the living and the dead now think of the ammunition that is against sin think about you counsel yourself think about how you counsel others if you believe that Christ's is going to return to judge the living and the dead it's going to affect how you counsel yourself it's going to affect how you counsel others it's gonna grow you in an understanding of the person of God and the work of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit you're gonna counsel yourself differently and then how about I think the easiest one and the great thing you can do this with any sentence in the Creed but if you look right at me if you believe in the forgiveness of sins does that change how you counsel yourself see here's what's happened to this week you're reading and I'm just gonna be bold you've send this week we've sent this week I've been right there with you varying levels varying degrees we've send we've said cruel things to our spouse we have not loved the Lord we have given ourselves over to certain sins maybe historic sense that we wrestle with and if you're not a Christian you're not that guy sounds like my week - yeah so welcome you should feel welcome here we're just there yeah now if you believe in the forgiveness of sins then you don't run and hide from the forgiver you run to him how you counsel yourself is not I've blown it let me run and hide I don't anybody to know that I don't want let me just pretend that that didn't happen let me try hard not to do that again no no you believe in the forgiveness of sins so you run to him I failed you forgive me knowing that he'll forgive you run to him not from him and if you believe in the forgiveness of sins how will you walk with those who sin against you more graciously right how about this one since I didn't ask you for this one this won't be easy for how many you feel like you've been sending inst this week really I was expecting more of a unanimous one like 12 of you right you guys so I must run in awesome circles it's really godly circles right so when we are send against and we believe in the forgiveness of sins not only are we recipients of that forgiveness but we get to extend that forgiveness and and so as we look at what the Church Fathers and 2,000 years of Christian faith has recited and rejoiced in pulled from the Word of God we're going to pray that the Holy Spirit of God developed some symmetry in our hearts about how to think rightly about him how to think about who he is how to worship correctly we're gonna gain some clarity Lord willing we're going to understand and embrace the community and will grow in our counsel both to ours selves and to one another and so here's what I want to do now I'd love for us to stand if you're able and we're going to quote the Creed together and so we're going to say this out loud our voices is what will fill the room so even if you're in Fort Worth or Plano or Dallas we're going to stand we're just going to quote the Creed together like our brothers and sisters in Christ have done globally for close to two millennia so here we go we're going to quote it together I believe in God the Father Almighty Creator of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord who was conceived by the Holy Spirit born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descended into hell the third day he rose again from the dead he ascended into heaven and sits on the right hand of the Father Almighty from which he shall come to judge the living and the dead I believe in the Holy Spirit the Holy Catholic Church the communion of the saints the forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body and life everlasting amen once you have a seat now when the early church recited this here's something to think about when the early church recited this it was simultaneously their greatest act of rebellion and their greatest act of Allegiance happening simultaneously and so when the church gathered and they stood not in an air-conditioned room protected by rule of law but when they stood across the the centuries not knowing who would come in not not being watched at whose reciting this they rejected the popular narratives of their day whatever their day was so in Rome they rejected that Caesar was Lord I they rejected the the narrative of the first century and no I reject that I believe that Jesus is Lord and so simultaneously they rejected the narrative of their day and they embraced put their allegiance upon the God of the Bible it's this beautiful moment when the people of God recited this Creed they said we don't believe the story that our culture is telling that that story has some similarities but it's changed throughout human history and in our day we would say by reciting this we hopefully by if we believe we're saying we reject the narrative of materialism we just reject it we reject that stuff will satisfy our souls we're saying we reject the notion that what I need to be physically satisfied as more and more and more partners I reject that I reject I I reject that there's not a way but there's everybody has their own we just fundamentally reject that narrative our narrative is that we believe in the God of the Bible and so when the church recites this Creed right distilled pulled from rung out of the Word of God we're saying we reject the modern narrative we believe the historic narrative the narrative that God has come into the world to save sinners that Jesus Christ has died for our sins we believe and trust that he has made known to us the path of life years ago I was in college so years ago when I was in college my brother-in-law was I believe in high school I'll get clarity on this story after this service probably should have done before but the people some of the people involved were actually in the room so don't stand up in front me about this now do it after the service my father-in-law had bought a house my father and mother-in-law had bought a house my mother-in-law's a realtor father-in-law is just let me eat just cooler than all of us so he he they bought a house in I think it was called White House White Oak or something like that in East Texas and they bought the house and what they were gonna do is Johnny was going to use his man skills on it right putting new floors and and you know open up doorways and he was just going to make it look amazing and they were just going to to flip the house many of you watch this as entertainment now right and so I happen to be in town and what I want is I want Johnny's daughter to marry me and some like you need help at the house now if you knew how impossible me helping with any type of skill and so Johnny God bless his heart just gave me and my future brother-in-law this project there was some some really high kind of hackberry bushes or I mean they look like they had been there since America was founded and they they had used them as you know a lot right along their fence and and so our job was to get those hackberry bushes up and so the tools of the trade were a shovel and axe some clipper things for the route and and then we went to work and and then we worked and worked and worked and those things weren't moving I mean they laughed at the axe they laughed at the shovel they laughed so what happens when you have a college student and a high school student and a Chevy z71 with four-wheel-drive and a chain on it as we very quickly just put that all that aside and we got in the truck we backed it down the driver we wrapped a chain around really the hitch and then wrapped it around the bush and we got it in and and we didn't even think to drop it in for you low yet right and then we just mmm and we tried to just come up and they still kind of fought us so we had to put some slack and he's like babe and try to rip the things out of the ground and that was the only possible way to get him out of the ground probably not but that's the way we did it right now the reason those bushes were near impossible to get out of the ground is because of how long they'd been there and how deep the roots went see when there's deep rootedness hard freezes don't tend to kill and storms don't tend to uproot where there's deep rootedness there's stability and fruitfulness and when I talk about joy over happiness that's what I'm talking about and the opportunity we have for the next 12 weeks gathering together is by the grace of God the only way it'll have but a grace of God in the power of the Holy Spirit that he might root us more deeply and who he is see the the Creed goes contrary to popular thinking this isn't about you at all it's all about him and what I mean by pragmatism is people don't like that they want the sermon to be all about them but that's not how the people have God have ever been formed they've been formed by staring at marveling at being blown away by who their God is we have the opportunity for deep-rooted Ness I'm hungry for it let's pray father again I thank you for these men and women an opportunity to come tonight and and really all we've done today is we've talked about you we've sung about you we've considered you we're going to respond to you we pray over the course of the next eleven weeks now that you would help form us with greater symmetry that we would see things that we weren't as dialed into and it would make us grown and grow and strength and grow in rootedness and death and and we pray for clarity there's some misunderstandings about who you are and what you're like and and the culture is telling one story and the Bible is telling us another and I pray that you'd bring clarity to the greater story and when you grow our confidence in you as you've created a people that a spawn spanned through history would you protect us from a type of weak progressivism that believes human history is always getting better and would you root us deeply in your plan for mankind will you help us as we seek to counsel ourselves and counsel others father some of us are in here we sit in here weekend and week out across these campuses but we're verbally an immune emotionally abusive to our spouse we're addicted we're currently flirting with if not full unengaged with another partner other than our spouse and I pray that the creed father that the word of God reflected out of the creed but help us run from sin and run to you the better story help us we need you it's for your beautiful name I pray amen
Channel: The Village Church Resources
Views: 91,452
Rating: 4.7384987 out of 5
Keywords: Matt Chandler, The Village Church, The Apostles' Creed, Apostles' Creed
Id: Y4315CLOYCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 51sec (2391 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2015
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