The anti-Alzheimer’s diet, with Dr. Dale Bredesen

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[Music] welcome back we are still here with our friend and colleague dr dale bredesen and we are talking about his book the end of alzheimer's program and in this episode we're going to actually answer questions um so one question i have dr bredesen is really um we often talk about how even if you've been bad to your brain you can still make it better so you're not stuck with the brain you have but in your program tell us about some of the cases that you know of i'd love to hear about a specific case where someone's been really pretty bad to their brain or they're they're pretty far down the road with alzheimer's where their symptoms are really awful and you've seen significant improvement i actually heard you before we came back on talking about lewy body dementia tell us something that gives people hope that if they were bad to their brain in their 20s or 30s and they know they're headed to the dark place that they've got hope for coming back if they do this program yeah great point um and let me just mention one of the people who wrote this with me uh the handbook section of it uh julie g who's the one who founded apoe4 dot info and is herself a 4-4 um she had a long history she had insulin resistance she got you know gained a little extra weight as so many of us do she had ongoing systemic inflammation her gut was not in a great shape she was eating the wrong foods she was having she turned out to have she had a tick bite which uh lyme that was treated but she didn't realize until actually she got on the program and we found out she also had gotten babies which now being treated for doing very well so she had all these risk factors not only did she start to decline in fact her husband would come home from a trip abroad and say oh yeah i've been gone for a week or two you're clearly worse than you were and she didn't this was now she was having problems in her late 40s and unfortunately other family members having problems just a really sad story she got to the point where she had to put a sticky on the steering wheel that said drive on the right side of the road she had been doing some jogging on the left side of the road and she had to make sure that she didn't get those two mixed up so she was really struggling and having some issues and she would go shopping come back and hadn't brought the thing that she bought you know back home with her so really significant problems she scored on her cognitive tests only at a 35th percentile for her age at that time she then has now eight years on the program doing exceedingly well scoring 98 99th percentile repeatedly doing absolutely beautifully she corrected her dietary her exercise bar her stress levels she corrected her insulin sensitivity she optimized her nutrients and her vitamin d and her omega-3s and all those things she ultimately treated her babies she started doing some brain training all of these things were critical she checked her toxin status she has a high fiber a diet that we call keto flex 12 3 because it gives you mild ketosis and she clearly does better as so many people do with some degree of ketosis typically in the 1.0 to 4.0 molar beta hydroxybutyrate range so she has just become really an international emissary for doing the right things and having dramatic improvements in your brain and you mentioned what about someone who's really far along i got a critical letter a couple of months ago from a guy who said my wife is in a nursing home had a mocha score of zero we put her on this program and you tell people get on as early as possible he said well we put her on and she's clearly better she's dressing herself again she's interacting with us again she's speaking again all these improvements now her mocha score is still low but she's clearly symptomatically much better than she was so even with late now to be fair later as you know the later the harder it is to get things turned around everybody in the early stages can be turned around we see it again and again and again and again with people who have subjective cognitive impairment or mild mci so tremendous amount you can do as you indicate and often the worst thing to do is isolation put them in a nursing home where they get to choose their food because what they choose are the high carb pro-inflammatory foods um let's talk about diet i think probably your next book is going to be the end of alzheimer's cookbook and um i mean why not right because food is such an important part of this what do you think is the best brain health diet to keep your brain young and i heard you say mild ketosis give give our listeners an actual example of what you would suggest like actually what you would have for breakfast lunch dinner because we know what that means but we need them to hear practically what that means yeah and so again you know you want to be in the 1.0 to 4.0 millimolar beta hydroxybutyrate we're just actually testing an interesting breathalyzer that might make this much easier i hope uh and as far as what to eat i think we've all come to the same conclusion that simple carbs are really damaging for your brain and of course mri studies show it your spec scan studies show it uh all these things show that this is a problem so what you want to do i know during cobin 19 one of the things i found very interesting is just to do chronometer free app you can look at you and just basically record what are you having each day and you can look at your percentage so you want a high good fats diet a low carbohydrate diet we're talking about typically about 75 of the calories coming from good fats about 10 coming from carbs and about 15 or so coming from proteins somewhere in the kind of 0.8 to one gram per kilogram of good proteins and make them you know good you know fish uh or if it's going to be chicken pastured chicken and if it's going to be beef grass-fed beef so that you've got a good omega-3 to omega-6 ratio and for the fish of course the smash fit so for breakfast um actually my wife has breakfast every morning and typically has a salad uh and i think it's a great idea so many of these breakfast foods we've come to to know and love can just skyrocket your your uh glucose they have high glycemic indices so you don't want to go and and get up and have something like you know a breakfast cereal that's got a lot of carbs in it you want to have something that's going to be good fats you know eggs uh and get some good pastured eggs which i i love for breakfast i think it's a great way to go uh and then like eggs and avocado with a little spinach absolutely eggs avocado spinach um and you know good oils to go with a salad so then you know for lunch maybe you have uh a big you know again make salad the big part of your plate uh and you know you can uh you can have some have some fish at lunch with your salad um best to have the smash fish of course as you know the salmon mackerel uh anchovies sardines and herring uh and just stay away from the high mercury fish of course um which are the ones you know the shark and the and the tuna uh and the and the swordfish and things like that uh and then you know for dinner you might have uh you might have something like uh some pastured chicken uh and you know again you you don't want to overdo it you don't want to have a a a plate full of uh chicken or steak um have you know greens and maybe you have some uh you know maybe you have some broccoli the crucifers are fantastic as you know for detox and of course the whole lectin issue has been really interesting some people very sensitive to these some people not and so it's good to see whether you are sensitive to lectins or not um and so one thing that we've often once because people always say well i don't understand how much protein that is if people aren't where they can measure and actually figure it out i always tell them to shake hands with protein what do you say about that absolutely a good way to measure if you're out a card deck you know something like that is right on the right amount so you know card deck size is going to give you something like uh four ounces or so uh that'll actually have a little scale right but if you're out kitchen counter well you have to learn and it's better to learn at home right and during the pandemic um i i noticed my weight started to go up and what i do is i put a tape measure around my waist and all of you who are listening do not go by your pant size the clothing industry knows you're irritated by your weight and they just lie so a 34 may actually be 37 and one of the pastors i treat i'm like hey what's your waist size he said 40. and i put a waist i put a tape measure around his waist i barely could get it around it was 48. i'm like dude because he was under feet around and measure at your belly button but i'd put on like an inch and a half which really irritated me and so what i do when my weight starts to go up is i actually start counting everything i put in my mouth because i think of calories like money and i'm a value spender and and as you weigh and measure things you really know what you're putting in your body that's how you if you're having trouble maintaining your weight eating like tana talks about or dale talks about make sure you're not eating too much because sometimes the oils are very calorie dense and you have to be careful so and so between the two of us we sort of balance each other out my my issue isn't that like i don't count calories because i sort of already know in my head how many calories things are essentially um it's more the quality of the calories and so between the two of us you know he's always paying attention to the calories and i and i do agree they pay more attention to the quality so between the two of us right right so but you can eat more and it doesn't really show up in your way for me because i have obesity i also exercise a lot but i also have obesity in my family so it's just something for me i know it's one of the risk factors so i would totally have this sweet type of alzheimer's disease my grandfather was a candy maker and so my best memories were making candy with my grandfather and so i have to really work on that part right so between the two of us we sort of balance out with that and you know daniel what you were describing this is the coveted cushion that is the covet 19. cushion we're all getting from you know being at home and and part of it of course is anxiety and it is it is you were just talking about the the quality of the calories and one of the things that's come out of this you look at all the different things the iodine that you need the magnesium so many of us are deficient in zinc and magnesium and i think the one that is of most concern right now to me is choline you know you need about 550 milligrams a day of choline most of us are deficient in that and this is a huge problem because you cannot make the acetylcholine that is the most important transmitter for memory and is reduced in alzheimer's disease so i really suggest to everyone please make sure you are getting enough choline each day and you can do that with [Music] a supplement but you could do it with the shrimp or eggs liver your organ meats things like that um oysters things like that um so there are a number of ways but you're absolutely right of course professor richard workman from mit spent so many years looking at synaptic what's required to make synapses and his and his ultimate conclusion was critical to have acidic choline and to have omega-3s so if you're not getting enough choline you could take acidic choline you can take lecithin you can take phosphatidylcholine you can take gpc choline so lots of ways to get your choline but please get enough choline great well you have just been such a blessing uh to us and to so many people who have read your book worked your program the new book is called the end of alzheimer's program uh it's by random house you can get it anywhere great books are sold um how else can people learn about you and your work where can they go yeah thank you so much daniel and tana just absolutely great talking to you guys uh always enjoy it thank you you can go to dr you can go to you know we all know about getting a colonoscopy you want to get a cognoscopy see where you stand as you indicated earlier so or dr or okay i'm going to spell that out it's doctor b-r-e-d-e-s-e-n dot com dr just so people can find you so please um post something you've learned today post a question um tag us if you will or send a screenshot go to and leave us a review question comment we would love to hear from you if you're enjoying the brain warrior's way podcast please don't forget to subscribe so you'll always know when there's a new episode and while you're at it feel free to give us a review or 5 star rating as that helps others find the podcast if you're considering coming to amen clinics or trying some of the brain healthy supplements from brain md you can use 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Channel: Tana Amen BSN RN
Views: 45,542
Rating: 4.8647342 out of 5
Keywords: brain, health, injury, lifestyle, nutrition, diseases, tana, amen, bsn, rn, alzheimers, memory, beta amyloid plaques, the end of alzheimers, cognitive decline, forgetful, having trouble remembering
Id: 5QzttAUKcfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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