The ANIME BUILD MODE COMPETITION In The Strongest Battlegrounds

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today the goobers are doing an anime build competition and unlike our last build B video we're all going to be building something different and we put together this wheel right here with a bunch of different anime characters and whichever one the wheel lands on we have to build yo I'm going to spin and hopefully I land on gaki let's see oh my gosh what is wrong with this guy mango what did you get bro you think I'll tell you buddy you got to wait until the end and find out what I just got oh I can't wait I'm going to have a field day building this bro I hope he didn't get tatsumaki bro he's about to build the most disgusting thing all right I'm rolling mine I'm going to see what I get I hope I get something good I hope you both get terribly equal things oh did you get something terrible wait you guys said it was anime characters I got okay all right well I guess this is the one I'm drawing all right and what am I going to get who am I going to be building oh oh why is there one called gachu Goku eag girl hey don't don't worry about it man don't worry about it who made this list oh that was me I put together the list all right you know what I'm I'm done with you guys yapping away dude I'm starting my build right now and I'm going to have the best build I'm not going to lie no I'm going to have the best build all right I'm muting I'm done hearing you guys talk yeah I'm going to mute as well do you hear these dudes they just keep yapping I've been muted and the anime character that we ruled is actually garu which is a fun of fact that my favorite alltime move set in the game okay but hold on I actually need a pretty good uh reference pose okay you know we'll just stick to the generic white wolf look okay so to start with this obviously we need to make the regular outfit of Speedo sound Sonic cuz I got Speedo sound Sonic kind of a lame one but it's going to be way better than theirs all we got to make his leg there we go and then of course Speedo sound Sonic is dressed as in like a black color so you know we have to make his color like a dark all right there we go and then of course we have to make his pants actually look like clothes so it's a fabric and let's place his other leg and we have to make it look like he running so I'm going to just move this over there rotate it move it again make it look like his legs are actually running like in front of him and all right that's a pretty good start now I have to make his body but okay I found some like girl drawings of Goku so um I'm not even going to lie bro I'm not even going to lie um I'm not going to speak any further we're not going to we're not going to speak any further but I guess the the first thing we got to start with are our Goku's legs and feet so let's just try and find like a good color uh I haven't used a color wheel before so I'm not sure how this works I guess this color matches Goku's skin tone pretty well so we're just going to duplicate this and we need to create Goku's legs so I guess let's just Place both of these right here and then resize the other one and then scale it over here scale it over here and we now have Goku's toes okay but here we go we're starting to get the form of the legs down it is actually a lot harder to build inside of build mod than I thought it'd be with how the grid is and everything snapping together it's making moving parts around very difficult hold up let me go ahead build up that torso also can't forget about putting on the arms but I locate want to like pose these like he's fighting so so what if I go ahead and like move them over here and whatnot and then attach another part here to build up the arm I have no idea what I'm doing anymore okay but there's no way these dude's builds are going to be better than mine like come on we are cooking here we are cooking let me clone another block resize it and then we can move this right up here and make it look like you know what we should probably make it look like he's leaning forward cuz you know you usually lean forward when you run so all right just like that okay that looks good May got to rotate a little bit this way so it looks like he's leaning forward and like sprinting at the same time all right there we go that's pretty solid that's a pretty good start all right now let's clone his leg and let's start making his arms they're definitely not making a build as good as mine Mango's about to make the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life so I'm just going to change the color to be like orange bro this color wheel sucks bro oh my yo why can I not get like a good orange color bro I canot get a good orange color okay I guess this is the best one we're going to get bro this is going to be the best one that we're going to have and now we are going to create gaku waste and then I think we should also make like a dress so I guess that kind of looks like a dress I I don't know I I guess it looks like one and then we're just going to upskale it to create gyu's waist and I wish you were able to like like draw on the blocks cuz the thing I'm noticing in all of these like example pictures is that gatu has like a blue shirt and then another orange tub over the shirt so I don't know how I'm supposed to draw that okay but going ahead and coloring in that dark purple shirt and then I went ahead and gave him another hand and I'm building up his head I'm not going to lie last build competition went way better I think I'm better at building dogs than humans this looks awful this doesn't even look anything like garu hold up wait hold up let me cook real quick let me cook real quick angle these like this all right that basically looks like his hair and then hold on we can't forget about his yellow belt so let me go ahead and build that real quick okay boom there we go just like that and I'm going to put his sword right here so let's start building the sword we'll rotate it to match what his arm actually looks like and this is going to be the handle to the sword he's going to use and I'm going to be going off of this image actually right here so okay we've got the basic body down but we need now need to make his sword all right here we go here goes the long process of making a sword oh my gosh I didn't even realize how hard the sword was going to be until right now just trying to think of what I'm going to do for it all right that's that actually is starting to look pretty good I'm not going to lie all right so I have to make the edge of the sword look pointy so the way I'm going to do that is I'm going to resize this right here and then I'm going to move it in right like that that looks pretty good all right there we go now the sword looks like it's got a little bit of a point on it so I think what we can do is we can like duplicate the arms place them right here and then we should be able to just make like the arms blue so we're just going to change the color of the arm to blue and then we need to resize it and then we're going to rotate it outwards a little bit yes sir bro yes sir bro I cannot wait until I have the gatu bottle finished bro I actually cannot wait I actually can't wait bro okay so we have one arm now let me duplicate this arm and then place it right here and then we're going to move it and try our best to position it the same bro I didn't didn't mean to do no no oh my my gosh bro build mode sucks bro oh my gosh bro like I actually fixed build mode bro and then I kind of want to mess with this block right here by making it transparent and then also making it the color blue hold on can I make it Glow as well oh I can make it Glow no way no way okay and then now that I did that I can literally just Spam a place a bunch of the blue so it looks like the water effects when bro is fighting hold on we'll go ahead and put some on this hand is a well you know those blue fiery fists or is it or is it watered does he use water I don't I don't really know to be honest but boom he's got it there on him what if I just gave him like a like a super like Derpy Noob face I kind of want this to look like someone mentally deranged to built this you know just leave you wondering with questions in the soul hold on I'm I'm going to give him eyebrows too yes sir yes sir oh look at that smile on his face is he just like a little Derpy guy doesn't he look like he just wouldn't hurt a soul okay well that's actually kind of bad we do want him to hurt a soul gar is evil hold up and now we got to make his head all right there we go I'm going to make this a little bit of a blockier one I'm not going to lie but I think we're getting close to what we want we still have to make his mask and his hair and then it looks like he's got a cape too or like a scarf something like that now let's make it the same skin color as Speedo sound Sonic that's about good right there I think no that's a little bit too orange that looks like Donald Trump all right there we go now let's make his cape and his cape is actually purple so we need to make sure that this is purple all right purple there we go okay that looks that looks better all right it kind of looks bad I'm not going to lie but you know what I'm happy with it I'm happy with this right now I'm not necessarily the best builder in the world I won't lie okay we're off to a good start we're off to a good start now we have to make the back part of his freaking uh ribbons like look like they're running but now I'm just going to place like gatu hands right here all right I'm just resizing the hands uh I think these look like pretty good hands bro these look uh pretty accurate pretty accurate to real life ones so yeah we got one hand and then I can just duplicate the other one place it right here and then we're just going to move it and okay yeah yeah yeah this looks uh pretty good bro this looks pretty accurate yo this looking pretty good and then uh since this is like an eirl Goku um I'm just going to add this right here I'm not sure how to explain what I'm adding without me getting like 20 million different comments but uh yeah uh we're just going to add that right there hold up yo there's a feature where you can make things bouncy okay yo people are going to call me really sus um do a little bit of this change one of his eyes to Red just because all right and then boom that's our gar right there easy that's our hero Hunter look at this giant Beast right here this dude could definitely take down anyone Crossing his path and now that we're finished with our building we just need to wait until the other goobers are ready man why couldn't I've gotten like a better character though like gatu Maki I I could have worked with that all right there we go that we'll make his ribbon kind of move this way all right there we go now we just need to make one more ribbon and we'll be getting close to where I want to be I cannot lose this building battle bro if if mango makes like an eirl version of Goku and he beats me I'm going to be so mad all right there we go there we go there's his ribbons look at that he's literally running right now he's literally running he's got his freaking ribbons around him now he got to make his hair we're just going to place a block to make his hair rotate the block so it matches with the rest of his head all right there we go there we go now I think his hair let me think I think his hair is black right yeah he's oh he's got like bangs that's going to be annoying to make crap oh man this is going to be hard but yeah his hair is definitely black there we go we're going to make it that and a little bit of a purple like tone to it as well and now let's start making these bangs I wonder if any of them got the same character as me cuz if they did mine's going to look way better okay before I make the head uh since this is gatu um yeah yeah yeah since this is yatu we're going to have that as well and then now we need to make yaku's neck oh wait hold up I have a better idea okay we can clone the hand and then place it as like a neck because it basically looks the same and then we can place one of these right here and then we can resize it to be like a head okay let me just resize the head and then we're going to move it down a little bit and now we just need to add like a face and some hair let me just Place Like a Block right here and this might just look like a dumb little block we going to turn this into some hair so let me just make this black like Goku's hair and then there and we'll just have this be like the like the top part of the hair and then yo why don't we give gaku like some bangs bro why don't we give gaku like some bangs hold let me just go ahead and clone this and then uh place this right here I'm going to clone this place it right here I'm going to move it down here go ahead and rotate it like that boom shaka laka move this now now that looks a little bit more like his Bang right there okay now we just have to keep making it around his whole like body he's got multiple bangs oh he has one right down the center of his face we need to make that there's the one down the center of his face there we go and the one down the center of his face actually goes out a little bit so we're going to move it like that and add this little hair part right here and there we go all right this this don't look too bad it's a little cursed but it didn't look too bad what am I missing still he's got a bun in the back that's going to be annoying to make but I'm not going to give up I'm not I'm never going to give up never never give up never what Never back down because I'm not going to quit I'm not going to lose the mango demon if I lost two that's fine but I can't lose the mango if he's drawing an eag girl we're going to resize it a little bit move it like right here and yeah okay gaku has some bangs now uh we might need to move this a little bit like over to the right and then we're going to duplicate this uh put it over here and then we'll rotate one put one right here and then we will put another one right here and now uh we need to rescale all four of these because gyu's hair is looking very goofy right now as well so let me just take this rotate it we're going to take the other one and rotate it and then let's move this over resize it okay all right bro all right this is looking pretty good bro this is looking pretty good bro this is actually looking like not bad all right come on stud come on stud you've got this Bro you've got this don't fumble the bag dude all right there's his bun that looks pretty good and honestly I think we're I think we're almost done I think we're almost done I don't know if I need to make a face on this I feel like the face just might make it more confusing but I'm going to add some more bangs and I'm going to make them look like uh you know he's moving forward so I got to make them like in the wind all right yep just like that let's rotate this one too nice nice nice all right honestly not too shabby not too shabby if you ask me not too bad I honestly think I'd be able to tell if this is Speedo sound Sonic but am I missing anything um okay he's got like little shoulder pads I should probably add the shoulder pads and maybe some of the other things that he's got but but I'm not I'm not adding the eyes the eyes are going to be too freaking hard dude now we just got to make the face bro now we just got to make the face so let's place two blocks like two eyes and then I have not watched Juju kaen in a very long time but I'm pretty sure Goku has green eyes so we're just going to give so we're just going to give yaku like green eyes as well and okay those look pretty good now I'm going to move the eyes down a little bit and then we got to give ganu like a face so let me just put this and there and yo yo it is now finished yet wait hold up hold up yes sir yo let me go ahead and save this guys let me go ahead and save this yo look at my gaku bro look at gaku like I feel like gaku is going to have to win let me place this start making the shoulder pads all right there we go that's not a bad shoulder pad right there now let's go ahead and clone that all right there we go there we go that's not looking too bad what am I missing what am I missing I think I've got like a limited amount of time left okay so I've got shoulder pads I've got his thing I've got his hair um I guess he's got this thing in the middle this v-shaped thing I should probably add that all right that's not too bad that's not too bad let's go ahead and clone that and put it on the other side too all right just like this I'm actually doing pretty good I'm not going to lie I'm actually doing pretty good I'm kind of proud of myself with this one I don't think they're going to beat me I I I really don't think that they'll beat me here yeah there we go that looks good all right now I just need to add some textures can I make this metal all right can I make this metal ooh I can make it metal but I think there might be a cooler one that ooh foil looks good foil looks good and then I need to make this like a material as well I'm going to make I'm going to make all these foil actually foil looks really cool oh and I just had an idea for the eyes okay I know what I'm going to do okay there we go there we go that looks pretty good and then I'm going to make the eyes this check this out so I can click configure I'm going to change the material to Neon and then I'm going to make the color purple and it's going to look actually pretty insane look at that yeah look at that the eyes are going to look awesome and if I click load one right here look at that I still have the super cute and adorable doggy I built last time yes sir I think the dog definitely looks better than G but honestly though we do have the wolf in the reference image so I might just let the dog chill maybe I was just always three steps ahead yeah look at that that looks sick let's clone this and I think we're almost done yeah there we go okay yeah I made the coolest one I made the coolest one that looks awesome that looks cool if they made a cooler one than this I will be impressed actually I think if I made the uh the sword foil too it might look cool ooh oh yeah that looks good that looks heat woo I like it and yeah I think that's good I think we're good I'm going to configure this part right up here this little part right here you know I'm going to make it give me uh like a really overpowered move I'm going make it give me incinerate death blow the final hunt and twid blade Rush okay this is good this is exactly what I wanted let's go ahead and save this and boom there we go I think we're done there we go yes sir okay it looks sick it looks sick all right let's see what they build now a few moments later all right guys I'm back are you guys ready to show off your builds bro I was born already yes sir bro I think yo you guys should join my private server first since see and I cooked up bro all right all right bet mango this better be the coolest thing I've ever seen in my entire life dude oh trust me bro it's going to be the coolest thing you've ever seen buddy I'm kind of scared to see what he what the heck all right if this is what you built I'm definitely going to win this is terrible what did you build a what is that bro it's gatu look it even has a gat bro what the heck is this and also you know how you can have like bounce physics you build me my own he made a bouncy wait wait wait is it actually bouncy hold on hold on it's bouncy I feel like I got violated what just happened yes sir bro bro you can literally bounce off of it that's crazy yeah I know bro hold on hold on hold on boing boing yo that's some Gat right there oh my gosh bro what was that mango this is this is the most cursed thing I've ever seen in my entire life yo so what do you guys rate my yatu Build 1 through 10 I rate this a solid five solid five I think this should be an 11 out of 10 it would be a it would be literally a negative one but since there is a bouncy butt you know I I will rate it higher because I do like I do like that bro I think that this should be like a 12 out of 10 bro I was very creative with how I built this all right M demon what do you rate it I'm going rate it like a three out of 10 but a 10 out of 10 on the on the cringe Factor all right but what what what is your final rating like a one okay so I get eight points well no I give this a 10 and so I have 28 points okay well then your score is six mango your score is literally six get over here I'm going to make you stand on your own butt bro how was my score we can literally just shoot him at it no live by the gach die by the gach no bro I know that you guys didn't build anything that looks better than this bro all right demon let's see yours man oh you're not ready for this demon you just have to beat a score of a six okay you know what I'll I'll take it all right demon I'm in your server where is your build did you not build anything dude no just watch this watch this you know how last time I built this white wolf right no no listen listen you know how last time I built the white wolf the white dog right oh my gosh what did you make well you know who else is the white wolf who's the white wolf garu the hero Hunter oh that's actually kind of cool bro garu doesn't even have a GT though I even added the blue fire to the hands Isn't that cool that's actually kind of good dude that's actually kind of good what the heck why is this actually decent bro it doesn't even have a gat bro it literally does not have a gach what are you talking about bro yeah there's no bouncy Gat though though all right this one I'm going to rate this one a 7 out of 10 just to beat mangoes cuz this is already better than mangoes I'm going to rate this one a zero out of 10 so that XT only gets one more Point than me yo I'll take it say it l honestly honestly xdb you already did better than mango this one's actually good dude wow it looks it looks like goo and his pet dog I'm going to stiff goo what did you just say did you say you're I was stiffing G I was seeing what G I was seeing what G smells like you're a weirdo dude all right you know what Ang go you got you got to go bro you just get over there man G smells very good bro yo look at the dog hold on wait before we leave I got to have a bark off with this dog right here bark bark bark barkk bark oh my gosh dude what is what is wrong with him what is wrong with this guy I think he just dropped on his head a bunch of times as a baby yeah something is definitely wrong with him you know what I can just press this button right here and solve all of our problems bro watch you ban me from the strongest Battle Grounds up permanently bad for playing the game now time to see what I built why is it empty all right you have to come to the middle you have to come to the middle though all right load boom yeah that's actually sick that's actually sick oh bro that looks so cool bro the scarf in everything wait does it have a gach it does not have a gach mango it does not have that bro I R this is zero then bro is this a speed o Sonic the deadly ninja it is Speedo sound Sonic the de demon don't stand there why why not stand there what do you mean just don't just stop what the heck is this m got it too oh no no no no no no you tried the hide move sets again buddy really really yo son son yo hit me real quick son hit me that's right parkk this dude's stud was challenged with building a character but instead he built War I built War cuz I want to murder all of you a yo that was the easiest kill of my whole life bro all right guys rate my building oh I rate this on zero as well just like X Demon's last build all right okay all right you know what I rate this an 11 out of 10 yeah let's go but only if you kiss me okay I got you I'll actually do more than that hey yo hey hey yo what the what the sigma but I want to know what you guys think comment down below what build you think was the best and if you want to see us do another build competition like And subscribe
Channel: GOOBERS
Views: 308,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u8XwZuAn4u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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