"The Angry Christian" - Pastor Doug Batchelor

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a sabbath to you i want to welcome all those who may be visiting want to welcome our friends who are watching on television satellite the internet we're glad that you're joining us today at granite bay i hope you are all in a good mood because i'm going to talk about anger and if you're already angry this may go the wrong way message title today is dealing with what may sound like an oxymoron the angry christian and you'll understand better as we proceed you know back in march this year there was a plane that was traveling from las vegas to hawaii and sometimes shortly after they finally passed over the pacific ocean one of the passengers became very agitated because they asked for a blanket i guess the plane was cold and the flight attendant said it was twelve dollars for one of their blankets and he said that's not reasonable he said you're the ones making the plane cold they said we're sorry that's just what it is for one of the blankets and and it turned into quite a stir at one point then the 66 year old man threatened to take the flight attendant out to the woodshed they weren't sure exactly what that meant but they took it as a threat and they were afraid you know if this fella's got a temper and we get out over the middle of the pacific ocean who knows what can happen at that point so they turned back and they scheduled uh they made an unscheduled landing there at lax los angeles and and uh everybody was delayed for hours they escorted the man off the plane probably wrecked his hawaii vacation somebody commented later they said it cost the airline twelve thousand dollars to make that unscheduled landing because of a dispute over a twelve dollar blanket anger i think we all run into it different parts of our culture our life a girl asked her father what's the difference between anger and rage or exasperation and the father replied it's probably a matter of intensity anger is a very serious issue you read first in the bible where cain became angry with his brethren god asked cain why are you angry if there's sin at the door you need to deal with that that anger in the heart of cain let him to kill his brother you know i hesitate even telling you this but it is an important point to consider um got a phone call a few years ago while i was pastoring here in sacramento and a lady on the phone said i want to know if you could do the funeral for my 10 month old baby boy and i said well let's talk and she said well i've never met you but i was watching your programs i became convinced about obeying god's law and my boyfriend and i were living in sin i had a baby together i said we needed to get married or stop living like this and we had several arguments about it finally she said i found a copy of the ten commandments and i was nailing it up on the wall and my boyfriend flew into a rage he took the hammer from me and he knocked me unconscious he thought he'd killed me the baby started crying when it heard the commotion he then killed the baby then the landlord heard the ruckus he broke in shot the boyfriend she came to she had a concussion some stitches she recovered and said so i want to know can you do the funeral for our baby well i and our associate pastor went up there and we did the funeral it was very difficult all of it happened because somebody lost their temper do you know when you lose your temper you are at least temporarily demon-possessed this man i believe was it's almost like the devil took him over when she was nailing the ten commandments up it made him so angry you know the revelation it says in the last days the dragon comes down with great wrath against the woman who keeps the commandments of god the devil's wrath towards the obedient knows no bounds just look at the cross if you doubt that so rage and anger is a relevant thing to consider in the last days the bible tells us jesus said i say to you whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment now don't miss that jesus said without a cause meaning there may be a time when anger is appropriate but he said if you're angry without a cross you're guilty in the judgment it's like the first step towards murder first john 3 12 not his cain who was of the wicked one and murdered his brother and why did he murder him because his works were evil and his brothers were righteous so that's the answer why some people become angry is because they're wrong i think it was charles de gaulle that said when i'm right i get angry winston churchill on the other hand when he's wrong he gets angry so we often argue with each other because i'm right and he's wrong what de gaulle said but it's true sometimes we become angry because someone's right first john 3 15 whoever hates his brother is a murderer and you know the no murderer has eternal life abiding in him well maybe before we go any farther it'd be good idea to just let's look at a simple definition what is anger anger a noun a strong feeling of displeasure belligerence hostility or wrath aroused by some real or perceived wrong that's anger now you might be surprised that there is good anger romans 1 18 for the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness so does god ever get angry see we are made in the image of god and there is a passion there is a a righteous indignation there is an appropriate emotion of anger that we should all have inside towards the just purposes jesus got angry mark 3 1 and when he looked around them with anger can't be misunderstood being grieved by the hardness of their hearts they were mad that he was he was going to heal this man he said to the man stretch out your hand you stretch it out he was restored he became angry at their their cold-heartedness moses became angry exodus 32 19 he came down the mountain after getting the ten commandments and of course there you go you get the law and the devil was mad at that so he tempted everybody to sin he saw the calf and the dancing and moses anger waxed hot was that right kind of anger he was just so outraged that after they just made this covenant with god moses has the ten commandments still radiating in his hands with the writing of the hand of god and he goes to the people and they're breaking all ten commandments and so there's a right time for anger if you saw some old lady on the corner and some teenagers trying to steal her person wrestle it away from her would you feel some indignation wouldn't you feel appropriate if you got a jawbone of a donkey and smoked them hip and sigh wouldn't that be right yeah there's a time for a righteous justified anger the early church father john christendom said he who is not angry when he has caused to be sins for unreasonable patience is the hotbed of many vices in other words not being angry when you should be angry can be a sin because it can be an indifference it can be a lukewarmness that you're not outraged but something that should be a problem mark 11 15 so they came to jerusalem and they went to the temple and he began to drive out those who bought and sold in the temple and he overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves and he would not allow anyone to carry wares through the temple and he said you've made my father's house a den of thieves now i don't know if anyone went as far as nehemiah in the bible with the church and hopefully the pastors will not ever have to resort to this but nehemiah says i contended with them and cursed them and struck some of them and pulled out their hair and made them swear by god saying you will not give your daughters as wives to the sons of the pagans nor take their daughters to your sons nehemiah said this is how we got carried off to babylon in the first place and you're starting to do it again and he flew off the handle now i'm not saying everything he did was right but there is a right kind of rage now wesley puts things in perspective john wesley he said he that would be angry and sin not must not be angry with anything but sin so the righteous anger is the anger against a sin of some form martin luther became angry at the church's abuse of power he said when i'm angry i can write i can pray i can preach well for then my whole temperament is quickened my understanding is sharpened and the mundane vexations and temperaments depart when he saw the outrageous things that were happening in the church he was animated by this righteous indignation and if you've ever read any of luther's writings you could see that he he did have a pretty animated nature to put it mildly i get angry in a good way sometimes i'm writing down the road or i'm flipping through the channels i watch christian programming and and i hear pastors preaching doctrines of devils i hear them preaching lies i remember one time i think you've probably heard me say i was listening to a christian radio program years ago and up in the hills just a transistor radio bible answer program it was actually harold camping i can tell you that now because he became infamous since then and somebody asked about a lady called she said my son died in a car crash he was drinking struck a tree died instantly i just got to know is he burning in hell right now and he kind of danced around the question and she pressed him and he finally said well yes if he died lost the bible's pretty clear that the only other option would be if he's not with the lord he's now in hell burning and you heard the kind of lady made a choking noise and she hung up i got so mad because it's not true that i drove 12 miles down to town to get a telephone because i had no telephone back then and called the radio program which was still in progress it was like you know a 90-minute program and i got on the air anyway i won't go into that story and finally i got my own i got my own radio program so that's taking care of itself but i thought that was a righteous kind of rage that people were being misled given a picture of god as sadistic and so there's the right kind of anger and it's appropriate to have that and you know and sometimes it could even be displayed between believers but most of the time unfortunately we don't know where that line is aristotle put it this way anybody can become angry that's easy but to be angry with the right person to the right degree at the right time for the right purpose in the right way that is not within everybody's power and it is not easy and a lot of times we think that our anger is the righteous anger and it's not in that classic book the desire of ages there the author says it is true there is an indignation that is justifiable and even in the followers of christ when they see that god is dishonored and his service brought into disrepute when they see the innocent oppressed a righteous indignation stirs the soul such anger born of a sensitive morals is not a sin but those who had any supposed provocation feel at liberty to indulge in anger or resentment are opening the heart to satan bitterness and animosity must be banished from the soul if we would be in harmony with heaven now sometimes you ever become angry when you see the government wasting you expect a little government waste because you know you can't have a building project without some waste but just the the exasperating waste in government does that ever stir you and you feel like going postal as they say but christians you need to keep those kind of emotions in check so we talked about what anger is talked about good anger what causes anger well sometimes jealousy remember why king herod was angry he was exceedingly angry because he heard there was another king of the jews and he sent his soldiers through bethlehem and he killed all the babies that's a diabolical anger that would want to destroy a child as i mentioned in my story earlier and what happens in revelation the dragon wants to devour the man child the devil is enraged and it was from a jealousy that his power is being threatened sometimes people become angry with frustration you ever become angry because you feel like you're losing control i remember when one of our boys i don't remember right now which one it was that they tried to put on my boots and they must have been you know just uh two years old or something like that and they they put their feet in my boots they tried to walk and they kept doing this face plant and they're just getting madder and madder that they couldn't walk in the boots without tripping over well the boots didn't fit but i could see they were frustrated and it was making them angry some of us never outgrow that and we become angry when we feel like we're losing control sometimes we get angry when we are being challenged peter denied christ and after someone asked him the third time and he knew he was wrong he began to swear into curse someone feels like they're unappreciated they can become angry that's often several of these reasons i'm giving you all kind of points back to selfishness and pride when our pride's offended we often get angry neglect potiphar's wife became angry when joseph would not accept her advances and she was willing to send him to jail then there's those who the anger doesn't happen all at once but it comes as a result of storing things they just they've they've got this mini storage and there's some little offense it's no big deal they just let it go but they remember it and they they file it and then something else happens they file it you never know but finally they it's like you get frequent flyer miles and then they send you on a free trip after a period of time you ever meet anyone like that it's kind of like a you know a cow has about five stomachs and their first stomach they eat the grass and they put it in the first stomach and you think they're done eating but actually they've just got it in their stomach where they're gonna bring it back up and chew the cud and some people things happen and you think oh they swallowed it it's okay but no they didn't and they'll process it with you later and so they store and a lot of times i said it's hunger or it's offended pride some people they get angry when they're just tired it might be chemical they got low blood sugar karen and i always try to schedule our arguments for when we're tired and hungry you're going to have your best ones then and sometimes you just feed each other and you know the problems seem to take care of themselves but pride is a big problem first timothy 6 4 he is proud knowing nothing but is but is obsessed with disputes and arguments over words from which come envy strife revilings evil suspicions now what's the fallout of anger anger destroys communication it generates fear it scars relationship and if the truth be told there's a lot of people that are living with anger that is buried in their lives a lot of marriages have unresolved anger and so because there's no forgiveness because of slights or grievances or problems or and they might be justified at one time it might have been a righteous indignation but you've never let it go you've never forgiven and so you cling to the anger i've met people that have been angry for years with people that are dead and you think well that's really sad it's like if i let go of the anger someone's got to stay angry at them they're dead they're in the grave they don't know it but they're destroying themselves with their anger you know i understand that medication connected with stress and anger is some of the leading sellers in the country antacids and all kinds of problems can be connected with anger it's very expensive galatians 5 19 it is one of the works of the flesh which are adultery fornication uncleanness lewdness idolatry sorcery hatred contentions jealousies here it is outbursts of wrath in greek that is a temper tantrum i made that up i just i don't know if it's really what it says in greek but it's basically what it is an outburst you ever seen a little baby when they start to like clench their fists and they grit their teeth and they hold their breath and their face turns red and their eyes are glaring and and they stomp around until they get what they want you ever seen in the market some public market you know some kid doesn't get what they want on the aisle and they just lose it and the parent they're looking apologetic you know and they're wanting to find a way to get them out and and uh or worse yet the parents don't do anything and they let the kid just you know have a meltdown in front of everybody in the store some never outgrow that they just hide it better and they're having those same kind of emotions inside well will rogers said do not fly into a rage unless you're prepared for a rough landing there is some serious fallout to anger i read about how costly anger is there's a professional athlete that made the mistake of hitting his coach and he lost a 32 million dollar contract anger's expensive some of you remember when mike tyson got angry during a boxing match and so instead of just boxing with evander hollyfield he bit off a piece of his ear well you realize he lost millions of dollars i hope it tasted good because that was the most expensive meal he'd ever bought millions of dollars from that and again that flight i just mentioned over the atlantic twelve thousand dollars for a blanket you know if i was on that plane i would have said look i'll pay for your blanket let's just keep going let's take up a collection how many will get 50 cents for that blanket and let's just get to l.a and try and calm the guy down you know you know moses lost the promised land because he lost his temper and i suppose if i had been leading the children of israel i probably would have lost it a lot sooner but moses had a temper and you remember he killed an egyptian buried him in the sand at the beginning of the 40 years and then after actually he did that when he was 40 years old 80 years later he loses his temper again so you may be thinking i've got it under control for a while and then you got to walk with the lord some people say well you know i lose my temper because i'm spanish i'm italian i'm irish i've got red hair i'm english i'm german i'm you name it people say well i can't help it because i'm human you ever heard that got it from my mother got it from my father it's in the water we've all got excuses for why we lose our tempers there is no good excuse because when you lose your temper when you have a tantrum you are as i said basically giving yourself over to the devil you're creating a window to do things you'll later regret a bad temper is a very expensive commodity moses was not allowed to lead the children of israel into the promised land because he lost his temper said here now you rebels must we bring you water out of this rock and then he smote the rockies began to beat the rock with his staff god said you did not honor me before the people i cannot use you he was to be a type of christ proverbs 25 28 whoever has no rule over his own life over his own spirit is like a city broken down without walls meaning the devil has access to your life we need walls you need self-control a lady once came to billy sunday the evangelist and she tried to rationalize her bad temper she says there's nothing wrong with losing my temper she says i just blow up and then it's all over i just go off and then it's all over and he said man so does a shotgun and look at all the damage it leaves behind people do and say things when they lose their temper that they often regret for years words are spoken in haste that not only cause scars and relationships wars have been fought because some leader had a short fuse and they lobbed the first missile or hurled the first insult and because they had a bad temper people died it shouldn't have a place among christians anger make you stupid i was going to say just make you foolish because i got a verse for that but i wanted to be more direct it really does it makes you do really dumb things ecclesiastes 7 9 do not hasten in your spirit to be angry for anger rests in the bosom of fools now notice how solomon said that do not hasten in your spirit he doesn't say you should never be angry but do not hasten to be angry because anger rests that means it stays in the bosom of fools someone said anger will lessen your perceived iq have you ever noticed that the emptier a pot is the quicker it boils the more shallow the water in the pot the quicker it boils if a person has a little depth they're usually more controlled thomas kemp has said when anger enters the mind wisdom departs someone else said an angry man is seldom reasonable and a reasonable man is seldom angry you got to be careful people out there always giving everyone else a piece of their mind you keep giving away enough pieces of your mind you have nothing left anger will affect your iq ralph waldo emerson said we all boil just at different degrees so you want to be slow anger is bad for your health we believe in the health message right we're living in the age of rage and let me give you some bible stories second chronicles 16 10. speaking of king asa a prophet told him that he was wrong and asa became angry with the seer and he put him in prison and he was enraged at him because of this and notice the next thing it says and asa oppressed some of the people and he became diseased in his feet and his malady was severe it's interesting he said he wasn't raised he was angry he became diseased in his feet notice this second chronicles 26 19 then king josiah became furious and need a sensor in his hand to burn incense and while he was angry with the priests leprosy broke out in his forehead i'm sure there's something supernatural there but don't miss the connection that he was enraged and he got terminally sick and a lot of people are very conscious about the health message and they wonder why they're not healthy it's not because of what you're eating it's because of what's eating you and if we allow ourselves to be eaten up with anger you can follow the health message but you're going to be sick angry cynical people die young this was a study that was done back in 1989 but i think it's still relevant they tested a variety of men and those who scored high for hostility on the standard tests ended up becoming four times more likely to die prematurely than men whose scores were low they also took another 27 men in coral gables and they studied their heart blood distribution and they asked them a bunch of questions and they did physical tests and mental tests and they finally said think about something that made you really angry that happened they measured the heart with all these very sensitive instruments and they discovered that the one thing that affected the distribution of blood from the heart to the tissue the most was when they were thinking angry thoughts it released chemicals in their body that restricted the blood vessels and affected the flow of the blood that affects your health living in sustained anger is not good psalm 37 8 king david said cease from anger forsake wrath do not fret it only causes harm someone else said control yourself anger is only one letter short of danger yet deed to anger what do you have danger now i don't have a lot of scripture for this but i do have a couple anger makes you ugly then king nebuchadnezzar was filled with fury and the expression on his face was changed against shadrach meshach and abednego you will be a better witness for christ if you're not an angry christian you want to do a test turn to the person next to you some of you have no one to turn to you can turn to me i want you to give them your angriest face when i count to three okay one two three okay now i'll count to three i want you to give them if you have no one else you can give me your pleasantest happy smile okay one two three which looks better hopefully it's their happy face ephesians 4 26 do not let the sun go down on your wrath now this verse has sometimes been misunderstood uh someone was interviewing an old texan he had been married for 60 years and they said to what do you attribute your long and happy marriage he said well we determined early on never to let the sun go down on our wrath we wouldn't go to sleep until we resolved our differences and he said i have to tell you there were weeks we didn't sleep so it is a good idea to keep short accounts but you know sometimes you'll find if you do go to sleep even if you are angry it goes away in the morning what you needed was a night's sleep so a lot of times when there's disputes in families or marriages or whatever it might be rest on it and things sort themselves out sometimes in the morning you get a different perspective and you realize it's not that big a deal don't ever discipline your children in anger don't ever lose your temper in front of your children three examples are rather the three rules for raising children is example example example was an author for national geographic he was writing an article about the amish people and one day as he was visiting the amish school the thing that struck him was that none of the children in the playground ever raised their voices and yelled they all played in a very kind cooperative way and he went to the school master he says you know i don't know if i've ever seen anything like this they said i don't ever see any of the amish children yell at each other and the school master said have you ever heard amish adults yelling at each other i said uh no i haven't he says that's why you don't hear amish children yelling at each other when you see kids going ballistic in public you wonder what are they seeing at home not always but it makes you wonder never discipline your children in anger jeremiah 10 24 oh lord the prophet prayed correct me but with justice not in your anger lest you bring me to nothing what if god disciplined us in anger well he will someday for the lost and what happens after the wrath of the lamb they don't survive so if you don't want your heavenly father to discipline you in anger you don't want to discipline others in anger so what do you do whatever you do do it slowly there is a great quote from that classic book child guidance this is page 246 harsh angry words are not only always of heavenly origin scolding and fretting never help instead they stir up the worst feelings in the human heart when your children do wrong and are filled with rebellion and you are tempted to speak and act harshly wait before you correct them give them an opportunity to think allow your temper to cool you're very rarely going to be just you're very rarely going to say the right thing if you lash out at your children you might be tired you might be hungry you might be exasperated with the other present problems in life what they've done is a really small thing and you just unload on them with all barrels from some little childish thing because you've lost your temper what they were is they were just like the last straw have you ever seen that you ever done it as a parent i have i had other issues i'm tired a lot of stress and the kids do something that kids do a little thing and then you just let them have it and that's how they'll start coping with problems later in life with anger so i've told you a little about the fallout of anger some of the dangers what are some tips for overcoming inappropriate anger because i've told you this is the right time to be angry all right patience one of the most important things it says it over and over in the bible proverbs 15 18 a wrathful man stirs up strife but he that is slow to anger allies contention you know he says slow to anger doesn't say you never have anger again proverbs 16 32 he who is slow to anger is better than the mighty and he who rules his own spirit than he that takes a city so you pray for the spirit of god to give you patience and self-rule do you know the phrase slow to anger is mentioned nine times in the bible doesn't say don't be angry so slow to anger you you want to make sure that you've got the real reason to be angry and i believe every christian should have a little anti-freeze in their veins you know what antifreeze does it when it's too cold it'll keep the car radiator from freezing and when it's too hard it keeps it from boiling over and we sort of all need a little holy spirit antifreeze in us to help us stay on an even keel someone said your temper is one of the most valuable possessions don't lose it it was a qualification for leadership in the church titus 1 7 for a bishop must be blameless as the steward of god not self-willed not quick tempered then you've got again the slow to wrath not given to wine not violent or greedy for money abraham lincoln had an interesting habit one time his secretary stanton came to him and he was just outraged by something someone else in the government had done and lincoln said i think you ought to write a letter tell them exactly how you feel so satan spent a day and a half writing this letter he brought it to lincoln said so should i mail it now i said no don't mail it so throw it away now so you probably already feel much better it says not write one that's discreet and diplomatic have you ever done that someone does something or they mistreat you or they do something inconsiderate and you type out an email and there's just smoke coming off the keys you know and you have all the right words and uh and you look at it and the longer you look at you think well maybe ought to change that word well i don't need that line in there i'll delete that one don't ever send an email when you're angry because you can't undelete you can't unsend you know what i mean and you send something when your blood's boiling and ladies i i overreacted or now that person will never be a friend again all i need to do is think about it a little more write the letter but use a pencil and paper don't do in your keyboard you might bump the send button you ever press send by accident before you're done with something so lincoln would uh he'd often write a letter then he'd throw it away and then he'd write a diplomatic one but his first letter he said boy i wrote some doozies but then you get it out of your system james 1 19 let every man be swift to hear slow to speak slow to wrath the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of god pray when you're angry sometimes when you're angry you will feel like praying the least but it is when you feel like praying the most it doesn't help if the person you're angry at if they're asking you to pray but uh you may need to claim the promises of god bible's full of exceeding great and precious promises like galatians 2 20 i have been crucified with christ it's hard to be angry when you realize hey jesus died on the cross for this person's sins he died on the cross for my sin what right do i have to be so angry at them you know something that helps me not be angry with people i hear about folks who say they're angry at god and if you trust that god is good you usually work your way through that but when you get angry at people i think about that parable in matthew 18 of the unmerciful debtor who is forgiven ten thousand talents and uh god has forgiven us so much that what right do i have for the little offenses that we have with each other the other thing that helps me is i remember that the lord loves everybody and sinners are going to do diabolical things because they're being tempted by the devil so if people do devilish things that's to be expected if they're lost you've got to love even those people jesus said love your enemies right didn't say be angry at them give them a piece of your mind a soft answer turns away wrath proverbs 15 1 there's an interesting example of this in the book of judges chapter 8 gideon when he was fighting against the midianites he did not call the tribe of ephraim to go with him to battle and they felt left out of the victory they on their own they went out and they fought against the princes of the midianites and they were going to now have a civil war with gideon and it says i'm reading now judges 8 1 now the men of ephraim reprimanded him so sharply and he said to them what have i done now in comparison with you is not the gleaning of the grapes of ephraim better than the vintage of abe azer god's delivered into your hands the princes of median and orb what was i able to do in comparison with you their anger towards him subsided when he said that he gave them a gentle delicate soft answer and it defused the whole thing that could have turned into a civil war grievous words stir up strife if you're in an argument with somebody and even if you're right you might need to look your eyes down and say you know listen i see what you're saying and just let a person vent sometimes don't feel like you got to tell them how wrong they are a soft answer in marriages a soft answer turns away wrath anger is quieted by a gentle word just as fire is quenched by water some people will lose their temper because they see you're keeping yours when you're angry someone said always count to ten before you say anything it'll give you time to come up with an appropriate insult i used to say you know if you're angry go cook a pot of pinto beans because that takes a while by the time the pinto beans are done if you get pineal beans for dinner then that ought to tell you something no it usually just takes time you need to think about it except we're not in control psalm 46 10 be still and know that i am god get some physical exercise sometimes you're angry you might need to just go out and run and get some endorphins released in your body and you'll start feeling better have a sense of humor sometimes we get angry at things you could actually laugh at heard about this baseball player in the chicago cubs andre dawson he got into a dispute over what he thought was a bad call by an umpire joe west and because he became angry during the dispute he was fined a thousand dollars so when it came time for him to write out his check for the fine of one thousand dollars he put in the description of the check donation for the blind because he's saying the umpire was blind it took something could have made him angry and he just i guess he got one final dig get enough rest sometimes people who struggle with the emotions of anger it's just their stress they don't have enough rest and i might add caffeinated drinks and there's so many options in the society today will create stress they got kids that are checking into hospitals now because their hearts hearts are racing and they're finding out it's because they're drinking so much caffeine but some people become irritable they're tired kicks off an argument along with that listen to good music very few people say let's listen to beethoven and start a war you know what i mean and so sometimes the right kind of music will calm you down and let's face it the wrong kind of music i whenever i saw people fighting at a rock concert they weren't playing classical guitar the wrong kind of music will actually speed your heart your heart up and do bad things to you you know god wants us to be christians there's a time to be angry and sin not but most of the times our anger causes harm we need to pray that god will give us his spirit anger is destructive someone told me that in yellowstone they've got a lodge where you can see on display a pair of large antlers it's actually two pair of antlers that are interlocked there's no elk attached to them what happened is these male elk got into a war and their horns got locked and then they couldn't eat and they both slowly starved to death so who won you realize that the reason you and i have hope of salvation is because after the devil did everything he could to get jesus to react at the cross through his trial through his torture they did everything they could to provoke christ you name something that can be done to make a person lose it and jesus never lost it because he did not lose his temper we can find salvation and so he set an example for us he was thinking about us when he kept his cool jesus didn't come to make us stressed he came to give us peace he says peace i give to you not as the world gives give i unto you let not your heart be trouble be anxious for nothing fear not so many times people are angry because they just they don't have peace and the lord is giving you a peace that the world doesn't understand a peace that passes understanding i want that peace don't you it's an abiding peace peace like a river that goes on and we're going to pray for it we're going to sing about it so why don't we turn to 466 we'll invite our song leaders to come up pray god gives us that peace and if we're going to be angry let's do it as christians do otherwise let's be at peace wonderful peace let's stand as we sing [Music] is [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] me [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] you look at the words when we sing aren't those beautiful words fathomless as deep as it could go billows of love peace don't you want that kind of peace friends father in heaven lord we're talking about just the opposite polls today the peace that you offer and the anger the wrath of the devil and lord i pray that you'll help us to be filled with your spirit we know that there is an appropriate place for sanctified anger often we struggle to know where those lines are give us wisdom give us your spirit but with the the other inappropriate anger the rage that people deal with i pray that you'll set us free lord some have been harboring anger in their hearts anger towards others maybe in a family or a marriage help us to find peace and forgiveness now let those things go i pray lord that you can help us to practice what we found in your word to be slow to wrath i pray lord that you'll give us self-control give us your mind and your spirit help us to never trust ourselves but to daily live knowing that we need your spirit to guide us and give us that peace bless each person so we might really have that experience lord we thank you we pray all this in jesus name amen god bless please be seated
Channel: Daily Hymns
Views: 17,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2EZbZFdG7og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 39sec (2979 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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