The Ancient Energy Discipline That Stimulates Healing and Vitality - Dr. Barry Morguelan

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[Music] bulletproof radio stations high-performance you're listening to bulletproof radio with Dave Asprey today's cool fact of the day is that guided imagery or visualization now has some new research out that shows that 10 minutes of imagery can reduce your blood pressure lower cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood and heighten short-term immune cell activity and even reduce blood loss during surgery and morphine or stay in morphine use just kind of Coast less painkillers just from a little bit of guided imagery kind of cool stuff today's show is really cool because we're recording live here at bulletproof labs alpha on Vancouver Island and today's guest is a friend that someone's done a lot of work for me his name is dr. Barry Moore Galen and dr. Barry is a gastroenterology and endoscopic surgeon from UCLA Medical Center and he's spent 35 years in practice so very well credentialed guy who's traveled around the world teaching other doctors how to perform surgery without just opening someone up from your navel to sternum instead going in with a little endoscope but that's not what we're going to talk about we are going to talk about the fact that over the last 35 years he's been traveling to China and learning these amazing Chinese energy healing techniques that make him one of 12 living grandmasters of his energy medicine tradition so I'm going to ask Barry about that you're going to learn what he's done for me and Barry's not exactly a famous guy but he supported presidents of countries when Tony Robbins goes on stage quite often Barry's in the back of the room helping him out when I had the opportunity to speak on Tony's main stage people said oh you know Barry like everyone on Tony staff loves you Barry and because you've been there a lot of times and I when I first heard about you from our mutual friend Jay Abraham who's also been on bulletproof radio Jay's like I can't tell you what he does just he does something interesting and unique and you like him go meet him so we met and you put cups on me did all sorts of stuff that really most UCLA surgeons do not do so first off welcome to the show and I want to get into your story thank you thank you very much for having me come you graduated from medical school in 1973 right right I started practicing a 78 and then began into gastroenterology and boards around 80 so really I went full force I'd say around 1981 all right so the year after I was born right you you graduated from medical school and you've been going out and working ever since then and you search the world but you didn't just go to China what are the places have you been to learn about energy medicine you want the short version the long version give me the interesting verse the interesting person okay yeah it was uh let's see 35 years ago yeah when I started practicing but I was going to I was used to come in through the emergency room so I'm coming through the emergency room and I see here the people you know in pain and I'm walking up to see my patients and to discharge them that they're all doing well but one patient was Rodriguez I found her bed and said you're doing great menageries you can go home now it's wonderful and the Sun was shining through the window and I said would it be great though if you didn't have to go through this at all what if you never had they get these tumors or diseases and you know you could avoid this whole Hospital you can get stronger through time you actually could you know instead of having this downhill course that people thing life's about because she wasn't 21 as much older that you could actually become healthier with time and she's such a sweet old lady maybe you can imagine your grandma or something it makes my entrances if anybody can do it you can do it go try and so in that scene with the phone in your hand and the feelings anyway I was after that it just kept bugging bugging me so I said I'm going to do it so then I went on a star to search for the next you know 25 years looking for what would do something for people to allow them to not only not get sick but actually get stronger through time again your capacities to be able to function whether it's for - whether it's writing a play or whether it's becoming a inventing something all those things are within us but people get waylaid by you know illness or distractions or all your kids it's lot of things what if you became really really effective so I started looking for that and I went to what let's see Italy Germany in Venice Italy Germany all Europe 13 different countries South America Central America oh we're great but I still don't fly when I wanted and I went like every three months I had other doctors cover my practice so you go down a few into South America let's say right so you go down to you show up okay I'm a big bad western doctor and go back 30 years huge credibility white lab coat yeah they sprinkle flowers in front of right not really but but you're baseball huh yeah very very well-respected right and what would you ask for well though it was the way I'd worked it out was always I would be able to teach okay and I would get to teach first and I figured through the doctors there they must know everything that's in their community so by offering my services to help out and I I would go like every two or three months and I were just called different doctors at different hospitals in different cities and said would you want me to come and demonstrate some of the things that we know in advance is because at that time Los Angeles you see always very very advanced in gastroenterology so it was a real plus to visit other places and discuss and go over things because doctors really want to find out what's going on the other side of the world okay so it's before cellphone so you would show up and you'd come with great credentials yeah and you'd say alright so I'm going to show you my Western medicine things but then you had to be like I want to know the crazy stuff like what would you ask these guys for because they're also doctors but they know maybe more of the local traditionally I get what would you say six six six two eight eight years of asking people well you know I understand that you're what you're using here on the hospital but so are we but you have anything so where you don't have to use medications you have anything where the person can like avoid coming to the clinic or seeing the doctor and in some places in almost every place had something interesting I mean France had aromatherapy okay and Rome there is great it wouldn't replace it wouldn't allow people to get free of having to do this whole routine getting sick going to the pharmacy buying drugs taking the drugs that have side effects then have to take care of the side effects and then maybe the problem still not done so time money everything's lost and what I want people to actually be spending time with their family spending time you know at their job same time being you know creative so the goal was each time to say what else you have and so in Germany they had wonderful electrical machines you know about many of them entered in those states that have the rice machine which they still have I've had a guess and with like 150 things that you can electrocute yourself with new system like this and there's nothing incorrect about any of the people even in Brazil with all the crystals and crystal beds and crystal mountains and you spend all time meditating there is fabulous but it wasn't something I could bring a whole crystal cave back to UCLA it wasn't something I can have you have at your home because my goal was that each person remember could be their own physician your own doctor you just keep yourself healthy and well and then you start to become your own guru after a while because you're hooked into staying healthy and happy and and in peace not worried so each place was just phenomenal but Central America had all these huge herbs with these big leaves that they were burning and you everybody wooden hail all this and there would be altered states but again I wasn't going to get that through the IRB at the hospital this they're getting what Leif where who's checking what so that wasn't going to go over well so I had to keep looking for a long time and it was until I think after about oh eight years I decided that I don't think was in a place I think I was logged up 250,000 miles by the time and had taken a lot of time off work but I had a big practice I was very successful still am but I mean I was at the peak very soon in my career both teaching being UCLA having to practice and being able to go around and instruct what you a little concern that your colleagues would think you're crazy pants that was very important I tried my best just to tell people that I why is why do we need to cover your practice what's the reason that don't you need to stay here bike is going to fall apart what why are we going said well I told them what I'm looking for they went oh yeah right you're going to find the Fountain of Youth no one's found that you you're wasting time and so they would heckle me every time every time I come back and finally it as I said about eight years into it of leaving every three months like one guy said well you find it yet and I said no he says well you're never going to find it he says it's just - it doesn't exist and so that time I made up my mind I said only place I haven't gone is China the facts in China was not China today it wasn't like Manhattan Beach of a Manhattan in New York landing there it was completely different when I finally went there was just rickshaws bicycles crowded streets very almost no cars and not a wealthy population so when I got to work there finally I had the opportunity when I was in one of the hospitals to read some books that had pictures in them and those books had pictures of people treating somebody but not touching them not not doing anything that the person was getting wealth I asked the doctors I was working with there and they said yeah that's the source of all of Chinese months and that's the source of everything else remember where the Middle Kingdom you know they still had all that information from those days and whether your Western doctor believes or not that's their culture and it actually is very useful to know the principles behind that and they said that all this has a source and that's the source energy people and I said great when can I meet them they go impossible you'll never you'll never do it and I said why not said because they're not here at another cities after mal they were all sent into the mountains and they don't come down very often at all and they're not very nice they stay up there and people have to go there who want to get treated it's treacherous working aways up the mountains and also they may not treat you except for a huge expense and they'll say somebody could be treated I was shocked you know this is 25 years of people say ten thousand dollars of treatment is amazing but and what happened is I got to see it I got to see people getting treated when I finally made it up - how did you make it up there how did use that well the the trust trust it's a real interesting thing in China I was able to work in the hospitals had a wonderful connections with all the people there and the doctors and so I kept you know it's launched at dinner sometimes over their houses come on you must have somebody who could take me there so finally a couple of them said okay well well my cousin will take you this far and then his friends will take you beyond there and you're on your own we can protect you so if any happens out there remember this is China you've read about you know people the Huns coming over the mountains we can't tell you what's going to happen because there's nothing no you know fine roads to get up the mountains so I didn't care I really had been looking for a little there's no cell phones there's no no cell phone gate nothing right so so you're at the hospital but I mean did you learn about Chinese herbs first yeah that wasn't really funny really photos so from the hospital you you win and and how did you learn about the herbs because because yeah was hurt that was before I found that book so because I asked them remember every city I would go into it asked the doctors okay well you have different we have the Jews instead of you know routine Western medicine pharmacopoeia surgery they go you're at the top of the endoscopic advancing curve and you want to know about something from our old culture I said that's really why I'm here and so they said okay what you can do is we have a nearby traditional Chinese medicine hospital and they're they they have acupuncture herbology and some massage some acupressure so they said if you want to go there great go ahead we'll set it up for you so I actually worked in the pharmacies there and working a burning of salamander eyes yeah the pharmacy there is not what you expect it really is there's a big open window that they have to keep open all the time because with the fumes coming up it's really almost talk to us that gets you to you know have a direction for to go out and then the ladies who are there let's just say that you don't have the set antiseptic technique that we have and the West it was okay go over there and pull out that little drawer that you'd have to like reach up to get and there was all these little tiny wooden drawers like in Harry Potter and that kinda kind like yeah like this a little smaller you just pulled he pull it out and sometimes I couldn't even see what was in there plus they were dirty and thought seems like on your eyes you know I wonder how often this thing has been opened and what are they going to do with it and so I reach in there and I go what is and you know the weirdest things that now you can read about but I don't know if you'd want to take them if I offer you to eat this you wouldn't but so they put it in this this big canister and then they'd add water and then they boil with a certain technique and then finally decamp those things off but what's in there is you want me to tell you sir gosh all kinds of things that wings okay yeah yeah oh yeah yeah there's stuck odds of animal haha bugs and bark and swallows saliva YUM yeah all kinds of poisonous things that come from either small reptiles or larger reptiles you write that wing in there wider certain things from the spiders and it was so fascinating to me that they could make these potions and then I would go upstairs with the Newark with the pharmacist afterwards and with the nurse and we'd roll this card twice a day and we stand the patient's bed and say okay drink this and we'd have to watch them drink their medicine okay and so yeah so while I was there you know I had to try it I say we were here I'm going to see what this like patient looks like they're tolerating it so I tried to drink almost every one of them I see no drink as much as I could and see what would happen and let's just say you really have to want to get well with that of that regimen because the taste is unbelievably not okay and I think my experience of herbology though was that a lot of patients got a lot of benefits and it wasn't in the United States very much at all and I'm glad that much of its come here but then again the quality of the herbs they've got is not something that went through a factory anything else it's all some go out here and pull this off of this mountain and during the springtime collect enough of those and then we'll be have that for this this particular medicine and then acupuncture was same thing act out to learn how to put in long needles with flames on them and it's kind of amazing the closest I've experienced to that is here in Victoria I got a referral to a guidance almost in his nineties from China because I can look in different directions and has written a textbook on acupuncture and herbs same thing really long needles all that sort of stuff the first real acupuncture session yeah that's the old file that's the best file it was for now I felt like all of it was like my energy skin fell off my body and into the floor the strangest feeling and afterwards he wrote something in Chinese to take it to the Chinese herb store and they opened the drawers and they gave me these big paper things full of weird stuff together tasted like ass terrible I think it made me better but probably unpleasant it definitely it was unpleasant see how am I gonna bring that back to UCLA it's not going to work tit it's not something and I'm like my goal always was of course it was fascinating to learn meet people who are so committed to having these disciplines work and it but they all had drawbacks I mean what you're doing the acupuncture thing you're talking about when we did belong needles we save only 4 or 5 inch needles going into organism hi I am but what surgeries three nose yeah at but when we give me clinic which was like three times a day it's not like one person is going to treat it there's like one bit here and then two feet of three feet of ways another bed and then of its so you can imagine Neels are going this one you light all the herbs on top of those neelam oxygen yeah the needle is different kinds of oxygen but this is one kind right now and then put the deals in this one and the next two so imagine 15 people in room with all this smoke going up and a little tiny window in there the floor they're on or in the clinic for it all to escape so when you walk in the acupuncture area was like completely like this you had to be so seeing all kinds of smoke Wow can you see that here earlier my word or what do you use for my solution all sorts of herbs yeah a lot of different yeah that was fastening what different types of herbs that they use none of them smell like the moxibustion we have in the u.s. now they're all quite strong which is why I'm safe you have a whole cloud of that in front of you and high from a lot of different people you built this a lot of smoke could be breathing it but I said I'm here for a period of time I want to see this I want to know what it is and everybody else seemed to be doing okay plus when they went outside they were smoking cigarettes and industry so you know it's very big in the you know the Orient so see China smoke cigarettes so you learned all this and he said I can't bring this back to UCLA and then what happened how did you get to the next level there you go to the Shaolin Temple or what was the deal there no the next level was I was already doing martial I've been doing martial arts both here and during the eight years when I was searching and the even I did go to Shaolin Temple and did get to meet a number of those wonderful people and get to do the exercises with them and and have a great time it still wasn't you know I didn't think that standing on wooden post and doing different poses was still every client every patient was going to do when I come back I wanted something that the person could take off on their own and they would have to like be that powerful because all the Shaolin guys were really power they could break things which I loved learning how to break break through you know would and brought them rocks you learned all that kind of movement yeah yeah because it I thought maybe along the way I thought maybe I was to discover I would sort of find it in all these different aims when I didn't so you're a pretty peaceful guy but like could you turn that out right now and like kick my ass I couldn't do that to Danny of course you wouldn't have won thegame would you still have that say that to your friend no no I course you would more friends but but in other words like you walk around you're very very peaceful guy right but do you have that like all the ability that if somebody actually yeah it's one of the things that really it's one of the really things that's important with this discipline that I'd love for everybody everywhere to have in their at their fingertips is that you get this ability to be 360 mm-hmm so instead of just being hi I'm here with you you're not just sensing this which is part of the whole program you're sensing here there's something here and you're actually something behind you too so if you have all those sensors on which some of your goal I know I had those sense as well this is what it's about you all had someone enters this field you'll notice that you'll notice he'll go there the other day Christa who's with me executive whatever your this intention yeah she were going through the airport and we're talking talking talking and then I just said to her what is the where do we where results that you know which one of these kiosks are we supposed to go in to board the plane and she said let me check the ticket because we got so engrossed we didn't even know what where we were exactly but we knew were in the right terminal and she says okay there's a number I said that's it right there right in front of my chinos he did it again you know serendipity all of a sudden even though you're involved in something that is completely different than knowing where you are an airport part of you is still picking that up and so then when we stop in that place we actually stopped in exactly the place that was supportive so we didn't lose any time we got to do two things at once so you have the situational awareness and you still have your martial art started back right but I and some of the things you were doing earlier it's a story I learnt remember that this is uh another of my very advanced martial arts friends it was telling is very one of his teachers who it was was walking down the street and 80s he was walking his friend and apparently back then the cool thing was they see someone who you can just tell as a martial artist people came up to challenge him to the right you'd see it's so hard for Americans to understand that that you what do you mean you mean you're walking up street and people may break into a fight yes the discipline for many many years and some of the old Chinese movies will show you that that oh this clan is over here learning this pipe and this time no it's not like okay that's great no money one of you is going to end up the one telling the other one that their file is not okay right and so this constant fighting yeah I saw a lot of them you still know that okay well this in this case right my friend was walking with a really advanced master who really wasn't into fighting but the guys picked up and and he said I don't want to fight you guys and they said no we're going to and he said all right and he did something and a vegetable fell down without being touched right and you could just say fine whatever that's mad but no my friend was there he's not lying to me right like what happened and and then as soon as the the guys when he goes oh I have to do say too much masculine urge you have to do some feminine energy to balance things out because I don't like doing that anymore yeah it's right it's fascinated there's that stuff so did you meet the guys who can do this yes yeah that's when I finally got to the top of the mountain and they showed me what first anyone show me anything tell me that story is cool and what happened when you got there when I first got there it was uh like I was seeing what I finally always wanted to see for now going on to nine years and where was the top of a mountain so I had to get there first on the first on a train then on the back of some guy's motorcycle sitting on that thing and then there was a long walk up them okay and by the time I got there I was not certain what would happen after that I don't know if I'd be just because they told me how much bad experiences you can have up there but I but I did see is I was going after people carrying other sick people on different routes up the mountain so I was going well okay they're doing it but sure how they carrying that person this is like a monasteries and yes yeah yeah no not not such imposing case we're definitely a monastery and definitely some wonderful Chinese buildings with some great things in the ground that had some you know the symbolism the DAO and also all the different positions to be in it was drawing to that it was fascinating and I was just watching people actually doing the thing I've been searching for all this he doesn't didn't even know it existed so finally I knew it existed so this is like the greatest experience I was like happy and they didn't even act like I existed back then in China if you're a westerner that usually you'd get a huge amount of attention I mean when I first went there like I want to take a picture with you that's right because they're nursing someone yeah in the city without y'all got twenty years ago right when I gave you cities when played with kids as wonder everybody want to touch you hold on to take a photo wonderful but up here remember there mo was that you really don't belong here so why are you here yeah alright so they would ignore you completely completely and are often Allah - in they didn't kick me out or they put it that way and so I I want you know I do I want to stay here with all this like you know non appreciation connection and of course you know I have a voice in the back of my head back then not so much now but it's going they shouldn't be treating you this way what is going on they should leave out some courtesy bloodied angels like yeah right yeah you had no respect but then you know I said you know I'm so excited about being writing care and I remember the first days when I was watching them and seeing all the different things that could happen and wounds being healed right under right in front of me and as a physician you know we don't have that where you could not touch somebody and he right in front of it did you get some cognitive dissonance like is you questioning like am I really seeing this did you judge that's what I had to say more than I took lots of notes and I had to keep coming back and they didn't throw me out they they sort of just sort of looked at me and a little slight sneer the sneer got left after a few days but mostly they it was almost no one to even ask a question to because they really don't want anybody there unless you were going to be treated for some illness or some problem or some thing you need to break through on in your life and also there was the people who were there trying to get trained and then there's the grandmaster and then his first lieutenants under him and no one else opposed to be there for a lot of reasons one is going to give you a bed like how did you sleep and eat and things like that in the first week or yeah um let's just say it wasn't so clean where I slept a lot it wasn't so clean see I wasn't really yeah it was sort like a barracks but not really a bed if I got boards I slept on but it was okay I use one of those wrapped up some clothes or pillows that there lay there and that was fine because in the morning everybody would be up doing certain kinds of exercises which I knew from the martial arts where these were different the exercises they were doing so I would just get the line behind the other two you know maybe 15 students that are there and then everybody look at me like what are you doing here why are you here but you know I figured if they're going to throw me out there enough to physically throw me out that does come out and so I would just follow the directions and I would love doing that and so then actually after a couple to a half weeks they started to connect a little bit with me you know they would say you know we're going to have lunch now or since I speak Chinese so yeah I saw Mandarin a bit enough and plus I had my dictionary that I was always using I remember we couldn't do the best thing we could show things and they were a little bit nicer in terms of letting me at least no one there was going to be lunch and dinner because it's big in China in those days everything was wasn't a very wealthy country about as very communal as communist but it's giving people like hung together in a nice way and that part was okay but still no one would answer any questions if I ask the question live like what I can answer that we're looking at you know maybe say here three years ago answer that for years you can see that the sneers never left so it was sort of I saccade like the experience of a stray dog or there's actually a word they kept calling me while I was there which is in a complementary term but what I learned to turn it around yeah and so there's a thing called wail ow oh yeah wail out does not mean good well I mean for Andorran devil yes I say you're bad you're a bad thing so after a while I was you know my Manders much better than but I would introduce myself as as well see way Lao and I go wow you say that because I need to have a name that was my thing because that's what I rails called me so after a while I got a little rapport with the people and of course I stayed at a distance from the grandmaster lieutenants cuz they're always like a sacred space they're holding which is one of the things they really wanted to know this discipline is meant to be a sacred space it's meant to be the repository of all energies that as I found out later all the energies that eventually grew out of the branches of you know kung fu Chi kung acupuncture occupancy all had to have a source this was a source Zi fact it turned out to be the source energy what I really would I was really fortunate that regard what's a closing James English I can give you a inch in English it has two names once called get younger energy and the others call which is the most common a new life energy because as you get treated almost everybody says what they do the extra zero hmm there's the best I've felt in days and it's almost like you drop your karma if you keep doing the exercises and you get to go forward with a new life and you feel younger so that's how it came about so the guys listening ruin that thing I said I'm playing to lived a 180 or longer I think I might learn a thing or two from dr. Barry just staying here all right doesn't continue what there's a lot to say about that yeah I mean I have a lot of remember I don't forget to get to that but I came back to Los Angeles eventually after a number of trips there and was sort of treating people here a lot of people did take photos before and after dramatically they treat people you're like holding hands over them and meanwhile in the beginning um I don't know more about how you there's more of the story would have you want that exactly examples yeah tell me what do they do at the temple at IU besides what it was it like to UM okay the so you would think having onto a medical program which technology is it's bigger it's very much like lead in the Marines you're really you're here to work hard and you're not going to have any free time and your teachers or your ball so that you're going to follow that or else you're not going to get a great education and we're gonna get you out so anybody was a pre-med knows that and then in med school is the same and then I went beyond med school to internal medicine liveries another two years and that and then boards and then in gastroenterology and endoscopic surgery with that another two or three years trying to get more and more training because I want to find out just you know the best of the best of us in Western medicine but it's never like every time it's like a lot of work a lot of learning and you might say well have you learned all that stuff you said more room your brain for that well it to me I didn't like what I saw and felt every days I'm walked in the hospital I went you know really when this came in to be a doctor that help people and I think I've got this part down but it's not enough not what people really need people need to their relief to not have to have all these things pulled in just because you get ill or you get an injury or a bone broken or something like that which up there it was much easier to treat any kind of break it was amazing all the breaks I saw on the deform people that would come up from birth defects and all the sudden their deformities gone I mean there's so many stories it's like you're like miracle healing stuff but yeah that's why I'm not going to talk too much about that let's talk about the basic no you're not claiming you doing that but you solve it yeah as a witness to it okay to say that I mean you know you were at a place in time it's largely lost at this yes right and this happened is that you're crazy fans any pretty well you're not crazy now too many people come to see me and then I've talked to many these too many people these exercises I mean that you mentioned some of the people report and you're teaching these things right right and the exercises are all you need to do plus be in front of the videos or to listen to the audios maybe in the car and you can download the same vibrations that took me you know 15 years to pick up and be able to bring here but how did I learned I think that's your real question yeah how easy was it not easy at all the first time when they said they would allow me to learn because up until that time they sort of this tolerated me being there and I said I had all these conversations on you you guys gotta let me here in America doesn't know about this and say anyway that that part got done and then couple years later then I came back and then they said they would teach me which was the dream come true but they said it real a lot of provisions on that a lot of caveats one they said this training is not meant for anyone to make it unless they're supposed to make it so if you don't make it which is what happens for 99.9% of the people that's okay with us including if you don't make it physically like owes you could die that had happened even when I my training I saw that have pretty some people others yes I'm not as really shook me up because they said each one of the they called it attainments or levels is a is another level which you have sensors open your body you can pull in more energy to be able to treat other people and these scissors are basically mitochondrial channels some of them the mitochondria are so important because the mitochondria you know you already have all that impression about the ATP ADP being there and generating that well part of the science of all that is you have these cells that are here and you'd like for them to be nourished and you have such great you know supplements and nourish them but also you need the environment to nourish them and as I learned the environment is made up of if you know anyone to get into physics is made of so many great things that if you could tap into that you would be able to have a much stronger and much more vivacious and also a much wider experience of your own life so remember Einstein said that energy I mean nothing in the world really can be destroyed he's just changed from one form of energy to the next you know if you burn a cigarette sons will not asleep earn a fire herb and then smoke goes up the carbon fibers go up in the carbon goes away it gets recycled and nothing else so actually he was clear that it all went around and around and so energy cannot be really made or destroyed it's actually all in there part of how this whole discipline works is that you get to tap into all the different vibrations and all the different forces that are part of being a human being but anyway the hard part was every single test they gave me was not fun and every single test made me actually you know it doesn't matter how positive you are doesn't matter how many great surgeries you've done the United States have you taught you know you're out there hanging on a mountain and they look old and no one's there caring about you and you've got to be doing either certain exercises or you've been given an assignment to figure out this co an this is that you know this is I go in and you have no idea what it even means and so you just say how to be come back they're treating you worse than they treated you before they sent you out you're out there in like freezing cold ayah doing exercises thing yeah yeah I had to house it's a hard core like out of a movie well actually some people want to make a movie actually some people did like there's a couple moods from people that I've had done my courses that I brought back or treated personally I think there's two movies about this story but I've gone through that I'm telling you and there isn't into the movies you only come the movies really there's well I'm seeing them yeah never listening to them not it's just it's just a part of it ok so first a little part that's the part but it says they took part of and they stuck it in there and that both movies were big big bestsellers blockbusters but anyway so I mean like I think you know one of the attainments I had to do was you had to be able to sit and snow and like melt those Samoas well when you're in your you know I would say bathing suit was like a win-win half come yeah well your bathing suit was not your bathing suit was like Ubaldo basically is your underwear seen up there under ice all around you in the snow there and you've got to you know the next stages are you going to be able to pull in enough energy to keep that place warm around you and you warm also and if you don't do that you can ammonia and delay as they go that's the end that goes that's the under your training Wow and you go the end deal or can have another chance just like that or can't you let me do it well they if you failed dramatically you know like you really were getting close then they might come in and say they look at you and go in disgust is that all you're going to do you know like is that all you I don't know if they're oh yeah always discusses or sometimes we go American and they make that sandwich like it means because they they wanted to see if you were going to keep reaching for this other sense that your body these sensors that turn them on and you do have the ability to do that that's what the videos I've created in the audios I've created that people listen to those before they go to bed when they get up it's very easy to take this in now you don't have to spend 15 years in China trying to get all these different vibrations you can put yourself into that top top best performance and keep improving and so that was the thing that I really noticed when I finally did get to come back two nights later so yeah these what was the highest level challenge the most challenging when you want to like eating snake venom or something and like was the very very how did you know anything I just was so I did there was more yell with more than one poison thing I had to eat and see what happens to you and your ellipsis alter nom and maybe but I said you know this thing's been around for five thousand years these guys are really serious about it I said I can tell when somebody's congruent and that this is what you should be able to do if you're pulling the energy so it really is up to me and you know I'm here this lifetime I'd really like to make this contribution for humanity let's try it let me see if I can do it so I'm sure do you ever eat scorpions you know three times in Beijing I went to go buy a fried scorpion and they were never ready it was always like crimes Wesley so it's been on my list but yeah I've already you know what that means yeah you know what that means nobody that means the chef says ah we're not serving this to public right and so well more than one time we'd go to this I'll never want nor for you one time we're on this like river or right next to this river and there's actually a restaurant that's not that pretty but at least it was a bigger restaurant than usual one so we would go to and sometimes I would get to order but rarely my own food women they would always order for the table okay but they ordered everything for the table then they went which means the coil Al's getting something different so they yes I I was thinking oh they probably don't think I can eat that to give me something easier you know they figure you can't make it whether someone who want to lose you and you know bail out we're going to eat this strong stuffing we'll be able to handle it no it's the opposite they are always giving me something as a test like there was so many types of poisonous fish I had to eat or be able to tell in your mouth not only what you're eating but whether you can swallow it or not so you did something you couldn't swallow and spit it out or better well so there's a if you'd swallowed it you would have you would have probably seen a GI doctor because your throat would have had so many of these little tiny fines that you later' they're really like pushing you yeah you had Wow you see what happened though what by pushing me I either had to keep making a choice is this real is this real if it's real I should be able if I really really really want it obviously I do and I've been built like a right you know grown human beings and they're human beings with this training somehow I I think I could do it I don't know how but I'm going to try so you keep reaching reaching reaching till finally there's that moment when you go a light bulb goes off in your head and you have this almost this like being miss Rodriguez room sunshine comes in us and you go mmm if I do this and this I think it would work and you sort of get a vision of it and then it would work and then I come up with the right answer that that happened to me a number of times where I was really tested there was physical things you had to be able see them in your hands one you know every things that people do here in the military which is not very common for doctors you know one a hand push-ups and forefinger ups three finger push-ups those things you know I'm not in my hands before surgery not for those things but they were always intimating which turned out to be absolutely true is that you sort of have two bodies you've got the one that you've sort of allowed to express itself through whatever you whatever channel you came whether you came through Brooklyn or you came to Los Angeles through you know Seattle it doesn't matter whose family worded pretty much people's bodies are within a certain range and then that's not your only body you've got all this energy to connect to in the world some people like to say your energy body but what that does that's like a limitation also because we're well how far is your energy body going then they go to 1x wrinkles it will sit here I can show you but actually it actually can extend as far as not only you 1/2 hour you need to and this is what blows people away and that how they get well or how they can do you know treated people that have been Olympics or NBA and PGA Stars and I want to say their names but because what I'm really interested in is that the people like normal people all the rest of us who want to excel at work at home and also get your you know stomach audios and try to get yourself in shape normally is out stressing thousands of hours doing things and you're when you connect to that body people start to lose weight feels get in better shape and you become more agile and that body is actually much more able to do a three handed push-up or break through a brick or something than just taking your hand I thinking it's a object and then throwing it into a rock and thing that will never break the block it will break your hand I don't you won't feel it what breaks the rock when you go through and I certainly have plenty of chances to do this what allows the melt the snow is that you or you're not just experiencing yourself as a little tiny speck that exists in a little tiny planet on a far distant you know constellation far away from all the others no you actually experience yourself like well like we saw last night when we walked outside and we're watching the stars yeah so they were very are are very alice and how clear the stars were and people um who certainly if you watch these videos and all these when you watch the the distant stars you're going to have a totally different experience it's not going to be like although there are those exist over there know you actually are connected to those in so many different ways that you can experience and utilize so you know and I would put everything with step by step you didn't learn anything without his hopes and Chinese would they would always take the things like this immediately okay now you're ready for this small piece of knowledge and you were going to learn the whole thing you know the American just teach me give you the whole medical book right I'll get through I'm an A student please this is all we're going to give you and you go all right and you in our mind we demean it but the truth was there correct that you would have to get through this to be able to go to the next one of those to go to the next one it is very very useful if their training program is just brutal and as I said I did see people get hurt vert one time we had to walk through a pond that you could see the snakes rolling around and they're poisonous snakes and I was both the yellow places like it was horrible and what you had to do you had to walk through not in the water then walk on the water no you had to work well almost when the Grand Master walked over it I didn't see his feet touch the rocks but I knew that when he was on the other side he wasn't gonna wait for us he just kept walking which is typical the whole training program was there was always like well are you going to do it are you going to go home it's fine with us if you go see you walk through a pond so you walk behind you had to step foot on the next Rock the next Rock the next rocks or many more wet there's never been on this pond before and so you had to be so much in quote-unquote balance in your body and then flow which is what this energy system is all about is you being in flow and you being in your best self and you never know what your best self is which is part of the program which everybody really knows when they're a teenager or just before that you're vessels so big and then you narrow it down as you go into life and saying well okay I'm a dentist and I have a family and I'm a car in a house that's me but what if your self is this huge huge ability that you you could connect to so that as you walk you could be balanced on even rocks that are not stable and you know I was able to get through that I must say I did not walk as slow as a Grand Master walk I actually went as quick as I could for this together yeah but it wasn't like the rocks were whole together it was really something and I remember that was another one I said are we going to do this or not and so I said I'm not going to last one day over the rocks I think that would be too scary so I better just jump in and do it there's like about I think eight people with me besides a Grand Master so it was really challenged and one of the guys following it bit more on that one no but one of the guys who wasn't happy about that he said this is getting way too dangerous he is one of you got very hurt and then another guy who was just had a problem with the sort of them the toughness of every stage that they never let up it wasn't like oh well you're being using it for a couple years that's great you can be here for 50 years we don't care if you don't get there then you weren't meant to have it you aren't meant for either delivered which was I wasn't I don't think I was going to ever resist anything they said because I want to see if I if it can be gotten I want to be able to get it and remember they were not telling me much in the English fashion it was all in the how much could you pick up for what you just saw how much you'd pick up for it just felt no measly overall he raining not just feeling it but sensing and what else is going on what else you see what else happened did you notice how the atmosphere in the room even though there's no reason for it all of a sudden to kind of glow and all the walls are going for about five minutes is that did you pick that up these notes the difference and smell in the room like getting your awareness what in the energy that you actually the people notice that the people that I've trained and the people that do the videos and audience often speak about that I think about you know it's like this better smell comes out while I'm doing my exercise I said yeah it's almost like you're next to the ocean and you're getting some type of wonderful really oxygen and why is that well if your body's operating at equilibrium you're not making so much toxic waste and I have another sort of a love story on this yeah this guy in the scow who I was in the course doing it doing at home sometimes they'd see me maybe every year or so but after about three years they said you know our intimate life is so much better I said really that's great testing I said that's part of this discipline that you get to feel your partner and be closer to him or her whoever you really to they said but it's really funny um when we kissed in the morning in bed we're not bad dressed at all and I said really and said no our Blessed doesn't smell and then other things about our bodies our armpits also has changed so you think that has anything to do with it I said what do you think pleasing house is it going to happen anybody runs better you didn't change your diet so all of a sudden your organs are not functioning correctly and therefore much of what we know in the background about how wonderful our lives and who we could be we sort of have this knowingness but we don't ever get to express it and see it here in real life while they were getting to see it no wife in bed in the morning which is great it's one of the things that that I've noticed if I go into some really deep meditative States I first noticed this when I was doing that for years then the neurofeedback stuff I'll smell like lily of the valley like a really strong perfume that just comes out of my body it's the weirdest thing that people will come into like disconnect electrodes and I like I like your perfume and like wearing perfume that's just wherever I went yes that that's the kind of thing yeah but it's not really necessarily coming just out of your body you're who you are as an interface between all this here and then this and what little arts to happen that it all balances and then fragrances come out it's the way to remember Buddha's what they talk about all the time all this all the sutras part about this great fragrance yeah about him and where he walked it was you know different types of flowers Lotus like what they're trying to say is that what you're talking about is that he was emanating that fragrance around him in the field and everybody could tell it so that's what those are they sensed it okay that was assess how come that but see almost every single thing that we have handed down to us and from ancient ancient Chinese lore going back you know to where this discipline started 5,000 years ago all the way up through lava and all the different people who were participating in this over the years it's all written not so easily to be understood it's actually written in code it's actually written in a way that you you need to know why do you like that oh they put Lotus Lawson said what so I want view of what flowers are or the Lawson's came from his feet they disappeared Noah isn't it what it's about is if you're in this space what's going to happen your fragrance is going to change us and that's what I never thought of that okay it's a clue okay so if you go to certain temples just say into flowers everywhere but the people that are putting them down you know after they've gone off their shift then they go out and on the street get an argument a guy who game a ticket on their car you know because they're they thought they did the flower part the homage and that was going to be your connection to which is a wonderful Eenadu to whatever you experience that you want to have happen in your discipline whatever your spiritual or physical discipline is that you're using some fragrances from flowers but are you say you're doing meditation but then you'll notice people that come to me off always they say you know I'm doing a meditation class and it's really tailored for me and I like it and it's just I've been doing a long time and I understand that this discipline that you're offering people is fast route to enlightenment I said yeah I said but well how are you doing with the meditators and well I noticed like and I say in a great state for about an hour until somebody gets me upset after I leave and then I still can't control the anger or upset that just sort of reflexively happens are they forgiveness in the end and I've gone through you know my church I've gone through other disciplines to try to catch this would this fit in I said yeah whatever it has nothing to a religions all as I near ace it's all who we are as people so actually over the years I've had every race every ethnicity come through there you know you talk about the fast path to enlightenment so you intro this aggressive training so I mean you consider yourself enlighten not in line it's a process but at least I know where the road is obvious I know you're at least I know what the path is and I know that we're on a mountain that has no tell yet has to be that what is it continuous yeah well if you look in the universe just go ahead and look out there you'll see that dog gone it's expanding and it keeps expanding and then they have found out that the more we study it and try to get closer to the end of it infinity keeps going farther and farther out how's it happening because we're part of the whole dynamic as we like looking at the back of your heads or trying to do but that's simplifying you know physics is fantastic to support this entire system and that's why it was so wonderful for me as I would get back and sees problems so I came back the United States and would treat people in my office before I created all these videos and audios for people just use at home that people get such benefit and then you have other things that we go on and stay with them it wasn't like you know if you want to a surgeon they cut out which is me cut a tumor on your stomach or something well then that's it you just go on your next day and you didn't know you had it was there you aren't any better but was this everything you do even for an illness you get better because your whole system is going better so the the first time I did a treatment of you is I didn't know to expect that I I've done all sorts of plantain ayahuasca in South America 20-something years ago before was cool and all kinds of things that are kind of off the grid because in a similar way maybe not quite as in-depth as you but I've looked around when the stuff that I thought was going to work didn't work and so I'm suspend my disbelief go into your office which doesn't at least your your healing office doesn't necessarily look like a typical surgeon's office right it's got Jade bulls and you know crystals and and herbs and all sorts of cool stuff and also there's some flowers there the people bring all the time yeah the whole place doesn't look like a but I have two offices one is traditional Rex complete Western and this was like 95 percent this disappoint yeah yeah and and you know you're giving me specialty that you charged up and and I I sat down and he said I lay here and you I was kind of going to an altered state you're occluded doing something you put cups on my back you did suction and all sorts of stuff and when you're done all right I have something happened here and then he said no one can touch you for two days yes what was the deal what what did they post the day you there yeah what did you do well what what treatment did you get yeah yeah yeah what was that specific treatment yeah like like translate what you did my experience of it was art I went into some sort of weird floaty altered state you're doing some stuff you're mumbling some stuff I can remember and I'll talk about the changes I experienced afterwards and this is the stuff you do for presidents and NBA players always like like some pretty heavy-duty power yeah all the people United again yeah a lot of different everything and I only just because Jay was like Dave you have to experience this and Jay Ram if you guys haven't heard the episode with Jay he's like one of the most powerful marketing guys in history like very well known to help tens of thousands of companies and also a good friend and I trust Jane so he said just meet Barry so what's the what did you do like like for for people listen tell them what you did okay this harkens back to when I finally came back United States and was given the opportunity by the Grandmaster to treat people so I started treating people very similar to with you but I would just tell them would you like something really great mmm that would help you because you're not getting well so quickly mm-hmm the treatment I would do in the beginning was a little more clandestine than the one you had because I would do it all flights off so you want to see anything I was doing and I wouldn't use any of the cups only reason I use the cups allows me to go faster so I can treat you quicker it doesn't need to be that I can do it with you how many cups without company maybe close together or even at a distance which for a lot of people goes oh that's really strange if you understand how the whole world is not so unconnected you'll start to get a sense like maybe there is a way to connect to something maybe I have had an intuition once a while and then my son had the same intuition at the exact same time how that happen I wonder there's some way of transmitting I wonder how you do those energy wires so with you just like with the other people first we're going to work on the very important parts which is give you the open your sensors in your body to pull an energy yourself not only for starting that day but it's going to get stronger and stronger as a sensor sort of open more because you're built with these it's just that they close either right but about five five and under is somewhere on there it starts to change and then people you'll notice in their athleticism you'll notice in the communication you notice in their ability to do certain mastics it changes and people what happen we're getting older everything you're getting older and that's the whole disciplines about life's not about going downhill over life twice about the actually you can get better and stronger you connect to more of this so for you I took all the places that were obvious to me that would really benefit by the getting the energy so that like the liver would perk up and the kidney would perk up all those things that I wanted to get the energy opened in those sensors and then also the ones that you would give you more of a chance to have super clear thinking because I knew that was part of your you know your whole creation of your business my really like that about my good now the whole is you've done tremendous I'm thrilled but they we because this energy does allow you have massive creativity I've had people come to me who or they've written three songs in three years and lives in a garage and came to me with just gym clothes on with their only clothes I said you might you must help me I heard you can help me become creative and successful and so I said ok ok what do you want this is I need to write the songs for this album that I've been trying it for three years and then you know I said really are you really going to do this if I give you if I open up all these sensors so that you can pull in the energy you have to do the exercises afterwards and keep doing if you really want to be that powerful that successful we did and his dad called me so you got my son out of the garage in a bomb for something was like twenty four at this time he sees been a bump my doing what do his dad's like this sort of is very successful man but he didn't know what to do with his son and in less than three months he he had to send me on the cell phone every day to receiving his exercises which you could have lied about a course but that doesn't anything anything in less than three months he was able to write twelve songs they never know right before and you say oh well somebody all of a sudden just got that you know motivation and you're a positive thinker and this isn't about positive things about accuracy it's about being in reality so he then went out and tried to get his songs appreciated and get a manager and have people with newest songs and within less than nine months after that is a guy who couldn't do anything before then is an unknown he got the Rolling Stones manager to review his stuff and they give him a consideration and the Rolling Stones manager and he thought that they were the perfect fit and so hear from somebody else who's actually a well-known name and then eventually Radiohead you know Wow yeah so then he got completely into them and now his biggest problem is of course is the way this remember the mountain has no top yeah the next stage or is that now we have to handle success it doesn't know going to do is what I do our manager II watch this country I'm gonna wrote a contract I go looks like you need the energy be able to read a contract you can I just give it somebody else as you want to hear the stories about people who don't read their contracts right if I have no training at all of life is not just the training the training this redevelopment of our talents but you do have the talent to understand things better than you think just like the music and so he eventually was able to read his contract and determined that his first manager really hadn't written the contract the way he wanted it and then we send it back to him it wasn't the way he wanted it and I always he got to confirmed by another lawyer but at least he knew what it was he's going through can you imagine if every time somebody sent you a contract or a bill or something you're getting involved in you could tell whether they were really on your side or they were writing it just for you know to try to help themselves so he's doing great really and that's the creative part it just comes out so for you I wanted you to have the creativity to be able to go forward I think you're writing your second book or what I was working on headstrong yeah you were going to headstrong and also a number of other things and my goals have those parts of body would keep you not all people sensors open but they would continuously open and that's the whole goal that you keep getting better day after day so what happened with you went after the three-month right I came home and said sorry Ilana and I'm not gonna kiss you you know and she's yeah then I went over like a lead balloon yeah it was just guy no she was really cool Bennett and it wasn't said I could still touch the kids yeah you're still pulling it all in that's what's weird that's why how many do you want to pick up a baby you can't resist it because you know what the field is like to the end to wonder this how many people want to hug a bride and who shall let you because all of a sudden it's fantastic energy that is there and actually I use that with someone who don't understand the energy but they seen something I've been to a friend who now looks younger and they were considering plastic surgery but their friend looks better and didn't have plastic surgery so she want to come and see if these exercises would work and I said well look when you were you have pictures of yourself as a bride and they go yes I said you have pictures of yourself like most women do before when you're trying to dress out in your ethic where they're fixing a dress to make it for you so it's all yeah as I want you to compare let's bring in realistic pictures and she said you're right as a bride I'm like glowing I'm beautiful I'm great I said you can change the grass it's not the dress what happened you you're not drinking alcohol you're on drugs why are you looking wonderful here and here you just sort of looking okay neutral because you're now whatever sensors are open out you're pulling mall in and you're emanating this gorgeous persona Wow so what I experienced I came back and just the amount of friction in my relationship time I have a pretty good relationship with Lana but you know we're married so things aren't perfect with any marriage and we we put a lot of energy into it but it's just the amount of effort it took got a lot it was just a lot less effort and she certainly noticed a difference as well and commented on it which was kind of cool and yeah just just stuff got easier and a big part of my belief in bulletproof and just in life is that struggle is wasted energy not supposed to struggle allows things to happen and almost everything I do supplement advice in books all of it is about can't it be easier yeah like you should have to push so hard and I did notice that some things just got easier that I didn't realize where I was pushing them I got like it just happened so this is all non-quantitative you know qualitative stuff under that I could measure well how about your relationship citizen has it been going on the skids or is it actually still maintaining some degree of increase in a connection it's definitely better right and that was and I've had other people who you treated know who said some one of things like that and it's my okay that's interesting if that part of the is part of the Big Eight that the things involved with know a what's the thing all the energy itself this discipline the source energy the source for you know IQ puncture Tai Chi all the things there's like eight major areas that you can definitely see something happening dramatically so first would be when we go into ISM yeah yes first would be like your health which is my main reason for going there as far as diseases being knocked up my colds and knocked out by allergies be knocked out by any kind of injury maybe even martial arts if you get that problem with these exercises or watching the videos the audios they the diseases that comes in for much shorter period or it just flows through me just notice a little uneasiness so finally you know maybe after a period of time that you don't even have the problems that everybody at work is having so your health space better and then um actually we had I 183 no 93 old lady who broke her hip and you know Lucille help you're out there listening to this and she broke her hip and so she called called me and some I'm not going to be able to go to the next lecture get my things because I'm in a hospital and they say with a broken hip at my age plug in and diet might not be good and so I said Lucille I'll just keep you know if you can't do the physical exercise you can watch the videos and you can still listen to the on the app the audios that keep playing the breathing exercises just usually what videos naps and so dr. Barry has a series of audios and videos that I've used where I'm translating every but you basically take the energy stuff that you learn and you put it in them yeah sit in a medium and the recorder you do a live thing in Austin and you record there and so you listen to these things in meditation sort of things exercise things but there's something else in there it's hard to like hurting like 105 that's what all the meditating people say they want well I meditate and you can use these before your meditation it'll change the whole thing that's that whole enlightened yeah then you'll start going up the stairs of what most people call the path of enlightenment so people is correct to help people with health it didn't matter what their age was including Lucille she got voted the number one patient in the hospital they give other award all the nurses didn't wanted to go the way she finally left because they said I don't know we sit with Lucille we feel better she's gone she's much older than us usually we're all older cranky patients it's horrible and they go cease it's like always sunshine in here and finally I actually called this feel and said how you know what's happening is it going are you going to Calista without she says no they doctors I'm healing miraculously you know from my broken hip and if he doesn't think there's going to have to be anything done other than some type of physical therapy but he doesn't know how it is easily never had a patient like this especially at my age since my bones are not that strong okay until I told them and I said oh that's great What did he say he said keep seeing that doctor are doing his D and doing those videos and audios because obviously you know I'm nursing a person this age who bounce back like that so one of the eight was health what are the other one I help health and you want to have vitality also okay so it really doesn't matter what you're doing you want to be like ready to go for it so like I had there was Joe who came in and he's a tailor for many many years and he's always leaning over his sewing machine and you know he had sort of curved the back everything is older guys about 7 d know he's 80 he's a while we're up here in age now so he's 80 he says listen I've enjoyed your audios and videos but I have a goal and you're always saying that we have more inside of us that we haven't pulled out that we know was there and we'd love to have a happen and I said yeah he said what i I've always had a dream to be a pilot and I said really finally yeah I see it flying airplane Isis yes so is your wife okay that you want to do this he goes she's a little bit iffy and wants to know you know so when we talk to you because I had to pass the physical and I'm gonna be able to do that all the other flight tests he says so you think this energy techniques don't mean I said yeah such thing people doesn't matter what their age if even if there are five years old be able to do great things with vital and be able to go forward and I've seen people in your age group she said okay I'm going to do it so then Joe about you know two years later year and half later he called me he says go outside in the parking lot I was in also that time and his flying is playing over the park and it's fascinating it's really great that at 82 he could take on something brand-new so they're really this all fits that part of us that you can get stronger with life it's one of the main times and life doesn't have to be hard it could be easier and more fun and more exciting finding out about yourself and about the whole world and including relationships that's the foot one of three the relationship thing is because you're more peaceful inside when you're feeling like I'm really capable and I'm strong my health is good and I'm going to be able to do what I want to do because strength and powers another one key I've got this yeah I've got this so that when someone comes up and forget our road race just the normal day you're in the ER in the hall and you say hello to somebody and they look at you're like why did you say hello to me are they or somebody knocks you and they're being inconsiderate I'm not saying this whatever happened to you but maybe to other people and put in the hospital and certainly the county system there's a lot of people running into each other and so you could be offended by that but if you're in this peaceful state you're you don't have to think about you're just okay that was interesting you keep on moving you stay on your goal well knowing that it has to be that way I say on your goal where you want to go make things happen the way you want them to and then you keep pulling more in those sensors so relationship improves so that your field is such that you're more kind and you're more considered other people because you have the experience that you're one not beating up on yourself to you don't have to think about your psyche psychological situation you're actually just feeling good you're actually in that able state and the one of the others in the ADA is people sorts of the athletes talk about this is that it's constantly you get to be an experience of the zone you get to be in this experience of flow so if you want to go out and say your someone has NBA player and they're having the finals and you really there's something terrible happens to your and you need to be either you're not going to be able to play or something's got to be done and you can bounce back now what I'm interested in is not just MBA place because there are small fraction in the world plus mostly I don't think they can relate to them I don't I want you relate to yourself and how great you can be because that's the way you really were built and when you were your son's age he knows that if you let him live he'll be going going going until finally got to turn out the lights and that's what we're really made to have so in part of the ages you have got that in one of the other great suits called serendipity on command which is that people notice not only a relationships get better and people are nicer to you but that also and you're nicer to them and even know what you did great and I've had that from so many people especially professionals the wives write me and they say listen I want him to keep seeing me because our marriage is back to much better shape than it ever was before and I don't know what he did with you but I wanted to keep doing it won't exercise and watch the video but Lana said it was more compliant and I'm not sure if I like that or not maybe that was her term for you know no acrimony but it's all your field and your field it's not something that you can like focus on all the time you have to be pulling in the energy and then the field occurs that way and so if you've got this gentle loving caring considerate feel that you're emanating from you're helpful to other people you're consider your kind in the serendipity on command what happens is you find that your time is much more your own to get things done and more time to share with other people because things start happening for you that you didn't actually hammer it out but you made a goal or intention and these people start coming to you that you never thought you'd be able to contact with I think things just line up yeah okay I had a couple interesting things like that just happened I met the the CEO or so the president of levi-strauss the other day what coolest guys I've ever met and denim head-to-toe but just just a a cool guy because oh I I like your coffee like he'd actually tried bulletproof coffee and then we ended up like getting a video making coffee together and we got to chat about my pants design and things like that just to meet someone like that and then then I started that from zero that's Manama yeah and then the guy from the movie the Mensch that just came out I might have a chef Gordon Alice Cooper's agent saying the same thing like it wasn't something that you've written a goal on for ten years and hope that happened it's just like it's Aaron possibly something that would benefit you and you wanted this kind of people to show up for you and then also boom boom boom yeah and he says personal combo for free I'm like are you kidding like like this is so cool it lately people have really done world-changing things and so you get to find that you're connected to people much better about effort without effort IDs and so this whole thing there by trying to administer which is peace and love actually what comes out of you anyway and so then you're connected to other people that are like-minded like that and so you can form a community of people that you really enjoy and you feel are more trustworthy and you actually experience that trustworthiness mmm-hmm so this one of the things is not only in strength and the vitality but in the creativity but you also notice that you're not a person who's you have to be finding something wrong with yourself all the time you find out instead of and then trying to cover that over with calm with confidence yeah and always trying to teach you how to be more confident or how to be more motivated what you do is you start experiencing like I'm sure you went through and then people continue if they do the exercises or try to do whatever else you're doing in life you experience you're more competent because you have all these qualities inside of you otherwise you want to thaw them before you know you have the competence in there those sensors are connected up it's just you have to have this day open and then you can do like a child of staying on his hands but we can because we go oh I'm older well really what happened let me see your joints musi Leland well my pacinian corpuscles are not connected or something happened or you know if you don't use it you lose it truth is like Seleucia found it doesn't matter what age you are or how young after you two people five years old and they've been able to have not only success physically the grades go up how quickly the grades go up because I just listened there to the app at nighttime before bed and when you up in the morning that's it and then all sudden they become very interested in school grades coop behavior becomes better and then they're even running for political and it's not like hypnosis or anything that's in the of it it's now you know the only thing I think that some people would relate to like you said altered state well you are not angry you're a little bit happier though you are an altered state for that it's wonderful but one little thing that I think it's worth everybody hearing that the other day I had a chance to treat this five year old seven-year-old seven-year-old yeah and he was brought to his mother because of some things that was happening with his sister other problems and that you know they were arguing a sibling rivalry she was younger than him both very cute but the most important thing to him was not that the reason she was ever bring him was not this probably your sister it's that he doesn't do well in baseball and he doesn't like it or they call t-ball right and he can't catch the ball that well he can't throw that well he can't hit that one even the coaches had told him that which is already generating some negativity at a young age the complete opposite of what you're really meant to do so she says I wanted to have a personal and then with you and then I see what can happen so we worked on catching the ball and so I asked him right away I said so show me how you catch the ball you know he showed me just show me how you throw the ball so I had some tennis balls here and I said okay so it doesn't on how to catch all our throw it he goes really what do you do is there's no technique there's no technique no you don't need a technique I said I thought I supposed to learn this and then I was following to know where you catch the ball from the scene here if you're connected to your surroundings that's per the three six weeks then you can catch somebody's hand coming at you same thing with the ball your reflexes are way faster than this thing can think so I said would you just stop trying to catch the ball the way you were with the sticking his hand out it would spying off at Santa and so this is a guys consist of all all so after we practice a little bit then I start throwing balls at different angles and you could catch those and then I started throwing them on the low bouncers is good so well it was really fascinating was that that was interesting our session on how to throw but I was morning's into catching but then for the report from his mother and a bunch of people who know him was for the next days he was catching everything he was throwing food a candy up in the air and catching that he was showing people how to catch things he was taking fruit and throwing and then catching it he was doing so many different things as parents and you know he's really loving catching everything now and we've taken him out for baseball he's like you know monumental change in his ability to catch the ball and also hit the ball I said yep the same thing you think that you can think you can think about how fast the ball is coming aware it is like the calculations arguing here you just need to be in the space in that energy field the centrosome instilled that when the ball comes your article so it's a sense of ease versus a sense of struggle yeah I was thinking and struggling versus yeah everybody's teaching him right away to tee ball we're going to show you great yeah and so now for the rest of his life he doesn't have to worry about that particular area being something that's the only way to master it is there's nothing wrong with learning lots of techniques it just won't lie you burst through and so the awareness precedes the technique using the technique before they went and and and technique often has nothing to do with you captain blow anyway if you see a really good outfielder I mean they're rolling all over the ground and boom they caught it well did they really think about that while they were rolling on the grass plugged in yeah they were into this they were in the space where they needed to be there's the famous video I don't remember which baseball player was but someone's interviewing him and a ball comes really fast but prevent and he's just talking the interview on camera and the bungs doing just reaches out and grabs it and like he was focused on what he was saying his awareness was on and betting it's a professional ball player right and I imagine how people listening of pros to innovate got a lot of play but that sort of awareness is the sort of thing that sounds like you kind of have that turned on all the time it's really useful okay but afterwards his mother who was came in the room a few times while I was doing this she said it's really interesting I said we even do the same thing she'll I don't ever play baseball go yeah it's just catching she goes really and then I didn't say I was looking the other way while talking to her and it's all good and also I threw the ball just like that no one thanked her and she caught it and she said how did I do that I said we can do that all day come on I'll show you a bunch of and she laughed because she said I thought it was only for little kids to be able to have this quality we're pulling out so I'm not pulling it out they're pulling it in with the energy opening up those qualities we have inside of us that are they're part of your gift of life to be here and be able to express yourself in a lot of different ways which is another one of the eight which is you get to have no more of that word people are overwhelmed no more concern no more that I've got to be anxious all the time we have one lady that you would love this lady I mean I would say her name but we'll just say she's a really attractive thin woman from the Middle East who was about to fail on a medical school okay and so she came to me and she said the anxiety medicines aren't working in the psychiatric help isn't working and I lived my parents and I I just always said that you could help all the severe anxiety am i great I've test my anxiety my joy terrible and she was Lois in her class and so I said yeah this will work in that area but we seen it would feel much younger than you that your brain opens up and you can start to pull things in easily by catching the ball right so she over a year's time did the exercises her grades not only got better but she ended up becoming graduating in the top of her class which is hard to believe it it's true and getting a position of either she was the president of class or some large position on in her class after that after being a low person down here in terms of her competence but see the competence was not where it came from out here the Commodus came from within and so for her confidence went up so she got off all the medications too she's no longer on those medications and a better story the one I think the last part of eight is terms of relationships she really was just whoa I'm feeling so great I think maybe I could leave my parents and not live there strike on yeah and she said but you know they've kind of very there is some Middle Eastern religion I won't say which one but is very serious that you stay within this clan and we tell you everything what to do and she said I am afraid of the wrath and I said that just use the energy and you can communicate like you were talking about when you go home with your wife and so she did and they had a peaceful separation you got her own condo it worked out and then the next thing she wanted what do you think I could meet the right guy I said sure we have people asked for that every I get letters on that every year people telling the integral pictures you see in the office all those couples here they're people who found their soul mate because the energy allows you be more attractive to the people that you want to be attracted that is the trick or your soulmate all Sun gets closer to you and then also in your you're feeling really so great with this person he doesn't arrive right more often on you and tenders a I don't know tinder I'm sorry I do not do know that was a joke for the males who are dating with apps we've been people been able to find them on the Vietnam of hers but the point is that it's wonderful that you finally get to find the person that you want wait wait she actually then finally tell him well okay beautiful well not so beautiful the guy isn't of that religion are of that race or that ethnicity or anything but she pulled it off and so then they had this big wedding that the family that said we're so glad one she's not you know so anxious and nervous to she got through Medical School three she's a woman on her own and we can trust her which is really what I think all parents really wants they just don't feel they can trust their wonderful child to actually miss all the dangers in the world and still be successful and be happy and they want somehow think that either everything that the parent did they want to reverse it or they actually want you to just do exactly and both of which is impossible because you're a different unique being which is value accounts so so all those in that in the different categories are what the energy is valuable for it comes with the treatment just each one of the treatments that you go through or the different audios are specific for certain problems certain things you want to have happen like brighter intelligence less more time your time management becomes easy you can multitask so the treatments you do are are usually for people at certain levels except they're really expensive and you've been treating some of the most powerful people in the world and the school that you come from was to protect the Emperor of China I like this this is some high-end stuff so these are people got in one-on-one treatments but what you've done is you've basically taken the stuff and you put it in videos you teach it in larger groups so it becomes more just more accessible to people who aren't fortunate to be able to fly to LA and get an hour of your time if I was so worried that people wouldn't make the wedding called leap or at least investigate that it was possible to do it through a medium like a listening or watching a video that it was possible to embedded in there but you know they had disbelief so what I did is I collected testimonials over the years and I wouldn't really come out like now be on the radio or talk to people until I had you know over 10,000 testimonials of people in every one of these areas where they didn't matter where they are five or ninety five I have all those different levels where the people have had successes in each one of these series we're talking about so then I felt confident enough to come out and let people know this is here for you this was my this is what I want everyone to do it it and it's not even difficult it's easy deceptive like I was showing you earlier you'd say five minutes in the shower or five minutes before you go pick up your kids and do some of these exercises interest it's not hundred you're you're really giving and if you're listening is a very good chance you've read headstrong on my new book on mitochondria there's a mitochondrial meditation that's in the book and I just called that Barry says hey Barry I need someone who can make a meditation that it's all about mitochondria and about opening these things up my understanding mitochondria is that they are these ancient bacteria that are actually responsible for sensing the environment around us and then they roll that up any of what we perceive later so Barry with you in charge of anything either you're just like eh sure of course so he wrote he mitochondria meditation and there's a link in the book and you decide also just to gift listeners with with some of the exercises just so yeah you can try this if you want good energy for success comm slash Dave there's no financial deal no relationship Barry's my friend he's my teacher he's my energy medicine do two charges me up when I need it and I can call me does stuff that honestly you would think it wouldn't be possible but appears to be possible from my perspective so energy for success calm / stable put it in show notes and on the blog and all that kind of stuff and this is just a gift which is and thank you for offering that's people I got a say in in my path I I'm a computer science guy I studied artificial intelligence before we like to call it that so I called decision support systems so I'm pretty geeky and have a relatively high skeptic meter but also I'm willing to try anything because I also know that that just whatever whatever mechanisms I think work there's probably something I know about which is why I've done maybe 20% of all the strange stuff you've done so there's something to what you do and I can't exactly say why or how it works but I do notice that there's a pretty potent effect well I think all of this slight pointer I think all of us when we see a hurricane we go all in that exciting and interesting somehow God the mother nature created this force that goes around I wonder what's in there you know and as you know the energy that's in a hurricane can you know light up a city right for a period of time and even more and then we all see energy flowing through I used to be through wires now it's through bluetooth is in the air or Wi-Fi but you don't see it right you don't feel it and this is your everybody's getting there as closely there now it won't be long to let go when either is vibrations that are possible to detect with my body maybe I am a tuning fork maybe I am a tuning fork and these vibrations are here and the ones that you know the sensors are open for then you can go with that vibration so if you want to be a better artist even though your that you've already had two careers we have people have gotten the artists installer paintings with all they get married at her guy got married 70 found his soulmate Wow yeah it's really really great and he had never met her before he to start at 7:00 he said can this work for me because you know I'm already my kids are grown and my wife passed and so I feel like - have fun - grace when I said okay great do you know what you want is this yeah you know what what things you really don't want to exist yeah I said so okay so I think we can do this so you start doing these exercises and then it followed and it should be within a period time she found the right person he says well you know there's one thing I got to tell you the doc so I don't have a car that's a really other car really it's a I ride a bicycle sometimes I'm a writer so usually I just walk up and down a few blocks and I work at a coffee shop and then I go very far because the Whole Foods isn't too far either so it's great why are you telling that is why I want the woman to be in that area so I find her because I have no way I don't know play go same place else if someone's going to drive me I'm seven years old and I said okay so you want to have her within a certain distance you can meet her soon yeah that's what I want so we have I think it's going to be on the website - his entire testimony about how he did meet the woman of his dreams walking down the his own two blocks away from his house where he had a friend of his he was talking to that he saw the guy was talking to talking to some woman who actually lived in the house and then they got into connection and then you're in this space where if you meet someone of like heart and mind and their sensors are open towards love in the relationship this is what happened so now they're a permanent couple and they've actually gotten married very cool very within walking distance well there's been a fascinating interview and I've got to ask you the final question that I've asked every one of the guests except like show 87 or something or I forgot that one time out of 420 something different shows four-and-twenty successful shows you yours are a lot of them why don't I hope they're all successful financially while there anyway now if someone came to you tomorrow and said look Barry I don't be better at everything I do I'm perform better just being a human three most important piece of advice you have to them what would they be the three most important things it's I would say the first thing is you need to open your eyes and wake up to the fact that all throughout life you've had this at least maybe no one told you directly but it's in the cultures in the cultural milieu that your life is supposed to go like this and then like this and like this and like people listening is like up down up down yours well up down but always in a declining down we're able to sit down is never back up to the next up so you keep going down so finally it's over okay so that life is not that way it is not have to be that way life can be on the way up up up and you can get stronger uija playing at 82 83 you can heal your bones can get stronger you can be able to do oh so you can find the love your life at 70 all those things if you're just being a human being that you can do those things that your life does have so many things in it that are able to be fused fueled by this energy so if you disconnect with this source energy with all these vibrations you're liking the zoom forward in all those areas we talked about which is a real freedom second thing would be that I don't think there's a person out there that won't agree that well there's you know you may be great business person you may be a great athlete but you know there's other areas in your life that you really would like to have great because that's we all are we want this balance of being able to see both you know the trees and the water and hang with our family and our kids and be successful in business and be healthier and become more creative so in all those areas you're not limited in the past someone convinced you someone commit you could do maybe only so many but inside you know that there is other ones you know that there's more things that you want to accomplish you know there's a mountain that you want to climb like I climbed and that you in certain different areas and you can do it with this energy it isn't like you're limited you don't need confidence and push that on yourself and say I'm positive positive positive although it is good to be positive you need to experience your competence and that's what these exercises do and the videos too so there's a way to get to it and then the third thing is yeah third thing is that in our lives the way we sort of been instructed just like the little boy playing baseball it wasn't successful we've been instructed pretty much that you know it's going to be hard it's going to be hard you have to practice 10,000 hours and you're going to have to do all this work and then maybe kid maybe you'll be as good as this player from the past or maybe nine ever so Diaz videos versus life can be so much easier and have flow and you can be in the flow state all the time you can be in the zone oh it's on this thing that people want to get with mindfulness or meditation so many of those clients have come to me and say this whole thing bypasses the long road to getting what people want in mindfulness or what they want to meditation and it augments them so they're able to get the benefits from easily it and they stay with it even people are very religious I've had priests rabbis month come and they say it doesn't affect your religion or makes it more visible and experiential so that they can really go out and do a better job in that supposed to be the three biggest things beautiful very thanks for being on bullet of radio and thanks for the work you've done for me and thanks for for gifting some of your exercises for listeners to try and thanks for writing the mitochondrial meditation in headstrong you've you've been doing this for quite a long time sort of under the radar as yeah as a quote real doctor and now you're sort of coming out of that and I am but with all all these years I've been doing both gastroenterology every day and then doing the energy treatments at night and then the lectures on the weekend so I pretty much worked a seven-day week for and I guess about 15 16 years and the energy is the only way to do that effectively otherwise you know you'd get up side burns out or you certainly would lose your Verve I can call you one in the morning you're up just like I am then and people don't understand that kind of energy and it's you know I did it's it's phenomenal I didn't always have the little energy I do now and certainly some of your work is a part of it having mitochondria that function is a big part of it out it's wonderful be able to make power yeah massive support from your supplements keep the mitochondria going like they need to and growing but like all your materials and then at the same time well what are they what are they all supposed to do what are supposed to be pulling in this energy not just making it from a certain piece of food or vitamin that you took they got to go together and it comes from the environment around you which isn't fascinating that epigenetics is teaching us that in your 5,000 year old tradition look at the world around you what's it doing to you right now what are you doing to edge yeah that's what it comes down to and that's why even less Western medicine finally came around with some things like this what to say well you know you all probably should go out in the song a little bit because you're getting vitamin D deficient and why because you don't take in enough Sun light what is sunlight energy do what is that energy do your body absorbs it into the melanocytes and then those lights make these little crystals with ATP and if you have enough ATP make those crystalline and you have a nice covering in your skin of color that protects you from you know x-rays and things like that radiation so it's already there it's just people don't to look at because they go it can't be that way is it would you know but it all fits together I've had scientists come to me some in Silicon Valley where you've spent a bunch of time who were working on other things and they all say this allows me to stay creative much longer during each day and be able to come up with some things that they really want to contribute to humanity and it's profound stuff so thanks again I appreciate it I appreciate just that you spent so many years questing to find this stuff and you enthrall the struggle to do it and also that you're you're making it a little easier than climbing to the top of the mountain or spending thousands of dollars an hour with very limited amount of yeah no one has to do that anymore yeah nobody has to do that anymore it's done yeah it's it's cool and so I just want to listen to the exercise or do the exercise as well sometimes I can say I'm not that disciplined doing exercises because sometimes I'm a little busy but I'm getting better yeah not only well we're all getting but I still did the exercises every morning but all these years I spend you know at least an hour doesn't hold an hour you're only 15 minutes I told you that with time you may want to do more as you see you can do more but you can do it if you took five minutes out you know five times a day yeah how much time would that be yeah you consider that yeah well thanks again and if you liked today's episode I think is a profound episode we went longer than normal because it's interesting and fascinating you know what to do actually a couple things you do one go out there and pick up a copy of headstrong headstrong just made the monthly bestseller list in the New York Times in the science category sandwiched between two amazing books by the same author one's called sapiens other ones called homo Deus which is a phenomenal this is a kind of a who's-who list the the hidden life of trees is on the list and just for heads trying to hit that in the science category not advise them how to you was was an incredible honor and your your work is in the book you're suddenly mentioned in it and so you could go out there and you could pick up copy the book I'd be really grateful if you do that because we're still working on staying on the list the other thing you can do is you could just go to iTunes and leave review it says like that you liked it so this was cool share it with someone because this was awesome this is a passage you don't really even tell your story too much you're very humble about it and I think we managed to get some of it out of you so anyhow I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did have a wonderful whatever time of day it is that you're listening to this in your commuter at work or bro so listen to it in the bathtub whatever that key do and I look forward to seeing you on the next episode [Music]
Channel: Bulletproof
Views: 53,229
Rating: 4.7879715 out of 5
Keywords: Dave Asprey, Bulletproof, Biohacking, Bulletproof Coffee, Energy Discipline, Ancient Chinese Healing
Id: IoFKYD9atws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 22sec (5782 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2017
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