The Amazing World of Gumball | Spot The Difference | Cartoon Network

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no I didn't get a new haircut oh yeah no I'm not trying to get notice for waxing my mustache huh orna no I haven't had my dentures widened and I don't wear dentures and by the way I can plainly see here online you so just man up and ask what if you do wrong it might be that a certain someone forgot a certain something you're being a bit hypocritical here you can't be angry at someone for forgetting something if you can't mean remember their name what they forgot it's fine no need to make a fuss about it yeah I got it there must be some secret busted I should know about no there is no fuss no fuss no seriously there is no fuss you just said you didn't want to fuss also what is all this fuss about sure you didn't organize any fuss I'm not bluffing there's no fussing I wonder who this could be Oh Ram hello my darling hello maybe this is from the IRS you better pay it they're getting serious your home will be repossessed there you go what a party I knew it even I'm sure cousin Satan it's a special day Oh get 25% off a date skywriting Emporium wait so you really haven't organized anything oh okay it's right it's quite all right really don't make a fuss okay
Channel: Cartoon Network UK
Views: 14,923,051
Rating: 4.7832675 out of 5
Keywords: gumball, The Amazing World of Gumball, Spot The Difference, Cartoon Network, UK, Gumball New Look, Gumballs, New Look, Funny, Cartoon, HD, Animation, The Fuss, Darwin, Richard, Anais, Nicole
Id: KR1Bo6zlmB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 29sec (149 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2017
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