The Amazing Penguins 😮 Best of Peppa Pig 🐷 Cartoons for Children |

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[Music] Theo Peppa and her play grp are visiting the zoo for the day to Theo pinging we're all going to the zoo children are you ready to see all kinds of animals yes Madame Gazelle today we will be meeting wild animals oo but don't worry the wild animals will be safe behind fences a lion has escaped hello I'm Mr lion welcome to the zoo it is Mr Lion The Zookeeper hello Mr lion you've picked a good time to visit it's feeding time oo this way to the animals here are the tortoises we keep this gate shut so they don't run away things don't look like they could ever run no they're moving very slowly yes that's why they live to be so old how long do they live tortoises can live a 100 years wow now feeding time who knows what tortoises like to eat um tortoises like to eat vegetables that's right that's why we feed them lettuce Mr lion is feeding the tortoise's lettuce but of course children not all animals eat vegetables that's right Mrs wilderbeast my name is Madame Gazelle sorry gazelle wilderbeast for some reason I always get those two mixed up Mr lion what animal will we see next I'll give you a clue it lives in water is it a whale or a shark wait and see de look carefully into the water I can't see anything there's nothing in there wait I think I see something crocodile hello I'm Mrs Crocodile I'm the keeper in charge of the Penguins a penguins adorable aren't they and now it's their feeding time penguins eat fish penguins are very good at catching and wling and they like to swim if you look through the glass wall you can see the penguins swimming underwater wow they're really good at swimming yes that's why we have this fancy pool for them very interesting thank you Mrs Crocodile and Mr lion it's our pleasure Mrs wilderbeast gazelle of course yes gazelle what animal are we meeting next I can see it it's very tall it's a giraffe yes that's my dad he's a keeper at the zoo hello I'm Mr giraffe hello Mr giraff what sort of animal are you looking after see if you can guess look up there there's a net it must be a flying wild animal it must be hiding watching us waiting to pounce butterflies Mr giraffe looks after the butterflies is it the butterflies feeding time yes and the butterflies get all the food they need from these flowers it is amazing they can live on just the food from flowers I wish I could get by just eating flowers yes all this talk of eating has made me quite hungry me too well it's our feeding time now what's for lunch today Mr lion lunch boxes for everyone sandwiches fruit juice and an apple little picnics in boxes tuck in everyone hooray Mr lion loves feeding time at the zoo everyone loves feeding time at the zoo mommy and daddy pig are taking Peppa George and Rebecca Rabbit to visit a Petting Farm mommy what is a Petting Farm it's a place where you get to meet tiny little animals you can feed them and you can stroke them ooh I love ickle lickle animals there's just one important rule at the farm before and after meeting the animals we have to wash our hands yes daddy pig this is the petting farm hello there my lovelies I'm Mrs Badger the farmer hello now before we meet the animals there's one thing we have to do we have to wash our hands that's right first we use some soap it's all bubbly I love Bubbles and now some water w wash wash wash our hands wash them nice and clean bubbly scrubby scrubby bubbly wash them nice and clean what kind of animals have you got here Mrs Badger we've got chickens here are the chickens it's time for the chickens lunch would you like to feed them please okay have a bag of bird seed each hand chick come and eat some seeds chick chick what lucky chickens yes they certainly are well fed now who wants to hold a baby chick me me me me me oo they're so little they're so fluffy they're so sweet it's true baby chicks are little and fluffy and sweet Mrs Badger what other animals have you got we've got guinea pigs can we see the guinea pigs of course but before you see them you need to wash our hands that's right wash wash wash your hands wash them nice and clean bubbly rubbly rubbly bubbly wash them nice and clean here are the guinea pigs a look at their cute little faces and their fluffy little bodies you can pick them up and stroke them if you like aw you are lovely adorable aren't they that's not quite the word I would use and they make excellent pets can we have a guinea pig Daddy please we haven't really got the space to keep a guinea pig you don't need much space uh and they probably need lots of looking after no guinea pigs are very easy to look after and I would do all the work but Peppa um you might not want to do that forever and then you could always look after it for her uh look at the time I think we have to be getting home oh yes look Rebecca there's your mommy she's come to meet you here is mommy rabbit with the baby twins Rosie and Robbie hello Rebecca hello Mommy oh look cute little baby rabbits yes my little baby brother and sister really are cute can we cuddle them please mommy rabbit of course you can Peppa but there's something you need to do first wash our hands wash wash wash your hands wash them nice and clean bubbly scrub scrub bubbly wash them nice and clean now you can cuddle Robbie and Rosie have you had a nice time today yes Mommy we fed seeds to chickens we held the baby chicks we stro the guinea pigs and now best of all we're cuddling baby rabbits Peppa loves the Ping Farm everyone loves the petting farm guinea pigs Peppa is at play grp with her friends today children I would like to show you my pet Kitty pigs a they're so cute this is ginger he is very clever and this is Brian he is very sensitive now children I am going on holiday next week and I need to find someone to look after Ginger and Brian me it's a bit of work and you will need to take them home me me I will do it are you sure Peppa yes I love animals thank you Peppa it is home time mommy mommy look what I've got oh what's that Ginger and Brian Peppa has very kindly agreed to look after my guinea pigs for the week I see everything you need is here right I suppose they're easy to look after oh yes this chart shows when they need feeding and when they are to be brushed brushed yes they like to be brushed at these times each day I see add one brush in the middle of the night anything else they do get lonely so you must sleep in the same rumas them okay don't worry Madame Gazelle we will look after Ginger and Brian thank you Peppa bye-bye bye Ginger and Brian have arrived at Peppa's home hello this is Madame Gazelle I forgot you need hay for the guinea pigs but you can buy it from the pet shop okay thank you Madame Gazelle goodbye what's that um the guinea pigs need hay from the pet shop right who wants to come to the Pet Shop me me see you later this is the pet [Music] shop hello Peppa hello Miss Rabbit I'm looking after Madame gazelle's guinea pigs oh yes Ginger is the clever one and Brian is sensitive apparently we need hay well there is standard hay premium hay or super premium Deluxe hay super premium Delux hay yes it is more money but that's the one Ginger and Brian like it is bedtime at Peppa's house are you Happy Ginger and Brian they have had food water and very expensive hay I don't think they could be any happier Madame Gazelle said they get lonely yes so I will be sleeping here to make sure they don't get lonely and brush them in the nighttime yes Peppa brush them in the nighttime night [Applause] night it is the middle of the night hello Daddy Pig here hello this is Madame Gazelle I just thought I would ring to remind you about the brushing yes we're brushing them now what who oh oh yes oh very good I do hope there are no trouble there no trouble at all Peppa and George have been looking after Ginger and Brian all week they are so adorable here is Madame Gazelle Madame Gazelle you're back from your holiday yes I came straight from the airport how are ginger and Brian they are very happy oh good thank you Peppa for all your hard work looking after them it was easy would you like to look after them the next time I go on holiday o uh yes please Peppa loves looking after guinea pigs everyone loves looking after guinea pigs great big crawly Safari Madame Gazelle is taking Peppa and her friends on a school trip today children we are going on a creepy crawly Safari Madame Gazelle Pedro isn't here Pedro pony why are you always late there he is sorry I'm late Steven wanted to come too Steven he's my stick insect okay you can can bring Steven but it's your job to look after him thank you Madame Gazelle is everybody ready yes then let's go here is the creepy crawly Safari will we see big scary animals on the Safari oh no Danny any creatures we see today will be very tiny and not scary at all here is Mr lion hello everyone hello Mr lion welcome to my Safari Mr lion you startled me for a moment oh sorry about that Mrs wilderbeast the name is Madame Gazelle oh silly me I must try and remember gazelle not wilderbeast the children are very excited about the Safari great today they will meet little insects living in their natural home the wild ooh Steven doesn't live in the wild ah we have a pet insect with us today how do you do Steven Steven says how do you do marvelous All Aboard for the creepy crawly Safari here we are in the Wild Wood full of creepy crawlies I can't see any creepy CES here try using a magnifying glass a magnifying glass makes tiny things look big a a ladybird oh how Charming yes and the ladyb bird's home is this Leaf Steven lives with me at my home we watch TV together it sounds like Steven has a very comfy life yes Steven is very happy next stop the rocky Wilderness here we get to meet another insect in its natural home what is it a milipede it has lots and lots of spiky little legs so it can walk quickly Steven doesn't do much walking so what does he do he keeps still and looks like a stick ah and now we arrive at the grass sabana the home of a very special little insect oh my word grasshoppers are they super jumpers they are wow grasshoppers move quickly hey wait for me that's the thing about insects one moment they're here the next they're gone ah Steven's gone Steven the stick insect has run away oh no where can he be maybe Steven heard the Call of the Wild but Steven lives with me he doesn't like the wild don't worry he can't have got far yes everyone look for Steven remember Steven looks like a stick is this him no is this him no is this him no oh dear Steven is lost in the wild maybe it's for the best all animals are happier of following their Natural Instincts Mrs wilderbeast the name is gazelle of course yes gazelle look Steven's come back welcome home Steven Steven the stick insect likes the creepy crawly Safari but he likes his own home the best naughty t it is a lovely autumn day pepper and her friends are playing in the leaves look it's tiddles the torus hello tiddles what are you doing here tiddles tiddles it is Dr hamster the vet here's tles thank goodness you found him naughty TTI back in your box it's your bedtime it's not bedtime yet it's bedtime for tiddles he sleeps all through the winter and wakes up in Spring that sounds nice you like sleeping don't you Pedro yes oh dear tiddles tiddles has run away look he's up that tree oh titles I don't know why you like climing in tray how are we going to rescue titles chop the tree down no I'll ring the fire brigade fire service what's that toris up a tree again we're on our way stand clear fire engines use ladders to rescue pets from trees come on tiddles tiddles is climbing higher in the tree come here you little pickles mommy cow is climbing into the tree be careful mommy cow oh dear I'm stuck cows are not very good at climbing trees hang on I'm coming up here tiddles oh I'm stuck too elephants are not very good at climbing trees well that didn't work did it what are we going to do now chop the tree down no I'll call the next rescue [Music] service hello Grandad dogs breakdown service hello titles the ttis is up a tree toris up a tree again yeah I'll be right there [Music] how do you get tortoises out of trees chop the tree down yes let's chop the tree down no okay I'll climb up instead [Music] hooray oh I seem to be stuck dogs are not very good at climbing trees now can we chop the tree tree down no we'll have to call the highest rescue service in the land okay I'm on my way it is Miss Rabbit in her rescue helicopter hello everyone let's rescue this torus uh who's flying your helicopter oops silly me I'll just put the autopilot on autopilot on have a nice day autop pilots fly helicopters on their own got you you little rascal Miss rabbit has rescued tiddles hooray thank you Miss Rabbit for saving my tiddles no problem Mom thank you for saving us too just doing my job goodbye eh haven't you forgotten something what oh yes my helicopter goodbye everyone goodbye what a naughty tarise you are oh good you're sleepy now back in your box sleep well tiddles tiddles has gone to sleep for the winter he will wake again in the springtime the flying vet Peppa has brought Goldie the fish to the vets for a checkup you've got a healthy happy fish she's L thank you Dr hamster hello hello Dr hamster this is Mr elephant Mr elephant and his family are out for a walk in the mountains we found a sick lizard it's a gecko Edmund knows all about lizards he is a clever clogs I'll be stret there ooh can we come too of course let's go are we going in an ambulance no the mountains are too far away we'll go in my airplane oo airplane George loves airplanes all abart oh up and the way I didn't know you had an airplane Dr hamster oh yes I'm the flying vet thank goodness the vet's here stand aside vet coming through where is the sick lizard here it is oh poor little pickle what is wrong with the lizard it seems to be upside down I just flip it over there Dr hamster has made the lizard better [Applause] hooray oh I'm not emergency hello hello a grandpa pig here Grandpa Pig is out sailing his boat it's Polly she's a sick parrot H sick parrot I'll be right there look Polly it's the flying bed where are we we going to land this is a sea plane Peppa we can land on the water wow hello Peppa George hello grandpa we've come to make Polly better how long has Polly been sick since we came out on our boot trip aha I know what's wrong with Polly she see it oh get Polly to dry land the sooner the better there's an island there we go better Polly ah better Polly hooray Polly is not a sick parrot anymore oh another emergency hello hello Daddy Pig here Daddy Pig is in his office there are some ducklings stuck on our roof I'll be right [Music] there thank goodness you're here stand aside Dr hamster here Mrs duck laid her eggs on our roof and now the ducklings have hatched who can make a quacking noise me I'm very good at quacking Peppa start quacking and the ducklings will follow you quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack lead them to the duck pond please Peppa okay I'm mommy duck quack quack quack quack quack quack the duckins are back with their mommy and dadd all because of me hello is it another emergency yes it's Mr hamster I'm late for my tea bye bye-bye Dr hamster thank you no problem it's all in a day's work for the flying [Music] bet the pet competition PE and her friends are at play grp children tomorrow we will have a pet competition bring your pets to school the best pet will win a prize I'm going to bring my pet goldfish I'm going to bring my stick insect I will bring my gecko I'm going to bring monkey ooh ooh that's not a real pet it's a doll it's not a doll it's monkey he likes you Danny Zoe can bring monkey if she wants to home time children don't forget your pets for the competition tomorrow it is the evening before the pet competition pepper and Susie are getting Goldie the fish ready eat up Goldie you've got a big day tomorrow I will polish your bowl lovely Pedro is talking to his stick insect a stick insect is an insect that looks like a stick tomorrow you will come with me to playgroup they will decide who is the best pet and it will be you Edmund elephant is talking to his gecko watch me now you do it Zoe Zebra is talking to her monkey are you excited about the competition monkey remember to be good tomorrow don't be a Cheeky Monkey it is the day of the pet competition Madame Gazelle who is going to decide which pet is the best Dr hamster hello everyone hello oh what Lovely Pets you've got that's a happy little fish what's its name it's Goldie you've met her before she's got a very shiny Bowl what does goldie like doing she likes swimming around and going like this wonderful and who is this this is my stick insect what's his name Steven what does he do he looks like a stick amazing oh what kind of animal is this it is a gecko does he have a name hemidactylus frenatus Edmund elephant is a clever clogs right and what does he do [Music] this oh who's next ooh ooh ooh ooh monkey is he meant to be upside down yes he's asleep oh I see well he's lovely I I've brought my pet too tile's the tarto he likes climbing trees and to's the winner yes who's won the prize oh the prize goes to titles the tties Dr hamster has picked her own pet to win the prize that's not fair it's your own pet oh no this is only the prize for the best tortoise the prize for the best fish goes to golded the fish the prize for the best gecko goes to the gecko hooray the prize for the pet who looks most like a stick goes to Steven hoay the prize for the best monkey Dr hamster he's not a real monkey he's just pretend the prize for the best pretend monkey goes to Monkey hooray but Dr hamster which is the best pet of all all of them they're all happy healthy pets they love night animals pepper and George are having a sleepover at Granny and Grandpa Pig's house Grandpa where are you going it's bedtime don't worry Peppa I'm just going into the garden to collect slugs and snails why Grandpa doesn't like slugs and snails because they eat his vegetables and the best time to find them is at night with this torch can George and me come too please okay just this once put your coats and boots on Peppa and George are wearing their coats and Boots over their pajamas you carry the bucket Peppa and I'll hold the torch don't stay out too late Grandpa Pig okay granny Pig we'll put all the Slugs and snails in the bucket ah one little snail two little snails and a slug slugs are [Music] yucky here are Grandpa Pig's chickens Sarah Jima Vanessa and Neville hello chickens I need to put the chickens to bed night night chickens night night chickens night night why aren't the Slugs and snails in bed Grandpa because they're up all night eating my vegetables some animals eat in the daytime like my chickens and some animals eat at night like Oh Mr Fox hello grandpa pig putting your chickens to bed are you oh yes nice and cozy in the hen house jolly good well I'll be on my way good night good night now as I was saying some animals eat at night like oh hello grandpa there's a little animal in your bucket yes it's a hedgehog they like to eat slugs and snails hello Hedgehog oh he's rolled into a bowl yes Peppa he is very shy come Come Out Mr Hedgehog don't be scared I like hedgehogs they are very good at keeping slugs and snails off my lovely lettuce bye-bye Hedgehog bye-bye are there any more night animals Grandpa yes there are moths ooh they look like butterflies butterflies that come out at night they like the torch light when it goes off they leave when the light goes on they come back can I try okay bye-bye moths hello moths bye-bye moths and if we leave the torch off we can see another very tiny night animal where look up at the sky is it a shooting star no that is a firefly is it on fire oh no Peppa it has a tummy that glows wow are there any big night animals in your garden Grandpa no oh what's that it's a big night animal it's Granny Pig there you are granny granny we've been saying hello to all the night animals lovely but now it's time to say good night to them good night night animals and it's well past bedtime for you little piggies yes granny Pig good night little ones good night granny good night Grandpa night night Gerald giraffe Mummy Pig is measuring pepper there Peppa that's how tall you are I'm taller than I was before that's because you're growing up Peppa now George's turn there George that's how tall you are I am taller than George oh don't worry George as you get older you'll get taller yes but I will always be taller than new George because I will always be [Music] older it is time for playgroup children today a new friend is joining our play group say hello to Gerald hello Gerald hello wow you're really tall so you must be really old no Gerald is the same age as you why is he so tall then I'm tall because I'm a giraffe I'm taller no you're not yes I am you measure to the top of the ears oh do ears count Gerald giraffe is the tallest oh I wish I was as tall as Gerald and me and me and me it is play time let's play hide and seek okay 1 2 while Peppa counts to 10 everyone must find a hiding 7 8 9 10 Ready or Not Here I Come found you Gerald oh you didn't find me or me or me or me or me I always get fun because I'm so tall oh it's not much fun being tall I have to bend down to talk to everyone I have to bend down to talk to George Hy hello George what's it like being little let's play Bard y maybe I'll play later Gerald giraffe doesn't want to play because he is sad to you Danny to you Pedro catch [Music] Peppa oh the ball is stuck in the tree I can't reach it let me have a go no it's too high what can we do chop the tree down no I can get it with my trunk no I can't if Emily can't reach it with her trunk then we'll never get our ball back what can we do chop the tree down no if only there was somebody tall enough to reach our ball Gerald what you can reach the ball because you're tall I can try hoay Gerald giraffe has rescued the ball oh I can see something else there's an animal stuck in the tree is it a cat no I'm here it is tles the tortoise titles ttles here is Dr Ham the vet you naughty tarti who do I have to thank for rescuing my titles Gerald thank you Gerald my goodness you are a tall lat I'm a j oh but you're taller than Gerald Dr hamster yes that's because I'm a hamster our hamster always taller than giraffes I will be taller than Dr Ham when I'm older yes grown-up giraffes tend to be taller than grown-up hamsters hello hello Mommy and Daddy giraffe have come to collect Gerald from playgroup wow you're as tall as the sky that's because we're giraffes and my mommy and daddy are very very old the owl Peppa and George are spending the night at Granny and Grandpa Pig's house granny Pig thank you hello my little ones where is Grandpa Pig oh he's messing about at the bottom of the garden here is Grandpa Pig Grandpa Pig hello Pepper and George what are you doing I'm building somewhere for me to hide why well you see I really want to spot an owl and tick it off in my book ow a I have spotted lots of different birds but never an owl because owls only come out at night and they are very shy o so tonight I will hide in here and when an owl comes I will spot it clever grandpa first I have to use twigs and leaves to completely cover my Hiding Place we can help Peppa collects George collects leaves well done Pepper and George look I am completely invisible here are Mr Stallion and Mrs Corgi dressed as bushes hello have you seen Grandpa Pig anywhere boo good hiding place El Chap and what may I ask are you two doing here we are out for a bit of bird spotting we're hoping to spot an owl tonight that's why we are pretending to be bushies grandpa is going to spot an owl too well good luck old chap May the best bird spotter win tole pip bye Grandpa Pig Coy let's try out our hiding place on granny Peppa George Grandpa hello Granny we're here where we are hiding are you over here you're getting colder but I can't see you anywhere here we are oh my goodness that is a good hiding place oh yes Pepper and George are helping me get ready to spot an owl I see okay time to spot an owl now a boy Owl makes a sound like this hopefully a girl owl will hear my call and answer back Grandpa did you hear that I certainly did it's it's a girl owl woohooo woohoo woohoo this girl owl sounds like she's getting closer yes she wants to meet me the boy [Music] owl oh it was just you and me doing owl calls I thought you were a boy owl and I thought you were a girl owl yes well moving quickly on maybe there's another way to spot a real owl like what you said that owls are very shy yes well maybe all this calling is scaring the owls away let's hide again but be very quiet brilliant I suppose it's worth a go I heard something [Applause] look it is a real owl now I've spotted an owl I can tick it off in my book and me and me wow owls are the best Peppa loves owls everyone loves [Music] owls fruits and wors and [Music] [Laughter] butterflies Peppa and George are helping Grandpa Pig in his [Laughter] garden wow what a beautiful [Music] butterfly Grandpa why do butterflies like flowers they get their food from flowers how they have very long tongues look at mine oh yes the butterfly's tongue is even longer than yours she uses it to drink from the flower wow oh Peppa the butterfly thinks you're a flower I'm not a flower I'm Peppa Pig she is so pretty I want to be a butterfly Peppa is playing at being a butterfly I'm a little butterfly George wants to play too George I'm the butterfly you have to be something [Music] else I know you can be a wriggly worm look look I'm a [Music] butterfly oh dear George does not want to be a worm he wants to be a butterfly George when I was a little piggy I used to like playing at being a worm it's very easy to be a worm I'll show you how first you have to lie down on the ground then you wriggle around I'm a wrigly worm George and Grandpa Pig are having such fun being wriggly worms I'm a little butterfly I'm a little [Music] butterfly look look I'm a butterfly yes Peppa you're the beau full butterfly Grandpa George what are you doing we are wly worms I want to be a wriggly wor too I'm a wriggly wor I'm a wly one I'm a wiggly one I'm a wiggly worm how do you do I love you I'm a wiggly wor that was fun what animal do you want to be now H I don't know look Grandpa there's a little frog why don't you play it being frogs hm frogs are not as pretty as butterflies or as Wiggly as worms but frogs do play a game you like h do frogs play dolls houses silly Peppa what's your favorite game jump in muddy puddles yes frogs love jumping in muddy puddles yes George Let's Play frogs I'm a little froggy I'm a little the Froggies have found a nice big muddy puddle to play in plepper and George love jumping up and down in muddy puddles everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles butterflies and worms are very nice but I like frogs the [Laughter] best Freddy Fox pepper and her friends are playing at Rebecca Rabbit's [Music] house let's play hide and seek we'll all hide and Peppa can find us okay one 2 everyone must find a hiding place before Peppa counts to 10 Danny and Candi are hiding in the branches of a little tree Zoe Pedro and Rebecca are hiding behind a fence Susie and Emily are hiding behind a bush 9 10 where you're not here I come I know where you are oh oh Peppa cannot find anyone this is impossible Freddy Fox has come to play Hello Freddy hello Peppa what are you doing we're playing hide and seek but I can't find anyone shall I find them for you you can try but it's impossible watch this found you oh hello Freddy ha there you are oh boo oh Freddy Fox has found everyone how did you do that I'm good at smelling what's smelling got to do with it I can find you by sniffing your smell I'm not smelly I had a bath last night I know you smell nice oh I could even find you with my eyes closed go on then find Susie with your eyes closed easy hide Susy 1 2 3 Susie is looking for somewhere to hide 8 9 10 Ready or Not Here I Come Freddy is looking for suie with his eyes closed he is sniffing where suie sheep has walked round the tree behind the little Bush and back up the hill found you oh all thanks to my nose it's a super nose yes it is has everything got a smell smell oh yes everything has a different smell what do I smell of you smell of flowers and Wellington Boots what do I smell of you smell of wet grass and biscuits what do I smell of bananas and jam what do I smell of milk and fish fingers what do I smell of Pedro you smell of toothpaste oh what's your favorite smell eggs what is the worst thing you've ever smelled blue cheese P it's nearly dinner time how do you know I can smell carrot soup I can smell carrot soup too and me dinner's ready come and get your carrot soup everyone is enjoying mummy rabbit's carrot soup this soup is yummy who can that be Mr Fox has come to take Freddy home M I can smell dinner oh Mr Fox hello hello mommy rabbit hello Dad Dad I've just had my dinner down a rabbit's hole good lad and can you guess what's for pudding smells nice I'd say strawberry jelly that's right Mr Fox loves smelling [Music] things everyone loves smelling things Kylie Kangaroo it is a lovely sunny day Mr and Mrs kangaroo have come to visit hello good day Mr Pig we met at the airport remember um it was a while back you said we could visit anytime did I yeah since we last saw you we've had Kylie and Joey say hello kids Hello I'm Kylie Kangaroo I'm Peppa Pig and this is my little brother George this is my little brother Joey Joey lives in mummy kangaroo's pocket it's thirsty work this traveling around would you like a drink yes please lemonade my favorite M that's lovely here sit down are you hungry I'm always hungry no worries we'll make lunch Mr Kangaroo is going to cook lunch on a barbecue corn on the cob anyone yummy we should do this at our house hang on this is our house come on Kylie let's play in the garden we can play my favorite game jumping up and down in muddy puddles I like jumping too first we have to find the puddle oh there aren't any buddy Puddles the ground is too dry for muddy puddles I Wish It Would Rain I hope it doesn't rain oh we love rain we don't see much of it back home well if you want to make it rain in this country have a barbecue we can still do jumping George is quite good at jumping but I am the best watch this that's how you do it now you try Kylie okay kangaroos can jump very high wow here is Rebecca Rabbit hello Rebecca this is my friend Kylie hello Kylie sque are you playing a game we are jumping rabbits are the best at jumping watch this well done Rebecca but that's not as good as my friend Kylie go on do your jump I don't want to show off do it okay that is high Kylie Kangaroo is the best at jumping here is Pedro pony hello everyone nay hello Pedro this is my friend Kylie Kangaroo she's my friend she can jump higher than anyone no one can jump higher than me or my super spacehopper show him Kylie but Pedro did really well do it okay wow Kylie Kangaroo is the best at jumping I could jump higher but I'm a little bit tired what was that it is raining like I said if you want it to rain start a barbecue I'm afraid we'll all have to go indoors what and miss the rain Mr Kangaroo has got a big umbrella to shelter everyone from the rain food's ready who's hungry me me m yummy Peppa likes corn on the cob Everyone likes corn on the cob it stopped raining the rain makes everything so fresh and green and wet and muddy this is how you jump in mudy Puzzles wow that looks fun I'm the best at jumping but Peppa's the best are jumping up and down in muddy puddles spider web daddy pig is hard at work in the study daddy pig this study is a complete mess it's not that bad there are lots of cobwebs I love cobwebs they give the room character cobwebs means spiders and I don't like spiders I do spiders catch flies and flies are horrid well as long as I don't have to see a spider a spider hello Mr skidy legs oh where have you gone find it I don't want it in the house everyone is looking for Mr Skinny Legs Mr Skinny Legs is not in the filing cabinet uhoh Mr Skinny Legs is not under the chair oh Mr Skinny Legs is not on the table oh I wonder where Mr Skinny Legs is ho ho it sounds like Mommy has found him don't be scared mommy get rid of it okay we'll take Mr Skinny Legs into the garden now Mr Skinny Legs has got the whole garden to play in bye-bye Mr Skinny Legs it is starting to rain Mr Skinny Legs is running back to the house maybe he doesn't like the rain he's climbing up the water spout iny wiy spider climbed up the water spout down came the rain and was for iny out out came the sunshine and Dy up P the rain iny Wy SPID climbed up the spout [Music] again I don't want Mr Skinny Legs in the house daddy pig let's take Mr Skinny Legs a bit further into the garden there we are a nice tree for you to live in what is he doing he's making a web pepper spiders live in webs and use them to catch flies oh he's very busy yes it's hard work building a web that's why you must never ever break one if you do the spider has to do all the work again yes daddy bye-bye Mr Skinny Legs it is bedtime I liked watching Mr Skinny Legs make his web today and tomorrow he'll make another web really yes Mr Skinny Legs makes a new web every day where will the new web be Daddy I don't know we'll find out tomorrow good night night night it is morning daddy pig is getting ready to go to work I don't want to be late I have an important meeting at the office daddy you work very hard yes I do but not as hard as Mr Skinny Legs bye-bye everyone see you tonight stop Daddy what is it you cannot drive the car today why not look Mr Skinny Legs has built a web joining the car to the house daddy you said you must never ever break a web did I yes daddy pig if you move the car you will break the web but how am I going to get to work don't worry Daddy you can borrow my little bicycle here you are thank you you Peppa daddy pig is riding Peppa's little bicycle have a nice ride to work I will Peppa bye bye daddy pig works very hard but Mr Skinny Legs works even harder
Channel: Best of Peppa Pig
Views: 51,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, cartoon for kids, chocolate, easter eggs, for kids, funny peppa pig, kids animation, kids cartoon, kids education, kids playing, kids stories, kids stories about baby, kids videos, pep pig, pepa pig, peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, peppa pig full episodes, peppa pig song, peppa pig tales, peppa pig tales new, peppa pig tales new episode 2023, peppa tales, pig peppa, pig peppa pig, pippa, preschool, surprise, video for kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 47sec (3767 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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