The Amazing Digital Circus Characters Play Garten Of Banban 4

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hi everyone today I along with my friends JX ragi and of course pomy will be playing Garden of bamb ban 4 a very atmospheric and creepy game hey guys wow are we going to play different games that's something new naturally why not let's play different games and grow we're human beings or once we were hi hi are we going to play a scary game uh I don't like that I'll say more you're going to be the one playing this game oh no hi everybody I like these games they awaken feelings in me different kinds yeah yeah that's great let's get started py go ahead and play I think it'll be fun to watch you haha all right I just don't know how to play you'll be educated you'll be fine like now look what they're writing to us for a parent looking for their missing child time is a dedicate matter click the clock to advance time it doesn't make any sense to me but try clicking on the clock I click and the picture changes what the hell is that I don't understand anything either keep doing it whoa you got something well done me but I didn't do anything just clicked wow who's that pink guy over there and I'm not talking about me right now wait let me see where I am hold WD or arrows for movement yeah okay so you can walk like that and there's a Sprint on shift uh-huh what is this remote control I'm holding wait look at this little baby he's so cute it's just an ordinary animal nothing special looks like you can do something with him try pressing the E button on him yep I got it in my hands haha this is so cool I I agree it's fun but what do we do with it try walking already I don't know a what the hell is that run P me and don't look back what's so funny about that that monster's going to catch me and kill me that's what makes me laugh ha py you were so funny scared ha okay don't distract her from running we don't want to die in the first minute of the game it would be embarassing how much longer do I have to run how do we know run and don't look back that's all it takes but I'm wondering he's right behind me right no it looks like he's farther away don't turn around please the chase is right at the beginning of the game that's awesome what's wrong with you yeah he's far away and stop looking over there he's going to start speeding up and you won't make it all right all right calm down this is the end it's okay what if the door doesn't just open it's over it's too narrow and the monster's huge and it won't fit through wouldn't it we'll see he's getting closer oh no I'm getting nervous door open please uh he didn't fit and got stuck what are you looking at him for he's going to grab you he looks completely harmless haha look at me I can look right in his mouth uh okay let's open the door I agree we need to figure out how to open the door look I can let him go what are those squares next to you when I stand on them it turns green throw the little guy on the other Square yeah and the door opened Kane how did you figure out what to do logic take the baby with you uh okay let's move on there's nothing to see here hey whoa what is that some kind of quadcopter I think we're going to need him now here's the next riddle right away it's the same square as here well then it's simple throw the little guy on the opposite square and the door will open the opposite okay let me try it okay it has to be like this right yeah that's the right now stand on the other Square something happened but the door didn't open how did you just order the Drone there's some kind of button above the door maybe you should tell the Drone to bump into it yeah I get it I'll try it yay it worked we're a great team good job guys maybe we should take the little one yeah yeah get him uh I'm pressing e but I can't get him what's the matter okay I guess we don't need him anymore let's move on as you say wa what a huge long room so what do we do take a good look around uh-oh there's a remote here should I press it well if there's nothing else here go ahead ouch hey what's going on looks like it was a trap and you fell into it pomy there you go that'll teach you a lesson what was I supposed to do there was nothing in this hallway but this remote control yeah I'm kidding it has to be if we're still alive they're dragging us somewhere well we'll find out where I don't like this kind of thing my legs are shaking it's going to be fine take it easy okay oh my God where they dragged us as your God I can tell you I don't like this place listen up criminal that whole Act of you being unconscious won't work on me you're a prisoner now you'll do what you're told without any questions understood prisoner now your first task is very simple I will ask you yes or no questions and you'll answer him using the buttons on your left and right facing forward the button on your right is a yes and the button on your left is a no question one someone locked up all the criminals in the swamp on the level above was that you what what I don't understand answer no we didn't do it answer all knows we don't know anything at all if I get scared again it'll be on your souls moving on then have you ever come in contact with the thread shown on the board no of course not this is the first time I've ever been in the game what a bunch of consider yourself lucky that's a crazy one third question have you ever come in contact with a thread shown on the board an octopus I've never seen one before that's not what I heard and what did he he fourth question it doesn't matter have you ever come in contact with a threat shown on the board I've never seen those monsters why is he asking about them I thought so it seems to have something to do past installments of the game fifth question have you ever come in contact with a threat shown on the board no no and no again well you better keep a wider eye on the ceiling that one strikes from every angle sounds scary sixth question have you ever come in contact with a threat shown on the board hey isn't that him should I press yes I can see him well you're in contact with him now so the answer is yes I could tell something about your answers were fishy fishy all right grab your belongings from the back and step out of the room he's letting us go so we answered everything correctly what a cool chair I could sit on it forever I don't want to go any further I'm scared it's good of you to say that let's move on we're with you uh [Music] okay look at him do you think he's friendly as friendly as me don't be afraid it's fun what a waste of time you don't even work here what on Earth are you doing this deep down anyway partner I often wonder about this question follow me we can talk more inside it's not very safe out here look at his back he's all stitched up what he's made of maybe he's a Teddy Teddy monster yeah yeah careful here it's not very sturdy sturdy what's under there I can't even see anything I guess if the bridge breaks no good can come of it so let's get through it fast oh you're right whoa he led us to some kind of huge gate Welcome To The Kingdom a gloomy Kingdom I like it it's not up to me to decide what to do with your partner we need to talk to the queen and when we do show respect oh of course what's a kingdom without a king or queen why don't we go somewhere else while he's walking aren't you at all interested in what the queen has to say I honestly don't care at all what they say you think you can just take off like that the games work like the circus you can't just go the wrong way why is it wrong I just don't want to be here this creepy hole is Weighing on my head I feel like I'm going crazy be patient for a while I want to hear the queen hey she's big your magesty I finished interrogating the new captive and how would you rate the fruitfulness of that interrogation on a scale of 1 to 10 I think she's eating well here all right all right zero I'll shut up they don't talk much and I think they came from the surface the surface that's a new one H did they say what they're doing down here I'm afraid not I think I know a worried parent can spot another worried parent from a mile away I've heard the screams in the crash from above you're here in search of your child I fear you won't find them most humans have ceased to come down to this floor for quite some time now we can help with getting you back up to the upper floors but allow us to introduce ourselves first I am queen bount syia the ruler of the Kingdom this is Sheriff toadster the protector and only other citizen of the Kingdom ah I see I apologize on behalf of both myself and the sheriff for the rough reception we've all been a little on edge lately I'm sure you can understand understand how is the elevator back up doing Sheriff not too well it's missing some crucial Parts three to be exact do you know where these parts are yes your majesty I was previously too occupied to go and collect them the coming hours will be rough for us all but this is not your battle parent Sheriff accompany the and go grab the missing parts but your majesty we should be focused on protecting you you win once you two get back with the pots in hand uh-huh so we're playing as a parent who's looking for his kid got it all right you heard the lady let's head to the station partner even better I'd like to blow this place up but first let's find the kid get B too well for someone who doesn't utter a word you know that maybe I should talk less and see where that gets me much of what the queen has said really downplayed our situation we're in trouble a lot of trouble partner the Queen's Jester has gone Rogue no matter what happens he must not make the queen laugh otherwise what's in her pouch escapes and we all die uh hold on die I don't want that what kind of kingdom is this there's only some sheriff in Queen boun Celia where are the others or did they never exist maybe this Kingdom broke up into small pieces and this is all that's left of them there are other monsters maybe they were part of it and went crazy and started killing everyone Sheriff said to protect the queen but from who maybe the same ones that started killing everyone in their path while you guys were talking I found the little bird again that's cool but why is he chasing us what does he want maybe we'll find out later I see you're really into this game you're even starting to get the hang of it that's nice it's not the most boring game I'm starting to like it a little bit as long as there's nothing that scares me stations listen to what he says get using this so you don't walk around not knowing what to do I believe it's two tickets per rou two for me two for you and two for little beak here there should be some scattered around here and so what does he want from me he needs tickets we need to find them okay oh what's that this is a nightmare it has to be I thought I was ready to witness the things down there but I was severely mistaken they said the training would be enough I have felt betrayed and I have felt scared but never both at the same time I should have never put my life in my co-workers hands I have been left behind as they ran away like the cowards they are and now I am left to talk to a piece of paper what what was that screaming coming from above and what on Earth was that thing that approaches us it was almost like nothing but a massive floating face the training manual said nothing about that and definitely nothing about the giggles that seem to get closer and closer to me am I going insane that's strange note uh okay I got to go find tickets yeah so if I find them I'll have to throw them in here wait how many of these do I need to find it seems like you only need to find six pieces uh-huh got it two more last one hello who's that guy and why is he looking at me be careful he wants to do something to you I'm scared he doesn't disappear anywhere and looks at me hey I see you stop looking at me the last ticket was here good thing he's gone so scary all aboard so I must have to click on something is something wrong now press that big purple button you know I get your confusion partner I really do what's a massive bedal toad with a hat protecting a GI purple kangaroo Queen for after I was thrown down here by your kind like I was trash I was hopeless aimless cold and miles away from the promised surface long story short I was found and accepted at my lowest it was then that I declared myself the ultimate protector of the queen it's a Cause worth fighting for good-hearted individuals deserve protection hey he wants to go to the surface what's he going to do there he'll take his Queen and take over some country ha looks like he's really friendly and not dangerous at all he makes me feel safe around him we're here partner let's get this over with the part we need should be in the administration room within the ventilation corridors but it looks like the door's locked we need to open the door uhhuh nothing is as precious as Smiles tell a joke wherever you walk something I don't feel like joking about here are some of my favorite squares okay I'm going to need two of these case update report case 9 genomes human buob bfo cenum summary we just received instructions to abandon all work being done on case 9 we will happily obl as we do not suspect the case 9 at yes Behavior will change the lltt have been contacted uh okay it's a boring piece of paper [Music] yeah so I've just pressed that button for the Drone [Music] good a dark scary room I don't want to go in there maybe use a drone first command it to fly in and light up whatever's hiding there yeah you're right looks like there's no one there don't be afraid to to come in oh what what's happening no you stay in there and don't I don't like this I'll figure out a way to get the door open hi I'm a hungry snake do you have any food I don't have any food please don't eat [Laughter] me who the hell is that sheriff open the door faster prepare to get Toad there these toad Stars never disappoint part partner that my friend was the jester I was talking about AKA bitter giggle he now knows we're not at the Kingdom let's grab the part and get out of here yeah let's just go the baby can sense danger it's helpful wait I know my enemies were being stalked these V are interconnected they make perfect traps I'm sure there's a way we can tell which ones are rigged we just need to figure it out traps so with small we must recognize the danger and get around it I see I'm done for the day K can we end this now uh-oh looks like you're dead oh okay let's call it a night we've been playing this game long enough thanks for watching put likes and subscribe to the channel also don't forget to write a comment what you think about our videos bye everyone bye-bye bye kids bye everybody
Channel: Cartoons Play
Views: 1,120,983
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Keywords: garten of banban 4, garten of banban, garten of banban 4 gameplay, garten of banban 4 trailer, garten of banban 4 all bosses, ai, cartoon, cartoons, the amazing digital circus, tadc, The Amazing Digital Circus Characters Play Garten Of Banban 4, tadc garten of banban, the amazing digital circus garten of banban, garten of banban 4 ending
Id: v9lBL3ECBtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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