The Alps - Sleep Paralysis & Night Terrors - Extra Mythology

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Myths are not stories that are untrue rather They are tales that don't fit neatly into the historical record which serve as a foundation to a culture It is said that in Hell there is a great beast Known as the hood at sea and so large is this abomination that the shape-shifting? Demons known as Alps are birthed inside of its mouth spewed into the world in the form of butterflies But when these troll-like creatures take their true form They become architects of nightmare and sleep paralysis though when they experience defeat at the hands of mankind They return to the creatures mouth where they were born, which I kind of like to envision as a devilish speakeasy of sorts You know to make it fun and it is there that these foul creatures lick their wounds insult each other and occasionally punch one another in the face a hellish good time can be had by all and The only price of admission is a good story This tale is sponsored by Knights of pen and paper to check out all the pixelated RPG hijinks at the link below One dark day inside the Hornet thief's mouth a rather dejected looking ALP walked in with his head hung low he silently moved past than many other raucous demons all Laughing and joking and throwing the occasional punch then an oddly blue-skinned ALP noticed the sad sack and approached him. Oh You just left. Why are you back so soon? He taunted in response the returning ALP said oh I shape-shifted into this farmer's house last night. The entire family was asleep. So I worked the bedrooms I drank some of the wife's blood which was tasty and then I climbed on the father's chest to give him nightmares and the fear coming off him was delicious After I'd had my fill I left the house and fell asleep next to a tree as you do And when I woke the next morning I realized I'd lost my John kipper For the uninitiated a target path is a small almost comical looking at that serves as a source of much of an Alps magical power So you can imagine that losing it would be a serious problem. So I shape-shifted into a human form to retrieve it I went back to the house, but that damn farmer. He said he knew what I was for my single, eyebrow And then before I knew it he raised the whole village and chased me off At this point in his tale a group of other alp demons had formed around them and began laughing and mocking And this went on until the noticeably bigger ALP stepped forward fools the Alpha ALP chastised We've all lost art on Kippur at one point and we all have yoona brows when we sit shift into human form The true strength of an ALP is not found in avoiding mishaps But in the chaos we can cause in recovering from them Not one demon in the rowdy group dared to challenge the alpha L because due to his devilish deeds He was considered one of the greatest of their kind long ago he had once befriended a proud and midwife and healer who had the misfortune of being born in war Germany in the 1600s at that time German Catholics were using the threat of witchcraft as an excuse to Execute anyone who wasn't Catholic and when the harmless Midwife was burnt at the stake and then beheaded this ALP went for full-on revenge He shape-shifted his way into the monastery sound the bishop that ordered his friend killed and then sat down on the bishops chest while he slept and Compelled him to dream of his own execution he held the bishop in this state of sleep paralysis and unweighting nightmare for so long that his heart burst from the hours of Psychological torture the blue-skinned ALP chimed in again this time with a more sympathetic tone Well, you know It is better to be chased away early than to be trapped by the humans And he spoke from experience years before this blue al saw firsthand what happened when they linger somewhere too long? Initially, he was having a great time visiting a farmhouse He'd found feeding off of the family and their livestock But one day while the blue ALP rested the farmer plugged up the mouse hole He had used to enter the home in an attempt to keep the ALP out but the rub was he was still in the house and an ALP can only exit a house the way he entered so he was trapped inside Eventually, he escaped his captors. But only after he made the family miserable by not only plaguing their sleep with nightmares But also killing all of their plants and constantly switching out fresh baby diapers on their infants with previously soiled ones After a few days of that the family realized their mistake and unplugged the whole so the ALP could leave which he promptly did Left a somewhat damper ALP wearing a bowtie from across the room at least when you were caught you weren't forced to stay a trace of family the dapper ALP admitted that his first mistake was Shape-shifting into a cat or it did allow me to sneak into the house The smaller form left me much more vulnerable the dapper ALP had been feeding off of the fears His nightmares were giving a Polish farmhand for over a month But he went back one too many times One night as he fed another farmhand laying in a nearby bed awoke and noticed his friends suffering Realizing that the cause must be a dark creatures influence. He sealed all possible exits The creature could use to escape now trapped the dapper ALP Decided to shape-shift and appear to them as a beautiful human woman the next morning he knew if he could trick them into fighting over this human woman form He could escape in the ensuing chaos, but the plan backfired when one of the farmhands lost interest So now the dapper ALP was trapped in this lie Still not being able to leave and certainly not being able to reveal He was actually an ALP for fear of being killed This complicated lie lasted for years Long enough for the dapper ALP in his human woman form to marry the farmhand And to give him three children before it last tricking him in escaping You of Jordan will the Alpha help said to the dapper ALP those Children will eventually find their way here to the mouth of the hornets a they too Shall find nourishment in the suffering of man the way we have for centuries As the other Alps cheered at the prospect of new demons the turn capitalist ALP began to leave a foe Where are you going brother? The Alpha ALP called out emboldened He replied I'm going to get my hat back No, human should ever have sway over me I'll give the entire town night terrors if I have to the Alpha Alps stood tall. Yes We will go with you brother. We will feast on the blood and fear Just let me settle my tab real quick I'll be I'll be right behind you more cheers filled the mouth of the Haunted sea as the mob of Alps headed out of hell to the world above and later that night a dark shadow fell over a small farming town in Germany as terrified screams from every house filled the midnight air For the last time Zoe I am not an ALP this doesn't prove anything Once again Thanks so much to our sponsors for this episode Knights of pen and paper - the quintessential turn-based Satirical pixel art experience that simulates a tabletop role-playing game in very silly ways Which is perfect for me when my IRL RPG group is too tired to meet up due to ALP attack Oh, hey new virtual friends, you know, I always did want to hang out with a surfer dwarf cleric, gnarly! Sorry plus it's free on iOS and Android so you can amass a bunch of virtual loot without Sacrificing anything but your playtime tapping snarky monsters to death. So if that sounds up your alley check out the game at the link below Legendary thanks to Ahmed zo Turk Casey booster dominic Valenciana gunner. Clovis, Kyle Murgatroyd and Orioles one
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Views: 303,486
Rating: 4.9309592 out of 5
Keywords: Extra Credits, Extra Credits Mythology, Extra Mythology, Matt Kroll, the alps, mythology, learn mythology, mythology videos, Horerczy, germanic mythology, germanic myths, germanic mythology creatures, alps mythology, alps mythis, hoerczy myth
Id: 8ST0l9abzzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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