The All Time best arguments against religion/faith #1 (Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Ricky Gervais..)

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what is the probability that Yahweh is the one true God in almond raw Aphrodite Apollo Bal Brahman Ganesha Isis Mithras Osiris Shiva Thor vishnu' wanton Zeus and the other 986 gods are all false gods you guys are atheist just like me of all the gods I just rattled off some of us just go one God further where Christians believe that the Bible is an inherit gospel handed down from the deity Muslims believe that the Koran is the perfect Word of God it's unfortunate that the creator of the universe wrote more than one holy book will one atheist you know and then that gets changed or enhanced I mean they shouldn't even be a word for atheism it shouldn't exist shouldn't need it there's not a word for not believing in fairies you know and if people didn't keep inventing these weird impossible deities we wouldn't have to go around denying them world why there are about ten thousand distinct religions each one of which may be further subdivided and classified Christians for example may be apportioned among about thirty four thousand different denominations from a scientist perspective such percentages believe cry out for an explanation why do so many people believe these things but from a skeptics perspective which is what I do what are the chances that these guys got the right God and the right religion and the billions of other people that don't believe what they believe got it wrong when you leave the house tonight just ask yourself that question what are the chances that they just happen to get right and the tens of billions of people that live before Jesus they never heard of it the tens of billions of people that'll live since then who don't believe that they just happen to be wrong or is it more likely that all of these religion and God beliefs are socially constructed psychologically constructed and that none of them are right in any reality sense and in the ontological sense they're all constructed this way this to me is the true horror of religion it allows perfectly decent and sane people to believe by the billions what only lunatics could believe on their own if you wake up tomorrow morning thinking that's saying a few Latin words over your pancakes is going to turn them into the body of Elvis Presley okay you have lost your mind okay but if you think more or less the same thing about a cracker in the body of Jesus you're just a Catholic Christians believe that Christ is the latest prophet Muslims believe that Muhammad is the latest prophet Mormons believe that Joseph Smith is the latest prophet and stretching this tract of thought just a little bit more Scientologists believe that the science fiction writer l ron Hubbard was the latest prophet so many prophets so little time the human brain when it's when it's young is a sponge it has to be it has to take in all the information as to trust his parents it's alders to survive without question don't touch the fire why not don't go near their clock don't go near the wolf don't touch that spider with a red book don't touch that why not just don't there is a god what there is a god and if you're bad you go to hell okay and if that's constantly confirmed like all the other things wolves eat you black widows kill you fires burn you if it's given that same level of credence and truth you're never going to go over it it's going to be a lot harder to undo that you talked about the evidence that your wife loves you I think for most religious people the evidence that there is a God is rather like that when you say that your that your wife loves you and you do you getting evidence from looks and the vote looks in the eye and catches in the voice was the phrase that I actually used and the questioner said that's the way religious people feel about God yes they feel that about God but there's no evidence that they're getting any cues at all I mean they're there God is an imaginary God inside themselves they feel that they're getting little looks from the eyes of God and sounds from the voice of God but why should we believe them since we can't see or hear any evidence to that effect when we're talking about moral philosophy when we're talking about the origin of the cosmos when we're talking about the origin of life when we're talking about why we all exist there is no reason whatever why we should treat the the writings of scribes in whatever it was 800 BC 600 BC as being particularly wise we could listen to Confucius we could listen to the Buddha there all sorts of people we can listen to and we could listen to modern philosophers as well and modern scientists as well once again I come back to the point there is nothing special about the Bible that people are making this up now of course you can make the argument God planted the God module in the brain so he could talk to us or something how come we all seem to talk to different gods then are there just a bunch of them out there and they're competing for our brains why is it as as Dan Barker pointed out there's very little agreement amongst believers why is that so my conclusion then is that as you think about the House vote tonight again what's more likely it's obvious that all these other gods are made up you already know that you agree with me on that you're all atheists for all those other gods so I would just implore you to go one God further thank you all the ladies in the place hood styling grace allow me to lace these River conditions in your bushes whoo rock grooves and make moves with all the mommy the back of the truck so therefore way this way you're not the back of the club Mack it holds my cruise my mop man question asked in blood answered music lasted but I just can't quit because one of these honey's biggie got to creep with sleep with keep the equi secret why not why blow up my shot cuz we both got cocky
Channel: The Wonderful Truth
Views: 173,363
Rating: 4.7627339 out of 5
Keywords: atheism, religion, god, richard dawkins, ricky gervais, creationism, sam harris, arguments, argument, christopher hitchens
Id: p_-zqHJA8Us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 18 2016
Reddit Comments

You could post hours of arguments like this. These were pretty good.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/joe5656 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2016 🗫︎ replies
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