The All-in-One Productivity App You've Been Missing - Taskade!

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task aid is a fully loaded app that offers pretty much everything you can think of use it to organize your work life your personal life or things in between you can take notes and attach files and embed videos use formatting options to create beautiful well-organized notes you can jot down ideas convert them into action points or tasks with due dates you can see a roadmap of what your month your week or your day looks like so the app is called tascade and it's absolutely free no tricks it's available for windows macbooks iphones ipads android phones and even as extensions for chrome firefox and edge getting started is super simple so i've got the tascade windows app here and i've signed in using google first you create a workspace which will let you create multiple subspaces think of subspaces like zones of your life they could be work personal social or they could be segregated as personal work office work freelance work new ideas house chores it's totally up to you each subspace will let you have multiple projects your office work and in my case my youtube channel each video for me is a project to which i can then assign a due date multiple tags and even assign to someone else that is if and when i do have a team all right up until now i've only shown you how you can structure your workspace subspaces and projects but projects is where things get really interesting and they are super flexible to start a new project just tap on new project choose blank project or you can choose from these templates at the top and you can also choose a background if in case you want to so let's go with something like that firstly projects have two parts to it project details part and the collaboration part the collaboration tool allows team members that you invite to chat voice call or video call without ever leaving the task at environment and this is amazing if you're co-working on a project at work or at school but now let's talk about the project details part and it can be anything you want it to be i'll talk about the basic stuff the building blocks first it could be just a list of check boxes or just bullet points or just a paragraph or a mix of check boxes bullet points and paragraphs and to make things interesting you've got a bunch of formatting options like bold italics underlining and you can highlight text using colored lines and there are a multiple choice of colors available for that you can convert anything inside your project as a task by simply attaching a due date so every item in a project has a plus sign at the end when you click on it you'll be able to attach a due date so you can give it a date range or a specific date and then a start and end time so if you give an end time let's say 6 pm it will show up right here and then you can go back to your tasks and you'll see that checkbox2 will be shown as a task item towards the end and that's how you convert anything into a task and feel free to attach hashtags or assign them to someone and that way it becomes very easy for you to search for them now there is no limit to how many hierarchies you can create you can have an item a sub item a sub sub item or a sub sub sub item now of course it can get messy so you can just collapse these items or fold them and keep things very neat and tidy and nicely organized and you can expand them whenever you want you can even attach files to individual items it could be pictures or files or documents anything you can embed youtube videos or vim your videos you can embed actually a lot more things that you can possibly imagine you can also link any piece of text within your project to an external web page so this could be very helpful for referencing for example or just keeping track of resources so yeah that's there too now as i said that only items inside a project become tasks when you attach a due date but projects can have due dates too right so you can assign start and end dates to your project and that way when you look at your roadmap you'll get a very broad view of how messed up your life is going to be and lastly if you use something too often you can actually create a custom template and then reuse that every time you start a new project let me give you an example okay so as i said for me my projects are my youtube videos and every time i create a video project i basically have a script to write a list of shots that i must video shoot edit and then you know upload the whole thing to youtube and obviously there are tasks within each of these sections and i have to do this every time i create a video most of the times and instead of creating this format every time i have to do a new video i've actually created a custom template if i go into my templates there's something called as video shoot to go live that's it if you click on it it's got that format script shoot edit go live i can obviously add more things to it i can do it here or when i actually create a project out of it so if i click on my new project drop down i can choose that template if i'm doing a new video and then i just rename the title to you know whatever new video that i'm i'm going to be doing and it's ready now one thing that you may have noticed there's a small progress meter so as in when i keep finishing tasks within my shoot it keeps filling up that meter and that way i have a pretty fair idea of how far down i am with my project and how much i'm closer to completion and if you see i can see that progress up on my projects list and then if i attach a due date i can also see that on my roadmap so if i go to my roadmap i'll see it's right there title of my next video under august 17th and i can see the progress of the video right there and so every time i have a new idea for a video or i know the video that i'm going to make i just pull up the template rename it and create a new video project out of that and now let me come to the fun part remember i said projects can be anything you want them to be and that they're super flexible well let me explain that now and for this let's go back into the bixby routines video project by the way this video will go live soon so stay tuned anyway this view is good but i can actually go and change the view to one of these five and this is the board view which i think is better suited for this kind of project it gives me a pretty good summarized view of the entire project and not one below the other let's take another example let's go to my strategy subspace and into the video strategy project again this is the list view which is good but let's go and switch to board which actually seems better and actually if i switch this to mind map this would look even better to me it's it's more structured for a strategy presentation and the background does seem a little distractful but hey you can change the background among so many styles it's amazing now all of this can be overwhelming to start right so here's what i would say start small and populate task a use it every day use it every now and then and keep populating content and there's no right or wrong way to do this because it's so easy to move stuff around in task 8. so let's say you want to take a couple of tasks and move it to another project you can do that take a project move it to another subspace you can do that you can take another subspace to a whole another workspace so very flexible right so you can't go wrong also if you want some support you can actually go to the template gallery look at the categories on the left you can look at the multiple templates that each category has to offer and then you can click on whatever suits your needs the most you can preview that template before you add it to your list of templates and once you do you can just add that to your workspace and start using it i mean this is the app that you've been looking for to organize pretty much everything in your life and i honestly feel it's not so much of a to-do app it's more of a management or an organization app at a much higher level and yeah i think the fact that it's so full of features it's super flexible and moreover it's completely free and you know the uh the developers the founders are so actively engaged in developing the product optimizing it even more across platforms and across devices and there's if there's anything that you don't like or something that's not working for you you can actually reach out to them and they will take care of it at some point anyway that's it about task 8 guys if you've got any question feel free to ask me in the comments section below and as always don't forget to hit that like button subscribe to the channel and hit that bell notification icon i'll see you guys in the next one [Music] you
Channel: mobiscrub
Views: 50,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keep productive, productivity apps, taskade app review, taskade app, best productivity apps, taskade tutorial, best productivity app, notion alternative, taskade how to use, taskade for students, remote productive tool, best taskade tips, best android app for productivity, productivity tips, todoist, get things done, getting things done, time management apps, best apps for tracking progress, best apps for tracking life, life organization apps, organization apps
Id: 3HZ9CNiRvsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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