The Airbus A220-300 Vs Boeing 737 MAX 7

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The Airbus A220 family of aircraft has a special  place in the Airbus lineup. Indeed, the type was   'adopted' as it was actually an acquisition of  Bombardier's CSeries program. Boeing saw the   type as enough of a threat to its 737 program  that a trade dispute was filed with the US   government. With this interesting history, let's  compare the two variants closest to one another:   The Airbus A220-300 and the Boeing 737 MAX 7 -  and examine their similarities and differences. But before comparing the aircraft  types in a more technical sense,   it's worth re-visiting the history of the A220  and how it was almost killed-off by Boeing. Shortly after Bombardier landed a major deal  with Delta Air Lines for a firm 75 CS100s (now   Airbus A220-100s) in 2016, Boeing filed a  complaint with the US International Trade   Commission alleging that the jets were being  sold below production cost. In this 2017 case,   Boeing also asserted that Bombardier's  subsidized sales of its CSeries in the   US was at the detriment of its 737 program,  which would soon see the 737 MAX enter service. Five months after Boeing's petition, the US  Department of Commerce issued a preliminary ruling   to impose a 219.63% tariff on every Bombardier  CSeries airliner brought into the country.   This would have effectively  tripled the cost of each aircraft,   while more than likely being a  dealbreaker for Delta Air Lines. As reported by Bloomberg, Delta issued  a statement saying that there was no   risk to Boeing's market- as it wasn't actively  producing aircraft in a similar size category. "We are confident the USITC will conclude that  no US manufacturer is at risk because neither   Boeing nor any other US manufacturer makes any  100-110 seat aircraft that competes with the   CS100...Boeing has no American-made product  to offer because it canceled production of   its only aircraft in this size range  — the 717 — more than 10 years ago." This was certainly an interesting  situation and premise put forward   by Boeing at the time, based  on Delta's order of the CS100. That’s because this aircraft was much  smaller than the Boeing 737 MAX 7. Of   course, since then, Delta has also  purchased the A220-300 - an aircraft   that does come a little closer to  Boeing's smallest 737 MAX variant. So, it's this messy history between the two types  that forms the backdrop for our comparison between   the aircraft. Has the A220 truly become  a competitor to the 737? Let's find out. Ultimately, any comparison between two  aircraft comes down to size and the number   of passengers that can be transported. That is,  of course, unless it's a comparison for the sake   of stark contrast - such as our 2020 article on comparing the A220 to the A380.   But, when it comes to the A220-300 and Boeing  737 MAX 7, the cabin sizes are much more similar. The cabin length of the A220-300 is 27 and a  half meters (90 feet) while the maximum cabin   width is 3.28 meters (10 feet 9 inches).  Meanwhile, the cabin length of the MAX 7   is 26.11 meters (79 feet 2 inches), while the  width is 3.53 meters (11 feet 7inches). Already,   you can see that the dimensions of  these aircraft are quite different. The A220 is longer and narrower, while  the MAX 7 is shorter and wider. It's this   difference that determines the  cabin layout for each aircraft,   with the A220 being five-abreast in a 2-3 layout,  and the MAX 7 being six-abreast in a 3-3 layout. So, if we do the math, the MAX  7 has slightly more floorspace   than the A220 - 92 square meters compared  to roughly 90 square meters. Of course,   it needs to be noted that a narrowing of the cabin  closer to the tail will also impact usable space. Going by the official published seating for  each aircraft, Boeing says the MAX 7 can fit   as many as 172 passengers, while Airbus says  that the A220-300 can accommodate a maximum   of 160 passengers. Meanwhile, the suggested  two-class configurations of each jet have   the MAX 7 at 138-153 passengers,  while the A220-300 seats 120-150. Despite just two square meters difference in  floorspace, it looks like Boeing's aircraft can   apparently squeeze in another 12 passengers.  This highlights the fact that numbers are   difficult to compare at face value, since neither  manufacturer defines how much space is allocated   to each passenger - whether we're talking about  maximum seating or two-class configurations. At the same time, maximum capacities can also  be dictated by the number of exit doors and the   amount of time it takes to evacuate an aircraft.  Without all of these parameters noted on official,   public websites, a fair and accurate comparison  can be difficult. But overall, let's settle   on the fact that the Boeing MAX 7 has a slight  advantage when it comes to passenger capacity. The next important set of metrics that should  be considered are aircraft weight and range. When it comes to weight, the A220-300 has an  MTOW (Maximum Take-Off Weight) of 70,900 kg   (156,300 lbs). The Boeing 737 MAX 7, on the  other hand, has an MTOW of 80,290 kg (177,000   lbs). Meanwhile, the range of the MAX 7 is  stated to be 3,850NM (7,130 km) while the   A220-300 is listed at 3,400NM (6,297 km). These  ranges are made possible by fuel capacities of   21,508 liters on the A220-300 (5,682 US Gallons),  and 25,816 liters for the MAX 7 (6,820 US Gal). So as you can see, the Boeing jet is a heavier  aircraft that can fly further. This shouldn't   be a surprise, as it's a well-established  trend for essentially all commercial aircraft. But examining the performance  figures of the aircraft,   it would appear that fuel efficiency  between the two jets is quite comparable. Indeed, if the A220-300 were able to more  closely match the range of the heavier MAX 7,   then it would be a clear indication  of increased efficiency. However,   the ranges of both aircraft respective to their  MTOWs seem to put fuel burn close to one another. So the two aircraft are close to each other in  passenger capacities and also offer comparable   efficiency. But airlines might also care  about cargo capacity and the ability to   transport freight or parcels in the belly hold  (in addition to passenger baggage, of course). According to the cargo website for  SWISS, the A220-300 can carry about   28 cubic meters (989 cubic feet) of  cargo in its two belly compartments. The MAX 7, on the other hand, has a cargo  capacity of 32.3 cubic meters (1,139 cubic   feet) - at least according to  the website Modern Airliners. On the websites of both ANA Cargo and Delta  Air Lines, it states that the similarly-sized   737-700 has a cargo capacity of  27 cubic meters (952 cubic feet). Ultimately, for both jets, ground  crews will be required to load and   unload individual pieces of baggage by hand,  as neither aircraft has a belly large enough   to accommodate standardized  Unit Loading Devices (ULDs). It's worth noting, however, that A320  family aircraft - even the small A319,   can accommodate the smaller ULD  container known as the LD3-45. Then, when it comes to passenger comfort  and experience, comparisons can be   challenging - especially when so much of the  passenger experience is determined by the airline.   Seat spacing, seat comfort, and  inflight entertainment - all of   these are selected by the operator,  and not the airframe manufacturer. However, we can say that the A220-300's typical   2-3 seating layout is often highlighted as a  feature by the airlines operating the type.   Overall, this layout means fewer middle seats,  thereby giving a little more comfort and privacy   to couples and pairs traveling together.  Additionally, the A220 middle seat tends   to be wider than all other seats - compensating  for the unfortunate fact that it’s a middle seat! Another passenger experience factor  determined by the manufacturer is the   aircraft window. In this case, the 737's  windows are smaller - 10 x 14 inches (25.4   x 35.56cm). The A220's windows are a bit  larger at 11 x 16 inches or 28 x 40.6cm. In addition to a difference in window size,  the position of windows is different for each   type as well. Window-seat passengers on the 737  (the MAX, but also all others) will find that   they have to slouch down it bend down slightly  to look straight out the window. For those who   love to get a good look out at the horizon or the  world outside, the A220's windows are preferable. Acquisition costs, maintenance costs,  and even the fit within the rest of an   airline's fleet - there are many factors  that will determine how well an aircraft   sells. So when it comes to the types in today's  comparison, how have they performed thus far? According to data, the  Boeing 737 MAX 7 has racked up orders   for 290 units. Most notably, this  includes 236 for Southwest Airlines. Another 30 are listed as being  ordered by Allegiant Air, while   two were ordered by Ukraine's SkyUp Airlines  and another two for China's Rulli Airlines. Given current geopolitics, the latter four  jets may end up being canceled - or perhaps   re-allocated to join the 20 orders  currently marked as "unassigned." For the Airbus A220-300, ch-aviation data lists  a total of 700 ordered. Of the largest customers,   JetBlue leads the pack with orders for 100 of the  variant, while Breeze comes in 2nd place with 80.   Delta comes in 3rd place with  62 - and it's 60 each for Air   France and Air Canada, and 50 for airBaltic. So, when it comes to aircraft sales and  popularity, it would appear that the   A220-300 is the more popular aircraft at this  point. Of course, with any sales comparison,   it's important to examine program launch dates and  entry into service. The A220-300 has been flying   commercially since December 2016 and, as a result,  has had a little over six years of service. On the other hand, the MAX 7 has  yet to be certified let alone enter   service. This will certainly be  a factor in the type's low sales. At the same time, we should also keep in mind  that airlines placing large orders for other MAX   variants will have the ability to swap certain  variants in their orders. Thus, airlines like   Southwest or Allegiant could always swap some  MAX 8 orders for more MAX 7s... or perhaps less! And finally, we should discuss all the issues  that each aircraft type has faced. After all,   even an aircraft with stellar technical  specifications might be less desirable   to operators if it's constantly facing  airworthiness directives and operational issues. So on this topic, the MAX 7 faces the most obvious  issue of regulator certification. While Boeing's   prototypes have undoubtedly racked up thousands  of flight hours and cycles during testing,   the MAX 7 has yet to enter full production  nor has it entered commercial service. For much of 2022, the MAX 7, as well as the  MAX 10, have been in a precarious situation,   with a specific government-mandated  certification deadline looming.   This presented a risk of introducing  a different cockpit to the -7 and -10   than is currently found on the -8 and -9.  However, a solution was found that will see   the new MAX variants attain certification  with cockpits common to the -8 and -9.   While this will ensure 737 MAX cockpit commonality  across all four variants, Boeing has agreed to   refit all MAX jets with a new cockpit alerting  system three years after the MAX 10 is certified. As for the Airbus A220-300, the type  has had its fair share of issues in   its first few years of service. The  most common type of issue has been   engine shutdowns involving the type's  Pratt & Whitney PW1000 powerplants. Indeed, operators around the world have  experienced various forms of engine   failures taking place during flight.  Engine software might have been one of   the key reasons for issues, as the FAA in  2020 required that operators of the type   remove certain full-authority digital engine  control software and install new software. To conclude our comparison, it does appear that,  when it comes to mission profile, these two jets   have a little bit of overlap with one another.  Was Boeing justified in its case against the   Bombardier CSeries? Perhaps not against the CS100  - but a little more so with the CS300/A220-300. So can we say that one jet is better than  the other? Well, as you can see from our   various considerations, there  are pros and cons to each type. The 737 MAX's CFM LEAP-1B turbofans seem  to have had fewer in-service issues than   the PW1000s powering the A220. However, the  A220-300 is actually flying and in-service,   while the MAX 7 is not - something  that airlines seem to care about. ;) Fuel efficiency is comparable and  will undoubtedly vary depending on   load factor. However, operators  hoping to fly a little further   than what the A220 is capable of may  want to consider the MAX 7 instead. Of course, the 737's higher weight  will also result in higher operating   costs when it comes to airport  fees based on aircraft weight. So, in many respects, there are just so  many factors to consider when determining   which aircraft is better. However, at least  from a passenger experience perspective,   it would seem that the winner would have to be the  A220-300 with its 2-3 layout and larger windows. But what do you think? In what  ways might the MAX 7 be a better   aircraft than the A220-300? Let  us know by leaving a comment!
Channel: Long Haul by Simple Flying
Views: 133,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aerospace, aerospace engineering, commercial aviation
Id: 3viv0pyX27I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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