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hi i'm alan this is a video hello everyone welcome to a tier list you guys are probably asking yourself but eon tech did this like a week ago and i'm like yup i know i did this before he uploaded his video very funny coincidence i was in his video however that video was like or the stream was like a month and a half old so i thought it was already uploaded but anyway uh we're doing a tier list i'm gonna be ranking all of my extreme demons by my own personal standards if you don't agree with it that's completely fine don't don't bother with it it's my opinion after all so anyway enjoy the video and subscribe if you haven't already i would really appreciate it anyway cheerless time we have a deer list no way i'm gonna move my face cam actually to like this corner all right so we have we have this thing here so my lovely moderator dragon right went through screenshotted every single extreme demon that i have completed because dragon is a very nice person right dragon is super kind and super nice there's a lot there's a lot of levels uh i'm gonna just copy and paste them over we're just gonna do this and that's the stream the stream is just us ranking we're gonna go in chronology oh my god i i almost had a heart attack we're gonna go in chronological order so we're starting off with the first level that i beat or the first extreme that i beat which happens to be cataclysm and then we're gonna move our way up into the most recent i did this a while ago when i had like almost 50 extremes if not 50 extremes i think i don't remember but i did this way back then and then you were like oh but now this is just very redundant then right no i think my opinions have changed quite a bit since then uh stuff like bloodlust was in uh ester so i think my opinions have changed enough to where this is gonna be interesting video interesting take so anyway let's just start from the very beginning shall we cataclysm let's start with cataclysm shall we i think cataclysm personally is not good i don't like cataclysm i'm not gonna be completely real with you i think i gotta go into like varied subpar i wouldn't call it an f here i wouldn't call it an eater i would say it's like below average but it's still like not terrible i think category like a d tier personal humble opinion new cataclysm is worse than old cataclysm i think old cataclysm is better hypersonic is not good i will say right now hypersonic is by far the worst sonic level hypersonic did not age well in the slightest the only part in hypersonic that i would save aged well is panman's part i think panman's part in hypersonic did age pretty well but that's like the only one i don't think hypersonic is that good where there's a year ago hypersonic was like a b or like a b tier right i want to say hyperlink is worse than cataclysm cataclysm have the like the legacy points right hypersonic in my opinion doesn't really have that it's just the worst sonic level hyperlink is just the worst sonic level that's it uh we're putting an e tier next up okay so i saw someone say bloodbath in ester or i'm unfollowing uh you gotta have to unfollow however i do think bloodbath is pretty good i think bloodbath is like undeniably a good level it is aged like fine wine and as a 1.9 level bloodbath is really good you can talk about the gameplay however much you want i don't think the gameplay in bloodbath is that bad i think the gameplay and bloodbath is fine i think there are a couple things that are a little bit awkward or a little bit weird wacky however i don't think bloodbath about the level itself is bad i think bloodbath is actually like on the line between a and b there's like low h or a very high b tier i think it's either one i'm going to give it eighteen for now and then we can potentially move it down later because i think it's like on the line subsonic keep in mind i did bloodbath as my third extreme and subsetting that's my fourth when they were top ten anyway subsonic is good however there are a couple parts i don't think is aged that well i like subsonic more than i like bloodbath though this is my list you know bloodbath didn't last long in eight here i'm just gonna do that and then we're gonna do that because i think subsonic is better now on to actual trash that's moving on ultimate face there we go ultimate face is garbage oh this face has like one good part and that one good part is like lugia i'm not gonna lie ultimate face is gonna be like my first f tier i've revisited my ultimate face recently because last time i think i gave it like a seat here the flawless um yeah no the flawless just goes after as well i won't lie the flawless is absolute absolutely terrible the next one i'm like torn about because aftermath is very bad but it's also not that ass i definitely think it's better than the ultimate physics and flawless however i think it's like worse than hypersonic it's like between them like at some point in it's like an in-between level between hypersonic and the ultimate phase i think okay now we're getting into a banger level because now we're getting into the 2020 levels that i completed because these are all the extremes i beat in 2017. philip knows all too well it is a glide by krone44 what a great level glide is like on the lower side of that so it's like very low s or very high a because glide is fantastic don't get me wrong however as my taste has changed over the past year glide is still fantastic however i don't think it is like flawless right i'm gonna put a high a for now now following that is another level that is an absolute fanger innards by kaido i feel like inners by kaido immediately gets biased points here because of the fact that let's be real innards my errors video chef's kiss innards is definitely better than glide in my opinion innards has a very massive soft spot in my heart i love innards so much i will also not put it like high ass i'm going to put it like here well however next up is uh trash acropolis i have a weird time talking about i think it's very mediocre i don't think acrobatics is that bad even i just think it's very mid like an incredibly mid-level it's not good it's not bad i think acropolis is one of those levels that i would just put in seat here just because i don't have an opinion on it now here is where the biggest discrepancy from my original uh tier list comes into play accu okay so accu i've always praised accu for being like the greatest level of all time accu is one of those levels that has changed opinion for me very very significantly over time because when i made my top 10 favorite levels of all time video uh people were like oh but where's accu and it's just it's just not i still like accu don't get me wrong i think aki is a fantastic level i really like it i think it's a really good level however it's not the highest of highest here as it was back when i initially beat it and for a few months afterwards but accu is definitely still an a tier but i don't think it's much more than an eight here however the next level is like the fattest f tier imaginable for anyone curious this is like my second least favorite level of all time uh you are going all the way back here screw you next up we are getting into the area of i shouldn't like it but i really do like it for whatever reason phobos i think is fantastic i really like phobos i always have do i think it's better than bloodbath do i think it's close to bloodbath yeah visually speaking i can't say focus is good i really can't say focus is good visually speaking however i've always really liked phobos when it comes to like the gameplay i always really enjoyed the phobos gameplay for some reason i don't know why and phobos has a lot of character i think the best i think the thing about phobos that like really stuck out to me is that phobos has so much character focus uses one of those levels that just it's very itself which is always a cool thing i love it when levels can just like be themselves and phobos is like a perfect example of that's kind of just how the level is stalemate redux i really like i realize how many b a and s tiers there are going to be there's going to be a lot of b's and ace because there's a lot of levels that i've beaten that i like for obvious reasons i beat the level because i like them anyway stomach redux i think stomach is much more so than accu suffers from bad pre drop because the wave installment redux oh my god holy [ __ ] visually speaking stomach rose is fantastic it is one of the most satisfying ufo parts and one of the most satisfying [ __ ] parts i really like the ending of it it's just so disappointing that the first wave is such a [ __ ] i like it though i don't think it's a great level i think stomach redux is like a lower end a tier probably allegiance i always liked allegiance however i think allegis is one of those levels that's like it's not amazing but it's not bad it's one of those levels that's just it's not a bad level but it's not a fantastic level in my opinion there are some terrible parts in the the pre-drop there are some terrible parts in the drop as well some of it is just like really wonky i hate the duel the dueling the legion sucks ass it has some very massive choke points which brings it down i've always been whatever on the decoration i'm gonna move acropolis to like here and i'll usually like highest end of sea tier dupe by worm fodder this one gets cool points because it uses the paper mario the thousand year door song i mean it being forgettable really doesn't mean anything for me i don't really care if it's forgettable if i like the level i like the level i think dupe is on the same line as acropolis whereas like i i think it's fine i think it's an okay level i always liked it i do like the song a lot as well and i think a lot of the gameplay is enjoyable however it's not a bad level but it's not a great level either like dupe is one of those levels that is just it's fine and that's pretty much it i'm putting dupe like here are you guys are you guys ready for like a super banger level in shock therapy shock therapy is awesome i love shock therapy i don't even have to discuss anything about it i'm just going to put it nest here keep forgetting the fact that i've beaten this level i don't know why i don't know how i beat bowsha is one of those few completions that i genuinely do understand how i did i always thought basho was a cool level uh the reason why i beat it was because i like it so like i'm not even gonna try and say the fact that i don't like about shot i think about show is good i think visually speaking bowsha is probably like my favorite style of knight circles level i think bausch and belengu are by far the most visually policing knight circles levels unless you found cosmic cyclone as well which you probably should let's be real but bowser vortex to me is like a good b-tier next up artificial ascent what a banging level artificial zen is one of those levels that similarly to accu i always really liked but with time i've just come to realize that some of the parts in artificial just aren't that good sanic isn't the greatest i don't think mannix's part is aged that well i think the gameplay in the first like 30 is not very good and i think anthrax is just like centixpart as well is just not the greatest so while i think the level is fantastic while i would have called it an ester a long time ago i think artificial ascent is in the similar vein of accuwear it's just a high eight here now here's a level that i don't think has many flaws other than the fact that the second cube is possible and that is black lizard if you don't think the second cube in black blizzard is the hardest part you're stupid uh but black blizzard similar to shock therapy i don't actually have to just explain anything black wizard is just a very solid s tear how many jimmies are gonna be ruffled here phenophobia sucks i don't even think his seat here i think it's at the highest low d tier like i'm not going to say it's like visually the worst level of all time i'm just i just don't care about the visual i think the the the decoration is fine at best really forgettable to me i really dislike the song it's the worst steampianist song and the gameplay is atrocious the gameplay is so ass but it's not at the level of ultimate face and the flawless i'll give it that much i'm just gonna put in e tier uh dolos and subsequently the next level as well uh on the list i just find painfully average i know a lot of people like dolos i think dolos is just incredibly average i'm pretty sure i said it when i beat it as well he's not a bad level but it's not a good level either like when i think dolos also subsequently the next level which is carca now i just think high-end very forgettable level that is just so really painfully mediocre that you just forget that they exist they are the penultimate c-tier extreme demons no one remembers them because of how average they are though most people remember because it's the funny haha brazil demon right but that's pretty much all that it has as like a redeeming factor correct so the fact that dolos is most redeeming factor as a level is the fact that it's the brazil level car can go car can no haha funny laughing next up amazing level yada garasu very good level totally not biased because it was my hardest i'm having a hard time actually with this one because i think yada is better than glide and subsonic but i also don't i also think there are some issues with yada that puts it below s because it's like really good don't get me wrong i think yada is fantastic however i my main issue with the auto is primarily just i don't like lugia i really don't like lugia lugia's part blows it's so wacky i think daydream has aged better than accu probably yendis is very underrated upon daydream getting a release i thought acu was better nowadays i'll probably say daydream is better daydream is really cool visually speaking it has really sick visuals duh and it has cool gameplay concepts i think the structuring of it is really cool and i really like the like carnival kind of like fun time haha la mao aesthetic to it whereas like it tries to be like a theme park almost so i really like daydream i think daydream is really good blade of justice is good i don't think it's at your good i think it's good i think the highlights of blade of justice are really good but i also think the parts in blade of justice that like pull it down are like really bad it's like a b tier i wouldn't call it better than phobos black blizzard or foe was bloodbath in my opinion dark end oh i have so many mixed feelings about darken bro darken visually speaking is one of the absolute best design levels like ever right darken looks phenomenal destiny's part in dark end is one of the absolute greatest designed parts ever made both visually and gameplay it's such a cool part however it's so boring to play the gameplay definitely pulls it down but darken is such a banger level otherwise i really like the visuals though the visuals pull it up a hard notch i'm gonna put it in a tier because i don't think the level is hard enough to where it like becomes obnoxious with the gameplay okay so bias coming in through i feel like i can't give cybernetic like a low rank because i voted it for best whatever the [ __ ] it wasn't nominated for cybernetic is sick i like cybernetic a lot yeah upon thinking a bit more about it i think it's better than subsonic now on the completely opposite side of the spectrum we have garbage d d d digital descent yucky very yucky don't like dd you guys know how i feel about digital design not very good i would be lying if i said some of the parts don't look cool though i really like galvatron's part i think karma ella's part is really cool i like the visuals of lugia lugia's part is really cool heinz's part is stellar but the gameplay in dd's just so ass i really like this song i've always like carnivores carnivorous is one of my favorite creole songs i'm gonna put it eater the same goes for my level i feel like there's gonna be some bias here i there are parts in it that i like i like the ball part i like the invisible part so it's not like an f here i think it's like an e-tier i i don't think it's good but i also think there are a couple of things in two to stars too that is like impassable that's not terrible i like the green strip part next in line we have retention by woogie okay thinking back at it potentially just a good level but that's pretty much it i don't think there's anything spectacular about it i think it's just an okay level you're just good that's pretty much all i have to say about it it's kind of in the same vein of like allegiance where i just think it's a good level but i can't like put it like higher up it's like very much similar to allegiance in that sense where i just think okay it's a good level but it's not amazing red world rebirth is absolutely atrocious i don't want to hear anyone say otherwise red world rebirth genuinely blows so much [ __ ] and balls is not even funny then we have a goated level third best extreme demon of all time i have to say much more it was just really good era by bolster i don't think bearbus is bad i think erebus is like good i think it has like the same kind of charm to phobos whereas like i recognize the fact that it's not like a good the best level of visually speaking however i love the level regardless arabs is one of those that i've just like i have like a very weird soft spot for where i recognize the fact that it's not the best level of all time i just like it because i like it i just think it's a good beat here does anyone want to guess what the next one is because i'm going to put it on screen and everyone is just immediately simultaneously just going to bust halberd my beloved that was so good i literally don't have to say anything halber's just a nest here how bird is actually so goaded misty mom's my weather man misty mountains is very solid uh misty mounts is a fantastic example of great atmosphere and great world building mystery mountains creates a very cool experience it's a very good level while it's not necessarily the most visually impressive level of all time the level as a whole is really good it's like a very good level everything that creates the full experience of misty mountains is very solid very very good i'm going to put it like right below stomach reduce i think it's an eight here but i think it's like a low a tier i i said it when i initially beat it i just don't like the gameplay napalm at all i think visually speaking is really cool i just really dislike playing it i really don't like marwick's extreme demon gameplay marwick's insane demon and below gameplay is fantastic don't like his extreme doing gameplay i didn't struggle with the level yeah but i still didn't like it because while i think the gameplay itself is like an e-tier i can't deny the fact that napalm looks amazing aeon air hot take of the day uh erebus by platinum is worse than regular erebus anyway i don't know why this is extreme i think it's a d-tier second d-tier no way torsion by rival torsion is underrated bro torsion is really good i think it's a fantastic level i really like it it's very clean very well made uh i don't know where i would place torsion um a low b because i think it's better than allegiance retention i'm gonna put it there next s tier uh no further discussion needed to be had sunset sandstorm uh you just can go right about there quantum processing is in the same region of existence as a lot of levels honestly it's in the same vein as dd where i think the visuals are good i just don't like the gameplay however unlike digital descent quantum processing like all across the board looks fantastic i just really dislike the gameplay i think the gameplay in quantum processing is so excruciatingly boring it is actual genuine torture i think it's better than dd i'm gonna put it in d tier though occult outcry my beloved as much as i want to be like super strong bias towards it i can't justifiably say that is better than something like artificial ascent or eq but i do think that it's as a remake very very solid very good and i do enjoy the gameplay i'm gonna put it uh here next up is very good berserk stellar absolutely amazing level love it i really liked berserk i really like playing it visually speaking is one of the best extremes and it's definitely xylem knox's best work in my opinion and gameplay is really fun berserk goes right around here next up we have one of the levels that have absolutely zero redeeming qualities deception dive uh this level blows that is all there is no redeeming qualities for deception dive it sucks so much step to hell not so much i [ __ ] on step to hell a lot when i initially beat it because i initially intended to beat step to hell because i wanted to beat a level that i knew i was going to really dislike right i didn't hate it that much in all honesty like step down is one of those levels it's kind of annoying because there's a few chokepoints in it but like some of the gameplay is like actually kind of fun like the drop in step to help not that bad i won't lie it's not a terrible level gameplay wise it just has some really yucky points so that alone is like c tier and then the game plays like very mid i think i think it's like on the higher end of d tier whereas like around cataclysm roughly because i don't think it's bad i don't think it's that bad i think people overhate stuff to help for some reason how many jimmies are we gonna wrestle with this team is really good if you say otherwise you're stupid teamwork is just straight up a very good level it's fun as well as weird as it sounds because when the fighter is kind of suck ass at wave timor is really fun visually is fantastic it's kind of forgettable i won't lie it's kind of forgettable i kind of agree with that but it's very good still i would say t-more's probably like around here anyway uh after t-more we have one of the most atrocious levels of all time a fanatos [ __ ] this level uh i don't have to say anything else you guys know how i feel about it i died in 92 three times i thought it was sucks titan complex is a funny one because everyone's like oh hey on hate titan complex eh on air just does not like titan complex because you got [ __ ] luck and you're not wrong i did get really bad luck i still like titan comics though it's like a good beat here it's like it's not awful it's not amazing it's just a good level dark odyssey good level i don't know why people are spamming s i don't think it's an s tier i think it's far from s yeah i'm going to call dark odyssey a b tier i think it's good it's just i don't know there's just something about it that's just like it's not amazing i never uh the only reason i remember it is because it's dark odyssey it's a famous level right it's like if it weren't for the fact that cataclysm was cataclysm you wouldn't remember what cataclysm looked like right dark odyssey in the same vein whereas like you remember dark odyssey because of the fact that it's dark odyssey not because of the fact that he's like the best level of all time i think that god is a good level that's pretty much all i have to say about it forbidden is one of those that i feel like everyone's just like no it sucks i hate forbidden i'll ah there's like it's mediocre i don't think it's bad i think it's good i think it a decent level it's just a mid-tier level if you're good at the game and you can beat something like forbidden aisle fast i think it's a great level i'm just gonna call it c because i just think it's very whatever next up is bloodlust bloodlust that's not bloodlust that's forbidden now again crap well this is a good level that's all i have to say like i i have nothing else to add i just think it's a good level 10th circle the funny level bro 10 circle is so great 10th circle has such a great song this song alone in 10 struggle makes such a difference i'm going to put out a hypothetical for you guys if 10th circle did not have the funnier russian song would you think it's a good level absolutely not you would you would not think your 10th circle was that good if it wasn't for the fact that the song adds so much character to it 10th circle is almost hard carried by the song i like 10 circle but i would be lying if i said it's not like kind of here because it's so painfully reliant on a specific aspect of itself and it being that reliant on like one particular asset of the level itself immediately takes away some of it next up is a level i feel like everyone's gonna assume that i'm gonna put in f tier and while it wouldn't make sense i like shatter it's just the fact that i really did not like playing shatter looking at chatter watching shatter amazing i love shatter it's very cool to look at playing shatter on the other hand the next level on the other hand though my god this level is so good all i have to say amazing level [ __ ] it i'm gonna bump it all the way up here dude rash is like one of the all-time greats like even just talking about the visuals i think rash is the nest here if we're just talking visuals rash is still asked here 100 next up is broken signal so the the the geometry dash 2021 awards best extreme demons were broken signal myocardia rash nova sphere nelve rust the five of those are like top five favorite extremes of this year for me broken signal is so good broken signal is one of the coolest visual levels this entire year period broken signals visuals are absolutely fantastic i'm i do i'm even gonna go as far as to grab a video real fast okay this part right here we're gonna we're gonna slow motion this part okay i see some people say that the game playing uh broken sailor is not that good i liked it i thought it was fun this part is actually so not worthy it is time for the next one or just not the most exciting level is pinot nom is uh one of those levels that i feel like is just not bad it's just very okay decent level i would say my only real thought and opinion on it is the fact that i don't think it's okay it's just worse macabre your hundred percent right i'm gonna put pinome in the same vein as stuff like forbidden isle where it's not bad but it's nothing spectacular precipitants that's not precipitants why is copper image is so bad there we go precipitation is my extra wagon this is a neat uh solar level i kind of like it i think it's fine i think it's amazing i just think it's good i would say this is like lower i think is not as good as pandome i don't think it's like carcano i think it's honestly i kind of feel like it's a d tier like now that i think more about it it's just not amazing yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna deteriorate sadly now next up is a level that i actually don't like volume by metal face i know a lot of people really like metal face uh i like metal faces stuff most of the time i'm gonna say that right now volume i do not like at all volume is incredibly boring to play it's super unbalanced it's just ugh it's the biggest chore of all time to play i'm gonna put volume in e tier next up is another garbage level necropolis whew oh what a level bro necropolis is very bad i i don't think it has any good qualities personally i'm just gonna put it left here i don't like necropolis at all nippleheim yo this level is kinda good good i think ninth lamb is great always been a fan of niflheim nifalami is a good level but i don't think it's anything more than like a good level i want to put it along the lines of like torsion slash 10th circle i think that's like the most reasonable place to put it personally best level in the game i'll have to say next up is nathan pester's favorite level chronicle depression i don't think it's that bad visually obviously it's terrible beginning not bad i don't know i think chronicle is just a very mediocre level i don't think it's bad i didn't hate the level i only disliked like two clicks really i think it's like a sea tier uh oh i was just gonna bust and then a concord person appeared on screen crap speed run oh i love this level speedrun is so good peter is fantastic i think he's better than innards so i'm gonna move innards back a little bit and then we're just gonna put speedrun right there oh we're on a streak right now of two really terrible levels first and foremost sigma interface i don't like i really do not like sigma interface it's not the worst level in existence but it's not good very boring excruciatingly boring actually visually speaking is pretty cool though i think i want to put it in d tier because i do think it has a couple redeeming qualities the only thing is that it's severely held back by the lack of everything else so we're just gonna put sigma interface in d tier i think now we have uh like the third worst extreme demon i've ever beaten no further comments need to be had distraught troll face this ride is so ash bro i genuinely don't understand how so many people like distraught the amount of people who were like oh you know you're just bad whenever i said that i didn't like destructs gameplay bro destroyed is just not good anyway next up is amazing uh rust my beloved rust is just very good ross is just very good bro i think russ is better than susan yeah everyone knows what's coming every single one of you guys knows exactly what i'm gonna uh have as my uh most controversial take like ever base cave is a tier i'm not gonna further elaborate i'm just gonna say base cave is eight here and then move on with my day on ahitab yuko visually one of the absolute best levels that has ever been and graced the extreme demons list however the gameplay in anahita severely deteriorated it the game plan on ajita is such a shame because visually speaking anahita is so good the full detail of onahira is absolutely stellar but man the gameplay messed it up for me i think it's a good level i will not say anahita is anything lower than a meteor i just wish i enjoyed the gameplay more because if i enjoyed the gameplay of anahita a little tiny bit more then the level would be absolutely so good next up is another good level actually low death is good my only issue with low death is how boring it is low death is another example similar to something like misty mountains where the beginning of it is so boring to the point where it just becomes obnoxious to play i really like low depth i think low death is fantastic i just found it kind of boring to play it took me like two and a half like it took me like two and a half days which is not that much it took me like three thousand attempts right but low death is just it just got boring to play it was one of those levels that i just if i didn't have twitch shot i would not pull through with it the first 30 on level is very slow and is like a three minute level the first like minute of this level is very very lame but it's also the hardest part which makes it so much worse however i do still think that low death is a good level and i think it's in the same vein as something along the lines of misty mountains we're gonna move dark it up here and then i think low death is around the same vein because i think while i don't think the game the visuals of low death aren't that good it has a lot of charm to it i think low death is a very very charm full level yeah i'm gonna put in eight here i think low death is overall a very good level haha xd it's terrible i hate this level don't have to say much more sakuban just slides right into the bottom of the depth of hell that is after another red hell level however this one i like well i don't okay i i can't go as fast as i like necromancer i'm very neutral on necromancer necromancer is not bad but it's not good necromancer is like a very solid seat here because i don't think it's a bad level i don't think it's a good level i think the visuals are fine at parts i think the visuals are bad at parts the gameplay is whatever it's just a rig it's just a sea tier it's a very average level i think necromancer gets unnecessary amounts of hate i don't think it's a good level i won't go as fast as yeah i like necromancer i just don't think it's bad necromancer is just a level that i'm very fully neutral requiem is very very very good um if i were to place it like to where i think it would be like in my top i think it would be between rash halberd i'm just too lazy to move them around i think requiem would go between rash and halberd i'm just going to put it here because i'm too lazy to move [ __ ] around requiem is fantastic though rock william is so good i don't think it's better than kill bar i think killed is better but that might be just because killbot was the first one i beat i think both of them are absolutely fantastic my main issue with requiem over kilbot is the fact that while i think the execution of the visuals are better in requiem i think requiem is slightly stunted by the fact that it has a few more choke points which makes it somewhat annoying uh 28 to 30 specifically is very obnoxious 42 is also very obnoxious 47 very obnoxious and then the very beginning of the drop very obnoxious the red beam has a couple choke ones that kind of take it down a notch even though i think it's on the same level as coolbot killbot doesn't have those chokepoints which i think makes it a better level even though i think the requiem visuals are a little bit better uh next up is another very very good level myocardia by toffee what a banger level i don't actually have anything negative to say i wasn't going to be like yeah it's an a tier it's a very good level however but then i started thinking about that however i don't actually have anything negative to say about it myocardial is just a very good level i can't think of anything negative about my myocardial my only negative the only negative with actually i think about it is the fact that it lags because it's really object heavy i'm gonna put myocardial in like a low s here because i don't think it's like on the same level as something like uh actually it's more or less the same as inner speedrun broken signal actually take it back next up we're approaching the end here because we're in the realm of just all of the 12 demons levels incipient i like however incipient is also just not the greatest level i think incipient is like a b tier because of the good level there were just a couple of things about it that just kind of ticked me off i didn't like the first cube that much and uh i really didn't like the dual ball that's pretty much it that's the only thing i didn't like about it i think it's a great level i think it's overall very solid it has it's orange very good i like the fact that it's orange orange is epic see okay so this is where you guys kind of understand where on the timeline i beat specific levels because make it drop i upload when did i upload make it drop i may upload and make a drop in like november right make a drop is coming soon however the ninth demon of christmas hurricane i beat before make a drop i beat make it drop after hurricane just to like put it uh in pers perspective like when i beat stuff uh hurricane i really like i think hurricane is very very good hurricane i would put at like the top of a tier along with glsen yada and cybernetic hurricane very solid level insanely good i just got kind of unlucky with it doesn't make it a bad level hurricane is very very good there are a couple the reason why it's not an ester is because i can point out specific flaws with the gameplay that i did not enjoy therefore i can't put it in ester because esther is like i don't really see any like specific issues with the level that i just think are glaring enough to where it's like it's not an amazingly perfect level right as much as i want to praise and make it drop as much as every other person i just think mega drop is good and nothing else make it drop is just a good level that's pretty much all i have to say i think make a drop is in a similar line to like incipient to me or like dark odyssey where i like the level i think it's good however i don't think it's amazing uh a cheers like i think their level is great i think the level is very good these are like i think the level is good that's pretty much it and then cetera is like average right i think make a drop goes into the lines of b tier because i think it has enough issues to where i don't think it's like the most amazingly amazing level ever but it's just good enough to make it up into like the b tier but it has some it has some annoying gameplay in the drop that i didn't enjoy moment is a funny one because everything about moment you would think is very not a on-air gameplay there is nothing about moment that screams this is something aeon likes like i said in my video on moment this is easily one of my favorite extremes ever moment is so good i beat it before the update as well so i have all the rights to talk moment is absolutely incredible visually speaking it's very simplistic so the visuals aren't like the best thing ever but it works with the song the song is very nice very relaxed i think moment is a very good ass tier i really really like moment down bass second to last day of christmas down basis if we take a look here real fast the lowest rated 12 demon of christmas so far is incipient and like a mid beat here i don't like bass down bass i think there's a lot of things with downbeats that i just don't like i think it's a detour because i don't think it's horrendous but the couple things about it that are really bad are really bad like looking back at it i think part of the reason why i dislike down bass the way i did was because of the fact that i was under a lot of pressure down base however doesn't really have any like major flaws other than the fact that it has like a couple chokers there's like five or six clicks that are like really bad so we're gonna put down bass uh down low and we're just gonna put in d tier because i don't think it's like too bad you know and then lastly we have frozen cave uh i don't have to say anything i just think frozen cave is very good i don't think there is anything bad about it frozen cave is just very good if i were to be realistic i think frozen cave would probably go between speedrun broken signal uh i'm but as i said i'm too lazy to move [ __ ] around i'm just gonna place it there but frozen game is definitely an s here for me personally so that's it uh if you like the video subscribe if you haven't already i would really appreciate it i'm probably gonna end up doing this video in like a year or something again because the fitness change over time as they do so as time goes on i beat more stuff i will probably end up changing my opinion on a lot of these things so the videos gotta be remade in the future i'm gonna be completely real with you but either way thank you for watching hope you guys enjoyed it if you did like comment subscribe other justice know the drill by now see you guys later each green stay healthy stay hydrated thanks for making my day better hope yours a little bit better too peace out everyone [Music] [Music] you
Channel: AeonAir
Views: 87,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aeon, aeonair, aeon air, geometry dash, geometry dash 2.11, gd, extreme demons, ranking, ranking extreme demons, ranking all extreme demons, ranking all my extreme demons
Id: c7TbI1skxO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 20sec (2060 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 29 2021
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