The Accent TAG! (Minnesotan Edition)

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hello everyone I'm really excited because who isn't excited when they're actually tagged to do a tag here on YouTube that's great jest of the mod mermaid one of my loveliest youtube friends here on youtube and blogger as well I guess that's how I met her originally she tagged me to do the accent tag which is embarrassing because I know I have an accent well it might not be strong in like my everyday speech it is strong in certain words at certain phrases I know that when some of my own sounds and then also some of the little things I say you know a lot of people comment on the fact that I say you know which I think I just said twice I say you know a lot which is very Minnesota nice a roof top and little things like that I've got the questions here some of them actually aren't questions it's a list of words and I'm sure you've all seen the accent tag before but if not I will obviously be putting the questions and list of words and stuff down below and I think I'm probably gonna put them on the screen as well like I usually do so you can follow along so yeah I guess I can just get started here makes me really nervous water sure which is one of the ones that I say different sometimes it can be sure and it can be sure I say both data ruin crayon this is another one okay I used to always say New Orleans but I feel like everyone on YouTube / everyone else in the world says New Orleans I don't know if it's a Minnesotan thing to say it New Orleans or if that's just me setting it completely wrong depending on who I'm around I'll be there say New Orleans or New Orleans at least I'm honest pecan both you're welcome again probably spitting image Alabama lawyer coupon I'm trying to be fancy I'll say coupon but it's usually coupon mayonnaise which I never say it's just Mayo syrup pajamas which I never say they're PJs or jim-jams caught caught caught how am I saying that weird I caught the crappie I didn't know that was one that brought out my accent all right naturally aluminium and the next one is also situational if I'm talking about the white things that you send in the mail that's an envelope but if we're talking about the big yellow ones that you put like documents in that's an envelope so different so there's another list of words and I'm just gonna read them off aunt roof route Wash oil theater iron salmon caramel sea but route is situational as well sometimes its route but sometimes its route what route were you looking for but oh I was driving down route 22 the other day yeah see their situational just for fun I wanted to throw in some Minnesotan words slash phrases I've got all four cute which it comes out sometimes oofta don't you know you know you betcha we say the ditch instead of a ditch which I wasn't aware of but it definitely happens I was driving and I hit some black ice and then I just went into the ditch that's how I would say it but normally people would say Oh who's driving and I hit some black ice and then I went into a ditch because there's more than one ditch in the world but in Minnesota it's just the ditch I don't know why we also don't say car park or cop hawk like in Boston slash other places it's definitely not car park it's just a parking ramp anything with a long Oh boat boat coaster poster I can't see them without that Oh boat let's go hop on the boat the boat the boat the boat the the boat the boat it's not good also Minnesotan good-byes here in Boston it's like okay bye see you later in Minnesota you know you stay in the entranceway of the house and you just stand there for everything oh it was so good to see you oh you two hug all remember that one time drop the bed okay hug bye I'll see you later don't worry blahblah oh did I tell you I meant to tell you yesterday bla bla bla bla there's so many stories that you remember when you're saying goodbye in Minnesota and so saying goodbye actually takes about five years instead of five minutes now on to the actual questions that they actually asked of me what is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house tp'ing what else is it called I honestly don't think I've heard anyone say a different answer other than tp'ing so I would love to actually know what is the bug that when you touch it it curls into a ball a roly-poly again I have never heard an answer other than roly-poly so I don't know what the other answer actually is what is the bubbly carbonated drink called pop it's called pop it's not soda it's not coke coke is a specific pop I've gotten used to calling it soda because I was sick of getting teased about saying pop but I hate saying soda because it brings out my Minnesota accent so I guess I'm gonna get teased either okay what do you call gym shoes tennis shoes what do you say to address a group of people you guys I know that sucks it's also situational because being a waitress we weren't allowed to say you guys cuz that could be offensive to some of the older generations of ladies out there so I got used to saying either y'all or everyone hence hello everyone what do you call the kind of spider or spider-like creature that has an oval-shaped body and extremely long legs I also don't know the other answer to this other than a daddy longlegs what else do you call it I'm serious tell me in the comments below because these I really haven't heard the other answer to these and I am quite curious what do you call you grandparents this one I also don't feel like is a good accent question because it's not like everyone in Minnesota or everyone in Massachusetts or everyone in England or wherever you are in the world says it the same it depends on your family not where you live I personally call my grandparents Grammy and Grandpa what do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket well that's called a grocery cart or just a cart what do you call it when rain falls while the sun is shining this is another one what else does it called other than a sun shower and or confusing and then last but not least what is the thing you change the TV channel with that is a remote control or just the remote I wanted to add one question on as well though because I think this I don't know that it necessarily has to do with where you're from but I think it's interesting to see what people call this thing so my question is what do you call the rubbery string that you use to secure your hair I personally call it a hair by knee if I don't call it a hair by Andy I call it a ponytail holder some people call them hair ties hair bands elastics hair elastics I think that's a fun question so I'm adding it to my list and yeah that's it you guys so this one was kind of short and sweet I hope I hope you enjoyed I hope it was everything you wanted it to be I know Jess you said I think it was kind of when we first started talking you said how much you love Minnesotan accents so I hope this was everything and more I wish I could think of more things to say that would make me sound Minnesotan but I really don't I can't think of anything yeah I'm gonna take some people down below otherwise as always you can tag yourself and then say that I tagged you I don't mind not at all I hope you're all well until next time just stay well until then [Music]
Channel: Thrift Thick
Views: 163,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ThriftThick, Babble, Accent, Tag, The Accent TAG, Minnesota, Minnesotan
Id: s8JM2nuKtkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2013
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