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I go a single month one single month without making a Linux video and look what happens you can already feel my absence on the linux fear it seems like the whole house of cards is now collapsing Linux is over Elsa over just now been sentenced to a slow and intermittently painful death that's gonna be sort of hard to watch now a lot of you I have gotten so many emails about this I get ru these mails to do things on news events every once in a while you know I don't know social controversy in the technology community now I usually don't do it but I think this is one of the ones that I've gotten so much feedback or requests for this and it is something that I guess is shows the absolute state of society now that we might as well talk about so if you haven't heard already Linus Torvalds has left the Linux project now this is supposed to be temporary we have no how no idea how long this is gonna be and it's not because he has you know it has some kind of personal issue or he has to do something you know has business he's sick now none of that he's basically been I guess we can say it saying just bullied out of it he's been browbeaten out of it might be the proper word he's been told that he's a bad bad boy and that he should go think about what he's done and he recently sent out an email to that effect in the one of the most recent updates to Linux said something to that effect he's gonna be he's gonna go put on his go to his little cut corner and think about what he's done basically so what's been going on in Linux now what's been going on in Linux is the same thing that's been going on in a lot of other software projects now before we get into the specifics those of you who are less familiar with I don't know the the political state of software development recently open-source software development free software development whatever you want to call it they're totally different but one thing that has been happening recently is the rise of so-called codes of conduct now these are very controversial in very particular and predictable ways now codes of conduct in the abstract or the Code of Conduct is is rules or the standards of discourse to contributing to a repository or to a software project in the abstract that's what that is so it means you know what kind of things what kind of behavior we expect what kind of commits we want what kind of you know different stuff it can be variant from project to project but recently codes of conduct have a very particular political purpose and that is there's this certain group of people and you know those those of you the average normies out there will usually call them ace JW's right you've heard of these people and these people are grifters there they go from I don't know hobby to hobby to from group to group they went to atheists they went to video game people they went to tabletop RPG people and they've done the same thing and all of these communities now I don't really care about any of these communities I do sort of care about what happens to Linux and software projects because that's something that everyone can use even even if you're not like autistic or something I mean not to downplay people who play video games or whatever if you're a kid that's fine but you guys who watch this channel might know I'm not a big fan of video games anyway the the these kind of people have come to Linux they've been around in software projects for a long time they've had a lot of effects on software product projects in very negative ways Mozilla Firefox is one particular example but there are many other software projects where the priorities change in these codes of conducts they have very particular codes of conducts that at the first at first glance they just want moral moral surrendering so you're just trivial things that people might not matter about or care about for example you'll want a more inclusive language and documentation and nor will people look at that and they're like okay that's fine you know if you you want to use gender-neutral terms if you want to say they instead of he that's fine you know a normal person wants to be accommodating stuff and that's typically how it is and that's released people get a foothold things like this minor things then they start talking about inclusive language they start talking about the flaws of meritocracy because meritocracy is we all know benefits white males and no one else that's something implicit pretty much that everyone at some way or another so it is their job to deconstruct a meritocracy to get rid of it and replace it with the underprivileged groups and when I mean underprivileged groups what people usually mean by that are the groups that you're not allowed to criticize and I'm not gonna go into what those groups are you know what they are but and a lot of these people have been putting code of codes of conducts up there the objective is to not to improve the discourse not to you know improve the quality of the project but to gradually take it over and use it to political ends as I said before you can look at 10 10 or so years ago you might remember it was cool to be an atheist on the Internet if 10 years ago I remember that I was a kid back then you know it was cool it was edgy to be an atheist if you were an atheist you had all these hot takes and then they got taken over by sjw's right they got taken over by these people and atheism became less about being an atheist or not believing in a particular rich religion it became more of an issue of supporting leftist political causes and atheist conferences got taken over by these people and that now we have an atheist sort of the blood of every single joke on the Internet you know even atheists make fun of atheists you know now the one thing you have to remember about these people they again they will say reasonable things at the beginning that's always how it happens again it's oh don't you want to eat loot use inclusive terminology don't you want to be use gender-neutral terminology don't you want to do all this stuff but it is a way of giving the devil a foothold and in all of these cases what happens is gradually as that foothold expands first you know when it comes to software projects first it's inclusive language fine that's fine that's something that people can agree on at a literal level but after that it becomes well you know the often autistic people who write software they don't necessarily have our standards of quorum they're a little mean they might call people mean things they might care too much about the quality of the code and not think about the feelings of the people who are making commits or making contributions and one of the things about the Linux project is that Linus is alleged to be one of these people that is Linus has a allegedly again this is something that the news beanie media is saying nauseum because they've basically been told it by you know SGI w's or whatever um but people are saying that Oh Linus he's just such you know a big big meanie to people who he has he puts his standards too high and it's not nice enough to people and first off in order to get a kernel written in order to get in a significantly large software project written that is something you need to do you need to have a high level of sympathy with the efficiency of your code and that often means steamrolling over people's opinions realistically speaking that's something that has happened in a lot and Linus I mean Linux is literally named after him it's his baby and a lot of the changes he he has either accepted or rejected have allegedly been done so in a way that rubbed the feathers of other people but I want you to remember this isn't just about niceness okay this is available a takeover in the same way that it's a takeover of the Atheist community or some other kind of community the issue is not to get people to be nice okay because these people who are trying to take over they're not nice to the people they don't like they hate them you look at what they're saying on Twitter right now I'm not gonna mention any names but you can look them up you can look at what they're saying on Twitter they hate the people that they want to replace they want it to be them to be dead they don't want them to current contribute they call them toxic they call them dumpster fire they call them all these words they hate them they want them done they don't want their contributions even if those contributions are good for the linux project or any other kind of software project so that's one thing you need to remember this is not it might be that some of the people who are going to take over the software project or who are going to like these codes of conducts it might be that they're good programmers but if that is just incidental their goal is not programming their goal is not good software their goal is not good anything except for their political ends that's it and everyone knows it and they will even say that that is their goal so don't pretend otherwise no I'm just saying this because a lot of people out there you know I don't like these middle-of-the-road people who just again they want to be nice again it's okay if you want to views gender neutral terms and you want to be accepting and stuff like that that's fine but you have to realize that 99% of the time nowadays the unfortunate fact is those are used as wedges to dangerous people dangerous priorities into software projects now let's talk about Linus in particular Linus put out a little email on you know one of the recent updates of Linux and again he said he's been a bad bad boy he's gonna leave Linux he's gonna think about what he's done oh because he's so terrible now Linus has what PewDiePie calls Swede kook jeans okay and there is this high trust nature to a lot of Scandinavian people and I think that Linus is showing it here I think in the back of Linus's mind he doesn't think he's actually been unreasonable and most of the people responding to him said you haven't been unreasonable even you've been very diplomatic you've been forceful with what you need but that is what's required for a good software project but I think what Linus is actually doing is that he expects that he's going to leave this project and the people who have been against him are just gonna realize oh we've been unreasonable he's gone off alone you know maybe we should let him back in and you know it accept him for who he is or something like that because we've been a little we've been a little too harsh I think that's what Linus thinks is going to happen I'm just gonna say that's not what's gonna happen can again these people's priority is not Linus being nice their priority is take over political take over now might happen gradually it's not as if all these people believe the same thing but you have to think of it not as individual people with individual ideas but you have to think of it as a kind of hive mind right this is a kind of hive mind takeover of Linux as these people have taken over many other hobbies or really the entire world now how do I think what do I think about the absolute state of Linux is it over I don't know no clue I'll say it's not that Linux is not gonna disappear next week I think if anything it's gonna happen more like what's happened to Firefox where there's a gradual decline in code quality if they can't keep up you know keep their priorities in order and so there's gonna be gradual decline in the quality of code and how it works and I think people will gradually be jumping off I might as well I'll just go ahead and say the chance last week of me ever using BSD was about 2% now it's about 3035 percent I'll just say that so I think you know it's not over Linux again is of course free software you can fork it you can do whatever and that might be a part of the reason this is happening in Linux is because just institutionally it's gotten big enough to allow this kind of grievance mongering all right and when a corporation or something gets large enough that they don't have to think about the efficiency all the time a lot of things can go wrong but this is just one of them so I'm not so black pilled not just I might be black built on Linux but I'm not black peeled about the user experience in the free software community because granted there are other projects like FreeBSD who have had problems but you know the ecosystem is wide enough to not be a worry aside from that feel like there's something else I was just about to say I'll think about it in just a second I remember what I was gonna say so it is how in the current year can I deal live in a society with these people with hiw how can I survive in a society with them now first off one thing you have to remember is that these people are an extremely small minority of actual humans out there in fact even in places you might think of as being extremely leftist okay they're still a minority you know for example I was in graduate school while still am technically and while most everyone there is a leftist well effectively everyone except for me is a leftist there's only a very small portion of them who are dyed haired feminists or just up to it through a spiderweb who are stereotypical sjws there are very only a very small portion of those but the reason these people succeed is because everyone else is afraid of them okay these people have a long record of Maca valiantly exploiting other people's values to their own gain they will make lies they will do whatever they want they will scare people they will defame you it doesn't matter if it's legal or illegal they will go on Twitter post rumors they will do anything they don't care again they function as a hive mind so how do you resist this how do you in the real world how do you actually avoid this now I'll tell you what I do I can't give you the per solution and that is I do not give these people any headspace in fact the fact that I'm even doing this video is far more than I usually do because as it comes down to it if I wanted an opinion of one of these people I would have just stayed in my second grade class you know because my teacher every teacher from you know kindergarten to twelfth grade effectively had the same opinions of as these people every college professor effectively has the same opinions or acquiescence to their opinions okay so their viewpoint there's some people out there who say oh well we have to have a you know free society when we left listen to everyone's viewpoint as it comes to these people I don't really feel like I need to listen to these people so I am a firm proponent of blocking these people on social media sites and I do not give them any headspace in here there's no no part of my brain that like thinks about these people you know what I mean I think about other people I think about other groups I think about criticizing other groups but as far as I'm concerned I've heard everything these people want to say and you have to and you don't care you think they're morons so why do you even care what they think these people are powerful only because you give them you give them moral advantage you are too afraid to either speak up to them or just put on your smug anime girl face and not care about them that's all you have to do in a sense and I think in real life as more and more corporations more and more academic departments are getting taken over by these people don't look at that as our institutions are being taken over in a sense they are but the fact that the Linux kernel might be taken over by these people is more a statement about the Linux kernel itself it's gotten so big it's gotten there's so much we have all our eggs in one big basket and the project has gotten so big that it doesn't have to care about code efficiency or something like that or in an academic department you know let's say some sociology department has all these people in it why because you know they don't have a particularly they might not have a particularly high level of academic discourse they really just want some kind of people to do whatever political groundwork they want you know what I mean so what I'm saying is avoid these people not because you're afraid of them but because they are maggots on decaying flesh okay wherever they are the it's an indication that you're somewhere you shouldn't be if I have to give life advice to people which this is the same life advice that I always give to people if they email me about something your priority should not be succeeding within the system it should be becoming independent of the system and that is the one place they can't touch you okay because these people are apparatus of the system you understand they are again part of the hive mind they don't function outside of it and if you make yourself independent if you put yourself in a mindset where they can't affect you they can't affect you they can they can tell lies about you they can maybe get you to lose your position that you know someplace you shouldn't be anywhere but the fact of the matter is you want to put yourself in a position where you can be married at Craddock you can be independent of these people and when it comes down to it I don't think that you should give these people again any mind space and I don't fundamentally maybe this is a controversial take I don't think that these people should be entitled to free speech and what I mean by that I'm actually gonna quote from them okay now in their view they will say oh well free speech is great but we have to prevent Nazis from having free speech why because in their view Nazis write Nazis a big bad guys who want to restrict free speech now I know I've I know some Nazis and I've never met one who nowadays or actually wants to restrict free speech in fact if anything they want the exact opposite they want people to be able to debate issues you know so if you someone like Andrew England okay he's a Nazi the daily stormer guy right is he saying that we should restrict free speech well Andrew England says a lot of things to cease satirically but he doesn't ultimately believe in that I've talked to someone like Mike Enoch of the right stuff he's an evil Nazi right he doesn't support restricting free speech he's in favor of free speech okay now who in the political environment what is the only group of people who wanna restrict the free speech of others the only group does anyone know what that group is well you're probably saying it but you know what the group is there's only one group of people who even have the idea in their head of restricting free speech and that is these people the sjw's so if we're going to restrict the political rights of someone to you know obviously this isn't realistic because these people are the mouthpiece of the establishment but realistically speaking if we had the ability and the courage to restrict any kind of free speech it would be these people because frankly we've heard their ideas we don't like them they're terrible we've seen what's happened to society the past you know 30 40 50 years since they've been ascendant in one form or another and it's not good okay we know it's bad and they their entire goal not just in the linux project but in everything they touch is absolute control not just the ability to squash dissent but to make dissent impossible to control every single academic department they will basically already write every textbook they control all of the information flow in our society what we call the mainstream media stuff like that and yeah that's the place we live in so when it comes to me being black pilled on Linux or something like that or their takeover of Linux I put it in the okay there's some boom are cutting the lawn I'm sorry if that's uh it's a little too loud I put it in the perspective that these people in effect have already won everything and so they when you control the writing of textbooks or the media or something like this they already have total control everything else is just sort of details and what they're doing in technology what they're doing in hobbyist stuff and stuff like this this is them overreaching okay it's like when people will say somewhat satirically that you know a gamergate cause trump right and there's a there's a sense in which that's true right because a lot of in a lot of positions these people are overreaching they're going too far they already in effect controlled society but now people are starting to realize it and when you have people saying stuff like whiteness should be abolished or yada yada yada if everyone knows what that means okay no one needs some kind of decoder ring to figure out what that means you know so that's the absolute state of society so I am as always white peeled because if it gets worse it just means it's gonna get better later you know what I mean that's my position so again realistic advice be independent be independent of them don't care what they think you do what you do things are gonna be okay I I wish the I wish the best for Linux I hope Linus you know gets out of his cut corner and comes back and you know has moral authority and you know puts everyone you know rights all the wrongs but if it doesn't happen it's not a big deal there are other software projects Linux is of course free software it's gonna be okay okay it's gonna be okay guys so yeah anyway that's about it see you guys next time
Channel: Luke Smith
Views: 93,812
Rating: 4.5018778 out of 5
Keywords: conduct, source, github, luke smith, license, not related, meme, development, linux, stoicism, video, news, git, sjw, games, podcast, stoic, technology, gnu, kernel, gpl, memes, sjws, open, free, code, software, project
Id: pwn3gIipCjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 18 2018
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