The 88 Temples (English Version) Full movie

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Laughter] [Music] is [Music] so [Music] four years ago i weighed goodbye to my wife and grandchildren to undertake a long pilgrimage the camino de santiago de compostela 800 kilometers long that ends the burial of saint james the apostle who was buried in spain [Music] i felt the need to strengthen my faith and by taking the pilgrimage would have once again felt my relationship with god i met hundreds of pilgrims from many countries i met kay that prided himself for having walked 60 kilometers in one day but then confessed he did it by jedi power as he put it and yuji with his wife momoko japanese who had come to walk in the aftermath the powerful 2011 earthquake and tsunami that hit their homeland to pray for the souls who had died [Music] k told me of a buddhist pilgrimage on the island of shikoku in japan where you visit 88 temples the idea of taking a buddhist pilgrimage was fascinating if they have come to us i reasoned why not me go to them and so four years later seeing my camino de santiago pilgrimage i am in chico and meeting with my japanese belgian friends once again they are here to introduce me to the sacred journey taking pilgrims to 88 buddhist temples in the four prefectures of the island in the first step of buddhist monk kukai known as kapodaishi i feel excitement and trepidation at the same time however as i am about to embark on a spiritual journey outside my christian upbringing and cultural tradition will i satisfy my desire for the exotic and longing of the soul [Music] i'm very happy to see again to some friends at camino four years later in japan also i changed my life after the camino to 2012 it was very hard for me had experience for walking 800 kilometers but more now more power and energy and active so this is good thing for me so now i have i can decide before i lose losing any time i i like this i like this i have many things but now don't need and i go this way i can't say [Music] decision i can make decision so it was good experience for me so if you someone if someone want to go camino or come to japan please do it i think so so welcome to japan hmm [Music] the religious practices of these men and women in white robes who have come in prayer are mysterious to me they honor kobodaishi the monk who founded shingon buddhism in japan i am dying to understand their meaning and significance and learn the proper etiquette to follow at the temple [Music] limit route focuses on the history of westerners and the pilgrimage has accepted my request to help in that regard so each pilgrim when they arrive at the main hall and at the daisy hall they have a sort of prayer book and in it are various sutras and prayers that they recite and one of them is the hanya singyo the heart sutra you can hear the pilgrims chanting that now so a lot of pilgrims will use a hat like this and often covered with a vinyl sheet to protect them from the rain or the snow and on the hat on one side says dog yo nini so you're making the pilgrimage with kobo daisy on the other side is a sanskrit mark it says you and it means kobo daisy and this mark should always come at the front so when you put the head on it should be like that i wanted to be a voyage of discovery and experience all right the best way was to look like a traditional buddhist program and participate in the religion for male so on the vest that the pilgrims wear it's called biakue sometimes also called on the vest and on the book that the pilgrims use is often namu daisy henjo kongo which can mean great reverence to the the master kova daisy as well there's also a phrase dog yo ninin which means making the pilgrimage with kobo dicey and the staff that the pilgrims use is believed to be kobo daisy himself so you are actually walking with him he is supporting you along your journey so he you are wearing him you are traveling with him he is all around you and watching over you and protecting you [Applause] [Music] rio sandy temple number one located in tokushima prefecture is the starting point with k with my guide for the first week of my journey [Music] here is where bergeron plays they will complete the 88 visits around the island and have their wishes granted [Applause] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] it feels reassuring having cave with me he does all the planning and other japanese can communicate with the locals i dread the thought of him living shortly and for the remaining of my journey having to travel alone [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes he was a very also proficient [Music] thank you [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] at temple number 10 buddhist guru edward lee has brought his disciples of chinese from around the world here to learn about the wisdom of cabo daisy since i watched each other away [Applause] foreign [Music] that is the way then go transitions ally [Music] so now a 15 kilometers steep trail to temple number 12 so sanji is ahead of us it climbs and descends three mountain ranges his nickname the pergrim [Music] downfall [Music] so as you um arrive at each temple it is important to to follow the ritual of worshiping when you pass through the main gate you are now entering a sort of sacred space so it is important first to to purify your hands and your mouth so you pick up a ladle with your right hand wash your left hand switch to your left wash your right hand switch again put water in your left hand drink some it's up to you though and then wash the handle and return it now you are purified to continue the next step [Music] uh [Music] [Music] the okay reminds me of the signing of his pilgrim book before we leave pilgrims take their book to the temple office after finishing worshipping as proof they have visited each temple [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] if buddhist people in japan pray for the souls who have died what is their belief i know what kay believes after all he is showing a great devotion to kabadashi [Music] traditional buddhist teaching is teaching actually that we are kind of reborn but what is it what is reborn in the context of japanese buddhism japanese i believe believing that through passing away the consciousness achieves enlightenment and becomes buddha and enters the pure land this is a common belief here in japan [Music] [Applause] this man offered me a ride to the train station it is believed that by offering a gift to a pilgrim one is actually giving to kobadaishi this costume of giving which has been prevalent for hundreds of years is an important part of the sikuto pilgrimage culture it is called osetai having completed the first section called the path of awakening phase with my pergrim friend and guide k i move on alone i must admit i was taken more by the japanese culture and adventure than the spiritual aspect of the pilgrimage while my emotional attachment to it remains illusive my next section of temple located in karti prefecture is called the path of religious discipline [Music] so after you have purified your hands and your mouth you come to the bell and you ring it once now some of the temples don't have bells some of the temples don't want you to ring the bells and it you should not ring the bell when you leave that is considered bad luck so you're just here to announce your arrival then we go down to the next step [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign now that i am alone i am beginning to increasingly becoming conscious of myself and able to keep up to my surroundings such as i experienced on the camino de santiago [Music] [Music] in the hurry of getting off the train at the small train station i forgot my walking stick behind kobodaishi my fellow companion that's supposed to be walking with me and supporting me along my journey is no longer with me now i am confronted with my own sense of guilt i found getting on and off a bus or train my walking stick to be a real impediment and confess i had thoughts of getting rid of it did cabo daisy since my arrogance and decided it was time to let go of me [Applause] next on the pilgrimage located in the aim prefecture is called the path of enlightenment [Music] on the train to my surprise i encountered the same program who greeted me on my way out of a temple gate days ago [Music] ah okay so at the hondo the main hall and at the daisy dog the kobodaishi hall people light a candle and put three sticks of incense that represent past present and future at at each building then they place a piece of paper that has their name their age and their address and their wish in a box and then they will recite various the heart sutra and other mantras as part of their worship ritual [Music] pray for the ancestors for their family or for themselves each of the 88 temples as his own secret chant i am enchanted by the beauty and civility of the champ and fear for the first time a sense of belonging as i go on [Music] [Music] i traveled for weeks without meeting or seeing another westerner on the road this australian couple had just completed the route around the [Music] i've chicago been a very giving and caring person i started to get a bit burnt out because at times people take take take and so when i came to shikoku the amount of giving it just it brings you to tears each day basically and you feel so humbled by all the different sorts of people who come to you in the street and be so kind and give you things that you just need on that particular day i mean you can go and buy it yourself but when you're wearing this outfit people see what you're doing and they want to support what you do a man would ride pass on a bike and give you oranges the people of japan and especially chico are just they bring tears to your eyes we've been so humbled by the experiences that we've had just renewed my faith in human kindness all over again it's just been amazing tonight if only i would have a basic grasp of the language and customs how much more i will enjoy this journey and show my gratitude to those who have been so kind and generous in helping me along the way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] today the majority of chico pellets traveled by a combination of public or private transportation some divide the pilgrimage up in multiple trips but set this program apart from all other programs is that he walked the 1200 kilometers visiting the 88 temples in one time on foot foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] oh yes [Music] i am staying overnight at the temple taking part in the morning worship is a must i try to concentrate on the images the sound of prayer and smell of innocence if i feel any different from attending mass in my church back home having stopped to ask a direction to the next temple this man invited me inside to his home for a cup of tea with his wife and gave me fruit that i shared with another pilgrim on the trail [Music] now in the final section of the pilgrimage in the cagawa prefecture called the path of nirvana i have a strange feeling i am not alone that someone is watching over me i dare to think it might be kabadashi has he forgiven me for leaving behind my walking stick his symbol on the train offensive for notion no doubt [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] momoko and yuji have come to visit the few remaining temples from my journey with me i am eager to hear yuji as one of many young japanese pagans that have walked the camino de santiago how he feels about christianity compared to buddhism foreign foreign is foreign 21 days after beginning my pilgrimage i entered the gate of akumuji temple number 88 to perform my last bedroom rituals of my journey [Music] [Music] having completed my performance of the 88 temples i proceed to mount khoya deep into the mountains of koya-san where carbo-daisy resides and according to tradition give him thanks and show my gratitude but people actually believe that he is sitting in eternal meditation on the end of the big seminar cemetery here in korea ok and meditating and working for the enlightenment of everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so having observed this buddhist practice on the shikoku hendera pilgrimage i came to to conclude that [Applause] we need something more than the humor spirit needs something more than live their ordinary life [Music] so and that's what apparently i came to reinforce this sort of thing in my mind [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i have to say that it was a tremendous experience after walking the pilgrimage of the camino of santiago and the 88 temples in the pilgrimage you delve deep into yourself [Music] and find your higher self you feel a connection to humanity [Music] to the wonders of nature the brother singing last trail is fantastic and feel connected to the magnificence of the unknown [Music] [Music] [Music] me
Channel: Gian D. Ceccato
Views: 20,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IlBEXI677p8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 29sec (2789 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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