Designing a logo seems like it should be simple. All you have to do is make your brand name
look really nice, right? Wrong, of course.
There are actually seven different types of logos, and each one
will give your brand a distinctive feel. So let's take a look. Monogram logos and lettermarks are logos
that consist of letters, usually a brand's initials. This type of logo is all about simplicity,
and works really well if your business has a long
or complicated name, like National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Bit of a mouthful, right? NASA. See how much easier that
is to say and remember? Astronauts- what can't they do? A wordmark or logotype
is a font-based logo that's great for brands with short,
distinct names like Visa or Google. They kind of sound like gibberish,
don't they? But they're catchy gibberish. Combining a memorable name with strong
typography helps your brand stand out. But that means the typography you use needs
to capture the essence of your business, so your word processor’s
default is probably not going to cut it. Boring. Now, how much nicer does it look
when we add great typography to the mix? Stunning. A pictorial mark, sometimes called a brand mark or
logo symbol, is a standalone icon or graphic, and works best for companies
with strong brand recognition. These brands have been around for a while,
and they're just so recognizable, you probably know who they are without any words. If you're just getting started, it's a good idea to use pictorial marks
in addition to other logo elements. At least until people know
you a little bit better. An abstract mark is a specific
type of pictorial logo. But instead of being a recognizable image,
like an apple or a bird, it's an abstract geometric form
that represents your business. What's fun about abstract marks is you don't have to be so literal
about what your business does. You can convey it symbolically
through color and form. See how this very famous set of rings
implies unity, interconnection, people of all backgrounds coming
together to share their love of sport and community? Sorry, got a bit carried away there,
but see what a good logo can do? Want to add a little personality
to your logo design? Mascot logos use an illustrated character
to represent your business. Think of them as the ambassador
for your brand. Mascots are great for companies
that want to give off a warm and wholesome impression
or appeal to families and kids. Like this. Adorable, right? For more cute and cuddly creations,
check out our previous video on mascot logos. A combination mark is
just what it sounds like: a logo that combines
text and imagery. It's kind of like covering all your bases
with text and imagery working together to hit home
your brand's message. Sorry, I'm British. Not sure if I got that metaphor right. Once your amazing
brand starts to take over the world. You may be able
to rely exclusively on a logo symbol and not always have to include your name. An emblem logo is when you put typography
inside a symbol or an icon. Think badges, seals and crests. They tend to look very traditional,
but they can be classic, too. Or, how about retro? Now you know the seven types
of logo designs, you can find one that works best
for you and your business. Until next time, logo-lovers.