The 7 mental laws | Brian Tracy | Power of Personal Achievement | Lesson 2 |

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all right seven mental laws the law of control the law of control says that you feel positive about yourself to the degree to which you feel you are in control of your own life and there psychologists call this a sense of coherence a sense of control it means that when you feel you're in control you feel happy you feel at peace with yourself and you feel negative about yourself to the degree to which you feel you are not in control of your own life you feel you are controlled by your bills by your bosses by your health by your debts by your family by your obligations when you feel that you're not in control or out of control you feel highly stressed and so we have this little diagram here on internal versus external locus of control this is what psychologists use they say you have an internal locus of control here where you are happy and then you have a scale and you have an external locus of control the internal locus of control is where you feel that you're in charge of your own life you make your own decisions Americans in general by the way have a much higher sense of inner control than most countries in the world in all countries Europeans 58 percent of Germans for example highly structured economy believe that they have little or no control over their future a person with internal locus of control says I make my own decisions I am where I am and what I am because of myself I'm in charge of my life person with an external locus of control feels that other people in charge of the life their boss their bills and so on now you are here and you are moving in one direction or another with every decision that you make the good news is that when you develop an internal locus of control you feel really happy and strong and you're much more positive and you're much more creative and that's the goal that we're that's the goal that we're aiming for the people within a high internal locus of control feel really really good about themselves they feel powerful they feel empowered they feel strong and here's an interesting point is you can never give away control except to other people you can give away your control to other people but you still remain responsible we'll talk about this later so control begins with your thoughts and your thoughts determine your feelings and your feelings and determine your actions I have a friend who has a as a little stick on that it gives you to stick anywhere you want and it just says C Y T control your thoughts control your thoughts and if you can control your thoughts you can control everything else your thoughts are the guidance mechanism of your life so control your thoughts and when you when your to control your thoughts your thoughts determine your feelings by the way great question which comes first thoughts or feelings and the answer is always thought and I'll tell you why it is because it is the thought that creates the feeling it's how you think about something that is happening in your life that triggers the emotion for example you could get stuck in traffic and one person can be frustrated and angry and pounding on the horn and waving it with the waving at the other drivers with one finger and the other person could be sitting quite calmly and planning their day and listening to Brian Tracy educational CD the critical thing is the way you think determines it at the University of Pennsylvania they did 22 years of study and they came up with a concept called explanatory style you through the NLP people talk about framing and reframing well explanatory style says that the way you explain things to yourself largely determines your emotions it largely determines your thoughts your reactions your responses largely determines the total quality of your life how you explain things to yourself and so if you explain things in a positive and constructive way then what happens is you respond positively and constructively you feel differently you take different actions and you get different results now the next law is the law of accident and the law of an accident is actually a metaphysical concept law of accident says that everything just happens by accident it's not what you know but who you know it's you can't fight city hall the stacks are the cards are stacked against you we have in our society a enormous number of people who are led to believe that they are victims there's nothing they can do about their situation and you read all this stuff in the paper all the time by unfortunately ill informed people who say you know there's great powers out there their whole down the working person and so on this is all nonsense it's all it's all sort of fantastical things like believing in life on the other side of the Moon but nonetheless they convince themselves of that and they feel that there's nothing you can do the greatest enemy of human success is passivity as people feel passive feel helpless it's called in psychology learned helplessness they feel helpless they feel there's nothing I can do my debts are too high and my the economy is too bad life is terrible I was at a meeting with a bunch of people for three days on Sunday Monday on Tuesday this room is full of people almost all entrepreneurs as some of these people are having the best years of their lives some of these people are generating embarrassing amounts of income they are successful and they're all hustlers they're all working day and night and they're there it's a mind storming brainstorm to share ideas on different ways to create and sell more products and services and so on they're totally proactive and there's no negativity in the room at all I mean everybody is just sparkling because they're all bouncing off each other in terms of actions that you can take whereas the great majority of people have this learned helplessness there's nothing I can do my hands are tired I mean look at the situation nobody's got any money the economy is bad miss Wang yeah and so the law of accident as you see is completely opposed to the law of control we say failing to plan is planning to fail failing to plan is planning to fail so if you don't have a very clear specific written plan with goals and actions and priorities that you're working on every day whether your life will just drift around in a circle you know they say a ship without a rudder will just drift completely but a ship with a rudder and the compass will go straight and true to its destination through any type of sea and once we have a very clear rudder and compass which we will have tomorrow then suddenly we start to make incredible progress at a faster rate than you can imagine so number three of the law of cause and effect now this is the granddaddy law that really changed my life law of cause and effect says that for every effect in your life there's a specific cause that in this law in completely opposed to a law of accident and completely consistent with a law of control it means that everything that happens to us happens to us for a reason even if we don't know the reason it happens to us for a reason we say that success is not an accident failure is not an accident they all have specific causes and here's the great rule if you want to double your income or anything else what you do is you realize that everybody who is earning twice as much as you today was at one time earning half as much as you it's the way it works nobody was born earning twice as much they started off at the bottom at a very low wage job so then they did certain things differently from you and now they're earning twice as much or five times as much or ten times as much well then what we do is go back and find out what they did and we do the same thing we say success of leaves tracks is if you find out what other successful people do did and you do the same thing you'll eventually get the same results that they do and if you don't you won't and here's the most amazing thing with regard to these laws these are mental laws a physical law you can see like gravity you can drop something and you can see there's you could see the results of a physical law mental laws you can only see the results over time but physical laws are just as fixed as as mental laws and and mental laws work 100% of the time and they're that what that means is that it's interesting with me they say that they say that in all of human history man has never invented the law you know we talk about all the laws of physics and mathematics and mechanics and velocity and the laws of Einstein and so on nobody's ever invented the law we've only discovered the laws that already existed now whatever your spiritual beliefs are I remember listening to Billy Graham on a talk I was driving through the Central Valley near Fresno many many years ago and it was on the radio I was late at night it's the only thing to listen to him here's Billy Graham talking about all the laws that hold the universe in place he says if you have all of these laws then there must have been a lawgiver the exhaust could not have just happened spontaneously out of the primordial muck going back a billion years after the Big Bang if you have all of these that really explained everything that happens even laws of mathematics that take a hundred years for a person to fully understand that explains with absolutely unpredictable accuracy a mathematical formula where did these allies come from anyway my point is that these laws are neutral they work for you or they work against you and so we say that nature's neutral nature's like justice nature's blind nature doesn't say you'll be a big success and your life is going to suck and you're gonna be in between nature doesn't care now this was a great breakthrough for me Nature doesn't care nature says that if you do what other successful people do you get the same result and if you don't you don't and nature's not involved in it nature just says here's the laws here's the here's the playing field here's the rules of the game if you play the game well you have a great life and if you don't you don't but but there's but there's nothing out there that is determining what happens to us it's all in here and these metal laws are important I remember I was in Istanbul some years ago and there was a story in the papers in Istanbul I was travelling at the time and it was about a young American student who had gone to Istanbul as a tourist he was travelling with some other people and one day there was they were sitting in one of the cafes and there's a whole bunch of people marching with posters and most enchanting in Turkish and they're marching down to the main square well he says hey I know marches we do marches on the campus we do demonstrations I know all about this hey let's go let's go get a piece of this they said no no we don't know what they're doing we're his friends said we don't know what their marching were it doesn't matter it's just a demonstration so he went out there typical American student he said yeah yeah he's trying to imitate the Turks and they gave him a poster and so he's like yeah yeah and everybody's saying yeah and they'll slapping him on the back of this poster and they march into the square and the square Chris mmediately surrounded by police and all of these people were arrested and what he didn't realize is they were advocating the downfall of the government and in Turkey it is a capital offence to advocate the downfall of a government he was arrested he was brought out in front of a military tribunal within two days tried convicted and sent to death and sentence to be carried out in two more days and by this time his friends who state fall along at a distance they've gone to the and that embassy they gone to the consulate they ran it round in circles and they did everything possible and Turkey happens to have a colorful attitude toward money so they managed to buy him out of prison his parents had to sell his home their home back in the United States cost him a quarter of a million dollars to get him out and he was saved and speared across the border a few hours before he was going to be executed and I remember that story because it was true story two stories are good here's the point he didn't know the law and and not knowing the law there's no excuse for it they don't care they didn't see it he said well I'm a stranger I'm a foreigner here I didn't know that it was a capital offense I said they don't care you violated the law you can execute it and in life we violate a lot of laws we violate a lot of natural laws especially mental laws and when we violate those laws we suffer the consequences of it whether we knew about the laws or not if you step off a ten story building in downtown San Diego and you're going to go splat on the sidewalk and it doesn't matter whether you knew about the law of gravity or whether you are approved of the law of gravity or whether anybody'd explained the law of gravity to you the law of gravity is going to work on you and you're going to go splat on the sidewalk the law is neutral the law doesn't care you know thou shalt go splat and thou shalt rise up and I shall go house why in other words the law is there so all successful people do what we call a harmonic convergence have you ever heard of a harmonic convergence in in they had this I think back in the 80s or 90s where you have all the planets lined up they all line up at one particular time in the constellation this happens every I don't know how many years and so all the planets are in line you know the the mercury and the pattern there or Mars and then earth and and all these and they all line up and and the magnetic power of all of these is supposed to bring about enormous changes which none of which happen but it seems like a great idea our life though is to get our life in harmony with a great mental laws and when you do that things start to happen for you at an incredibly rapid rate and you'll see before the seminar is over I can promise you you will have experienced profound changes in your life it happens all the time because you you are now have a harmonic convergence you're now organizing your life and your thinking in harmony with these great laws and they all start to work for you so we say - no no okay the B it is the iron law of the universe all other laws in the universe I call it the umbrella law all other laws mathematics physics mechanics all fall under the law of cause and effect Aristotle proposed this in 350 BC and it was called the Aristotelian principle of causality which was a great shock to a world that believed in God's and coincidences and lightning strikes and mountains Zeus on Mount Olympus what they said was no everything happens for a reason and if we're not happy with what's happening we can change the causes if a person is overweight people say well I'm over weights because of my glance yes sir it's your mouth gland and it's malfunctioning several times away you know we know how to be healthy and fit and how to live a long time we know how to make all the money that we want to because there are hundreds of thousands of millions of people who have did you read the statistics in the paper this morning great statistics tada in 2001 there were 7.7 millionaires in America as of 2001 2011 ten years later after all the depression recession patty's crashes and everything else there's ten point two million Americans with a net worth in excess of a million dollars now that would suggest that all these people 90 percent of them started off with nothing and they still continued to grow that's a growth of about 2.8 million so what it wants is about 2.8 million more millionaires now than they were ten years ago and all those people start off with nothing so if you want to be a millionaire then you could be a millionaire just do what other people who started with nothing did to become a millionaire you know which is probably good become very good at what you do earn good money and don't spend it all sorry about that the first part the second part so see the most important application of this law is that thoughts are causes and conditions are affects your thoughts are what are called the premium movem the primary movie force of your life your thoughts create the conditions of your life it's very much as though you had one of the old slide projectors and you put in a slide it projects on the screen your thoughts project on the screen of your life as they hippies used to say wherever you go there you are and so wherever you look there you are wherever you look in the world around you that is your thoughts projected onto the screen of your own life now many people think well I don't like what I'm seeing on the screen of my life so I'm going to beat up the projector or I'm going to beat up the screen cut by to cut up the screen now what you do is you start to change the picture you have in your mind interesting we'll talk about this later but all improvement in your outer life begins with an improvement in your mental pictures because with an improvement in your mental pictures by constantly starting to see yourself and your world in more positive terms so another mental law the law of belief this is a biggie this is really the biggie this is the foundation principle by the way of all religions and all philosophies and all successes of law belief it says that whatever you believe with feeling becomes your reality whatever you believe with feeling with emotion with intensity it becomes your reality because you always act on the basis of your beliefs and the more intensely you hold the belief the more the belief becomes true for you it's a gentleman that I used to know his name was Glenn Blanton and he wrote a book called the Glenn bland method and he talks about how when he was growing up his father was a working man and they've talked around the family table he talked about work at the at the lumberyard and and he the father would always say you know when you grow up you got to get yourself a working job got to get yourself a laboring job you said the Bland's have always been laborers we've always worked by this by the sweat of our brow and so the kids were all brought up to believe that they were supposed to get a laboring job when they got out so we got left high school and he did quite well in high school it was sports and everything else but he his belief was when you entered into the world of work you got a laboring job so he did on a construction crew working on the highways digging ditches and and you know working on construction and one day he's been that this for about two or three years and he's working away goes up there in the morning sweats all day there's the traffic is moving really slowly because it's a construction zone and right next to him while he's working away the shovel there's a guy friend of his from high school and he's driving the car he says hi gran how you doing throw the weight of the car says I'm doing great he's got a shovel here and he says how's everything going is going fine and he says how's everything going with you guys driving a brand new car is we're a nice suit it's well dressed this guy you know there's no great flaming hell in high school just an average guy how you doing he said I've got a great job he said I'm selling making really good money he said I'd bite a new home next month and getting married and at the end of the year and and he looked at him and here's this guy he's living from paycheck to paycheck sweating away and he looked at that guy he said and it hit him like lightning he had bought a bill of goods from his father he said this guy's knows better than no smarter than he is which happens to be the case yet he's got a different belief system that you get out and you get a job and you get into business and you get into white-collar work he threw down the shovel and he got up and he walked out of there and he said I'll never work with shovel again he went and got into sales turned out to have a natural ability for sales within two or three years he was doing extremely well within seven or eight he was a millionaire had a beautiful home beautiful car he said the turning point in his life was when he challenged that belief that belief that he was meant to be a working man all his life many people have beliefs and and there's two sets of beliefs there's conscious beliefs that we have and this unconscious beliefs and there's that wonderful line from Josh billings the humorous he said anyone a man knows what hurts them it's what he knows what ain't true and many things we know about ourselves ain't true at all what we do is we develop scotoma sore blind spots is once we've decided to believe certain thing we do not see anything that contradicts it we may be doing wonderful things or wonderful work or being very successful we don't even see that if we decided to believe that we we'll never make much more than we're making sometimes your parents will tell you you've got to be worried about money you've got to be careful about money all your life and you'll never make very much so you got to hold on to every penny and so people just hunker down and they're more concerned about security than anything else and so we developed these bleeps these blind spots and sometimes you need somebody to come along and open it up and so you can see this vast world of possibilities that you have and when this happens people change completely so your biggest obstacle is usually self-limiting beliefs their biggest obstacle is usually self-limiting beliefs so what are your self-limiting beliefs what are the most common ones well the most common ones or are internally I'm not smart enough I'm not as smart as other people or I'm not talented or not far I'm not creative enough right I'm not something enough it's just the most amazing damn thing I remember this great story his name and his name was Igor and he came to my seminar in New York and he came to my seminar in Palm Springs and he was a Russian immigrant and he said he'd arrived this was five years before he arrived five years before from Russia when Russia was just opening up in the 90s and he had everything he owned on the streets of New York in a in a box a cardboard box with string on it and he didn't know a word of English and he had to stop people on the street he kept stopping people and asking them looking for someone who spoke Russia and he finally found somebody and he would ask them something in Russian you know though nobody looked over to your throat good morning good morning to somebody we've responded back to Oprah who throw and he said where can I find Russians I don't speak any English he said we'll go to Little Russia it's caught it's a little part of New York how do you get there he said I'm going to get there in the subway so he gets there on the subway and this big long elevators and everybody ever been to New York coming up from the subway they long long he comes up and the first thing he sees in little Russia is a pizza place which has Russian it's a Domino's Pizza with Russian a Russian name he goes in he speaks to the owner in Russian he said I need a job and he said got her so he said I need somebody to deliver pizza so his first job was delivering pizza in Russian in Russia to other Russians and that was his first job and he did that and the first thing he decided to do was learn English he looked around he said why are so many Russians successful in America and there's enormous ly successful Russian immigrant community in New York and he found the first thing they did they spoke English so he just put his head down he began to learn English pretty soon he could learn English he could deliver pizzas to both Russians and non-russians and after a year his English was good enough so he applied for a job selling printing for a printing company and he kept studying English and at that time he could stumble across my audio programs buy audio programs are used by Princeton University to teach English as a foreign language in 17 languages because they were clear they're grammatically correct they're unaccented and people who want to learn English also want to be more successful so they get a twofer they get success ideas plus they learn English well he started to listen to my programs and his English got better and better he worked for two years at selling printing and he could become so knowledgeable about the business had so many contacts they decided to start his own printing brokering business this is year four when he came to my seminar at the end of year five that year he had made more than two hundred thousand dollars in commissions himself in his own business brokering printing he said he was on track to make three hundred thousand four hundred that he'd be at 500 thousand within eight years of arriving off the boat with no English skills now I'm not trying to suggest that we have obstacles that we create in our own minds but imagine an immigrant with no skills no friends no contacts starting off and within five or eight years making several hundred thousand dollars a year because he had this unshakable belief that it was possible he absolutely believed it was possible and to them no matter what happened everything that happened to him was just a learning experience because he could not even imagine not being successful when you reach the point where you cannot even imagine not achieving great goals or hope your whole life changes for you so the next metal law is the law of expectations now this is a great law there's library's full of books there are psychologists who worked for years on this proto Robert Rosenthal of Harvard worked on this for years and he found that your expectations especially about your outcomes become your own self-fulfilling prophecies what does that mean is if you expect thing to happen it usually happens it becomes your own prophecy because if you expect it to happen you'll act consistent with it happening you will treat other people the way it's going to happen W Clement stone tells the story of this young man who he was running a large insurance agency this young man was sent to him by one of his business associates just came out of college wanted to it was starting off in life insurance and he came to come at stone to ask him if he could get some referrals some leads and so Clement stone said yes I'll give you some names of some top referrals these are people were all interested in buying life insurance or buying even more life insurance I'll be right back so we went into his office and he had a secretary type up a list of names addresses and phone numbers so this salesman young salesman went out and he called on these people and he was positive and enthusiastic and he made about four or five sales and and the others you know I had to think about it we're not in the ready to make a decision right now so we went back to Clements someone he said those leaves were fantastic thank you thank you so much could I have some more he said sure he said wonderfully said here's a matter of fact I'll get you my lead book and you can write down the names addresses and phone numbers yourself and so it went he got the telephone book for the Chicago phone book you say this is where I got the names in the first place you can have as many as you like now what happened was they generally believed that these were leads given to him by one of the top business people in the countries worth 800 million dollars at the time and so we said Doug W Clement stone told me to call on you all that's great anyway his expectation was that these people would buy there's another great story this fellow was running a company in New York and the company's on the verge of bankruptcy about to collapse and he's really in despair he doesn't know what to do he's gonna lose his homes cause everything and he goes for a walk in Central Park and he's standing on this bridge in Central Park and this man comes out of the night comes up and stands next to him and says hi how are you doing he said fine he said you look like you're deep in thought he said yes got a business and the business is in trouble he said no problem at all he said i'm john d rockefeller I'll lend you some money how much money do you need to turn your business around he said well you know probably two or three hundredths up I'll give you $500,000 pulls out a checkbook he writes a check right there and gives him a check for $500,000 john d rockefeller they said there you go he said meet me back here in this place a year from now and you can pay me back really I mean wow I said good luck and he walked off into the night well this is like an answer to a prayer he couldn't believe it he took this check back but Mac goes off and he's sitting listen this is a true story too although I can't verify it anyway it takes this check back and the sister he looks at this check and he said wait and he said my business isn't going down the drain so don't have to cash this check right and yet what I'll do is I'll put it in my safe but if ever I need it I've got this check it's valid for a year and he went back and he turned around to his business it was a five hundred thousand dollars and it's in his safe and he went back in and he made revisions and changes and he upgraded his sales and marketing and it went more like a more aggressive and induced new products and services and his business grew and it turned around and this business grew and he became prosperous again he never even had to cash the check and a one-year passes and he goes back to the park he's got the check and he's standing on the bridge it's about seven o'clock in the evening and he's waiting and after being about 10 or 15 minutes this man comes walking quickly out of the dark comes up and he said there you are again how did everything work out he said well I'm happy to say I was able to change my business here's the check back I never had to cash it he said well thank you very much it's really great he said I'm so happy to hear about your success and then this nurse comes running out of the processing saying mr. Hawkins mr. Hawkins you come back here and she comes running up and grabs him by the arm and she said I hope he's not been bothering you he's escaped from the asylum over and over again and we always have to go out in Central Park and find him I know you come back with me mr. Hawkins and let him back to the asylum where he ran away my point was because he believed that this was a check from john d rockefeller transformed his life not that it was because he believed it his expectations were that any time he could cast this check and it totally transformed his attitude toward his business and his business results now the wonderful thing about our expectations is that you can manufacture your own you can manufacture your own you can expect great things to happen so whatever you expect with confidence becomes your own self-fulfilling prophecy if you absolutely expect we'll talk later about this but the greatest of all attitudes the catalyst that causes your potential to unlock almost like a chemical catalyst that causes an explosive effect is confident expectations an attitude of confident expectations transforms your attitude towards your world if you confidently expect that people will buy and comple expect that products will sell and confident expect that if everything fails you'll learn a valuable lesson that you'll use to be more successful next time if you always expect something good you'll never be disappointed and it has a toad total transforming effect on your attitude so expectations play a critical role in your life the first there's four types of expectations first are the expectations of your parents and it's the most amazing thing I was reading a story yesterday about a fellow whose mother was alcoholic father was gone mother was alcoholic and she was a mean drunk and she would always tell him you're worthless and you'll never amount to anything you're worthless say about three or four children she told them all that you're all worthless and you'll never amount to anything and so many people many parents have made the mistake of criticizing their children too much when they were growing up and their children develop a feeling that they're not really very good and so they set low standards for themselves and achieve them the worst of all you know they say is to set low standards for yourself and be successful so the expectations of your parents have an inordinate impact on the person you become as an adult and so you have to look back and realize that many parents were raised by parents with negative expectations and in the Bible it says the sins of the fathers are visited on the children so what you're there your parents grandparents did to them they will often have inflicted on you and you'll often grow up not really feeling that you have great potential your parents will have expressed the thought that they didn't really expect you to do that well you get poor grades well what can you expect you're not that smart and you're never on time and you never complete your fulfill your promises and you probably won't do that well in life and is it amazing the power of negative expectations expressed by our parents when we were young the power that that has on us as an adult it's sort of like a sea anchor that's pulling us and back and we're struggling hard on the outside to be successful but deep down inside we are still fighting with those negative expectations the other place is the expectations of your boss you'll find that people who work under high expectations bosses bosses who really have confidence in their staff perform an inverse lehigh er level I remember when I was in real estate there was an office and this office was run by this manager who was just dynamite positive cheerful happy upbeat and he only hired people that were of the same caliber he wouldn't let anybody be there you've had people lined up to join this office even though they're working on straight Commission and he would interview them he would spend some time with them he had them meet the other people they do a thumbs-up or a thumbs-down eventually he had an office full of really high Chargers they're just positive happy people a lot of laughter and that office the people in that office made three times as much on average as the real estate people in any other office booms our bus join the bus they were the most financially successful real estate agents in the market and so people who have been struggling in one office with negative or indifferent bosses or demanding bosses or complaining or criticizing buses they go and their work in this place and their income with triple within a year because they're under the influence of a positive expectations boss now here's one of the great rules in life which we'll come back to over and over is that people don't change I get this question how can I get my wife to change my husband to change my boss to change my friend to change people don't change in fact the psychological studies show that people under pressure become even more so but they don't change and people say well how come you're giving the seminar if you say that people can't change I'm saying that it's it's like it's like how many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb well the answer is only one but the lightbulb has to really want to change and it's the same thing most people don't want to change they've taken their whole lives to become the person they are and they don't rehab any desire to change as a matter of fact most people feel that it's some degree they are superior to all of their human beings everybody does it's okay I know I know and so therefore why would they change if they're already superior and if somebody think that they should change well they're definitely superior to that person because that person is obviously an inferior person if they would even suggest that someone as good as me change are you with me so far this is this is called rationalizing which we call rational lies we tell rationalize my friend John Assaraf talks about that and so the expectations of your boss and the rule is if you're working with a negative expectations boss go somewhere else because he or she will never change and you'll never fulfill your potential under a negative expectations boss another is the expectations you have of brothers the expectations you have of your children and your spouse you'll find that that that in great relationships each spouse expects the other to do really well and to be really successful be really happy the expectations you have of your children all the time they're going up the expectations you have of your staff so expectations are really really good Barbara and I went to a restaurant some years ago and the hostess was a really personally negative rude how she got to be hostess you know this the old saying when you first meet this kind of a person you don't like them but after you get to know them you hate their guts well this is a kind of woman then after about two or three minutes of standing there you want to punch her in the face and and and hard you know anyway so this is a first-class restaurant I'm working for the owner of the restaurant the province with 200 companies and he'll and several restaurants that's how we come there we have reservations and she said well just a minute and all right fine all right that kind of me she grabs him and she she and she pressed remember that barber that she say the funny look she perhaps at the schoolmarm and she takes us to a table which is they always take you to the worst table in the restaurant the stilled was in the main traffic near the kitchen in the bathrooms and I knew this is gonna happen this happens everywhere I'll talk about this later so I said well I'd much prefer that table over there which was a quieter private table she said that table is no good I said what's wrong the waiter for that table is Henry and he's no good he's the worst waiter you wouldn't be happy there sit here and then they pull out the chair and they shake the chair as power suggestion shake the chair to get you to sit down they put down the menus at your places and shake the chair no I think we'll take Henry's table and just walked over there and sat down she comes over she puts the menus down and she's nasty it's gonna be and walks away well about three minutes later the waiter comes up and I said he said hello how are you I said fine I said is your name Henry and he said well yes I said oh thank God Barbara we got Henry and Hayes it what and I said I had some friends who were here the other night they said you're the best restaurant in this city you bet you best met the best waiter in this city and if we could come to this restaurant if we can get a table for Henin we're gonna have a great evening who said that he's just some friends of ours it doesn't really matter but we're so glad that we've got you as our waiter and he said right no here's a tough question what kind of service do you think we got for the rest of the evening it was great service Henry was there all the time you want to just a little bit of salt and a little bit of salt he wanted to win four and whether so did I mean Henry was fabulous and he was smiling and he was happy and he was treating all of his customers well and we tipped him and when we walked out we looked at her and we said that Henry's the best waiter in this whole damn restaurant thank you very much Mary don't don't now barbers kept me off of assault charges for years because why Stu guess they set up a positive field of expectations and you can do that because people tend to rise to the expectations imposed on them by others or fall to the expectations so always Express positive expectations even if in your heart you have a lot of doubts always be positive on the outside and the expectations you have of others so the rule is the expectations you have of yourself now this is the these are the expectations that can override all other expectations in your life there are people who've come from negative backgrounds and child raisings they've been in negative marriages with complaining spouses they've had difficult people around them but their expectations for themselves never wavered a friend of mine named Peter Daniels who started off working on the streets became very wealthy he's very successful in Australia did a lifelong project and he studied the lives of 500 men and women who became successful he read their biographies and autobiographies in encyclopedia and Wikipedia and so on looking for the common denominator of success and what he found was this he found that if he read about 300 autobiographies and he finally found the common thread the common thread was every one of those people always believed in themselves they always believed that they were going to be a big success in life they always expected to do well they said when Winnie Churchill was asked about Winston Churchill even though he was washed up at the age of 66 and a secondary player in his party had been laughed at for years when World War two started they said that one thing Winston Churchill never lacked was an absolute confidence in Winston Churchill he absolutely expected that he would be the right person at the right time at the right place when history called her Patton had the same thing he knew that he would be the right person he said in these 500 biographies and autobiographies every one of those people expected to be a big success now here's an interesting here's an interesting exercise imagine that you could go down to the computer store and you could buy a mental program and you could put it into your mental computer and it would then become part of your ongoing or continuing operating system if you could by any belief at all to put into your mental system what would be the best belief for you to buy and the answer is the belief that you are going to be a big success in life that no matter what happens everything that's going to conspire together to make you a great success and if you absolutely believe that and absolutely expect that everything is going to help you that will become your reality the reason why we do not achieve greatly is we hold ourselves back by our own beliefs we wonder if it's possible we we over exaggerate negative events we catastrophize and we blow them out of proportion as opposed to looking at them and seeing them as just ideas stepping stones to success so is they always expect the best and remember your expectations are totally under your own control now here's an exercise for you oh okay geez I am so okay repeat throughout the day these words I believe that something wonderful is going to happen to me today now say that to yourself stated said quietly to yourself I believe that something wonderful is going to happen to me today I say it aloud said I believe there's something wonderful that's going to happen to me today now every single morning when you get up and say that something wonderful is going to happen to you that day it's the most amazing damn thing you go into a restaurant you say I believe something wonderful is going to happen in this restaurant I believe something wonderful is going to happen to me today and it's the most astonishing thing if you forget to say it your life will be okay but if you remember to say it with confidence you've set up a force field of positive expectations and something wonderful happens to you and I want to say this is really hokey this is kind of hey this is law this is like California where we sit you know under triangles and put crystals in our armpits you know this is yeah but it's the most amazing damn thing when you say these words what happens is something wonderful starts to happen to you okay the next mental law is the law of attraction the law of attraction says that you are a living magnet and you attract into your life the people and the circumstances that are harmony with your dominant thoughts is your a magnet and whatever is in harmony the people circumstances ideas money resources that are in harmony with your thoughts you start to attract into your life in the universe all energy is in a state of vibration including mind energy now your mental energy your mind mental energy travels at the speed of light it travels and it's so fine that it goes through any substance you can think of thought here and it can connect with someone on the other side of the world there are many examples by the way in World War two where a person's son was killed in the Pacific and they woke up laid out of a dead sleep in the middle of the night instantaneously and it wasn't till days later that they learned that at that moment on the other side of the world their son had died there's can't you'll have occasions throughout your life will you think of a person the phone will ring it'll be them or you'll think of doing something and you open the newspaper and there's an article on the exact same subject one of the things I wanted to talk about was self-made millionaires open the newspaper this morning there's the most current figures on self-made millionaires from 2001 2011 so I can come down and share it with you so your mind is incredibly powerful but is it is a neutral law if you think negative thoughts will attract negative things into your life as well now this law of attraction this is the basis of the secret and all those things the problem with the book the secrets and the movie and everything else is that it doesn't mention the word work and this which is why it's a wonderful thing people read the secret say all I have to do is think happy thoughts and I'll be rich and happy no that ain't it let's say that's like as chalene you can tell you thing watching the and if somebody exercises you on television I'll have to do is watch these people exercise it and I'll be thin and fit no baby you're going to get off your you-know-what and go on and so so this explains these laws it explains the law of vibration which says that all things vibrate outward so thoughts vibrate outwardly from you and the more emotion attached to a thought the greater is the intensity of the vibration the more emotion you have do you think about you know what you're going to have for lunch it has very little a vibrational effect but if you think about someone you love or goal that you want to achieve or something you want to accomplish or even something you're afraid of it has a tremendous emotional effects like turning up the emotional power second of all is radiation we say that everything radiates outward almost like the ripples in a pond and it also explains the law of what is called sympathetic resonance you can walk into a room and you will have a resonance with another person on the other side of the room and you meet that person and you get married and live happily for the rest of your life if you were to take a piano and put it on this side of the room and put another piano on this side of the room and then take a tuning fork and hit the note I'm sorry for just hit the key of C flat bang and so it goes bang and you walk across the room the key of C flat on the other piano will be vibrating to the same harmony as this piano you and I have this experience of sympathetic resonance where we resonate with other people we resonate with ideas we resonate with conversations we resonate with subjects that we like to study and learn about we there we have this all the time and that is the law of attraction it means it's something within you is resonating within something outside of you if you want to be really successful and you see successful people and you start to resonate with their accomplishments you start to become more like them now here's an important point that people don't realize this also explains what it's called the law of repulsion now the law of repulsion says that if you hold a negative thought you repel anything associated with that thought out of your life so many people are brought up to look down on those who are successful to criticize successful people this is fatal because if you criticize successful people even in your heart even in your heart it drives success out of your life it guarantees that you'll never accomplish anything with your life you'll always be miserable and unsuccessful if you criticize wealthy people they'll never be wealthy and so therefore it's so important for you to admire people who are enjoying the success that you desire is to admire them and look up to them and don't look for chinks in their armor or flaws in their life or behavior and look for the things that they do right and say that I could do that read their books have read stories about them and admire successful happy people if you admire successful happy people you create this sympathetic resonance and you begin to attract into your life people and circumstances and ideas that will enable you to be like one of those people when people criticize other successful people it has no effect on the successful people it doesn't hurt them at all they don't even know and they don't care but it destroys the criticizers chances for success they're shooting themselves in their own foot blam admiring their own marksmanship Jesus I'm a good shot one of the characteristics of poor people is they look down on rich people do you know that people on welfare actually feel that people who work are suckers and there's the most amazing thing when you interview them they're not grateful for welfare they resent the welfare but they look at the people who work they'd have to pay taxes to enjoy the welfare they look at the home of suckers these are suckers I don't work I stay at home watch television drink snort whatever I do and these suckers gotta go to work every day isn't that and they and they actually look down on their benefactors now what is the chance of them ever having any success in life in the z-row range it's probably nothing they'll never be successful and they'll never understand that their own mentality is what drives out all possibility of success from their lives so always admire success and always want for others what you want for yourself if you want to be a big success and you see somebody successful say that's great congratulations that's wonderful because if you can get it I can get it Abraham Lincoln once said that some are rich is proof that others can be rich as well and so what we do is we look up to successful people now the law of Correspondence this is my favorite I love this law says as within so without and this brings us this brings us to to to my favorite ratio and my favorite ratio is list the one-to-one ratio and basically what it says is there is a what is going on on your outer world corresponds to what is going on in your inner world as within so without one of the greatest of all spiritual principles of what's going on inside corresponds on the outside we say your outer world is a mirror that reflects what is going on in your inner world we say wherever you look there you are what you see is your own self your own thoughts reflected back to you and the places that you see this most of all you see it in your relationships is the person you are in the inside is perfectly reflected by your relationships you see it in your financial situation your your let depth of preparation and work and attitude toward money is reflected in your financial world you see it in your health your attitudes toward health fitness food everything else is reflected in your physical body and so on always on the outside there's one of my great spiritual teachers was Emmitt Fox and he wrote a piece which the name of which is enough and the pieces called looks it's called the mental equivalent and he said the great the great requirement of life is for you to create within yourself the mental equivalent of what you wish to enjoy on the outside this is your responsibility and God and nature will take care of everything else by law so therefore that's why reading thinking planning visualizing all things we'll talk about so we can create within your mind a mental equivalent of what you want to enjoy on the outside and the greater vividness with which you can see it on the inside the faster it comes into your reality on the outside most people have only a vague fuzzy unclear goal or idea of what they want and as a result what happens in their life is vague and fuzzy and unclear successful people have a crystal clear picture of what they want as a result it comes into reality quite quickly so we say here now as within so without and here are the three great principles this is the great principle that underlies all thought for the last six thousand years that you become what you think about most of the time you become what you think about most of the time now this is always true but there are exceptions because of the word exceptions every young man was journey to a young woman by the age of twenty all causation is mental this again is the great profound discovery that all causation is mental everything you see in the material world around you began with a thought in the mind of a person and that thought turned into a goal was turned into a plan which began to take physical reality in fact just writing down a goal and making it concrete on paper is the beginning of this process and so here's the most important principle of all is your change your thinking and you change your life you change your thinking and you change your life and wonderfully enough going right back to the law of control the only thing over which you have complete control is your thinking and if you can control your thinking everything else will change for you it's the hardest thing of all yet the most important and when you learn how to do it as you will in our time together whole life will be completely different now there are seven mental laws or something some exercises here what I want you to do is I want you to complete these exercises just write down your answers number one in what areas of your life do you feel most in control I wrote down mostly at home when you walk into the house and you close the door behind you this is your place it's a complete control or in your car or there's some things we that you do that you do really well you feel tremendously in control when you're doing those things where do you feel in control what areas of your life are you planning to are you failing to plan for the success you deserve and what areas of your life would you be helped that's where this way if you had very clear specific written plans and blueprints that you worked on each day to achieve those goals financial business health family what are the main causes of the main effects in your life you just write yourself number four is a good question what self-limiting beliefs could be holding you back remember removing self limiting beliefs is the first step or identifying them as the first step to eliminating them awareness of the beliefs that you might have you say what might be holding me back well maybe I I don't believe I had a fellow who was very very successful and he was up to $50,000 a year after which he just burned out very successful in sales and business but he couldn't make more than $50,000 a year finally sat down with him said why you know buy you me he makes that amount of money half way through the year and then just doubles for the rest of the year he said well my father never made fifty thousand more than $50,000 a year and he told me that I never make more than he did and so when he hit the fifty thousand mark he was programmed to have a default switch he just stopped working until it finally convinced them that what his father said had no relevance on you at all it's a self-limiting belief you can earn all you want the next year 150 thousand dollars so we all had these ideas that I can't earn more than this or I'm not entitled earning more than that and so on which we'll talk about and what are your expectations for yourself and your career what are your expectations for your financial situation how much do you want to be worth what level of success do you want to achieve in your business what title one of the parts of your life that you have attracted to yourself because of the person you are these are read in depth questions aren't they and what is it in you that is creating the world around you just write down the first answers you think of to the questions for which you have a ready answer the whole purpose of these questions just to help you think a little bit
Channel: undefined
Views: 30,045
Rating: 4.9187818 out of 5
Keywords: Success, wealthy, wealth, dreams, goals, achieving, motivation. Life, true, purpose, meaning. Becoming, what, you, want, successful, brian tracy, seminar, psychology, power, personal, inspiring
Id: 3D6AMLLo1Xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 26sec (3206 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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