The 7 Best Nikon Tricks Ever!

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[Music] hi everyone super bad country gallery here and today I have seven really cool tricks for your Nikon camera some of these you may know some you may not but in my opinion they are all incredibly handy and I think you'll really enjoy them also I want to apologize for the five-month delay between videos I was working on my new book secrets to the nikon autofocus system and I was busy filling it with 460 pages of tips and tricks for sharper photos and it ate up all my time you can check my site for more info and I'll discuss it a little more after the tips but for now let's go ahead and jump in you number one quickly zoom in to check focus okay I'll admit I'm starting with a pretty common trick but it's a really good one what this setting does is it allows you to simply press the multi selector center button to zoom into a captured image at 100% the camera will zoom into the area of the image that was under the selected F point at the time of capture this is incredibly quick and handy for checking sharpness and one feature I just couldn't live without setup it's super easy to head to your custom settings menu controls and you'll choose either multi selector center button or okay button go to playback mode and press that now select zoom on/off finally choose one to one 100% magnification you can choose another level but personally I find that low isn't enough magnification and high looks over sampled so I recommend 100% click OK and you're all done now take a photo press the center button and the camera will zoom in for you pretty cool huh number two quickly zoom to 100% in Live View ok this is related to the first trick but almost no one knows about it if you use live view frequently you probably find yourself zooming in and out all the time to check focus well we can use the multi selector center button to zoom in to our Live View screen just like we did with a captured image setup is similar to tip number one head to the custom settings menu controls and choose the multi selector center button or ok button depending on the camera this time select live view from the resulting menu as before we want the zoom option and again select one to one 100% hit OK and you're all set now flip on live view and place your AF point wherever you want it in the photo next press the multi selector center button to zoom into that area cool huh number three fast image review one of the quickest ways a Canon shooter can make a nikon shooter jealous is when they use that big honkin command dial on the back of the camera to rapidly scroll through their images when we're stuck going a photo at time with the multi selector well it doesn't have to be that way Nikon shooters can do that too with our command dials just like this you can use the main command dial on the back of the camera to scroll one image at a time or the sub command dial on the front of the camera to jump ten images at a time how do you set this up super easy head to your custom settings menu controls customize command aisles now select menus and playback next just choose on or on image review excluded with the image review excluded option if you have your camera set for instant image review when you snap a photo you'll only be able to scroll through the image when you actually press the play button on the back of the camera personally I just go for the normal on option so I can scroll anytime I like once you have it set press ok and you're all done pop off some shots to give it a try and oh make sure you do it in front of a Canon shooter number for fast card format now this is one I thought everyone knew about it but I seem to surprise people with it all the time although even if you do know this one I may have an extra trick in here for you so if you're tired of menu diving every time you want to format your memory cards you're really going to love this if you look at your camera you'll see two little red labels that say format on them with a memory card that you want to format in the camera simultaneously press and hold those buttons until fo are shows up on the top LCD screen now simultaneously press and hold them again and the camera will format your memory card cool huh but wait there's even more if your camera has two card slots you can pick the slot you want to format as well first press and hold to get the fo our screen flashing just like we did before now notice the little card boxes on the LCD now turn the main command dial on the back of the camera and you can switch between slot one and slot to select your slot press and hold the buttons again and the camera will format the selected card you got to admit that's pretty sweet number five temporarily disable flash so you have your speed attached to your camera but sometimes you want it to fire and sometimes you don't sure you could turn it off and on as needed but you know what I have a better way instead what if you could program your function or preview button to temporarily disable flash when you press and hold it how cool would that be well you guessed it you can how you get there will depend on your camera for most cameras simply head to the custom settings menu controls assigned FN a preview button whichever you prefer will use preview for this example select press from the resolving menu and then scroll to a setting called flash off select that and press ok 4 D 5 D 500 users you have the newer menu so head to custom control assignment and select PV or FN 1 from the left hand column whichever button you would like to use once inside that menu find the little flash enable/disable option select that and press ok that's it now take your speed light and give it a try the flash will perform normally when your finger is off the assign button but if you want it to take a break just press and hold while you shoot I use this when I'm using fill flash with wildlife and it allows me to quickly try a shot with and without the flash very handy number 6 use the movie record button to change I so this is another customization I really love with this set properly you can use the video record button on the top of the camera to change your ISO now I realize there are other ways to change ISO as well however you just can't beat the video record button for on-the-fly looking through the viewfinder ISO changes setup is really easy to just head to the custom settings menu controls and scroll to assigned movie record button select press + command dials on the next screen now to choose ISO from the resulting menu now there are some other options in there as well so feel free to pick one of those if you like them better personally I stick with ISO now give it a try press the movie record button and scroll with the main command dial on the back of the camera to quickly change the ISO or scroll with sub-command aisle on the front of the camera to go from regular to auto ISO with ISO and the video record button you'll find it super easy to change things up without ever taking your eye from the viewfinder I use it all the time and love it number 7 store AF points by orientation it may be last on our list but this is one of my favorite tricks this function will remember where the AF points were the last time you had the camera in a vertical orientation and where they were the last time the camera was positioned horizontally the cool thing is it will return them to those positions each time you rotate the camera not sure why you need it let me borrow an excerpt from my secrets to the nikon autofocus system eBook to give you an example let's say you were photographing a beautiful Egret that was standing out in the marsh and you have your camera vertical with one of the outside AF sensors plastered to his eye however in the meantime there are a few birds occasionally flying by and you want to use the middle AF point with the camera in a horizontal format to capture those normally you'd have to move those AF points around each time you switch orientations and probably miss shots in the process with this turned on you can turn the camera horizontal when the Flyers sweep by and your AF point will jump back to the middle once they pass you can turn the camera back to vertical and the AF point will jump back to where it was before pretty cool right well it gets even better this option allows you to take the AF area mode with you when you turn the camera so that means you can shoot the standing bird with single point AF and the Flyers with group AF and the camera will switch back and forth when you rotate so let's go ahead and set this up head to your custom settings menu auto focus now find the option for store by orientation and select that in the next menu you can choose just the focus point or the focus point and AF area mode and that's the option I like press ok and you're all set using it as simple for just the focus point option flip your camera to the orientation you want vertical or horizontal and just move your AF point into position that's it each time you rotate the camera it will go to wherever the AF point was the last time you were in that orientation if you're using this with a focus point and AF area option just position your AF point and then switch the AF area mode you want all set this works just like the focus point option but it takes the AF area mode along for the ride so there you go my seven favorite nikon tricks if you enjoyed these you love my two books secrets to the nikon autofocus system and secrets to stunning wildlife photography both books are jam-packed with hundreds of pages of tips tricks and insights just like these I'm especially excited about my new Nikon AF book it's 460 pages that completely cover the nikon AF system as well as how to get the most out of every setting also it's not simply a guy into autofocus but it's also a guide to getting sharp images it's been incredibly popular so check it out at my site I'll put the link on a card here in the video and in the description area on YouTube as always I'd love it if you'd subscribe to my channel and make sure you stop by my site and sign up for my free email newsletter so you never miss an article or video thanks again for watching and have a great day you
Channel: Steve Perry
Views: 2,288,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography tips, photography help, Backcountry Gallery, Steve Perry, nature photography, nikon, nikon tips, nikon tricks, tips for nikon, photo tips, nikon cmaera tricks, nikon camera tips, nikon d500 tips, nikon d5 tips, nikon d810 tips, nikon d7200 tips, nikon d750 tips, nikon custom settings
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2017
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