The 60 Minutes story on Lumber Liquidators that led to a $36 million settlement
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Channel: 60 Minutes
Views: 610,038
Rating: 4.6213632 out of 5
Keywords: 60 Minutes, CBS News, Lumber Liquidators Inc., Laminate flooring
Id: dWu4gO9ZhKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 11 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
$36 million settlement was approved this week.
Cheap Chinese flooring cost them quite a bit in the end.
Wood floor pro here. Everyone in my field knows Lumber Liquidators sucks. They continue to suck. They will always suck. They have shit products, and shit sales people. Anytime a homeowner buys something from them, they have been deceived in some way. Every time a homeowner tells me they found something they like at LL I tell them to return it or call someone else, because I wonβt install it. A garbage company with garbage people.
This needs more traction. Yes its 60 minutes, but I still feel more should see it. Cutting corners to save company money is one thing. Knowingly putting unsafe levels of chemicals in products sold as compliant is a disgrace. I hope their stock plummets and the money they made in the last 5 years is lost.
The free market will figure it out; why bother with those pesky regulations...
Bought engineered wood floor planks from LL ... GRRRREAT.
It seems like that should be a crime, which the CEO and others responsible should personally be on the hook for.
And people wonder why they keep headaches.
Would love an Australian mirror if anyone has one.
edit: thanks /u/pm_me_awesome_music