The 6 BEST techniques using OIL PASTEL [for beginners]

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[Music] hello welcome back to the channel I'm Tom Quigley bringing the latest tips tricks and techniques for your contemporary painting and drawing needs welcome back to another video as you can see we are not in the usual setting of me being at home today I am back in the art department and I am absolutely buzzing to be back this video is going to be based on oil pastel now a lot of people consider oil pastel as a I don't know a very immature material to use you tend to use it in primary school and it seems to look very naive and today's video I just want to kind of prove that you can use oil pastel in such an exciting way and your artwork can look fantastic using it so grab your oil pastels and I'll see you in a minute okay so the first thing I did will just use some masking tape and split my page up into six because if it's out to do six different techniques today and just do this because it looks really neat and sometimes all your puzzle can be a little bit scruffy so by putting the masking tape down just helped it out now the first one what I'm going to do is using the oil pastel relatively lightly now I'm just overlapping some of the colors on there your stills to be able to see the whiteness coming through and and that's but just because I handle it lightly a lot of people using oil puzzles actually will use it in this way and we're just not over lapping it enough now what I'll also do with this is adding some of the white in there and that will blend naturally some of the colors together they'll also bring out that color and make it different tones and hues so I'm just using and hatching on there subtly blending colors together now the next one what I'm going to be doing is similar blending colors together but I'm going to be working a lot harder in there and you'll see that there's no white coming through the page and I'm really using the technique of applying a lighter color this I'm just using white we blue and blend in it so I'm overlapping so I'm never going just up to the color I'm always going over the top of it and that's how you're gonna get those colors naturally mixing now I'm gonna carry on mixing these colors just using a variety of different tones so I might have a number of different greens transition into yellow and just trying to work out what happens if I overlap lighter color what happens in the overlap it with white does it take down the intensity down and I'll say yellow can be quite translucent by adding the white is going to become a little bit more opaque and just kind of killing those colors sometimes and you will see all your passes just looking a little bit too harsh so I'm just making them a little bit softer now this one what I'm going to be doing is called scruffy toe now I'm using this technique for a particular image that I'm going to be showing you later on it's going to be off the reeds so first of all I'm going to do is but I like to color down first I'm just using some yellow some White's also sort of like peachy tones and also maybe it's a little brown then I'm going to put a green over the top of it and hopefully it should go over the top no problem you can use as long as it's a darker color that should be firing so any dark color that you use will work and what I'm doing now just using a skewer and you can see that the image that I'm looking up there looking at the reeds and I'm scratching through those lighter areas and hopefully anything sharp you could usually could use a pair of scissors if you wanted to or a rule or anything sharp should be able to it no problem now I'm gonna put some darker tones and they're using some greens and that's just gonna add it some more contrast and then just go back over the top with this graffito so really quite nice technique on that one this one here and obviously oil pastel is made up of oil which is the same as all your painting so if you add some turpentine which is a mineral spirits and add it to it you're going to thin it down and not a lot of people know this and it's really quite nice especially if you choose one that suits all tone from dark to light you can also use some oil like baby oil that works as well now with any technique it's always good to do some art making working out how you're going to handle the material how you going to get those marks on there I'm just doing some dashes maybe using the side of the oil pastel twisting it in my hand pressing lightly varied wait of line and then just combining a number of colors together so I'm not necessarily mixing the colors but I'm overlapping the colors and from a distance it should bring up and those colors together as one rather being very separate so I'll do that for a short while just so the full box is completed and then here's the one now it's similar to scho feet oh really and I've never really used this technique but I thought it was quite nice and just put a number of colors down and say I'm using some quite dirty colors on here and just fill out the page as much as you can with with some colors and I just put on a scrap piece of paper and then what I'm going to do I'm going to turn over the piece of paper use the skewer again you can use anything maybe a pen or a pencil I'm sure they will work as well and now again I'm just gonna do some more mark making and what I should see is actually each mark making that I do will have that almost different variety of color or mixing into one and which I thought was really quite cool actually so I really like that one well that's it guys for the techniques and processes use it or your puzzle hopefully was interesting hopefully it was informative I know it was just a very quick video and thought to myself you know what I haven't done all your puzzle yet so I thought I'd get that on the channel and yeah these are my favorite material and it might not be your cup of tea but you never know if you've never used it then you'll never know so please give it a try and let me know how it went what I'll do now is that I'm gonna choose an image and I'm gonna do a time lapse for you the image I'm going to use in a couple of years ago I went to a place called Monterey and in California and I'd never forget it I took a picture of this scene on the beach and there was loads of seals on there and it was just a mesmerizing piece of work I'm not going to try and do an exact copy I'm just going to use it for is some inspiration so yeah if you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up it's always welcome just to know if you enjoyed it and if you want to see similar videos then hit that subscribe button and type out a notification bill until the next video guys see you later bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tom Quigley Art
Views: 55,684
Rating: 4.9635005 out of 5
Id: yIg-C8ekri4
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Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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