The 5,317 Second Long Ad... (Explained)

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Deadshot038 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

this needs revenge

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/2ndlephoque πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome back to another video and today we're going to be talking about a very interesting phenomenon here on this website which i'm sure you know something about it's called ads might be familiar with you might not be familiar if you're one of the high class people using youtube premium you obviously don't know what i'm talking about or you haven't seen one in a very long time but today something very strange has happened not only just today but in general in the last few days for sure in this video i'm going to cover the subject matter which was sent to me over by this username right here i'd like to say thank you so much for finding this i'm nowhere near as good of a detective as some of you people are surprisingly so if you want to submit something that you find weird on this website or anything else make sure you go ahead to my business email and submit that as much detail as you possibly can so today what is this a 5 hundred and seventeen second long advertisement on youtube okay it's not unheard of to have ads play on your videos that might be long like 30 minutes or an hour long for whatever reason some person or some company decides to just put a whole like 40 minute documentary into an ad form and then just play it in front of people's videos this is nothing like that obviously as we can see well with the preview and we're gonna show the clip that this person sent me real soon so we can actually see what the heck is going on here with this thing um you can't skip this thing it's four thousand eight it's four thousand eight hundred seconds in this screenshot and you know normally in this place where you would see the uh skip ad after five seconds well that's not pog anymore you're not getting that option and i'm assuming since this whole thing is over 5000 seconds you have to wait here on the screen for 5000 seconds or more now that right off the bat just might get your blues clue senses in a twist because well simply that's not supposed to happen at all i saw this image and i was like enough that's not real it's obviously just i mean the numbers themselves are glitched onto the actual video thumbnail where it's supposed to be showing you the video that you're going to be watching after the ad plays but of course the person was nice enough and resourceful enough to link me the clip of which they recorded while they received this ad and it wasn't hard to record because even if you refresh the page according to this person the ad will just come back just like any other ad if you try to refresh the page you just you have to watch it and you have to like you know get through it before you know you can watch the video sometimes if you're lucky you refresh the page and now it's gone but in this case you're literally forced to watch it so i'm gonna play the clip and you could just watch for yourself [Music] if you need any more first couple things that catch your attention this is not like a normal traditional ad like you know oh hey here in my garage i'm about to show you my fresh library books and you know buy my online how to get rich course it's real simple all you gotta do is do this and you skip the ad no this is just pretty you know straightforward it's a straight-up movie it's an hour and 26 minutes long luckily enough the person linked me the link where it said on the video visit advertiser's site you can copy that link he send it to me and literally all it does is go to this youtube channel which is a topic youtube channel and there's no videos on it uploaded by this particular channel it's just it's an auto-generated channel somehow that's linked to this advertisement which is over an hour and a half long somehow it managed to glitch youtube's skippable ad thing you literally just had to sit there and watch the whole thing for five thousand straight seconds no one just says oh i'm gonna watch this 5000 second long video know obviously that's just not really the correct like that's not that's not really how it's supposed to be which is why like the ad itself being an hour long is not really as unusual as that fact if you're wondering what this actual ad is turns out if you do some detective work uh you can find out that it's actually this batman animated movie it's the entire movie being advertised unskippable and this just happened to be playing on one of vsauce's videos so i'm not sure what kind of revenue you get if this kind of video gets played on your videos you might just receive like you know a whole another diamond play button if someone watches through this whole ad for you if you dig up the source code for this video through the stats for nerds you can find that it's uploaded unlisted onto youtube in its entirety an hour and 26 minutes long but the actual thing isn't actually playable through youtube you have to actually watch it through this random other website called go movies which is a little bit strange it's almost like this is some kind of secret ad that's leading people off youtube as for theories on to how exactly this happened well i have one major one that i think is going to pretty much sum up everything here and that's the fact that last week google adwords the company that powers all the advertisements you see on youtube has been going through some maintenance and due to that maintenance taking place in the last couple of weeks there's been quite a couple of oopsies recently they've made their fair share of boo-boos now this has been seen by multiple people and for the most part talked about on social media this on the other hand is in-stream it's not being promoted on the side or in search you're just going to come across this thing you're not going to be able to skip this thing something tells me that while the adwords system was receiving maintenance uh there was some kind of flaw that was exposed which someone was able to take advantage of to pretty much enable an in-stream ad to play which could not be skipped and could essentially have the same length of ad any other normal advertisement could have into the hours long perhaps effectively making it so that this thing would happen i also kind of find it ironic how there just happens to be a nice little inconspicuous like or dislike option on the side it's not a bad movie but i mean why am i all of a sudden sitting here for five thousand seconds if i just want to see vsauce talk to me about some epic science stuff anyways i guess that's what you missed this week in youtube and not sure if these ads are actually still circulating around it took this person who emailed me according to what he said about 10 refreshes until the ad just finally went away kind of a very weird never-before-seen thing on this website lots of weird ads but no one's ever been able to glitch the whole advertising program so i thought i would share that with you if you find something like this or if you've had experience with an ad like this before or this particular ad make sure you let me know in the comments section my name is dallas aka infernus and i'll see you in the next one [Music] goodbye [Music] you
Channel: TheTekkitRealm
Views: 1,502,889
Rating: 4.96418 out of 5
Keywords: Thetekkitrealm, Infurness, youtube ad, explained, 5000
Id: 1m3p7swOjoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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