The 5-Step BGP Process! - Ep.2: Understanding BGP - Keeping IT Simple

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all right you've got a couple internet connections coming into your business or your data center you're ready to get started with bgp now what that's what this nugget is all about you will understand how to get the bgp ball rolling with the carrier because in our situation i faced that same question we had a single static route from our level three carrier for our single class c subnet that ran our data center pointing into one of our routers so do i call all of these other carriers and tell them i want to do bgp do i start with level three do i go to some outside entity give me the flow of events here well what i will say is the primary carrier is your starting point you could get a ticket opened with these guys and just let them know that's what you're going to do but the questions they'll ask you will just point you right back to here here's the flow of events which really outlines the rest of this series the first thing that you want to do before you even contact your primary carrier is to get with aaron that's the american registry for internet numbers now there are other entities around the world that handle distribution for those regions but i live in america so i go straight over to now keep in mind this place is responsible for two major things the first one is ip address allocations now as you probably know we are out of ipv4 addresses so you won't be getting anything from aaron on those however they do now manage the ipv6 address allocations the second thing is autonomous system numbers you'll see those abbreviated all the time asn now that will take some cash to get started so when we get to that nugget i'll explain all the fees what you'll pay up front what you'll pay annually yada yada that's what you need to register with your primary carrier so the conversation with them will go something like this hi my name is jeremy i'm an authorized user on our account number blah blah blah we want to set up a bgp relationship with you now some carriers will have a payment structure that surrounds that as in they'll increase your fees to do that while other carriers will include that as part of the service in my experience the smaller ones will charge you the larger ones will be included now i would highly recommend that you get bgp established with your primary carrier before you start adding the other carriers you don't have to do it that way but that's the simplest way to get started now when it's time to add the other carriers that's where you'll need an loa or a swip that actually stands for shared whois project loa is a letter of authorization i mentioned it right up here erin is out of ip addresses so the only way that you're really getting any decent block to advertise if you don't already have one is to use one from another carrier in our case we've got level three who has so graciously given us because we paid them to this class c block 63 232 144.0 well i'm gonna register for my autonomous system from aaron which establishes me as an entity on the internet but in order for me to say i own quote unquote that address the carrier who really owns it needs to authorize it for me so they'll either give me a letter of authorization or they'll modify the who is record for that address block so that these other carriers can look up and see that i am authorized to be advertising these other carrier addresses as coming from my autonomous system now each carrier will prefer different things some of them might not accept the whois record some of them will say well we don't want an lla we want the swip record it's really up to them and their process and you just have to comply with it once you get all those authorizations that's when you can bring up the additional carriers and have that rush of excitement to say we now have bgp established once that's done then you start your tuning remember outbound traffic load balancing is easy because you control your system you can say well i want some of the traffic to go that way some of the traffic to go that way you can control all that with policy routing or even just static routes it doesn't have to be fancy but to tune the inbound traffic so that the rest of the world listens and says well we'll prefer that way and then maybe that way and then maybe this is the third preference or we want to load balance across all of those that gets a little tricky the most common way to do that is something known as bgpas path prepending like i said these steps really outline the rest of the series because each one of these is a process of its own to be conservative if you're talking to management and they're like well how long is this all going to take and how much is it going to cost because that's really what they want to know conservatively it's going to be about a month cost-wise that's really dependent on the types of carriers you use and what they're going to charge you to use bgp if they even do it all aaron is probably going to run you about maybe five six seven hundred dollars up front and then one two three hundred dollars a year with just that process in your head you should now be able to get the ball rolling with the carrier where i want to go from here is to talk with you in another nugget about some of the questions that you should be asking some of them apply within your organization and some of them are questions you'll need to have answers to when working with the carrier then i want to walk you through the process of getting your first autonomous system from you
Channel: Viatto
Views: 9,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeremy Cioara, BGP, Border Gateway Protocol, IT, Information Technology, Tutorial, How To, Keeping IT Simple, KITS, Technology, carriers, multi carriers
Id: 291p7sbFsVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 31sec (331 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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