The 5 Foods You Will NEVER EAT Again After WATCHING THIS! | Dave Asprey

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I have done the vegan thing I have tried the low protein thing it will provably make you feel like crap which will make you wish you didn't live longer they've asked me welcome back to the show I love the new set thank you man I appreciate that diving right in what are five foods that people should stop eating if they want to live a very very long time anything that's fake plant-based replacement for something animal based and you can just stop that but it's going to be made from Plants it doesn't really matter if it's trying to replace meat with plants it's not the same thing and it's a highly processed food by definition is it the highly processed that's the problem or is it not eating the meat that's the problem they're both problems but the highly processed is definitely independently a problem you look at egg replacement stuff it's a chemical concoction you look at the meat Replacements it's random oils and random carbs designed to taste like meat but it won't have the same effect biologically so we have people telling themselves that they're being healthy but they're actually eating stuff that is provably less healthy for them there's something called phytic acid which is one of the five big types of plant toxins that I've written about in the bulletproof diet and phytic acid is something that inhibits your ability to absorb minerals and you find it in grains you find it in corn you find it in oats you find it in oat milk and things like that and what that means is that even if you get minerals from food that are depleted you can't absorb them and there's protein digestion blockers that are present in plant proteins that stop you from absorbing that protein and the other protein you might eat from something like an egg or a piece of meat so we have a problem we say it's healthy but it's not and then we have kale and spinach especially raw which are full of another plant toxin called oxalic acid that is causing kidney stones gout and even something called vulvodynia which is when razor sharp crystals of calcium oxalate form in the vulva which is really painful for women and they don't know it and then they eat another kale salad Chase it with a kale smoothie kale is not a superfood it actually has things that keep you from wanting to eat it and it shreds your gut Okay so we've got a couple Foods in there that we've called out by name so we've got problems with grains it sounds like because it's there is the something acid God damn it what was it oxalic acid kale and spinach are the two major sources but it's presence in other things even like almonds I'm not saying that they're always bad for you but too many seeds and nuts will contain enough phytic acid and oxalic acid to steal the minerals out of your body what I'm thinking they steal the minerals or do they stop them from being absorbed both so what I'm finding in the context of all this anti-aging research I've done written a very big book about it 20 years of running a non-profit in the space when you are depleted of minerals none of the repair systems in the body or the energy systems can work since phytic acid which is present in most of these grains and nuts is something that can suck calcium from your bones it can cause osteoporosis and zinc Earth and copper that's a chemical reaction it turns out plants they don't want us to eat them so they can't run away so they make this to inhibit our ability to use the minerals in the plants it's just Mother Nature fighting with itself okay so which is utterly fascinating but I want to understand phytic acid better so I'm eating something that's been highly processed is is is it that there's something in the processing of these items that the phytic acid is isolated and there's more of it or I'm just getting so many grains so many nuts so many oils that I'm just getting a ton of phytic acid in my system they're tricking you into eating more grains and they're processed in a way that has more phytic acid for instance a rice cake is surprisingly high in phytic acid and puffed oats is terrible for you but if you went back the traditional way of soaking and sprouting or things like that that actually reduces phytic acid so we knew about this ancestrally and we would prioritize meat and dairy especially dairy fat and no one was allergic to milk because we hadn't broken Dairy back then so that was where you would get your calories and your fast breaking Dairy me well you create a breed of cows that makes highly allergenic Dairy and because it tastes better has higher sugar content I'm assuming just because it produces more milk okay and it happens to have these side effects yep it's called A1 casein versus A2 casein and so the old breed of cows that make less milk but more nutritious milk don't make the allergenic proteins so many people can handle raw A2 milk but when you take a cow that makes A1 milk and you feed it corn and soy so it has the wrong fats and it has a bunch of other allergenic proteins then you cook the milk briefly which makes it more allergic and then you press it through a very fine sieve under high pressure so all the tiny droplets of fat are so small your body can't use them and then you take out whatever fat you wanted to take out and make skim milk which is provably worse for you than whole fat milk and you give it to your kids and you wonder why there's a problem that's the problem if we hadn't done all that we would have far fewer milk allergies than we do today okay so your density of information per words spoken is insane so I'm going to keep trying to like make sure that I get takeaways here okay so phytic acid we're getting a lot of it in the way that we're hyper processing these plant meat replacement plant-based items but I still want to understand so the phytic acid is leaching minerals calcium out of my bones calcium many different minerals how Okay so is it is it because I'm breaking the barrier in my gut and the phytic acid is getting into my bloodstream in a way that it shouldn't or is it actually a an absorbable mineral like how does this so phytic acid is a chelating agent and what a chelating agent is is something that has a very strong affinity for minerals and and it binds to that it sticks to the minerals and then your kidneys have to excrete them it's known in agriculture in fact they measure phytic acid and feed of cows and chickens because they know if they give them too much the animals stop growing but they don't really control for it in human they feed cows like corn though they do but they actually give them enzymes called phytase and phytase stops phytic acid humans don't make any phytes so that's why we shouldn't be eating grains Okay so it is a big reason why so because we also obviously with gluten for sure we know that that's going to break the Junctions in your epithelial lining of your gut which is going to allow proteins into your blood which creates the immune response which gives you wild inflammation so that's also a problem but now we've had almost every whole grain will do that even including brown rice has problems that's why you do white rice as the safest grain so there are people who say oh there's no gluten in that it's corn well corn has a protein called Zine that's very similar so all grains do it because we don't work well on grains they're great for not dying of starvation that's why we developed agriculture the problem is they create shorter people they create crooked teeth they create spinal problems and they're not an ideal food for living a long time yes croissants taste good I'm not arguing that I'm just saying it's not worth it you can make something out of rice with real butter and real eggs and it's going to taste pretty good and you'll live a lot longer because you don't deal with any of those problems and if you want to live a long time you want to eat mineral minerals in every food you can get but most plants and even most animals are deficient in minerals because we pull them out of our soil a long time ago as I've learned more and more about anti-aging as I've transformed myself lost 100 pounds and I'm not gonna lie you look better than the last time I saw you thank you all right I like to think it's working I'm 11 and a quarter years younger in My methylation DNA test than my actual age so I think it's working and I came from behind just given how unhealthy I used to be so you look at all this minerals are a uniting element and what I've been doing over the past five years is studying minerals and increasing the amount of minerals the macro minerals like calcium not too much calcium though magnesium potassium but specifically trace minerals which is what makes danger coffee my new coffee brand very different is there's more than 50 different trace minerals that you would have gotten in eating meat or eggs or plants but they're just missing from our environment because we've over farmed our soil and because we take all these chemicals in our food that are sticking to the minerals so we don't absorb them so I put them as a part of danger coffee so I'm getting a big dose of minerals every time I drink my coffee which is there to help restore the mineral balance in the body more minerals you live longer why every single process in your body is driven by enzymes and what enzymes do in Biochemistry is enzymes allow a chemical reaction to happen with very little energy so when you make ATP which is how your cells are making electricity when you fold a protein properly so that you have healthy proteins instead of misfolded proteins in your brain which is a contributor to alzheimer's we think well you have to have minerals to form the enzymes and if you're low on minerals the body won't make the enzymes and then you can't do the repair processes okay so now we're getting into mitochondria we're getting into the things we want to be adding into our diet I want to close the loop on the things we want to be removing from our diet so the big problems that we're creating I assume are inflammation related leaching more minerals out of the system related when you think about longevity I've heard you say a lot that you know the reason that we should be able to live to 180 is because if somebody was you know born let's say 100 120 years ago they didn't have all of the technology and knowledge and all of that that we have now but I would say I would say that the data shows that we're actually living shorter because of now I'm guessing environmental toxins all of the big agriculture all of the things that we've done leeching the soil of minerals all that that you actually would have had an easier time if you were born 120 years ago to live 120 years than you would being born today now if somebody does what you're doing that may be not the case but I think that most people are going to be at such a wild disadvantage that first they need to understand why this is actually a worse time to have been born if you want to live 180 years then it would have been to say be born 60 or 70 years ago when do you agree with that because if you don't I want to debate I don't agree with all right tell me why you don't agree okay if you got sick 70 years ago you'd go to the doctor doctors seven years ago didn't know very much at all they would do the craziest stuff a lot of them are influenced by Dr Kellogg you know behind Corn Flakes who invented low-fat foods to drop male testosterone yeah that's still crazy okay that was part of Medical Training and just all this weird stuff so there was nothing you could do if things went sideways and the doctors were telling you to smoke all the time because hey this is the brand of cigarettes that doctors recommend the most those same type of personalities are the ones telling you to eat plant-based Foods instead of meat the ones telling you to eat corn and soy and other oils like that that are provably bad for you because they don't know any better so you wouldn't have had anywhere you could go today yes we have tons of environmental pollutants we have artificial blue light that is not good for you but you have more control over your environment today than at any time in human history you have access to more information than a or a president 50 years ago for free at your fingertips so you have control you have choices that no human on earth had 50 years ago that means yeah if you don't do anything you have less of a chance but it means you can do things and you know what to do now in a way that's unprecedented in all of recorded history okay you ready for the rebuttal yes I concede every point that you made for people that are plugged in and they're engaged with all of that so on the for the people that are awake that's what I refer to as being awake in The Matrix if you're awake in The Matrix 100 like way better time to be alive but the reason I think the average person is in a way worse position is you can't accidentally remain healthy in the way that you could accidentally remain healthy 100 years ago because they just hadn't created all of the things that can create a problem whether it was ingest like the fact that I have to worry and I know that you actually have a solution for this but the fact that I have to take a supplement when I have sushi because I have to worry about the uh heavy metals that have gotten into the fish like the fact that tuna eat like smaller fish and those smaller fish are eating microplastics and heavy metals and like that's crazy it's terrible so that there are so many things like that leaching the vitamins and or minerals excuse me out of the soil [Music] also just loneliness uh social media [ __ ] with people's psychology like there are so many things stacked against you that if you're not awake that they're just it's hard to accidentally be healthy now to your point I would rather be alive now than ever so I don't want anybody to confuse what I'm saying like this is the best time to be alive thank God I couldn't be more um stoked about the moment that we're living through but when I look at how much the average person is struggling whether it's opioid addiction or all of the things that I just mentioned like this is a rough time to not be paying a lot of attention and that worries me and I mean look if you've made it this far into this episode you're the kind of person that pays attention but I want to walk people through some of the things that they need to do some of the whys uh and I think that this will get really really interesting okay so we know that we want to avoid highly processed foods we know that we have to be careful over consuming grains for sure but you've put your finger on a lot of potential problems with being even going all the way vegan dude I was a raw vegan I was a regular vegan it made me profoundly sick and there's a programmable thing we know happens when you go vegan in plant-based even if you tell yourself it's for the planet or for your health or for the animals none of those is true those are propaganda the same way that the propagandists were telling you in the 1940s to smoke so that seems crazy so let's take just the first one one at a time so it seems unarguable that it you love animals that you should eat plants oh it seems unarguable but do you know about deaths per calorie only because I've studied you yes but please for people that have not when I was a vegan I stopped being a vegan because I went to Nepal and Tibet to learn meditation from the Masters a Buddhist llama at a monastery where there's a big sign that says no killing was talking with me and I said you have a yak skin on your prayer pole you killed the yak you're a hypocrite Buddhists loved to argue it was not disrespectful and he laughs at me he goes one death feeds everyone and I took that back when I stopped being a vegan because it was making me sick and I thought about it and I looked at how much meat you get from a grass-fed cow that didn't cause deforestation that didn't cause destruction of habitat for other animals and if you eat a pound of red meat every single day you'll kill 0.5 animals in the entire year and that's it unless the cow steps on a frog now if you eat your soy nugget crunchy testosterone reducing flavored whatever what you're doing is you're destroying habitat bunnies Turtles ladybugs I'm trying to name the cute ones mice snakes lizards salamanders like we've now gone outside the cute ones right slugs okay those are gross but what they do is they sterilize the land and they're doing this and then they spray glyphosate which is provably destroying our entire ecosystem we just found out that when you spray this nasty weed killer around that kills bacteria in the soil it also causes seizures and worms at 300 times less than the allowable levels this means that the foundation of our soil which is worms and bacteria is being completely sterilized so they can grow corn and soy that then you eat in your breakfast cereal that's full of glyphosate that's also bad for you so we've got to stop doing that stuff entirely but you're saying that you want that world and all the deaths and all the habitat destruction news flash cows are an amazing technology they walk around on land and they eat plants that we can't eat natural plants that are self-sustaining and they turn them into Dairy protein dairy fat and into meat and protein and usable skins cows are amazing and we need them to build our soil I say this as a small Farmer on 32 Acres with three cows now in the freezer but there were there 25 sheep and 25 pigs and a whole bunch of chickens and I'm building soil thickness and everywhere the animals go green Lush amazing plants follow and in the areas where there are new animals small amounts of vegetation animals create life in the soil soil creates plants soil creates life and when you choose a vegan diet you are voting against the presence of any animals in that agricultural land and that is not okay it's really interesting what is it in manure that makes things grow like what are we [ __ ] out literally that is it minerals is it yeah what is it well it depends on what the animal ate you can't count on the presence of minerals because a lot of food doesn't have minerals in it but what's always present unless you're feeding antibiotics to your cows is bacteria so the role of ruminant animals like our sheep is to walk around and they're putting probiotics back in the soil and this is why my sheep will [ __ ] anywhere because that's their job they go they eat some of this plant they eat some of that plant they mix them up they ferment them and then they redeposit good healthy bacteria that worms and bacteria eat in the soil that makes for a rich thick soil and you get the cycle of life my pigs though and that's not their job pigs clean up the land and pigs eat scraps they don't poop everywhere they poop in a corner of their space because they're not there to put probiotics back in the soil and when you become a farmer when you live in nature the way I do you start seeing this and it's abundantly obvious why don't pigs why isn't sounds ridiculous why isn't patient as useful as cow [ __ ] I I hire pneumonia as far as I know and it's not that big [ __ ] isn't useful you just have to distribute it this is why farmers keep pigs in a pen Farmers keep pigs in a pen because they're easier to eat also pigs are destructive as all hell like they will eat anything so they'll destroy your crops and all that solo cows for some crops but for me I have my garden area which is a couple acres fenced off from the sheet but the rest of the property the Sheep keep it clean you have to mow the lawn at least most of the time they literally eat everything that needs eating but they don't destroy it and if you have other types of animals they'll actually pull it up by the roots so you can create this amazing ecosystem where the Sheep are eating stuff that humans couldn't and wouldn't eat they don't kill other animals when they're in there so what I want to do is I want to eat the type of food that makes me feel amazing it gives me the longest longevity the best mental function the type of of body that I want and I want to minimize death and environmental destruction and what I'm doing is I'm pulling carbon out of the air by building soil I'm not displacing any animal in the production of my food I'm actually contributing to the existence of animals and because I get to raise my own animals I know they're treated with respect I know that we were up at three in the morning birthing the sheep or the Lambs when it's that type of season from the sheep and I know they were butchered ethically you can do this if you talk to a local farmer in your area they are struggling and they want to sell you meat directly you can buy eggs from someone who has chickens most people can do that right now and if you're just starting out and you're in a big city and that's not accessible if you go to the Farmers Market at the end and you talk to the farmers they'll probably make you a deal because they get screwed by a grocery distribution so what you can do is you could become wealthy like you and I have done and we could buy Farms or you can support the people around you do that that's what communities do you build a community of people who have like-minded values and you support your farmers and they support you and that's what I'm working to do Okay so if I'm putting all the pieces together the thing that I bump into is what makes big egg work and the reason that we're able to sustain the whatever 7.8 billion people that are on the planet is because we've gotten really efficient at growing cups crops that keep people from starving to death of taking as little space as possible to grow the cows the pigs the chickens all of that and it might be absolutely Dreadful and hateful morally what happens to the animals and what we're doing to the soil but we're able to keep people alive two do things the way that you're describing which sound way better can we sustain the kind of population that we have or do you think that we need because there's two debates right we need less people and then other people like Elon Musk are like yo population collapse is actually a far bigger concern well I think we're we're having a conversation where I can be on both sides Elon is right my first book was on fertility I read it 15 years ago my wife was infertile at the time and we restored her fertility and it's called the better baby book and it's resulted in thousands of people having kids who were otherwise unable to just by fixing their food and their environment so I know how bad our fertility situation as a species is right now the truth is hitting your career goals is not easy you have to be willing to go the extra mile to stand out and do hard things better than anybody else but there are 10 steps I want to take you through that will 100x your efficiency so you can crush your goals and get back more time into your day you'll not only get control of your time you'll learn how to use that momentum to take on your next big goal to help you do this I've created a list of the 10 most impactful things that any High achiever needs to dominate and you can download it for free by clicking the link in today's description alright my friend back to today's episode human testosterone in men at least is about 45 lower than it was 50 years ago whoa yeah there's a lot of reasons seed oils are one of them environmental endocrine disruptors or another BPA from your receipts and your water bottles these are real things and they matter so I'm not worried about population continued growth I'm worried about our ability to sustain our population I do look at Japan and remember I've written a book on anti-aging I've studied aging populations around the planet and what do they do and Japan's losing 600 000 people a year because they're dying and there aren't kids to replace them and it's not going to stop there's entire cities now in the in the countryside or towns that are abandoned because there's no one to live there so are we gonna do that in the U.S yes our replacement rate is lower like we're not replacing our people our birth rate is lower than our replacement rate so what does that mean yeah we have a problem now how do you feed these people there is a group of large companies who say the only way to feed is to centralize look I'm a computer hacker by training the stuff that I worked on was how do we take centralization away from Computing and decentralize it the newest wave of that is the web 3 stuff that's happening and what we know is that Distributing things makes them highly resilient highly fault tolerant and harder to control if one in ten families had chickens we wouldn't need industrial egg laying facilities it's not that hard to have chickens and you don't have to have roosters the noisy ones if a few families had cows and sheep we would have plenty of meat production for the country the problem we have is that we're slamming it all together we're doing it unsustainably because it's slammed together so we can control it and people don't know this but most of the pork producers and pork processors and many of the chicken ones in the US are owned by Chinese companies who are leaving the unfiltered crap here that's too concentrated to be put back into the soil and they're taking the meat and sending it overseas which is also a waste of well it's a waste of oil so what I'd like to see is countries learning how to grow their own food in a distributed Manner and this comes down to deregulating right now when I want to take one of my cows that has been raised carefully in most of the country I'm going to have to ship it in Cruel conditions 500 miles to a commercial meat producer who's going to kill it unethically in a state of stress and if I don't do that I'm not allowed to sell it that is not okay even my restaurant here in Santa Monica I can't buy the bacon I want to buy because it's approved by The Regulators to sell that kind of bacon to people's houses but not for restaurant use so people don't know this but big AG has put callers and Shackles on small farmers with all sorts of rules like this that are unnecessary you wonder why food's expensive that's why because it is cheap and easy to have your own food growing in your backyard and during food shortages in the past even in the last hundred years people would get a goat they would get chickens because they'll eat everything and then you can eat them and they'll give you milk in the meantime and that's okay it's very interesting uh I want to go back to longevity and now while I have drawn the following conclusions from David Sinclair I want to be careful to say that this does not necessarily represent the accurate depiction of what he's trying to convey which is what I took yeah David and I are friends what he said but basically if I understand his punch line right what he's saying is because I said the what you said about eating the things that make me feel great meat makes me feel great so I am far closer to being a carnivore than I am to being a vegetarian though I do have a reasonable amount of vegetable matter in my diet but meat makes me feel awesome and every time I've tried to transition to a much higher plant-based diet I don't feel as good and when I was pushing him on why does it make me feel so awesome if it isn't what he recommends for longevity like what's the give and again my interpretation of what he said was basically it's a little bit of formesis you're turning off mtor so you want to give your body the impulse hey things aren't necessarily so great so you need to dial it back you need to slow your metabolism down you need to not be you know living as if it were a time of abundance that you're you're sort of God these are words he's going to hate but like you're I was gonna say you're hibernating or you're going into like a famine state so that you can when you get back into a time of Plenty then you can start building and all of that but in doing that you give this you're in a hormetic state which for people is a little bit of bad to have a positive effect and so because you're sort of dialing things down you get the longevity so you might not feel as good in any one moment but you're far likelier to live for a long time and I think I'm all about quoting him when he says that just all the studies show that high meat consumption does not lead to a longer life and so what's your take on that I love David's work he's been on my show and he's one of the first academics to stand up and say we are extending human life this is a big risk as a researcher because not so long ago they would pull your tenure because you're crazy if you said you could reverse biological Aging in cells and he's right about mtor if you go back to the bulletproof diet I published that 10 years ago I think I wrote a chapter about stacking mtor so mtor is a compound that causes the body to grow so if you want muscles you have to have mtor and low mtor equals muscle loss and lack of bone density and even lessening of your cognitive function problem with inter is if it's high all the time your cancer risk goes up cancer risk goes up longevity goes down so we have this conundrum you want mtor but you don't want mtor so the strategy that works for mtor is to suppress mtor so that you live a long time and then it's like a spring the more compressed it is when you give it the signal to spring back you get a spike in mtor so the deal is low low low Spike low low low Spike now that means you have to talk about what suppresses mtor and then what spikes mtor what suppresses mtor is three different things one of them is intermittent fasting the other one is coffee and the other one is exercise so if you do what I've been teaching for a long time you would intermittent fast in other words sleep that's often enough maybe sleep and Skip breakfast you would work out at the end of a fast and you'd have coffee during fast so now you've maximally suppressed mtor and then as soon as you finish your exercise you eat some meat because animal protein will raise mtor but guess what raises him toward way more than animal protein carbs carbs so wait a minute if you want to live a long time you should keep your mtor low I don't believe that you should spike it which means intermittent fasting is probably all you need to do but you'd have to be on a carb free diet that was also low in animal protein so all you would eat is what vegetarian protein which is full of phytic acid which is full of enzyme disruptors protein enzyme disruptors and all the other well-known problems with highly processed plant-based proteins oh and you shouldn't have the plant-based fats because those are bad for you too the omega-6 oils this is not a diet that anyone would want to do it's akin to the old anti-aging people who would say I'm cold and thin all the time but I finally got used to eating 70 of the calories I actually need I hope I'm going to live longer until the rat studies show that it didn't work so if you want to live a long time and feel amazing don't spike your blood sugar very often I'm wearing a continuous glucose monitor right here on my on my stomach that's from levels and when you eat animal protein but you don't eat it all day long you have a window around oh 2 P.M to 6 p.m where you consume your animal protein you'll be low in tour the rest of the time but you'll still have muscle mass and you'll feel good and in the morning if you're going to have something have some fat because fat doesn't change mtor at all and doesn't change insulin at all so you can be compatible with what David Sinclair says but you have to be more afraid of carbs than animal protein if you're going to use mtor as you're Guiding Light what I would also add is we've all heard of collagen I made collagen into a billion dollar category right collagen is high in glycine glycine is the amino acid that balances out the two problematic amino acids in animal protein they're called methionine and tryptophan so if you take some collagen or some glycine supplements with your meat during your eating window you're likely going to undo the damage from those amino acids that raise their mtor sounds really complex here's what it looks like don't eat breakfast exercise then eat some meat and maybe some carbs if you like and don't eat bad fats don't eat after the sun goes down rinse and repeat that is the thing that mechanistically given all we know from David Sinclair's amazing and worthy research I have done the vegan thing I have tried the low protein thing it will provably make you feel like crap which will make you wish you didn't live longer any of these interventions I talk about for biohacking if it's a lot of money and a lot of energy and a lot of work to do it you're probably not going to do it unless that payoff is Extreme so what I've done over time is I've become lazier and lazier so am I going to go take a mineral supplement or can I put it in my coffee like I drink my coffee every day it has built-in trace minerals that I'm not getting and even if I went out and bought a bunch of plants and had a big salad which I like big salads but I have no idea what minerals are in those things anyway so I just make sure I get it enough to think about it when it comes to things like exercise you mentioned that you think I'm looking healthier I think I am too well one of the biggest contributors to that is I'm actually exercising less and I didn't exercise that much before I'm doing the stuff from upgrade Labs why are you exercising less because I like efficiency look if I could sleep none at all and I could exercise none at all I would have so much more time to do fun stuff right but of course I'm sleeping I'm getting high efficiency sleep I sleep six and a half hours a night and with exercise and with every other environmental input we're figuring out that there's a Code or a signal that makes the body adapt more rapidly and this is akin to what Dr Sinclair is talking about there okay what's the signal it's mtor well it turns out for exercise we can put muscle on three to five times faster than picking up rocks we can do cardio 10 to 12 times more effectively than the spin class or going for a run the stuff that we were told was healthy it turns out it's mostly a waste of time so I've been studying for the last eight years at upgrade Labs how to do these things and how to make it so I can roll it out to everyone and upgrade Labs is now franchising across North America US and Canada so these will be opening in every city where you can come in and in the hour you would have just sweated a little bit and hoped that flopping the weights around did something we can provably do your VO2 max put on muscle encourage resilience we actually train your system to be more resilient and do a bunch of other stuff that doesn't even fall in the category of exercise but it sends a metabolic signal into your body to make you healthier so let's start taking those one at a time so how are you getting more efficient at weightlifting well your muscles are expecting gravity and gravity has certain characteristics we evolved for billions of years in it if you give your muscles a signal that takes gravity out of the signal they go oh my God I'm gonna have to adapt to something new so they rapidly adapt by growing and getting stronger and by removing gravity yeah gravity accelerates at 9.8 meters per second squared it's a fixed constant on Earth that means that if I pick up this coffee cup and I slowly drop it like that it weighs more predictably the more I I'm dropping it and this is all invisible to us but your body's doing all the calculations well what if when I picked the cup up it wanted to fall a lot more than 9.8 meters per second isn't that just a heavier weight except it accelerates but now it doesn't want to accelerate okay it slowly moves down inevitably I cannot stop it from dropping no matter how hard I push but it doesn't accelerate ever right the body's like what is going on here it turns out your muscles will not activate fully because they're afraid of gravity we can teach your muscles in this one environment there is no gravity so you can turn on all the way and in I have a book that's coming out in March if there wasn't gravity wouldn't things be weightless not if someone's pulling on something so if there's isn't that just more gravity it's not gravity what gravity does gravity accelerates over time but if I take my finger here and I just move it at a constant speed it doesn't accelerate ever but what gravity do is I start moving in the more it moves the faster it goes that fact that gravity accelerates over time your body is adapted to that in a crazy way we're using AI algorithms to give your body a signal that says I have no idea what I'm doing but I have to get stronger okay so hold on it's awesome it's interesting I this is the first time I'm being exposed to this idea so I'm gonna have to work through this okay so for anybody following along at home there's a thing called terminal velocity terminal velocity is when you reach maximum gravity is yanking you down most things don't reach terminal velocity because they're not far enough to fall now ironically my entire life I've never thought of that as gravity accelerating over time but I guess effectively it is I've never thought about why you don't immediately hit terminal velocity the second you step off something that's utterly [ __ ] fascinating do you know how on Earth is that not true I actually don't know that you don't hit terminal Voss yeah why why isn't everything falling at terminal velocity at all times it's because gravity is measured in meters per second squared or meters per second per second so every second of time he's been falling wise more acceleration I don't understand oh that probably goes back to Newtonian motion but terminal velocity talk about things you don't know you don't know wow okay so terminal velocity is a fun function of air resistance there is no terminal velocity if you are in space in a full vacuum and you have an unlimited amount of time to fall you'll keep accelerating accelerating accelerating accelerating and there's probably some kind of like getting close to the speed of light thing I don't know if that's an advanced physics question yeah terminal velocity sure about that velocity of a feather and terminal velocity of a lead brick which one's in a vacuum there'd be no difference in a vacuum there'd be no difference right so then terminal velocity they'll keep accelerating of course it's just a function of time we usually hit something after a certain amount of time in Space the big problem we have is that we need to be able to continue accelerating right and once you stop accelerating then you just keep moving at that speed forever but if you want to get going faster and faster and faster you have to have more and more fuel right now anyway okay this continues to get interesting uh so this machine is pulling down at a constant well I guess I'm thinking it's like a winch it's easy you're standing in front of a pickup truck the pickup truck has a winch it can pick up a car you're gonna do a curl against the winch yeah you know the truck's going to win right but now your body understands you know what when I wobble it doesn't accelerate it I don't feel any gravity in there I'm only feeling the pull of the winch which is constant this is a new signal to us we've never had the signal is it all negative um Force you can do you can you can pull it back we just let the winch out at the right speed Okay so is there any difference in muscle formation whether we're doing concentric or eccentric there absolutely is it's so cool there's a whole chapter in my book that's coming out in in a few months it's in March of next year but yeah there is a difference and it turns out that you put more muscle on during The Eccentric part of it so when you pull up you don't put on as much muscle as when you're slowly releasing but when you're slowly releasing against a dumbbell Against Gravity there's going to be some of this that's not just from your muscle shaking it's because when you wobble a little bit the dumbbell got heavier we're taking all that out and so now the question is what is the signal to put on muscle the fastest how fast do I have to move up against what force and how does the force modify as I'm at different places here and it there's a whole universe of signals in there that tells the body to change way more rapidly than you would imagine and from a cardio perspective you don't even have to sweat and you get huge benefits in five minutes of exercise and most of that five minutes you're stripping out gravity is how we get the muscles to grow faster what are we doing on the cardio side one of the the big things that I'm working with at upgrade Labs is this thing called slope of the curve biology which sounds nerdy but it's not that bad what is up my friend Tom bilyu here and I have a big question to ask you how would you rate your level of personal discipline on a scale of one to ten if your answer is anything less than a 10 I've got something cool for you and let me tell you right now discipline by its very nature means compelling yourself to do difficult things that are stressful boring which is what kills most people or possibly scary or even painful now here is the thing achieving huge goals and stretching to reach your potential requires you to do those challenging stressful things and to stick with them even when it gets boring and it will get boring building your levels of personal discipline is not easy but let me tell you it pays off in fact I will tell you you're never going to achieve anything meaningful unless you develop discipline all right I've just released a class from Impact Theory university called how to build Ironclad discipline that teaches you the process of building yourself up in this area area so that you can push yourself to do the hard things the greatness is going to require of you right click the link on the screen register for this class right now and let's get to work I will see you inside this Workshop from Impact Theory University until then my friends be legendary peace out it's that your body wants to adapt this hormetic stress but the way the body measures whether it adapted or not is how quickly was it stressed and very importantly how quickly could you return to an unstressed state so the healthiest strongest of us we can handle it and then we're at peace and instead what we've told ourselves is the harder I work for longer the better it is so we spend all this time going for a run we're sweating for 45 minutes or an hour and we think that's good because we suffered and suffering makes you a good person but what the body listened to was you ran away from the tiger and then you laid on your back and you rested which is the very beginning version of this which is provably better than intermittent training high intensity interval training where you basically run for a minute and then walk for a minute well why would laying on your back work better than walking for a minute it's because the faster you return to Baseline the more the body takes the signal in so what we're doing is we're measuring your heart rate we're measuring the stress on your body and adapting the resistance of in this case a bike to make sure that it matches what your body's capable of in order for you to be the strongest person possible you want to stress your system right up to the edge where it's dysregulated but not dysregulated because if we disregulate your system it's going to take you a couple days to recover so we bring you right up to the very edge and then bring you right back down and this provably works better but you can't do it without Tac since I am angry that I spent 18 months of my life six days a week an hour and a half a day going to the gym halfway tough cardio to try and lose 100 pounds of fat and it did not work in fact I gave myself an autoimmune condition and I over trained and raised my cortisol I still had a 46 inch waist when I was done that was a lie that was the same as the doctor telling you to smoke for your health it was this a lie or did they just not know oh it's a good that's a good point in fact I believe someone somewhere probably knew but yes it could have just been a mistake okay it was a financially beneficial mistake for someone else but to be really clear and I want to say this if you say someone is lying it means that you can read their mind and you know their thoughts or you have direct evidence of it versus that they are wrong so to correct myself they were wrong right okay so that is really intriguing so that's something um I've not heard so I'd heard about eccentric being bigger of a muscle builder than the concentric motion which always struck me as weird but cool I'm certainly willing to believe it um but I had not heard that about rapid getting back to um calm I'm not sure what this is original material I don't think that there's anyone who's written about that other than end mechanisms with stress resistance but what we've seen at upgrade Labs over eight years of using Tech to make people more resilient it's that wow if we do it that way people change dramatically what data points is the machine or the AI reading it depends on which intervention we've got about eight different interventions so it depends what we're doing but if we're doing neurofeedback and I've got a ton of data from my neurofeedback company about that that's a part of upgrade Labs now as well where you can actually train your brain same thing you bring it to the edge bring it back so that's basically brain stuff from a stress resilience when we're doing resilience training it's heart rate variability from cardio we're looking at heart rate which is a marker for respiration and for muscle we're looking at the slope of the curve of muscle strength so it's a lot of data the overall arching data to monitor human performance at upgrade Labs is based on the electrical performance of your cells so when you come in you stand on a device that lets us measure how good your cells are at resisting electricity or storing electricity which tells us are you hydrated are you dehydrated where's the fat in your body where's your skeletal muscle mass in the body and it's amazing with thousands and thousands of data points we have that and then we tell you like a prescription of which of the different Technologies to do to reach your gold fastest I just want to give everyone their time back most people want to live a long time are willing to spend 50 bucks a month or 200 a month whatever they can come up with as long as it works and what we do is we buy a membership at a health club and then we just don't go but we know that by having it we're a good person what I want to do is say if you're willing to gift me with one hour of your time let's get it all out of the way for the week maybe you'll come in twice this week because you feel so much better but that's it I don't want more time more is not better with the cardio interventions I'm doing if you do the five minutes of mostly moving really slowly doing six minutes does not improve your performance at all doing 10 minutes is zero benefit more or you could tell yourself you're doing well and you could sweat and you love that person in the front of the class yelling at you and sloshing water in her face I just don't want to spend my life doing that what's the difference between what you're helping people optimize for and like ultra high performance like an Olympic Athlete Olympic athletes and pro athletes are are by definition biohackers and a lot of them follow my stuff what they're looking at though is a day that involves training and a huge amount of recovery what you and I are looking at is not that we might train but then we go about our life that is not about eating properly getting extra rest getting a massage going to the sauna there's an upper limit to the amount of time that most people have to improve themselves what that means is that we have a moral obligation to get that done and still have time to be a householder to take care of your family to do your job to take care of other aspects of your community and if you spend all your time better that's what I'm trying to figure out so an Olympic Athlete is going to train their [ __ ] face off so are they just wrong and they should be doing because like when you said you're mostly moving slow I'm like I don't see how an Olympic Athlete does mostly moving slow and still sets the 100 meter damage it would depend on what you're training for right so a sprinter is training for something very different than cardiovascular performance among they don't even need that endurance right but what's happening now is endurance trainers have figured out that cranking out the miles actually doesn't work very well so they're mostly doing something called zone two training which is fascinating and this is another one of those biohacking innovations that says if you spend about an hour and a half to two hours a week at a very narrow and specific range of heart rate your mitochondria will burn fat and it's metabolically awesome but if you go a little bit faster or a little bit slower it doesn't work so you have to have a heart rate monitor and you have to go at a certain speed and if you do that kind of training you can do a lot less of The Chronic cardio so we're seeing a new generation of endurance athletes who are actually able to do it for a lot longer because they've learned that training less gives them more results so we used to just say well if some is good more is better it's one of the basic things our brains do because we're lazy we're not choosing to be lazy our body wants to not waste energy even on thinking so something good more better something bad none is good the reality is not that so let's use Computing let's use our vast knowledge as a species to actually decide how much of what gives you the most and be a little bit selfish about things and when you do that you realize you can have hours every week that you don't have to do on unpleasant tasks and because you did it right you feel good all the rest of the time I've spent six months with the electrodes glued on my head at 40 years of Zen training my brain so I could turn off all the notifications and bad voices in my head I've lost 100 pounds I try all sorts of crazy stuff a lot of it's not worth it and my job is to find the stuff that has the most value for the most people and then get it everywhere so that we can free ourselves of drudgery that doesn't even produce good results what are you doing with the electrodes on your brain what are I'm assuming it's detecting certain brainwave patterns getting biofeedback based on that so to what end are there certain states that you want to be able to click in and out of 40 Years of Zen it we had to build new hardware and software that reads electrical signals from the surface of your your goal basically the skin on your head which tells you what's going on inside the brain and there's a whole bunch of different math you can do when you're looking at brain waves to figure out what the heck is going on in there and then to quickly show the brain what it's doing so you can change it and the results are incredible because we're mixing three different types of feedback in a way that hasn't been done before so you sit there at an upgrade Labs we've got the training or you go to the full facility in Seattle which is the 40 Years of Zen facility we're gluing four electrodes on here and we're validating results with a clinical grade 24 electrode 3D printed cap sort of thing and based on that you're actually doing meditations that have a lot of similarity to ancient ones but they're just tweaked to be efficient because you have the equivalent of a lie detector on your head so you can say all right I'm going to go to this state I'm going to do this specific thing and you're going to convince yourself that you did it when you didn't because your brain is that lazy so you can say I'm going to forgive my ex-girlfriend and you tell yourself you did but you didn't well the computer's going to tell you hey Bozo you're not done right and it's a little uncomfortable but when you do that you stop worrying for the rest of your life about whatever that situation was and that's how you go through and do this reset process that turns off all these alerts it's similar to some of the States you get from plant-based medicines um like psychedelics people have similar types of experiences but there's no drugs required it's just you being able to see what's going on inside your brain so it's very very potent stuff again though it depends what you're training there are times when after you've done some of this work which is the primary amazing relaxation the state of of Lucidity or state of insight those are different things you actually have different settings on the machine to do that there's other things you can do though to increase neuron firing speed which is a different kind of training at a very different frequency with different math behind it this is you mean I can make my neurons fire faster yeah you can increase voltage in your brain you can train your brain to have a hotter spark if that's what you need and each brain is very unique so the question is what do we do what we're doing is showing you what's going on and then we may be teaching you how to do a forgiveness technique how to do a specific meditation technique so perfectly because the computer is guiding you or we may be just showing your brain some sounds and lights where it'll reprogram itself to run faster if that's what your brain needs so it is it's a whole new thing we used to have to just go meditating caves all of our history of meditation is we'll just meditate for your lifetime write down what you learned to give it to the next guy and we'll just do that for a long time the amount of data we can get it's amazing I think we've got nine patents underway at 40 years of Zen and we're rolling that Hardware out to all over the country inside upgrade Labs because most people don't have time to meditate and they don't know how to meditate even if they have time breath work is awesome you should do your breath work how many listeners right now wake up every morning and do their breath work tiny amount so I like how do I get 40 Years of meditation done in a week I want that I'm just profoundly lazy like I just want to eat more bacon and chocolate and live forever and not have to do a bunch of hard work in order to have the body in mind I want and I'm building that yeah so there is a profound amount of figuring out what works and what doesn't so going back to the mind in a forgiveness technique what is it is there's a detectable brain state that you get into and you've actually let go of something and you can just sort of mimic that feeling you're not mimicking the feeling you're actually creating the state and you're doing it yourself so the computer's just saying you're not there you haven't done it keep going and so you may never get to that state but when you get to that state it what recognizes it it recognizes it and it tells you when you're getting closer and closer and is that based on just a ton of data where it's seen enough people that it recognizes a certain State because the the AI would have to have a model that says okay this is what I'm aiming at so when you guys are taking in all of this data how how did you pinpoint okay this is real forgiveness this is what pseudo-forgiveness looks like so on and so forth we didn't just have to do it there's well-known meditative forgiveness techniques and they feel a certain way so you can take someone who knows the technique you can look at their brain is that what you guys did like you had monkeys come in we've done some of that and fortunately since about 1992 people have been having monks come in and do this and there's hundreds of different states and I've had monks and other very highly um just say highly on the path of Enlightenment kind of people come in how does a computer capture a brain wave so I know what an earthquake looks like I know what musical notes look like what does a brain wave look like so you've seen maybe if someone's measuring a battery with a little Vol meter right yeah so it turns on and turns off so when we're measuring a brain wage there are changes in electrical potential coming off the brain so it's sort of like a sine wave yeah it's exactly a sine wave and so just imagine like if we were humming or something like um somehow you know you can see that there's a wave in there right your brain is doing the same thing but it's in electricity and what we can do is we can say you know what if you close your eyes anyone listening can do this and the darker of the room is better or we even have special glasses that you use when you're at 40 years and to help you maintain the state better like there's a lot of environmental things but close your eyes and then put your attention right here in the middle of your breath when you do that you're in a high state of alpha automatically and Alpha is this brain say that everyone talks about it's some kind of special thing Alpha barely means anything it's a range of about four Hertz inside this range of your brain waves that go from zero up to at least 100 Hertz so it's just like I don't know something in there but it turns out you can have Alpha here and Delta here so what oh yeah your brain is not one thing it has all sorts of different little nodes think of it like an orchestra so you can be playing tuba over here in snare drums over here and what we're doing is we're doing complex math in real time actually in the cloud for some of this and then we're showing your brain how to conduct its Orchestra more effectively how do you show it with sound usually and sometimes with light okay this is really [ __ ] interesting so and what I just wrote was is there a way to match waves so I read a headline I didn't read the article so forgive me whoever wrote it if I'm getting this wrong but the headline was saying that if you're playing video games with somebody even if you're not in the same space and this matters to me because I play with my wife and my sister on a fire team and there are just times where you sync up and it's like you can just you know where everybody's going and it's awesome uh and it said that basically people that are playing uh games together their brain patterns will sync up and so it was like I didn't read the article so I don't know exactly what they meant by that but if that really is true that means that there's something that we're able to detect that allows us to get in sync which should mean that I can play something back to you whether it's sound light who knows that allows you to then sync up with that there's some assumptions in there that are not proven about the idea that we could detect what that is we've looked at the brain waves of people doing improvisational Jazz and they do sync up in strange ways teams will sync up like that the question is will they sync up over distance and the answer is yes you will sync up with someone even across the continent and it's likely if you have some sort of connected feedback it can be a connected feedback yeah even if you don't there are people who are capable of that explain that but you can look at all of Jojo spenzo's work and there's dozens of other people who've tried to disprove it over time so you can be quantumly connected with someone in your brain waves or even your heart rate variability can sink over very vast distances in a way that's a bit scary to be honest you're gonna have to give me examples because that sounds untrue well one easy to measure example is that when you walk into a stall with a horse before you touch the horse from 10 feet away yep the horses interbeat spacing of its heartbeat will change to match yours instantaneously okay so how's it happening what's the signal I don't know but given that we're so close I could buy that there's some detectable something where it starts to get weird is when the person is very far away and I don't like even just deciphering which of the 7.9 billion people to get in sync with There's Something Fishy going on they're in the horse case there's likely a magnetic thing going on around your heart there's a Taurus or like a Halo shaped field we can measure this with physics detection equipment this is not debatable there's an electrical thing going on in the heart it creates a magnetic field we also know from physics that magnetic fields and electrical Fields continue infinitely throughout the Universe they just drop at a cube of the distance so they get weaker and weaker over time so you would have to prove to me that your body does not have the ability to recognize a specific magnetic field from across the planet if it's even magnetic which it probably isn't it's probably based on Quantum resonance we know and this is not the quantum Wu like look I have a Quantum whistle Quantum biology phds I mentioned earlier enzymes in your body and how you need minerals to make them well what I didn't mention is that we're understanding now that Quantum tunneling is happening when you make ATP Quantum tunneling is happening within microtubules in your brain and that our bodies are absolutely Quantum biology based and this is the Hardcore physics giant Labs with liquid helium kind of science not the you know I shaved my head and went to Tibet which yes I did do so what's going on there well we know that two objects can become Quantum entangled at any distance and when that happens when two things are quantum entangled one of them can change and the other one will instantaneously change even on the other side of the universe yeah but the uh so God this is definitely outside of what I know well but I know enough headlines to be dangerous so like in Quantum Computing the thing that they're struggling with is how do you Quantum entangle things and keep complex things entangled so while I will definitely agree again knowing that this is well beyond what I really understand that that seems like a foregone conclusion if entangling them is the part that we don't understand my question is what is it that's entangling them in the first place is it that we're consciously deciding I want to sync with that person is there some sort of force Beyond us that Quantum entangles us for reasons we don't understand I would say that we don't know the answer to it but there can be an effect when you don't know why there's in fact no doubt most of science especially medicine we just tell ourselves a reason that's totally bogus and then we believe it to be true so the most obvious answer that I and others would propose as a hypothesis to test is that it's actually Consciousness itself that's created in the quantum entangling and this is based on information field Theory which has some pretty good science to back it up but what we do know is that this connection between people is provable and it is thousands of times stronger if the people meditate or have a Consciousness practice okay so I'm not sure what the right thread to pull is so I'm going to try one that's probably the most dangerous thread to pull on how are we improving that they are quantumly entangled we know that we run on Quantum biology but right now we don't have the ability to prove that let's say that you and I are playing a video game we're in different rooms in the video game and we're across the continent from each other and there is a proposed some kind of connection and somehow we're playing like this and we don't know what it is but it feels good that makes sense to me though because we both have over the Internet the games are connected so I'm seeing the same thing that you're seeing at the same time we're seeing different things at slightly different times actually because there's lag yes well then let's ask the obvious question if we are uh seeing things at slightly different times there's some latency there why would we get an exact sync it seems more sensible that would be in sync with the thing that we're interacting with than in sync with the thing that's in sync with the thing that we're interacting with well maybe the answer is just focus and I'm not saying I know the answer but what I do know is that Minds that are trained to powerfully focus on something especially together create something and I don't know what it is there's an interesting book by Lynn McTaggart who's a friend it's called the field and what you're going to find out especially from Lynn's work is when you get eight people focused on the same thing it creates a field one of those information fields and she has dozens and thousands of examples including some with really good controls where some something creepy is happening in the field information fields are tied with Consciousness and it's an area of math actually and physics they're looking at and there's stuff we don't know about reality the thing that's scary is you can knock on the wooden table right here it's almost entirely not there it's empty spaced we just don't perceive the empty space so we get into weird questions of Consciousness and the nature of reality very quickly but no one on earth can tell you why your hand doesn't pass through the table given that the table is provably just empty space 99.999 here's why your hand doesn't pass through the space at a Quantum level yes there are massive gaps but as you scale things up then it becomes the odds of um all of your particles is probably the right word to use lining up perfectly with all of the particles that aren't there also it is virtually zero just to finish that sentence and then given that quantum theory is all about probability it is in fact possible that all of your particles happen to at that exact moment have a probability of passing through it even though it's a solid object but again the odds of that are vanishingly slim now there is if Infinity is really the infinity that we think it is there probably is a universe where everything is identical exactly to this except as you went to knock on the third knock your hand actually passed through the table so somewhere there is a guy who just a version of you that just did that and it's like oh my God see but it would be so vanishingly slim so I met a guy uh that is a astrophysicist who is far smarter than I will ever be who described it to me this way he said the reason that even though when you're dealing at the quantum level you're talking about probabilities what you see doesn't seem to account for all of those probabilities and how could that be true and his answer was because this simply just like anything it's it's a distribution you're going to experience things in the most probable State and so the most probable state is that when you knock it's there even though as you drill into the quantum level and you understand quantum mechanics and you know that there are some non-trivial chance that things just pass through and that they have a superposition or whatever we are well outside of what I would want to be teaching a class on but that the the universe that we see as like the typical Universe even though it seems to violate some of the quantum rules is simply because it's the most probable of the quantum States so I was like that is very simple and very straightforward and makes a lot of sense now again this is beyond what I truly understand but yeah that makes sense to me there's one little thing in there though a big part of quantum anything is the observer effect so what's causing a probability to collapse into a reality is something has to observe it and in my work you are not the Observer you simply can't be the Observer the reason is that when something happens in the world around you if you have an average brain about a third of a second later your brain gets its first electrical wiggling the first signal at all so there's someone in your body and if you're young or you have a high performance hacked brain like mine you're around 240 milliseconds that's the fastest and maybe a Formula One driver I want to measure her but like Danica Patrick might be at 210 or maybe she was at her prime as a driver these people are very very fast at their brains perceiving reality but during that quarter of a second Gap who's in charge well it turns out there's an ancient network of environmental sensors that each has its own tiny bit of Consciousness they're called mitochondria they're ancient bacteria they observe in real time and react in real time and then you take credit for it a quarter to a third of a second later so there's still an observer of the hand on the table but why so Consciousness is one of those questions that I can't decide if I find it completely uninteresting or if it's the most interesting thing ever but for a second I'm going to pretend I find it the most interesting thing ever uh why on Earth would Consciousness localize to the mitochondria why that bacteria and not something else they're just the ones that are the first Observers everyone else has already observed so what you have is you have a programmable array throughout your body of billions and billions of mitochondria way more than there are cells in your body they're environmental sensors their electrical plants and they're building factories that can make sex hormones they can make inflammatory molecules they can fold proteins they can do all kinds of cool stuff they're not just the power plants of the cells so what's going on here is you have an array like like an antenna array of all these things they are electrically sensitive they are magnetically sensitive they are light sensitive and they're sitting there trying to figure out what the hell to do in unison with each other before you can pay attention and they don't even know that you're in there and what you're doing with meditation what you're doing with all of the biohacking stuff that changes the environment around you and inside of you to have control of your biology that's all programming your array of those little Consciousness generators to pay attention to stuff so that they can find it and the things that get really interesting is there's a very very strong case that what you and I are seeing with this table and everything around us is a very tiny drop reality because if we had a life-size map of Los Angeles right now it would be useless right because it wouldn't be a map anymore you'd have to go there what we see with our eyes we hear with our ears is a tiny tiny little representation of what's really going on in the world around us that is for sure so I find it utterly fascinating the idea of an umvelt right you're only going to perceive that which you have a sensor to perceive so your eyes see a narrow band of light in fact God I used to know the exact number but it's something like .0035 percent of the electromagnetic spectrum is visible to our eyes that is a vanishingly small number vanishingly small and so to have a sense that oh this is everything that there is that for sure we're definitely not perceiving the real world do you know Donald Hoffman that's his whole thing right the case against reality yeah that you you not only are not perceiving reality but the way that Evolution works you would never actually perceive reality because it's not the thing that's going to help you be survival of the fittest exactly that's that's what I was relying on is his work because it's that profound so you can't sense reality and so you and I say well we don't know the mechanism for this what I do as a biohacker is I look for the corner cases things where stuff happens that's not supposed to happen and then what do we learn from those and you can do crazy stuff there's a a ski instructor turned physicist named Nasim harming who's been on my show I don't know if he's been on yours he runs a resonance Academy and he has math that's four percent better than What's called the standard model of physics at predicting reality how did he do it you talk to him it's all about quantum entanglement and resonance and sine waves and things like that fascinating interview but it's all about Consciousness but the fact of the matter is the end of the day his math works better than the stuff we use to put stuff on Mars right now and he's working on getting it out there so we have stuff going on how did that happen and in the case of putting your hand through the table there are stories of a saint named milarepa and people go to caves where he learned to do this where there's all these handprints not painted on the wall but actually melted into the wall and he would do it on demand when people would ask him to do it to show people that you can change your interface on reality I want that to be true I love it you can't imagine somebody more excited about all of this stuff being true than me Wim Hof proves that there are things that can be studied and shown to actually exist so when I hear about somebody like that I'm like word like put them in a laboratory setting like Wim was willing to do so that we can see if this is real because if it is then other people can start to do it and we can really get to interesting places what I fear is either that person is um not connected to reality oh there's lots of crazy people and lots of con artists out there let's face it correct so I I worry very much about that because to your point what I care about is does your mental model allow you to more accurately predict the outcome of your actions if it does amazing if your math is four percent better at getting a uh probe onto Mars I want to know about it but most people aren't going to be able to replicate their findings and I don't know why it it winds me up but when typically when people use quantum to mean magical bad I want to punch through something it's so stupid when when you do that and I know plenty of wizard level Advanced meditation people who've spent 20 30 years on the practice who've handed it down from lineages these people can do stuff that is weird and give me the weirdest thing you've witnessed oh dozens of times there are people you can tell them the name of someone and they'll tell you all about them in a way that is creepy like how do they know this do you know cold reading these are not cold readers some of these people I know pretty well these are people like lived in the jungle and did Ayahuasca every day for a long time which I don't think is a good idea for most of us but like these are these are weird people not forgive my skepticism I totally am down with sketches I love skepticism I haven't heard of Banacek uh I've heard of benichek oh such a [ __ ] interesting guy shout out to banachek so he is a mentalist so he was one of the guys I think back in the 70s was it the amazing Randy or something was telling people hey this stuff is fake nobody would believe him so he set this whole thing up with these two one of them was really young like 19 years old I can't remember if they had them bending spoons or whatever but they had them put on some demonstrations yeah something like that yes I think that might be correct and I forget exactly what they were having him do but it was banachek before he took the stage name was one of the kids doing it and people were like this is real oh my God like he really can whatever Ben spoons read minds whatever and of course he can't it's all a stage show but it he's he was so young and so convincing that people were like no this is real there's no way you could be faking it and he's like yes I'm faking it so knowing how compelling those guys are and that they're not mean or evil they're just you know the tricksters Among Us the world is full of tricksters yeah so here here's the question um I take an agnostic stance on on most things where I haven't seen that what's the evidence sort of things I do not believe as I used to believe that I have to know the mechanism of action for something to be happening because that is actually a limiting thing because here's the deal most mechanisms of action that we have proposed and believed fervently in throughout history were actually wrong if you got diagnosed with terminal cancer would you get chemo I would actually first look at what kind of cancer I had I'd have it sequenced and then I would get something from a guy named Ralph Moss who runs and he goes through and looks at every type of cancer every alternative therapy every chemotherapy and every other therapy and stack ranks them against evidence for whether they're going to work for you and based on that I might get chemo but probably not because chemo has a lot of downside and I would start doing other stuff that would work and see if the cancer shrunk and if so I'd keep doing that and if not I'd do chemo if it was the last resort okay but it's not like you would run to the guy that can melt his hand through the rock now okay no not at all and people who are biased either for or against big Pharma have a problem you want to be without bias so what I'm looking for is is there an effect is especially in effect that's reported in multiple cultures over hundreds of years all over the planet who didn't know each other well gee I don't know maybe they're all idiots or maybe we don't know in a fact so the most interesting things um well that whole almost every culture you can name has people who I don't call them psychic mind readers whatever you want to do it they weren't all trained to do The Mentalist game I am so interested in making sure that the things that I believe allow me to better predict the outcome of my actions that I don't just oh like you say that this thing is true but you can't show or it's not verifiable or whatever that's when I get skeptical either of their intentions or their explanation just that I I'm not convinced that their interpretation of said bizarre thing is an accurate interpretation not that said bizarre thing isn't a bizarre thing not that it's not real like every time I think I understand how something is done take nutrition oh yeah as you will know we all think we understand and then you the the quote that sums up my approach to life is as the island of my knowledge grows so does the shore of my ignorance it's like no matter how much I know it just shows me how much I don't know and that what I don't know is so vast compared to the things that I do know so it matters to me because if you have a frame of reference that makes accurate predictions your life will be amazing if you have a frame of reference that makes deranged and I don't mean deranged like crazy I mean is it it is off it is deranged and if you have one that makes poor predictions then you will seem to be trapped by things outside your control but in reality or not here's what's going on I talked about those mitochondria that ancient Network they follow basic operating system things that only a bacteria can do small dumb and fast and remember they're doing it before you can be aware of reality they run four things and they do it infinite numbers of times which matches the book you just talked about Stephen Wolfram wrote another book called A New Kind of math that shows very simple things replicated infinite numbers of times equals flowers and spiral shells and all these amazing organic forms are from small rules repeated so what's going on is your bacteria individually or throughout the system are programmed with four words in order and these are at the very core of my work the first one is fear you run away from kill or hide from anything that might be scary they are recognizing scary as a network before you get to pick and then number two eat everything and you eat everything because famines have killed our ancestors forever number three in order is also an f word so we have fear we have food that all life has to do to stay around forever you know the f word fertility right okay so we've got that and the fourth one is friend which is make a network with everyone else and support your own meat bag and support other meat bags like you in other words form a community Forum friends support your species and support the other ecosystem you're in this is what all life does whether you're a jellyfish or a human or a tree you always follow these rules in tiny tiny very very fast very dumb compute nodes and you do that enough times and you program that system through the course of your life especially when you're young even when you're in the womb for what kind of world to expect and if you grow up in poverty with violence with abuse your antenna array is programmed to look for and expect those things so it's not about programming your mind as much as it is about programming your body and then your mind because you can fix the mind but if the body is still in a state of poverty and Terror it won't do that and the reason I do the work I do in the order I do is that when you upgrade your biology so it works better you have a better system for detecting reality around you and based on that you have more energy and when you have more energy that energy lets you go into personal development and reprogram your mind so when you take someone from a background of abuse and poverty and you get their cells working again and then you reprogram the threat detection system the poverty and the famine detection system and the love system and the community system you get a whole complete trauma healed human you can do this faster through biohacking than anything else I've invented that's why neurofeedback matters that's why getting nutrients into the cells matter but if you have a body that can't detect reality because it's too poisoned by the environment and too depleted in minerals and in proteins and even in energy no wonder you can't respond the way you want to respond no wonder you don't get the results you want because you don't have the energy to bring it and it is not fair it's not how it's supposed to be and so many people have huge amounts of trauma and don't know it including the most successful people on earth I have the largest database of high performance brains at high resolution scan of anyone on the planet according to my neuroscientist Partners at University of Victoria This is 40 Years of Zen you know many people who are billionaires come through my program and have to work on Trauma from childhood all of them that's the thing we need to fix but we can fix it everyone can get to that state of peace that state of growth but if you ignore the body you ignore the threat networks in the body and you just work on the Mind you'll never get there and it hurts to try I want everyone at home to know you've done this to us but you have to leave where can people follow you go to Dave I'm dave.aspberry Instagram human upgrade is my podcast danger coffee is my coffee and upgrade Labs you want to be a franchisee own and there it is guys if you haven't already be sure to subscribe and until next time my friends be legendary peace if you guys enjoyed that episode with Dave asprey click here now to learn the daily hacks to live longer and look younger with anti-aging expert David Sinclair well before we get into what we can do today just because it's a Continuum of this resetting what my lab and many others now are doing is
Channel: Tom Bilyeu
Views: 1,523,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tom Bilyeu, Impact Theory, ImpactTheory, TomBilyeu, Inside Quest, InsideQuest, Tom Bilyou, Theory Impact, motivation, inspiration, talk show, interview, motivational speech, Dave Asprey, Bulletproof, Upgrade Labs, Health Theory, Conversations with Tom, health tips, longevity, diet and exercise, biohack, optimized health, plant based diet, carnivore, vegan, raw vegan, eat plants, stop eating meat
Id: J1V5Gqk0rro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 6sec (5106 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2022
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