The 5 Boots People REGRET Buying

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garbage absolute hot trash wouldn't even wear them  out in the rain to throw them in the garbage I   don't know why I would do that but whatever  okay one of the best ways to make sure that   you don't make a mistake is by asking a lot of  other people the mistakes that they've made and   then avoid those things that's what we're gonna do  today we're gonna look at the top five boots that   people regret buying I'm Carl Murawski this is the  channel that helps you own less and own better so   not too long ago I did a video called the five  boots that I regret buying and in that video you   know I had all of the boots that I've bought over  the years and some of which I've gotten rid of and   stuff and I just gave you the five that I wish I  had never bought but I thought okay that's fine   and everything but what about other people what  do other people wish they hadn't bought because   as many boots as I have I don't have all of them  I don't have all the boots right so what do people   regret buying well I took to Instagram read it  and here on YouTube to ask you which boots you   regret buying and over 200 people responded almost  every boot brand I could think of was mentioned on   this list because one of the reasons that people  would give is they were uncomfortable and comfort   is a subjective thing I mean everybody's foot  is a little bit different not every boot would   fit everybody's feet so the ones that list  uncomfortable I think are worth listening to   but just take it with a grain of salt but let's  just just jump right into the list because I'm   gonna have to Yap about these anyway number five  was actually a four-way tie and I know I thought   I was gonna give you the top five boots but all  of these got the same amount of votes and that   happened a couple other times here too now it was  a four-way tie between Jim green fry Chippewa and   Alden now as far as Alden the the model most given  was the Alden Indie which is depending on which   model you get could be the 405 or the 403 and the  thing about this what people didn't like was the   Comfort they found that they were uncomfortable  that's very common with this boot because hey   they are combination lasted which basically means  they use the same heel and then change the front   of the boot so if that fits your foot then a lot  of people like them if it doesn't fit your foot   you're gonna find them uncomfortable no matter  what now actually very recently the Alden Indie   has been called into question as far as its build  quality and I really don't have a whole lot of   experience with the Alden Indie the only aldons  that I own that's really hard to say the only   alden's that I own are a pair of black uh dress  shoes cap toes and I really like those they've   been fine but then again I don't put my dress  shoes through nearly what I put my boots through   I'm also not wearing them nearly as much so take  it with a grain of salt but a lot of people they   were very unhappy with their Alden Indies now  the other boot that was mentioned was fry and   the boot model that was mentioned was all over  the map not the same was when one wasn't given   twice and this I think the common conception  about fry is that their quality has just gone   downhill especially recently I did have a pair  of fries I really didn't like them it felt to me   like I was just standing on like a wooden heel  and it was just directly on the floor it just   was not comfortable I wore them a little while  they were actually a pair of harness boots that   looked really really cool but it came to actually  wearing them they were very uncomfortable and that   was the reason that people game for gave for all  of their different boots was that no matter which   fry boot they had they found that it was very  uncomfortable again which I know is subjective   but if a lot of people are saying it maybe it's  worth listening to Chippewa the most common model   that was given was the logger and I actually did  have a pair of Chippewa loggers I also found them   very uncomfortable I found them very heavy and um  you know you're standing on a lot of rubber there   I mean a logger can be done very well as a matter  of fact my favorite boots that I wear to work are   loggers and when they're done well they're very  comfortable a lot of times that higher heel is   there not only to give your heel something to to  lock into I find they work really well on rungs   ladders but also that gives you the opportunity  to have a higher arch support since your foot is   going in this direction they can build up that  arch support and it doesn't look as goofy the   problem is that it doesn't seem like Chippewa  really looks at any of these things they are   on the more affordable end of the work boot game  after all so a lot of times the people who you'll   find wearing Chippewa loggers are people who maybe  are looking to buy something else a little further   down the line this is what they can afford for  now but overwhelmingly people found their Chippewa   loggers very uncomfortable and the fourth in this  tie which actually was kind of a surprise to me   was the Jim green Razorback the Razorback is Jim  Green's Flagship model that's the one that they   make which they find to be you know like it's the  highest quality model that Jim green makes and I   actually have two pairs of these I like them so  much the reason that was most commonly given was   that they were uncomfortable again and I could  kind of see why Jim green uses a very wide yet   lower toe box for their boots so if you're used to  this then it's okay and a lot of times when people   have asked me about this and they say you know my  June greens fit kind of funny I say you know give   them a little bit of time I think after a little  while you'll appreciate that wider toe box uh it   gives you a little bit of room you can wear some  thicker socks with it I have a wider foot anyway   so it works for me but I can see where somebody  had a very narrow foot it wouldn't really be the   best fit for them however Jim green as far  as value goes I don't think you could find a   better value out there plus it seems to be just a  really cool company I know that they pay a hundred   percent of the the foot the Footwear wage over  in South Africa where a lot of other companies   are paying a lot less because they can they seem  like they're good people doing the right thing   um so as far as a company I feel they're solid  just as far as if this is comfortable for you   or not will really depend on your foot shape and  since uh it's a South African company they're not   really available to try on in your local store so  these these are one of those boots that you'll buy   most people I think will like them very much but  some people will just find that they're probably   swimming in them because they are in fact too  wide number four is another tie between whites   and Danner and here's what's interesting about  this Danner is owned by lacrosse Footwear and   whites is owned by ABC Mart which also owns  lacrosse Footwear that's my long-winded way   of saying that they're actually both owned by  the same parent company tokyo-based ABC Mart   and I think that might come into play a little  bit later on but let's talk about Danner first   the most common model given was the rainforest  and the super rainforest boot most people just   felt that they didn't get the right value out of  their purchase the rate the super rainforest is   a very expensive boot if I remember correctly  it's somewhere near 600 bucks and that's a lot   of money for a Danner boot a lot of people just  felt like they weren't with the money that was   the most common reason given was value basically  people just thought they were paying too much now   whites on the other hand the most common model  was the White's Perry and the most common reason   was build quality now the whites Parry if you're  not familiar was basically introduced as sort of   a competitor to Red Wing It was White's affordable  mock toe boot which unfortunately just didn't hold   up the build seemed good enough for what you were  getting it was Goodyear welt did not stitch down   but they had a lot of QC issues I myself got  probably over a dozen if I had to guess emails   from people who were really upset about their  White's boots some people had really bad QC   issues I mean when they showed me the tops of  the boots looking down there was a clear just   something that should have never gotten past  quality control other people showed me a lot of   wonky stitching just stuff that didn't look right  matter of fact there was one that he was was even   so bad that I asked them to check that they were  both the same size because one looked like it was   much bigger than the other but lo and behold they  were both listed as the same size so the whites   Perry Just falls on its face but one of the things  I want to mention is that whites also has an issue   with their prices starting to creep way up there  as compared to what you get I mean I think that   if you go and get a pair of whites now they're  they're easily in this 600 range I mean some of   them are probably closer to seven that's a lot  of money when a comparable model from Westco or   NYX or JK or Franks or any of those other Pacific  Northwest companies are offering something very   very similar for closer to like 500 bucks you know  five maybe closer to six in that range saving a   hundred dollars on a pair of boots is no small  amount so I think that what we're looking at here   is the effect of a large corporation controlling  the the companies that it it is in control of you   know just trying to make make sure that they  make the most profit that they possibly can   whereas a lot of these smaller companies they're  still family owned they can still kind of uh set   their own prices whereas Danner and whites they  might have a big Puppet Master sort of pulling   the strings number three was another tie between  Wolverine and Doc Martens now I put out a poll and   you guys voted unanimously almost that Doc Martens  was going to be at the top of this list and I was   kind of surprised too to see them sitting here at  number three 3. now especially because doc Barnes   have such Market penetration there's so many of  them out there I figured they would be much higher   on this list as well just from sheer numbers of  people who own them but regardless they weren't   but still the biggest problem that people had  with Doc Martens and most most of them were the   1460 model but this sort of applies to any Doc  Martens at this point was build quality people   just felt like they were junk and I couldn't agree  more especially when you talk about the Chinese   versions of these things garbage absolute hot  trash wouldn't even wear them out in the rain to   throw them in the garbage I don't know why I would  do that but whatever okay I still wouldn't wear   these things they're terrible I do in fact have  a pair of the made in England Doc Martens they're   okay I'll give them a solid okay but they were  still in my top five boots that I regret buying   that video that I just made um mostly because  they're just kind of squishy there's not much   to them there's not a whole lot of structure um  it's really sad to see where Doc Martens how far   they Fallen they certainly aren't the Doc Martens  that I remember which were these solid as a as a   tank kind of boots that uh you could wear to do  almost anything now they're just a shadow of their   former self it's really really sad the most common  Wolverine model however is the Thousand Mile now I   have definitely heard of issues with the Thousand  Mile a lot of people do seem to have a problem   with these These are usually mentioned in the  same breath as the Red Wing Iron Ranger as sort   of a comparable alternative usually if you were  you know pointing something in the direction of   getting their first good boot a lot of times Red  Wing Iron Ranger is up there Wolverine Thousand   Mile uh Higgins Mill from Allen Edmonds sometimes  Grant Stone depending on the model that they're   looking for those are usually the ones that you'll  hear and actually I had heard that people were   having some problems with their Thousand Miles now  one of the big benefits of the Thousand Mile used   to be that you could customize the hell out of  it you could do all kinds of stuff with leathers   and stuff like that kind of like the way Westco  will uh but it doesn't seem like that's an option   anymore and the most common reason people gave  as to why they don't like their Thousand Miles   was build qual quality people are having a big  problem with the build quality and quality control   that was coming out of Wolverine it's sad to say  because I think they're a damn good looking boot   they're sort of that service boot style they were  at an okay price point and for a little while it   seems like you could have gotten yourself a good  pair of these depending on which one you got off   the line but overwhelmingly it seems like people  are very unsatisfied with their Thousand Miles   now the top two spots really just kept on coming  up over and over and over again there was clearly   a pattern and just to give you kind of an idea  the number three spot even though it was a tie   took five and a half percent of the total votes  number two took 9.5 of the total votes so quite   a bit more and that's Thursday boots people seem  very there was a tie between the two models that   they didn't like and that was the president and  the captain they're probably their most common   um I actually had this on my list as well I listed  I think it was the Duke boot which is their uh uh   Chelsea boot as a boot that I didn't really like  and my reasoning behind that was really that   the poron insole had gone flat I felt like I was  standing on the floor I feel like I've told this   story many many times supposedly they've addressed  that and I hope they did but people just seem to   be very displeased with their Thursday Boots the  reason most commonly given was quality control   and I could see that because I have seen a lot of  examples of boots from Thursday that have come out   with completely mismatched Leathers where the  toe cap is a different color than and I don't   mean a different I mean a different shade not a  completely different color than the body of the   boot it doesn't look like it's all made from  the same piece I've seen a lot of issues with   just quality control in general stitching that  kind of thing now we've got to remember that   Thursday boots are 109 dollars they've been  199 dollars since they were introduced pretty   much they haven't gone up with inflation they're  like Arizona Iced Tea as far as that's concerned   but still they're a great entry level boot they  don't like you to say that I know they like to   think that they are the boot that you could have  for the rest of your life and you could you you   certainly could because you can resole these and  everything but typically what it is is the lack   of any kind of real prestigious leather that you  would want to keep that upper for I mean sometimes   they do make things out of horween but for the  most part people will buy their Thursday boots   and that's kind of the gateway drug onto another  pair of boots because while Thursdays can be great   often people will find themselves looking for more  it's like the entry level to any sort of hobby so   I really am glad that they're they're there for  that because I think they've introduced this fun   boot game to a lot of people which they find very  enjoyable I certainly do so unfortunately Thursday   was very high on this list one of the things that  I will say in their defense is that they do seem   to really listen to their custom customers I'll  bet you that they chime in in this video in the   comments and they'll probably be one of the only  companies that do so matter of fact Jim green   might but a lot of these smaller companies will  actually listen to you and hopefully make good on   their promise as far as your satisfaction goes  so even if you do get a pair of Thursdays that   seem really mismatched I think that they make  good on on their promise so again I don't think   we can expect the world from a company that's  offering 199 boots they just can't be comparable   to a pair of 750 boots nor should they be but um  people do seem to have an issue with their quality   control number one can you guess what it is just  take a minute and just try to guess what it is   number one is red wing and the most common model  given their iron Ranger now I this this probably   seems a little bit like what are you kidding me  there are more people who love their iron Rangers   than I can think of for any other boot you know  maybe clinch people other than that people seem   to really really love their iron Rangers but  then again the most common reason given was   that they're uncomfortable and I could kind of see  that okay especially if you're somebody who just   got these and never wore any other types of boots  ever well maybe they are uncomfortable because   there's a lot of leather there they are kind of  stiff um it's a different feel than a lot of other   boots this certainly wouldn't be my number one  recommendation for somebody for their first boot   but then again a lot of people just want to jump  right in so the other problem is that I have heard   things all over the map as far as issues with  breaking them in some people think oh no they   were great and everybody's gonna have a slightly  different experience as far as the break-in period   is concerned as they will for how a boot fits  sometimes a boot will just fit you perfectly that   last is so close to your foot shape that It just  fits wonderfully other times it couldn't be more   different and you need a wider heel or whatever  the situation might be so Comfort is subjective   but I think that one of the big problems here  is that break-in period that people aren't used   to there is a lot of thick leather that has to  get moved and and softened up before it really   becomes pliable and in fact comfortable the good  thing about Red Wing is that they typically seem   to be very good with their quality control most of  the stuff that you'll get from Red Wing It won't   blow your mind but it will look pretty good and  most of the time I haven't seen anything that's   been really really bad come out of Red Wing but  sometimes you know they definitely miss the mark   and sometimes you'll find something from Red Wing  that just shouldn't be there but then again as   far as Market penetration goes and the amount of  boots that are out there again the Red Wing Iron   Ranger is ubiquitous everybody seems to have one  of these things uh if you get into the hobby it's   probably the first nice boot that you order so the  Red Wing Iron Ranger I'm not surprised to see on   this list in a way because there are so many of  them out there and the reason giving being that   they're uncomfortable I could kind of see that  for some people I'm just kind of surprised that   it's just high on the list now I just want to be  clear here this doesn't mean that you shouldn't   buy any of the boots that are listed on this  list especially when it comes to comfort because   you might be missing out on something that's been  really great and they just didn't fit some people   other cases where they just feel like they haven't  gotten the value it could be a situation where the   application for that boot wasn't really what  they were doing um it's sort of like buying a   super duper off-road vehicle that you never take  off-road it was designed for a different purpose   than you're going to be using it for because the  whole purpose of this channel is to assist you in   buying things that you will love and will have  for a long time and ultimately end up spending   less money basically because you have to buy fewer  things that's sort of the whole Mantra here right   so anyway thank you so much for watching  if there's any others that you want to add   to the list or you just want to caution people  about please let me know in the comment section   below thank you so much for watching I really  do appreciate it and I'll catch you next time
Channel: Carl Murawski
Views: 562,573
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Keywords: carl murawski
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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